"If I follow you, I will be unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

But Niu Niu should be able to help him respond to the pelvis, but he doesn't know whose side the waist will be on.

Su Yun took a sip of noodle soup and continued: "If I change my place of residence, you can live with me, right? Am I right?"

After living together, do you still have to decide how many times a day you want?

Here, she could at least hold it in check.

"You do not want it?"

Texas licked his lips, and there seemed to be hearts twinkling in his eyes again.

"I don't want to, I don't want to at all. You almost couldn't control yourself last night. You almost made my intestines come out." Su Yun rubbed his belly, as if he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that he clearly expressed his unwillingness, Texas did not force it.

Last night...she really couldn't control herself, it was her fault.

But it doesn’t matter.

His position in Su Yun's heart was already indestructible, and it was a taboo for military strategists to be greedy for merit and rush into advancement.

Seeing Su Yun holding his waist and frowning slightly, Texas felt quite embarrassed, so he wanted to make it up to him.

"It seems that you haven't paid back this month's loan."

"I forgot, I'll transfer it to you..."

"No, you don't have to repay your loan from Penguin Logistics."

"Ah? Isn't this bad? Public is public, private is private..."

"It's not public, it's all private. The loan approved by your boss is my money and has nothing to do with Penguin Logistics."

"You...ahem! What did you say?!"

Su Yun reacted and teased: "So, you have been treating me since then... Tsk, tsk, tsk, can't you tell, is this Leng Jiao? On the surface, there is all kinds of dislike, but in fact... ah! Murdering a relative Husband, you?"

Texas' pretty face was slightly red, and she kicked him hard with her jade feet under the table.

If you regret it, you shouldn't say it. Now it's a black history.

After breakfast, Su Yun went to bed and fell asleep.

After the virtuous Texas washed the dishes, he secretly opened the door, took a peek at Su Yun's sleeping face, and then gently closed the door.

On the balcony.

After hanging up Su Yun's clothes, Texas took a breath of cool fresh air and stretched as if he had regained a new lease of life.

294.You...you spent the night here?!

A new beginning, a new relationship.

Although there are still many things to deal with between the two people, Texas is not in a hurry now.

She has plenty of time.

She looked down at the black scarf wrapped around her neck. In the corner of the scarf, Su Yun used white thread to weave the eight elegant characters of 'Celinina Texas'.

Texas's heart is as sweet as honey.

Although she wanted to get into Su Yun's arms and sleep soundly with him, there was a capable angel waiting for her at Penguin Logistics.

Downstairs in the dormitory.

Shi Huaiya walked in a hurry and looked anxious.

It seems like something important has been lost.

For some reason last night, she didn't sleep well all night. She woke up several times in her sleep, which made her flustered.

In the early morning, Little Tiger wanted to call Su Yun and listen to his voice so that he could sleep peacefully.

But Su Yun must have fallen asleep at that time, and Shi Huaiya couldn't disturb him for such a trivial matter.

And... why did you call Su Yun when you couldn't sleep? Too pretentious.

Therefore, Shi Huaiya has waited until now.

He jumped up the stairs vigorously, one floor, two floors, three floors...

After arriving at Su Yun's floor, Shi Huaiya turned directly and came to the door of Su Yun's dormitory as if she had no inertia.

She didn't ring the doorbell, but looked at the time on her phone.

It's six thirty-one.

Su Yun may not have gotten up yet.

Should I ring the doorbell?

Just when Little Tiger hesitated, there was the sound of someone moving behind the door.

Su Yun is awake? !

Shi Huaiya had no worries now and rang the doorbell decisively.

Ding dong~!

Soon, the door was opened.


The voice of joy stopped suddenly, and Shi Huaiya stared blankly at the girl Luper who was a little softer than usual, and her mind could not react for a while.

Texas stood in the house, looking at the little tiger outside the door.

Little Tiger stood outside the house, looking at Texas inside the door.

The door that originally stood between them had been opened, but an invisible thick barrier stood between her and her.



If Texas appeared in Su Yun's dormitory at any time from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., Shi Huaiya would not be surprised.

Because she had seen with her own eyes the heroic figure of Texas standing on the outdoor air conditioner on the second floor.

But it's six thirty-one minutes in the morning *dragonmen expletive*!

It's not even bright yet!

"You spent the night here last night?!"

Little Tiger did not deceive herself. She thought of the worst outcome and felt that it was the truth.


If possible, Texas would like to stay with Su Yun for a while and enjoy the beauty of sneaking into his bed in the middle of the night and attacking him at night.

But he has already been caught doing it, and even if he said he didn’t, the superintendent in front of him wouldn’t believe it.

Seeing that the little tiger was about to have an attack, Texas said slowly:

"Su Yun is sleeping now. You don't want to wake him up, right?"

"You *expletive*!"

(Shi Huai Ya Xiao Sheng Limited Edition)

An absurd, cruel, and unacceptable fact was placed in front of her:

Texas is not like me, who came here early in the morning.

She stayed in Su Yun's dormitory all night until now.

What happened last night?

Christmas Eve, single men and women, living in the same room...what else could happen? !

"Get out of the way!" Shi Huaiya said coldly.

"you sure?"

Texas looked at her calmly.

Some things are better not to be so clear about.

There is an old saying in Dayan that it is rare to be confused.


"All right."

Seeing the look in her eyes where her mind was on the verge of collapse, Texas had no choice but to get out of the way.

After entering the dormitory.

Shi Huaiya's first feeling was that of strangeness.

It was obviously not much different from usual, but she just felt strange.

Shaking her head, the little tiger went straight into the bathroom. It was just like she thought, it was misty and had signs of use.

There is the smell of shampoo, shower gel, Su Yun and Texas in the air, and there are a few long hairs on the ground.

Don't think about it, it's most likely from Texas.

Really, it's actually true...

Shi Huaiya turned around, took a quick step, and put her hand on the handle of Su Yun's door.

The door that used to be easily pushed open today seems to be extremely heavy.

But today, even if there was a mountain in front of her, she had to move away to see what was behind it!

As soon as the door opened a crack, she smelled a vague and mysterious smell.

Even Shi Huaiya, who was still a virgin, understood in an instant what had happened in the room.

On the bed, Su Yun lay quietly and fell asleep early. He didn't know that there was a terrifying gaze watching him silently outside the door.

Texas leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, guarding against what irrational things Shi Huaiya might do.

It's a pity that Shihuaiya doesn't have it.

After witnessing the truth with a masochistic look, Shi Huaiya gently closed the door, came to the living room, and sat on the sofa like a zombie.

"Water, tea, or coffee?"

Texas brought a pot of hot water, a bag of tea and some instant coffee from the kitchen.


When she didn't say anything, Texas each had a drink.

——Anyway, just throw it into a cup, heat the water, and stir it.

Shi Huaiya sat on the sofa, and the two of them stared directly at Texas.

Only then did she realize that Texas had become different.

The whole person is like a flower watered by rain and dew, delicate and beautiful.

Her beautiful eyes are full of spring, her skin is white and rosy, and her big white legs are folded casually, with a calm posture.

I don’t know what skin care products I used, but it has such a miraculous effect.

Although in the past, Texas had a relaxed attitude when facing Shi Huaiya.

But now, in front of the little tiger, Texas has a kind of self-confidence revealed from the bottom of its bones.

This is the source of this confidence, which makes Hu unhappy...

"When did you and Su Yun get together?" Shi Huaiya pretended to be calm and picked up the hot tea in front of her.

However, the slightly trembling hands and the sparkling tea in the cup told her that she was on the verge of collapse at the moment.

She was trying to stay sane and calm.

However, I found out that the man I loved had sex with another woman last night...


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