World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 181 The General Attack on Andorhal

After Thoradin's Legion and Theramore's Legion launched an attack on Andorhal, dazzling fireworks also lit up the sky in the Western Plaguelands, which was the clarion call for a general attack.

"It's fireworks. King Garin is here. The time for the general attack has arrived. Soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade, for Lordaeron! For the Covenant!" Tyran Fordring and the Scarlet Crusaders have been waiting at Dalson Farm for a long time.

Under Jialin's changes, the Scarlet Crusade has not been corrupted, but they still have a fanatical desire to fight against the Scourge. This is indelible because of unforgettable hatred.

"For the Queen of Darkness!" Nathanos Blightcaller's gloomy and hoarse voice sounded. The Forsaken did not need to say more, just a slogan and a goal were enough.

Although the Forgotten are undead, they were killed by the Scourge and became like this. Revenge against the Scourge is the greatest purpose of the Forgotten.

Lo'Gosh was lying on the roof of the Howling Haunted House, with Susas the Flagellant lying quietly beside him. It was not easy for him to hold back his bellicosity for so long.

In order to obtain information about the general attack as soon as possible, Logosh simply jumped on the roof to gain more views from higher places.

After seeing the signal, Logosh excitedly picked up Susus the Lasher, then jumped directly from the roof of the Howling Haunted House, shouting to remind Rex.

The attack from the south caught the Lich Summoner Araki off guard. Thoradin's Legion and Theramore's Legion quickly captured two bridges and started a fierce battle inside Andorhal.

Before the Lich Summoner Araki could dispatch the undead troops to support them, the three Covenant forces in the north of Andorhal also launched an attack at the same time.

The five forces of the covenant, all of which are elite, attack Andorhal from five directions at the same time. Even the top commander will inevitably be in a hurry, let alone the military weakling of the Lich Summoner Araki.

It didn't take long for the Lich Summoner Araki to almost lose control of Andorhal's external defenses. The undead and the Covenant of the Scourge launched an unprecedented melee in the ruins of Andorhal.

The Scourge Legion had been defeated once in Andorhal before Arthas had fallen, and this time, the Scourge Legion would be defeated again at the hands of the Covenant.

The original recovery of Andorhal required two death knights from Blackwind Village, Thassarian and Kultira, to lead the Alliance and Horde forces respectively to the east and west to completely defeat the Scourge of Andorhal.

This time, the five troops of the Covenant were stronger than the two gay death knights of Black Wind Village in terms of quantity and eliteness. They also gave up attacks from five directions, and the effect was more significant.

During the melee, the High Lord of Eagle's Nest Mountain, Falstad Wildhammer, once again led the Wildhammer Dwarf Gryphon Knights to appear in the air.

Dwarves love to join in the fun. How could Lord Falstad let go of this opportunity? The straight-line distance between the Wildhammer Dwarf Gryphon Knights from the Eagle's Nest Mountain to Andorhal is very close.

Originally, Andorhal's Scourge did not have powerful air troops, only a small number of gargoyles and flying insects, and almost no frost dragons and destroyers.

The Dwarven Gryphon Knights quickly defeated the Scourge in Andorhal's air force, helping the Covenant gain air superiority over Andorhal.

At the same time, the Wildhammer Dwarf Griffin Knights continued to launch high-altitude bombings from the air at the undead in the ruins of Andorhal.

The Lich Summoner Araki is called the Summoner because Araki masters the secret method of resurrecting the undead. He can outline the matrix to continuously resurrect the undead.

With the strategy of Garin, the resurrection matrices outlined by the Lich Summoner Araki all over Andorhal were blown up by the Wildhammer Dwarf Gryphon Knights.

Logosh resolutely rushed to the front, but he did not go too far alone. He found a particularly ferocious undead among the undead troops in Andorhal.

It was a puppet creature made of incomplete flesh and bones, called the Blood and Bone Puppet. Not only did it look ferocious, it also possessed a strength close to that of a hero, and it also had terrifying brute strength.

The Blood and Bone Golem is so powerful that if a separate team from the Covenant encounters it, even the elite ones will almost escape death.

But who is Logosh? He is a fighting maniac who is not afraid of challenges. When he discovered the blood and bone puppet, he immediately launched a charge. For the first time, Flagellant Susas was resisted.

Rex helplessly stared at Logosh who was fighting with the blood and bone puppet. He couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

What attracted Rex's attention even more was that he discovered that Logosh's combat skills were extremely sophisticated and were by no means possessed by ordinary human warriors. To be able to achieve such a level, one must receive instruction from a top combat skills master since childhood.

However, Rex did not think of Logosh as Varian. At most, he thought that Logosh was from a noble noble in the Kingdom of Stromgard.

On the other side, Caliya and Duke Leoric von Zeldiger encountered a powerful enemy, the Dark Dean Gadin.

When Rex attacked Keldaron, Dark Dean Gadin was not in Scholomance, but was assisting the Lich Summoner Araki in Andorhal.

Dark Dean Gadin is the second heroic undead in the Western Plaguelands Scourge, besides the Lich Summoner Araki.

In the Scourge Legion, most of the talented legal talents have been transformed into lichs, and Dark Dean Gardin is indeed the most special case.

As the dark dean of Scholomance Academy, Gardin masters powerful dark magic. He leads a large number of cursed sect mage apprentices to use shadow arrows to attack the soldiers of Theramore Legion.

After Duke Leoric von Zeldiger discovered Dark Dean Gardin, he launched an attack on Dark Dean Gardin. Originally, a hero-level paladin should restrain Dark Dean Gardin.

But Duke Leoric von Zeldiger underestimated Dark Dean Gardin too much. At the beginning when he was approached by Duke Leoric von Zeldiger, Dark Dean Gardin was indeed He was suppressed, and his gorgeous robe was in tatters.

After Dark Dean Gardin was angered by Duke Leoric von Zeldiger, he directly exploded the powerful dark energy in his body, first forming a nearly invincible dark energy shield, and then using the dark cage to control Duke Leoric von Zeldiger.

"A heroic paladin, I think Lord Kel'Thuzad will definitely be interested in you!"

Dark Dean Gardin wanted to sacrifice Duke Leoric von Zeldiger to the Archlich Kel'Thuzad.

At this time, Caliya, who was holding the staff of the Fury of Holy Light, stopped Dark Dean Gading.

"Light will dispel darkness, taste the wrath of the light, undead!"

The light of the wrath of the Holy Light directly ignited Dark Dean Gardin. His powerful dark power was extremely fragile in the face of the wrath of the Holy Light, turning into a pool of black water and melting on the ground.

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