Yu Sha

Chapter 671 The Yuan Fei is raised in Taiyin shape

It wasn't until Chu Weiyang gained insight into such a complete chapter of the Divine Power Sutra, and then read through the entire text of "The Moment of Flowers Blooming" by replacing Shi Yuting's "translation".

Although some of the details of the practice involve the secret words and argots of Baihualou, the content described in ordinary words is enough for Chu Weiyang to understand the magical effect of the so-called "The Moment of Flowers Blooming" magical power.

And after understanding this, Chu Weiyang couldn't help but sigh. This magical power also has two uses. One is to protect the body, and the other is to maintain the peak state for a long time when fighting for one's life. With this magical power, In an attack that is almost at the same level, the monks in Baihua Tower must be in a certain invincible state.

And similarly, through this dual-purpose technique, when Chu Weiyang further felt the key principles of this magical power, he immediately refined the so-called gist of the flow of Baihua Breath. This is the Hundred Flowers Celebration. This is the reason why Yun Zhiqi can protect the body for a long time and has endless power.

It was with this step of enlightenment that when Chu Weiyang looked back, he immediately understood why the Hundred Realms Cloud Boat had been stationed in the abyss for a long time, but ignored the huge force and pressure, and ignored the years. The erosion of time.

Its magic weapon can last through time and years, precisely because of the endless meaning of the energy of hundreds of flowers and clouds blooming!

What Chu Weiyang could think of at this time, Shi Yuting could naturally think of at the same time.

Moreover, Shi Yuting was experiencing two changes in his aura and charm due to the original charm and aura of the ancient magic weapon. Therefore, at this moment, Shi Yuting's mind was observing the magical power chapter "The Moment of Flowers Blooming". , on the other hand, it glows with the charm of its own transformation, stimulating the interweaving and resonance of the aura of the magic weapon.

This kind of interweaving and resonance almost naturally brings Shi Yuting's clear purpose into the mysterious realm where Baihua Qingyun's magic power is endless.

Furthermore, when Shi Yuting stopped in such a field and looked back, he would be able to feel and understand the many awkward places in the sutras and be able to understand them as quickly as possible. In the process of enlightenment, grasp the framework and context of the practice.

In fact, it is the origin of the treasure of the Hundred Worlds Yunfang Ancient Boat. Now that it has shown its help to Shi Yuting in comprehending supernatural powers and practicing the law, Teacher Yuting is even more determined to dismantle this ancient boat. idea!

Looking at it now, the treasure origin of this ancient boat is beneficial to Shi Yuting’s practice in every way!

And while Shi Yuting was immersed in the process of brief enlightenment, Chu Weiyang's eyes were already carefully examining every corner and every detail of this quiet room.

After understanding the function of the magical power "The Moment of Flowers Blooming", the process of studying Taoism and enlightening the Dharma has nothing to do with Chu Weiyanghun.

He only has one Five Elements Poison Technique, the Baihualou Technique, and what he practices is not the Baihualou Tao. Even though he has thoroughly understood the magical power of "The Moment of Flowers Blooming", he has not refined Baihuaqing. Without the possibility of Yun Mana, there is no way to get a glimpse of this magical power.

Because of this, Chu Weiyang didn't care about the details of studying Taoism and enlightening the Dharma.

Unfortunately, as Chu Weiyang looked around, there was nothing in this huge quiet room except the yellow jade screen that could be preserved in the long years of erosion.

But perhaps the various treasures placed in this room in the past were all top-quality treasures, and they had been cultivated and washed by the spirit and charm of the real person in the realm of gods.

Therefore, when Chu Weiyang looked at it now, even though it had been eroded away by the years, everything in this quiet room had not been excessively distorted into some accumulated dregs and weird images.

They simply collapsed over the years and turned into ashes and dust of different colors, quietly spreading on the ground.

Even under the reflection of the dim aura flowing from the topaz screen, the ashes and dust became more and more dilapidated.

But at this moment, Chu Weiyang was slowly walking to the back of the screen, trying to see into the blind spots he had just scanned.

The moment the Taoist figure stood there, he suddenly shook!

Think carefully about the way the three people in Baihualou usually arrange furniture and items in the quiet room. They usually like to put a desk behind the screen, play the piano, mix incense, and sing, all behind the screen. In front of this desk.

If you look at it this way, then the high pile of ashes and dust behind the topaz screen is where the table used to be.

Furthermore, Chu Weiyang could also imagine that this table was very spacious in the past. Perhaps there were guqins, jade furnaces, and stacks of Taoist books on it.

Therefore, after everything decays, there will be so much ashes and dust.

But before that, when Chu Weiyang looked around at the rest of the ashes and dust in the quiet room, the Taoists all carefully avoided it, showing no interest in the powder itself after the years had worn it off.

But at this moment, when Chu Weiyang stared at the ashes and dust behind the screen, he was in a state of shock and uncertainty, as if he was feeling something.

It was a vague spiritual charm, and Chu Weiyang felt a certain connection from it, similar to interweaving and resonance, but it was extremely weak, almost making Chu Weiyang ignore it.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Weiyang gently shook his wrist.

Following Chu Weiyang's movements, the tiniest amount of mana turned into a breeze, blowing away all the ashes and dust accumulated on the spot.

On this desk, in the past, there were probably stacks of Taoist books. At this moment, with the dust brushed away, a faint yellow book was revealed from the ashes and dust. of talisman paper.

In an instant, Chu Weiyang's breathing stopped.

This talisman paper should have been extremely white in the past, and it was probably tanned with unimaginably high-quality materials. However, despite this, the talisman paper itself is also in the process of "yellowing" as time goes by. A little bit of turbid background color was deposited in it, and finally it turned into this hazy yellow color.

Moreover, the soft texture of the spirit talisman paper itself no longer exists. According to Chu Weiyang's perception, the spirit talisman paper has become extremely thin, dry, hardened, and easily broken.

But it has reached such an extent that there is still a dim spiritual light on the spiritual talisman paper.

It is this kind of aura that intertwines and resonates with Chu Weiyang's charm, and it attracts Chu Weiyang's attention.

The spiritual light was extremely dim and faint. If you didn't look carefully, it looked more like some kind of trance and illusion.

But the aura itself does exist.

And throughout the years, Chu Weiyang was very concerned about even such a weak and confused state. He controlled his magic power into spiritual wind in a more subtle way with great care, and then turned more ashes into it. Gently brush away the dust.

Chu Weiyang was afraid that if he used the wrong force in an instant, the dry and hardened talisman paper would be broken into pieces, or even collapse into powder.

That's something that people really regret.

Fortunately, in the process of refining the magic in the abyss, Chu Weiyang has been in a state where the divine magic phase has collapsed into spiritual light and powder for a long time. He has adapted to the operation of this kind of subtle magic power.

Soon, a piece of yellowed talisman paper the size of an ordinary Taoist book appeared from the ashes and dust.

When I looked at it again, the handwriting on the yellowed talisman paper was no longer easy to read, because the sage used the same spiritual ink calligraphy mixed with the Dao Fruit Demonic Pill as on the screen.

Perhaps it was because the yellowing and deterioration of the spiritual talisman paper also affected the golden spiritual ink that was supposed to be hard-working.

It is different from the gilt calligraphy on the iron painting and silver hook on the topaz screen.

The everlasting charm of the handwriting on this talisman paper has been reduced.

The original gilt color on it gradually changed into a pure dark gold color.

Furthermore, it is set off against the dim background color of the paper and combined with the fly-head seal pattern, making it even more difficult to recognize.

But at that moment, in the three heads and six eyes of the divine magician, there were all gilded golden circles formed by the nine stacks of talismans.

The Supreme Eye Technique operates in multiple orders of magnitude!

Furthermore, in the intertwining process of the torrent of memories, Chu Weiyang Cave shines into the mysterious realm of reality and illusion, and the small seal patterns on this palm-sized page are combined with the traces that still remain in the years. The charm of it is all imprinted in the mind and memory.

After that, Chu Weiyang stood there quietly as if he had lost his mind, carefully wrapping the talisman paper with magic power. In no time, a mysterious light flowed through the depths of his eyes.

That's the aura of Taiyin's evil energy!

At the same time, the sutra recorded on the talisman paper had already hung in Chu Weiyang's mind.

It was a unique seal pattern from ancient times. Almost subconsciously, Chu Weiyang had already guessed that these were probably words that directly pointed to the nature of supernatural powers. However, when Chu Weiyang looked carefully, he discovered that this The scriptures are not complete.

It's not that the talisman paper is damaged.

But the ancient sages of Baihua Tower only wrote this part on this spiritual float.

When he read it carefully, Chu Weiyang suddenly sensed some kind of explanation about vitality and creation. There was no hidden meaning in this part of the scripture, and Chu Weiyang even understood from a certain word in it. , saw the description of "transformation into shape".

The specific root cause of the scriptures can no longer be verified.

But Chu Weiyang could imagine that when the ancient sage meditated on the magical power of "The Moment of Flowers Blooming" in the quiet room in the past, whether it was the endless life of Baihuaqingyun's magic power, or the collapse of a flower when fighting for his life, The changes in returning to the peak of the three elements, regarding creation, vitality, and the way to create images, may have troubled the ancient sages.

Therefore, I have such a spiritual talisman paper that I always keep by my side. I use another sutra of magical power practice to help me understand "The Moment of Flowers Blooming", but I am afraid that it will be too affected, so I don't do it. The whole book is written, but only those words that explain the principles of vitality and creation are selected.

And today, when these words came into Chu Weiyang's eyes and hung above the ocean of his mind, for no reason, the charm of the wonderful method of "Taiyin Refining" was touched!

Taiyin is the gateway, and refining the body is the result.

And the yin pole generates yang, which is the way of creation!

"Ha! If a poor Taoist also draws on analogies and uses magical powers to practice the remaining chapters of the law, he doesn't know what he can 'understand'..."

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