Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 261 The Conspiracy Against Inhibition

Roland's words also frightened Scathach.

Kingdom of Shadows.

After swallowing up the location of the Kingdom of Shadows, it has officially become one of the concepts covering the entire Moon World, and is an excellent path to the abyss.

Its cause and effect and sovereignty are far superior to those of the previous Kingdom of Shadows, and it is an existence that even Scathach is excited about.

As an individual, if you want to graduate from the world, you cannot do it just by having unparalleled talent and hard work.

In the past, even if they could not follow the right path, there would be people who relied on luck and wisdom to find the door to the root and reach the sky in one step. Although most of them were just short-lived lucky ones who still disappeared in history, the proof of their existence is What cannot be erased, the magic brought from the root is the best proof.

The planet will not allow such dangerous factors that can destroy itself with one blow to appear. It will use all means to stop the progress of this existence. Some unconscious interference and accidents are fine. If it is too dangerous, the inhibition will even Directly dispatch the guardians who signed the contract to physically eliminate this unstable factor.

Scathach was able to break away from the shackles of the planet, graduate from the world, and become independent, largely because of the Kingdom of Shadows.

They are mutually beneficial, just like Black Qi and Roland. With each other's blessing, Scathach's possibilities can continue to increase, and in the end, the inhibitory force can only admit her existence, sublimating from the world inside to the outside. .

But the upper limit of the Kingdom of Shadows has gradually reached its limit. After becoming a veritable Kingdom of the Dead outside the world, although it is still growing, this improvement is already negligible, and because it has been half-pushed to the outside of the world by the restraining force, she It has become extremely troublesome to interfere with the course of the world as in the past legends.

But this kind of ticket to transcendence is still something that is hard to come by, an immeasurable precious thing, let alone the Kingdom of Shadows.

The opponent's nature and upper limit are deeper than the Kingdom of Shadows, enough to compete with the Heroic Soul Seat...no, even surpass the Heroic Soul Seat.

As long as the concept of shadow and darkness still exists in the world, it can extend its tentacles and power. As long as you have it, even a mortal will instantly get rid of the shackles of inhibition and gain eternal life and nearly infinite power.

But now, Roland sent it to Scathach without hesitation.

"Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, are you serious?"

Scathach asked curiously.

"Aren't you dissatisfied? But this is perfect. Your concept of the Kingdom of Shadows can continue to exist and become stronger in the future, and the class and restrictions between us through this victory can also continue."

"Of course I know this, but your current ultimate goal is to become the master of the Source Vortex, right?"

Roland nodded noncommittally.

For the existence that jumped out of the chessboard, there was nothing worth hiding about what he wanted to do. Even Aozaki Aoko could detect it, let alone Scathach.

She understood exactly what Roland meant.

This man wants to have the ultimate authority in the world.

As for Roland before, no matter how strong he was, it was still false. Individual strength could make the world stop, but it was meaningless.

Inhibition is a safety device that breaks away from the timeline. Although Roland, who holds half of the world's future authority, cannot be ignored by the other party, the impact it causes is minimal after all.

So what if you destroy a planet? What if the future of the universe is cut off?

The destruction of a single world line cannot move the world at all. Just cut that world off. Even if Roland continues to travel through parallel worlds and create an ongoing Lost Belt, in order to fight against the enemies who want to prevent this goal, in order to give people who have already Injecting new possibilities into a world that has lost its value, the future he shows will lead to more worlds being derived. For Inhibition, it is a happy thing to see.

To break this endless cycle, one can only use the authority from outside the world to constrain one's actions into a unique one and thus affect all parallel worlds.

It is impossible for Roland to be ignorant of such things that she could think of.

"Then why do you want to give me the authority of the Shadow Kingdom? This is your important cornerstone, right?"

"The cornerstone is too exaggerated. The current Shadow Kingdom can only be regarded as one of the backup options."

Roland smiled slightly.

Calling such a concept of the Shadow Kingdom a spare tire, if anyone else had said it, Scathach would have only laughed at the other person's ignorance and arrogance.

But the man in front of him was different. A look of interest appeared in Scathach's eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a cold and charming smile.

"Are you sure your best choice will be more effective than Shadow Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Roland smiled softly.

"The Kingdom of Shadow is good, but it is too slow. Even if there is black energy to carry the destiny, I still have to be involved with the inhibitory force, because they are the major shareholders that cannot be ignored in these worlds. Therefore, I have more power to overwhelm them in one go. Good idea."

Suddenly, Roland showed a frivolous and casual smile.

"For example, becoming the god of the new world, etc., with the authority to freely modify the rules. It is enough to defeat Gaia. After that, if I use the terminal device of complete human evil, Alaya will not be able to escape my grasp. "

Scathach couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment. Even if they reached the level of the transcendent, what they were pursuing was the qualification to play chess, but Roland had already imagined how to bribe the organizer.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course it's clear, but it's still a long way from me when it comes to diversity. It's just a test at the moment. I'm still very satisfied with the impact of the external authority on the world. The next step is to see how the other beast performs. "

Roland shrugged and said with a relaxed expression.

"You kid..."

Scathach looked at Roland, who had a casual attitude, but somehow made people feel reassured and trustworthy, and shook his head helplessly.

She still didn't know whether Roland's specific idea was likely to come true, but the determination to do it was definitely not false.

In this case, whether it is a defeated general or a prop, she can only give her blessings.

"According to the agreement, even to the end of time, my gun will only be used by you."

Scathach suddenly spoke a gentle whisper, like a wife waiting for her husband to return from the war.

"That's really a big help. After such an outstanding woman said such words, I really had no choice but to do it."

Roland's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his clear pupils revealed gentle and powerful emotions.

"From now on, you will be the queen of the Shadow Kingdom. You must take good care of this world for me. However, I still do not intend to take back my words. Even if there is no Shadow Kingdom, I will still achieve my ultimate goal. , but let’s discuss the details later.”

Roland stretched out his hand, and gradually, the dense black shadow shone with overflowing brilliance in his hand, gradually engulfing Scathach.

Time is almost over. Scathach, whose body is on the verge of collapse, has separated from his Servant body. After the Shadow Kingdom disappears, he will return directly to the outside world and wait for the Holy Grail to take back the spiritual foundation before exiting.

"Before that, you forgot one thing."

The always calm and mature Queen winked playfully at Roland, suddenly approached Roland, and gave him a soft and warm touch.

"This is the reward given to the warriors and the proof of defeat. As for the rest, let's continue to look forward to it after we meet again. Don't let me wait too long."

At the same time as Scathach's words fell, the surrounding darkness also faded rapidly. Under the watchful eyes of the restraining force, as little spiritual base fragments scattered like starlight poured into the Holy Grail, this empty pit once again Covered by the rules of gravity.

In this Holy Grail War, Scathach, who was called by the Inhibition Force to prevent the situation from getting out of control, was actually the first to exit. Although it was very different from their original intention, this result was still reluctantly recognized.

"It's a reward, I'm a little excited..."

In terms of strength and experience, maybe Scathach will be the best one, although I don’t know which one is more exciting than the sense of accomplishment of entering and exiting the root.

"Then, without further ado," Roland stretched, ignoring the noisy surroundings caused by the fading darkness and the disappearance of buildings in Shinjuku, and looked into the dark depths of the city.

After placing the Shadow Kingdom outside the world, he can also do many things that can be done more easily with the help of the rules of the world itself rather than using his own power.

After feeling the familiar but somewhat unexpected black image, Roland subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

"Let's start the second round with you."


Karna stood on the top of the tall building, his keen eyes scanning everything in the distance.

For him, who has clairvoyance, it is a wiser move to take advantage of this movement and observe other servants who can hunt, rather than squatting behind Roland and Lancer who caused the sudden movement in Shinjuku.

But maybe it was because the quality of the contestants this time was relatively high, or maybe the movement in Shinjuku was too big, and he didn't need to send a familiar to see it, so he didn't find anything yet.

Even so, Karna did not intend to stop his actions.

After all, his master was a completely hands-off boss. After giving an order to eliminate all servants and masters except Lord Roland and Caster, he basically let Karna make his own decision.

If he hadn't met Roland, his wayward master wouldn't even bother to watch the battle, and wouldn't care about the magic power consumption caused by Karna.

From the perspective of a servant, this kind of generosity and trust is enough to suppress all complaints. As for the safety of the master that Karna is most concerned about, the name Shajo Aige is enough to stop his admonishment.

Therefore, Karna has been patrolling alone these days. Anyway, with his ability, no one can hold him back.

Suddenly, the golden archer frowned.

"The unfamiliar atmosphere gives me a feeling that I have met once before..."

Are you a new Servant? Do you want to get in touch with me?

Karna pondered for a while, then quickly made a decision and disappeared into the sky.

When that gorgeous golden figure appeared again, it was in a dark garden.

The moment he stepped in, Karna realized it was a trap.

Although there was nothing unusual on the outside, when he entered, there was a suddenly closed feeling around him. The temperature and environment were completely different from those outside the courtyard. This was a different space that was connected to the real world but independent.

But unlike the magician who extends or reinforces the original foundation through the workshop, this space is 'created'.

In this world, apart from the noble phantoms of heroic spirits, this kind of power can only be touched by the power of gods.

However, as the first person to reveal his full glory and true name, is there any group planning to attack him directly?

Karna smiled silently.

"It's such a strange feeling. Although it's a wise move not to show up, in the end it's just a space created by the servant's spiritual base. At most, it's only a temporary trap."

Golden light spots condensed in Karna's hand, converging into the shape of the god-given bow.

"In order to let you understand that such clumsy methods are useless, I have no choice but to demolish this place."

At this time, Karna's tone was still without any tension, and he looked aloof from the incident, as if it was not him who was trapped, but this strange enemy.

"Men like you are still as boring as ever."

Seeing Karna's magic power turn into rising flames, and realizing that his words were not lies, a childish voice with sarcasm suddenly appeared around him.

The girl with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up put her hands on her chest, and looked at her silver hair as clear and bright as the moonlight with one hand. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and her eyes sparkled with joy.

"But it is a rare fate to meet in this era. Karna, do you want to come to my side? I will give you all the beautiful things you have never experienced before."

Although these words were as insincere as a prank, what was incredible was that the demonic nature was indeed conveyed to Karna's heart.

"It's actually you..."

Because of this, when Karna took the opponent's figure into his eyes, this great hero who has excellent eyesight that can see through the essence of others, so it is extremely difficult for him to be unduly moved no matter what the situation, for the first time A surprised look appeared in his eyes.

"It really surprises me to show up in such a posture. It seems that you are preparing to become a new troublemaker. If you make too much noise, you will definitely fail. Why are you doing such useless work, God Kama? ?”

Although he saw the existence of an old friend, but after understanding the other party's form of existence, Karna still said a sharp word. With the blessing of his calm tone, although he did not have a trace of malice subjectively, he had no intention of treating Kama. In fact, this kind of ridicule is more heart-wrenching.

The corner of Jiamo's mouth twitched. Facing this guy who always told the truth, she didn't even think about arguing with him.

"Hmph, if you don't do some things, there will be no chance at all. You haven't answered my question yet. Karna, do you want to abandon the master's contract and come to my side?"

"I thought you knew my answer. No matter how many times I repeat it, my answer will always be rejection. I don't have any expectations for the Holy Grail and my wish. I only came here to protect the Master."

"You're such a stubborn guy, no wonder you ended up like that."

After understanding Karna's implication, Kama showed an expression of lack of interest. Although she was just doing it casually, she really couldn't get along with this guy who didn't have any old-fashioned temperament at all.

"Judging from the results, we are only about equal at best."


Kama's expression turned evil, and the smile on his lips gradually became distorted.

"You may be shining with gold, but you are always so humble and noble! A disgusting guy like you... has decided that when I become a perfect body, I will definitely make you fall! Not only you, but also that guy, I will let her All you can eat is snow!”

As if remembering some nasty thing or person, Kama had a rather sinister smile on his face, but it looked more like a cover-up.

The unhappiness and frustration in her tone almost overflowed.

"Really?" Karna's expression was still extremely indifferent. Although Kama's astonishing change inevitably caused his emotions to fluctuate a bit, this incident would not affect his decision.

The great hero who gave alms cast a sharp look at the goddess.

"Then before that, I can only attack you first."

"It's so unpleasant, every time I meet you heroes, it's as if I'm destined to be your only one to praise your bravery."

Kama stared at Karna with a smile on his face.

"But this time, it's different. All the plans are going very smoothly. I have also obtained your nemesis. Therefore, you will only be dealt with next."

"Did you control other combinations? That's really your usual style."

Karna guessed the truth with concise and clear words and glanced around casually.

The purpose of sealing this space is self-evident. Do you want to use this duel ground to plot something?

"Not everyone will be as disgusting as you, otherwise this boring world will have no fun at all. There is only a world of love and happiness. Once you try this kind of utopia, you will be addicted. Since you don't want to join , then it’s better to leave early.”

The astonishing aura erupted from Kama's body and began to distort the space created by her.

Her purpose is to seize as many other reliable servants as possible to use as combat power. After all, although she is a god, her current state is not very suitable for fighting. It is easier to use her characteristics to control others.

Originally, she planned to do the same to Karna, but after feeling who his master was, Karma could only give up the idea angrily.

It is common sense that masters are easier to deal with than servants, but in the case of that girl, this is obviously the other way around.

Therefore, in order to prevent future plans from being affected, she could only eliminate Karna as a factor in advance.

"Then, come and meet your Terminator, your most reliable support in this Holy Grail War with me."

Kama said lightly, but his eyes were very serious.

Feeling the astonishing magic power, Karna also tensed up his body slightly, ready to fight the enemy that was about to appear.

But as time passed by, the two of them stood in the same place as if they were performing a pantomime. Except for the slightly distorted space, nothing changed around them.

Karna couldn't help but look at Kama with doubtful eyes.

But what surprised him was that Kamo's expression was even more confused than hers.

"Ah...where is my Saber?"

She looked anxiously outside the twisted space and blinked in confusion.

"Obviously, I was hiding in the barrier waiting for help! I'm such a big Saber, how come I'm missing?"

Thank you everyone for your opinions. By the way, many of the worlds that Feijiu has prepared overlap with each other, which saves the effort of connecting. The Magic Forbidden City is basically among the worlds that Feijiu has planned to go to. The remaining worlds that Feijiu has prepared will be carefully considered. It’s the beginning of the month and I’d like to vote for you.

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