"Is it Mr. Xu's suggestion? Then our Wanda Cinema Line will definitely have no problem."

"That's it. I'll talk to the person in charge of the technical department when I get back and add a group purchase function for movie tickets. I would also like to thank Mr. Xu for giving us another good idea."

"We at iQiyi will definitely have no problem, just listen to Commander Xu."

"Youku has always strongly supported Mr. Xu's decision. By the way, can we sign a contract for "Occasion Season 3" in advance? The price is easy to negotiate."

After receiving the promotional linkage invitation sent from Jiaxing, not only did not one of them reject it, but they welcomed it extremely.

Xu Jia still underestimated the influence of himself and Jiaxing. In his opinion, this linkage took advantage of them.

After all, it was to promote Jiaxing's film project first.

But to the ears of others, it was obvious that Xu Jia was taking the initiative to owe them a favor and asking them for help, which was to give them face.

Otherwise, why not ask others to help?

The reason for looking for him is because he likes him. What's more, as Xu Jia takes the lead as the eldest brother, he has suffered a loss now. How can he be treated badly in the future?

Since then, the new propaganda alliance has been established, and it has been a smooth journey.

Even Yin Yu took the initiative to find Xu Jia after receiving the news.

"Mr. Xu, if you have some action here, why don't you call us Penguin? You don't regard us as friends." Yin Yu tried.

"Action? What do you mean?"

Xu Jia didn't react for a moment, but when he came back to his senses, he realized that Yin Yu was referring to the suggestion he had just made to Yang Tianzhen.

I didn't expect it to reach Yin Yu's ears so quickly. It seems that the public relations department acted very quickly.

"Of course it's for the joint announcement of "The Devil Boy Comes into the World". It's all thanks to you Jiaxing. As friends, we Penguins have to come and help out. We definitely can't be absent." Yin Yu looked like the two brothers were good friends.

He keenly realized that this was not just an action, but probably a film and television industry publicity alliance led by Jia Xing.

From theaters to video websites to short video platforms like Douying that directly cater to the public, they are all covered.

How could this new industry system exclude him, Penguin?

The entertainment industry is not like the Internet. Penguin has enough say. After the last conflict between Penguin Video and Jiaxing, they have long understood that in this three-acre land, Xu Jia has the best say.

Since you can't beat it, you have to blend in.

Otherwise, even if you have a capital background, you will definitely not be able to defeat an entire alliance if you fight alone.

"We have invited Dou Ying. If you join in, what will Weishi do?" Xu Jia asked.

It was because of the competitive relationship between Weishi and Douying that he gave up the idea of ​​contacting Penguin to join. Who would have thought that the latter would even come to the door?

"Haha, this news was passed to me by the person in charge of Weishi. They are eager to join in the joint publicity. Fair competition among everyone will promote the industry, and it is not a life and death struggle between you and me." Yin Yu Said casually.

After all, to him, Weishi is just a branch of Penguin, but the publicity alliance initiated by Jiaxing plays a decisive role in Penguin's big entertainment plan.

Moreover, this publicity plan is not just a wedding dress for Jiaxing's projects, but the companies participating in it will also enjoy dividends.

It is said that once the group buying channel is opened, the short video track will have a channel to monetize traffic.

Jiaxing's movies have always been well-received, and consumers have more desire to buy and are less likely to fall behind. The platform can also use this event to develop users' spending power and introduce new users, not to mention the theaters, even if they play After discounting, they will only earn more by increasing attendance.

Consumers get discounts, platforms get monetization channels, theaters get attendance, and Jiaxing gets box office. This is an event that benefits all parties.

Even he could only admit that Xu Jia, who proposed this plan, was a marketing wizard.

Thinking of this, he looked at the other party with complex eyes filled with admiration.

From the beginning, when Jiaxing created a moat and wanted to connect upstream and downstream to establish its own food chain, the capital side was aware of it, but it didn't care.

Just like a dragon entering a pond, the fish inside can stir up much movement.

It wasn't until Xu Jia turned a pond of stagnant water into living water and built the pond into an ecological environment more suitable for itself that capital discovered that even they could only abide by the other party's rules, otherwise they would also be expelled.

Although Yin Yu is now the vice president of the behemoth Penguin Group, which can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people, he still does not feel that he and Xu Jia can achieve the situation created by the other party if they change positions.

Xu Jia didn't think much about it. Hearing that Weishi didn't mind Dou Ying's joining, the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "Sure, as long as Weishi doesn't mind, we will naturally open the door to welcome everyone to join."

He didn't mind, because he was afraid of being blocked out, being left to his own devices by Dou Ying, and falling further behind.

It seems that as long as there is enough strength and income, it is not a problem to eat two fish.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed.

The noisy discussion disappeared instantly, and it was obviously clear that this was the beginning of a movie premiere.

Xu Jia gathered his thoughts and sat upright.

Although he was no stranger to the content of this film, it still felt quite novel to revisit it after a lifetime.

As the opening animation of Jiaxing ends, the strange-looking Nezha appears. He is not as cute as the child protagonists in previous animations, and even looks a bit scary.

"The characteristics of the characters are distinct. The advantage is that they are easy to remember, refreshing, and break the shackles of the character itself. The disadvantage is that while breaking the label, it may also lose the audience. There are many people in the film industry whose hearts are as high as the sky and their lives are bigger than paper. Producer.”

Film critic Hu Kang, who was specially invited by Jiaxing, wrote this comment and shook his head. Based on his judgment of domestic filmmakers, it is basically impossible to expect them to be original. The ideas are often very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Especially this kind of ancient Chinese mythological subject matter is a disaster area that focuses on destroying the original work. The producers always want to subvert the inherent impression of the Chinese people, but they don't know that it is very difficult to film the original version.

From this point of view, "Journey to the West" is the most successfully adapted version. On the contrary, it was criticized for adapting the plot of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" which was not made up and was more in line with the original work.

It is also possible that after Star Master finished filming "Westward Journey", he was criticized for not understanding "Westward Journey" and was slapped in the face by filming such a movie nearly twenty years later.

The only thing that makes him look forward to it is that this film is produced by Jiaxing and has never failed so far.

If it fails, it will be even bigger news.

Whether it's the heat attracted by the subsequent blowout or the generous sealing fee given by Jiaxing, he will benefit a lot from either one.

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