What is a hexagon jungler?

769: I opened the sky with one punch and transformed into a dragon!

Chapter 769 769: I opened the sky with one punch and turned into a dragon!

"Remember to watch the Sword Demon in our next wave," Jack reminded his teammates. "If you have vision, keep an eye on it. Don't let TheShy rush in and cut randomly."

Just now, the armor-piercing Aatrox slashed down with two swords, almost slicing his void armor into pieces. Yu Wenbo was frightened for a moment, and couldn't help emphasizing the importance of restraining the sword demon.

"I was watching it at the time..." Duan Deliang frowned and said, "But once I turned on R, there was nothing I could do."

The overall positioning of VG at the beginning of the team battle was not too wrong. After taking advantage of the advantage in the round, Shen was asked to go to the Sword Demon. In theory, as long as he can use taunt to stop Aatrox and use support to redeem the top order, then this The exchange is definitely profitable.

But the problem was that IG was too decisive. When they caught Gu Xing using Xiaolong, they got angry and forced Duan Deliang to hand over his ultimate move for protection.

As a result, Shen was stuck in place and unable to move as soon as he used R. TheShy's Sword Demon didn't even look at Duan Deliang, and used the movement speed bonus of Da Mie and Youmeng to get past Shen and rush straight into the VG formation, which led to bitter consequences.

"Then, Lao Duan, you stand at the front of the formation and don't go to the side." Gu Xing followed Shan Ruliu and changed his strategy. "When the team battle starts, I will look for the Sword Demon's position."

It's like Nosuke's task exchange.

One thing to say, if VG engages in a head-on 5v5 team battle, it will be more or less embarrassing.

Mainly because of the lack of front row, only Nosuke can take some damage even if he is full of hits.

And Smeb Jace can't go to the side to find the sword demon - the heroic characteristics of the second battalion commander determine that he has to be in the front most of the time to pose a threat to the opponent.

Then VG Nosuke can only assume this function, and if Duan Deliang fails, Gu Xinglai will have to do it.

The disadvantage is that with such a division of labor, they will not be able to try to open neutral resources such as large and small dragons - they cannot just watch the sword demon from the side and let Duan Deliang and the other four fight the dragon from the front.

Gu Xing quickly turned his brain.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the gap between IG's two key cores, Sword Demon and Yasuo, and force the team to force the team when Baron Nash was born in 20 minutes.

But after changing the division of labor, Dalong will definitely have no way to take care of it.

He decided to find another way.

"Jack, you and Lao Duan go to the middle lane and push a wave of soldiers quickly... Maibo, you go to the bottom lane to deal with the soldiers and stock up a wave of slow push lanes."

Gu Xing returned to the city to buy the [Watcher Armor] and took command of his teammates.

Smeb agreed quietly.

After IG won the team battle, they not only got the dragon, but also flattened the adjacent first tower in the bottom lane. Now there is a whole wave of troops pushing in front of VG's second tower, and they must be dealt with separately.

"What about me?" Chaowei asked impatiently.

Gu Xing cut the screen to observe the situation of the troops on the top lane.

In the 16th minute, the fighting of the Xiaolong Regiment did not spread to the top lane. The advantage of the troops here was still in the hands of VG, and the soldiers were rushing towards the Extreme Team Tower all the time.

"Blue Cat, follow me directly into the lower jungle area on the opposite side, and don't worry about the upper road for the time being," Gu Xing made a decision, "Buy an extra real eye, and we will help arrange the eye positions in the lower jungle area."

"Oh." Chaowei originally thought about adding an augmentation book to improve his combat effectiveness, but after hearing Gu Xing's instructions, he gave up the idea and instead bought two real eyes to supplement his field of vision.

The five people in VG have a clear division of labor. They start from the spring and perform their respective duties to complete the task.

The speed push line created by the duo in the middle provides protection for the midfielder and the jungler, allowing Gu Xing and Chaowei to confidently and boldly go straight into the enemy's lower jungle area and invest the wards at hand.

Gu Xing's thinking is very clear.

IG will definitely send people to deal with the top line of troops, and someone will also be responsible for clearing the middle line of troops. In such a short period of time, the entire enemy force that can defend the lower jungle area will only hold 3 people to death.

And Gu Xing specifically abandoned the top lane troops and invested heavily in the lower jungle area. As long as they fight against each other, he can gather at least four heroes and get a lead in numbers, so as to ensure the winning rate and ensure that he can occupy the enemy's bottom lane. Half zone!

IG didn't take it seriously at first, and was still immersed in the shocking scene caused by TheShy River Sword Demon's random slashing, unable to extricate itself.

In the team voiceover, Song Yijin named him for praise, "Shyshy is so strong, the sword demon almost chopped the opponent into pieces with one hand!"

When Jiang Chenglu heard the idol big brother say his nickname, he couldn't help but tilt his mouth. His smile was similar to the emoji of the soldier Wang Yousheng in "Bright Sword". It looked a bit abstract and made his face look longer.

"Hey, brother Yi Jin, you are also very important!" He complimented him in Korean based on the principle of reciprocity.

Lin Weixiang was also very happy, "A bird eats a cricket, a sword demon with this kind of development can win the group, ho ho ho ho..."

He didn't do much at all in the team battle. He just waited for his teammates to fill up the damage output, and then jumped in to harvest the mess.

But who says that winning by lying down does not count as winning?

Da Mei feels happy just thinking about it.

Just as the voice in the IG team was filled with joy, Gao Zhenning spoke.

"Don't celebrate yet. The lower jungle area is almost taken over by the other side. Can anyone have an idea?"

King Ning did not expect that VG would suddenly turn away from the image of a grumpy old man before the big battles, and actually play the art of war. At first, he was a little uncomfortable and felt at a loss.

It would be unrealistic to ignore it.

Originally, IG's next tower was already broken, but now even the jungle is unsafe. How are the members of the Extreme Team going to deal with the offline players who are close to VG?

Song Jinghao blatantly hoarded troops and advanced slowly. The loss of troops during the period made them heartbroken.

Besides, there are many groups of camps in the lower jungle area. If King Ning gives up, there will be very few wild monsters available for development!

Liu Qingsong thought for a moment and gave a suggestion, "Gao Zhenning, come to the middle. Let's clear the line of troops and push the opposite middle tower!"

One of the towers in VG still stands solidly in the center of the canyon, providing the team with the function of defending the gate, making it difficult for IG to establish a visual information gap.

Gao Zhenning thinks Liu Qingsong's idea is good.

VG likes to occupy my lower jungle area, so I'll give it to you in the worst case. Wouldn't it make a lot of money by pushing back the middle tower?

I have to say that the effect of training with VG during the World Championship was very significant.

At least these members of the Extreme Team can use their brains in the current version. Although they are still not very smart, they at least have some operational ideas, instead of running around like headless flies like before.

King Ning has a strong execution ability. He does what he says and immediately sets off to the middle to help the duo push the lane. At the same time, he does not forget to call his teammates.

"Rookie, TheShy, you both come to the middle, let's try to push together!"

Song Yijin was pushing the line of soldiers in his tower before going on the road. After hearing this, he immediately operated Yasuo to use EQ three times, five and divide two to clear out the minions, and walked towards the middle road.

TheShy was originally in a state of doing nothing. At first, he was waiting for the line in the bottom lane, but when he saw Song Jinghao slowly hoarding lines there, and the IG lower jungle area was completely occupied by enemies, he did not dare to run inside.

Now that he heard that his teammates needed him, he immediately ran over with his heavy sword.

However, Jiang Chenglu did not dare to go directly through the enemy's heavily guarded lower field area. He could only go around in a circle and go from the second tower to the middle road, which more or less delayed a little time.

So much so that when the Sword Demon arrived next to his teammates, Song Jinghao, who was hoarding lanes in the bottom lane, had already organized the lanes into what he wanted.

"Jace may come to the middle at any time, I'll stand lower down," Liu Qingsong spoke faster and gave instructions, "You guys lean up!"

As Braum, he can use the security door to block Jace's reinforced cannon, effectively reducing the opponent's threat.

TheShy dragon team had a taste of the sweetness, and instead of standing together with their teammates, they crossed the upper river and went straight to the opponent's jungle area.

Through the enemy's previous invasion of the jungle, Jiang Chenglu was convinced that the opponent had no extra energy to arrange the upper half of the map's vision. Only then did he dare to go deep into the enemy's territory without blinking, and came to hide around the Sharp Beak Camp. .

After Song Yijin's Yasuo also came to the middle, IG was all ready and tried to launch an offensive towards the VG middle tower.

Thanks to the presence of the small cannon and the happy man, the team cleared the line very quickly, clearing a wave of lines in just a few seconds.

Lin Weixiang attached E [Explosive Spark] to the enemy's middle tower, using high-speed basic attacks to reduce the turret's health.

Seeing that IG was trying hard to pull out the middle tower, Gu Xing naturally refused to give in easily.

"Chaowei, go around in a circle from behind and go back to the middle...Maibo, let's hit it with one shot!"

Song Jinghao had just arrived from the bottom lane. No doubt he was there, and with a powerful cannon, he passed through the acceleration gate and reached directly in front of the enemy army!

The strong and powerful voice of the hero spread to everyone's ears.

"Stand behind Bronn!"

Bronn raised the security door and accurately blocked the electromagnetic gun coming from the side!

With the help of the skill mechanism, he and the friendly forces behind him didn't even take a single bit of damage!

But this is what Gu Xing wants.

"Clear the troops, clear the troops!" He raised his voice to urge his teammates, and he and Jace walked out of the grass below the center.

However, due to the position of the troops gathered in the first tower of VG, the positions of the two Ueno and wild players were blocked by each other, and they were unable to go directly to join their teammates.

But he doesn't need to find frontal teammates at all, he just needs to stand here and provide continuous deterrence to the opponent.

Liu Qingsong did not dare to retreat hastily and change positions - if Bronn gave way, the three IG midfielders behind would face direct threats from Blind Sin and Jess!

Braun's energy was tied up, and the security door went into cooling down after being raised briefly. IG's front side will lose the key force to protect the line of soldiers.

Chaowei Syndra, who rushed back to the middle, used Q followed by W to clear up the artillery line. Song Yijin saw that there was not much left in the artillery line. After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't bear to hand over the wind wall, thinking that it was used to protect so few. Minions are really not worth it.

Immediately afterwards, Jack dealt with all the remaining minions with an Icathian Rainstorm!

IG had no troops to push forward, so everyone could only give up in frustration and temporarily withdraw from the enemy's turret range.

After the explosion sparks of the small cannon took effect, the VG tower still had more than half of its health left!

The Extreme Team's offense stalled!

TheShy stood in the enemy's Sharpbill camp, but his eyes were focused on the bottom lane.

Song Jinghao had previously accumulated two and a half waves of troops, but now they are inside the second tower under IG and are being eaten away by the turrets!

Judging from the current timeline, these two and a half waves of soldiers with artillery carts are worth 400 yuan, and Jiang Chenglu will not only lose the soldiers, but also take away a lot of blood from the second tower!

This is simply unacceptable to TheShy, who usually loves development!

He couldn't help but urge his teammates, "Can we start a group game? Otherwise, I will be defeated!"

Jiang Chenglu also deliberately emphasized his tone.

King Ning was extremely anxious.

How could he not know that the bottom lane was burning?

The move to advance VG's mid-tower was pushed back by Gu Xing and others' near-perfect pulling tactics, but in the end they received almost no profit!

If Liu Qingsong had not been hooked by VG Ueno and forced out of the security door, VG's double C would not have dared to use skills to clear the line under the tower so wildly just now. Braun could create countless attacks for the opponent with his shield forward and hard top. Threat!

Prince Ning was always irritable and reckless, and when VG used Tai Chi to get his hair done, he became furious.

"Start the team, start the team!" He pretended to be calm and retreated backwards, then suddenly turned around and threw R [Exploding Barrel] towards the three people in the VG tower!

The tumbling hops look so powerful!

As long as three people can be blasted, Yasuo can use his ultimate move, and the flanking Sword Demon can definitely destroy the enemy's formation!

However, the moment King Ning launched his ultimate move, Syndra suddenly unleashed dark energy.

The weak retreat!

The majestic energy easily pushed the magic ball on the ground far away, hitting Lin Weixiang accurately, causing the opponent to enter a long-lasting dizzy state!

Song Yijin kept a certain distance from his own shooter and had no time to cast the wind wall. He could only watch Lin Weixiang being controlled!

Fortunately, the barrel's ultimate move hit three people, and Rookie pressed the R key without thinking!

The violent wind cuts off the breath!

The Sword Demon squatting on the side suddenly spread his wings. E [Shadow Charge] crossed the wall of the Sharp Beak Camp and came to the middle of VG. Q1 slashed towards the three enemies!

TheShy's appearance is like a god descending to earth, making the sword demon full of intimidation!

"Lao Gu!!" Jack shouted, his voice extremely high-pitched.

Gu Xing whispered softly, "Don't scream, don't scream..."

His attention was completely focused on the battlefield. Q first hung on the immobile cannon, and at the same time, he used W [Golden Bell] to come to Chaowei's side.

The raptor swings its tail!

The blind monk raised his foot and aimed at the sword demon!

It's okay to show off your power in the river. Is there a place where you can stay under my tower?

Where did it come from? Go back to where it came from!

Before Aatrox could swing his second sword, Li Qing kicked him and sent him back to the Sharpbill camp!

TheShy secretly said it was going to be worse.

Although the Shadow Rush at this time is an energy storage version, it has a built-in CD in between.

Being sent over the wall by the blind monk means that in the next 3 seconds, he will not be able to re-enter the field without flashing!

"Kill Xiaopao!" Gu Xing gave the death order to his teammates.

Needless to say, Song Jinghao was the first to rush forward, cut into the shape of a hammer and struck Lin Weixiang with his hammer!

However, Gao Zhenning's reaction was just as quick, and he used meat, eggs, green onions, and chicken to pick Jace out of his belly, successfully protecting Xiao Pao.

But he forgot one thing.

Lin Weixiang has the Tianyinbo mark hanging above his head.

As soon as Gu Xing kicked the sword demon away, he triggered the second echo attack and rushed forward!

Even though Liu Qingsong's Braum used R [Glacier Fissure] to knock him away as soon as he landed a basic attack, the effect was already achieved.

Xiao Pao only has less than 40% of his health left!

Gu Xing's output can only be described as terrifying!

All this is due to the luxurious equipment he accumulated in the early stage and the excessive layers of Dark Harvest.

With two pieces of attack equipment, the warrior jungle knife and the black cutter, coupled with a full 200 layers of dark harvest, Gu Xing can cause nearly 500 points of damage to the cannon with just one punch after landing!

Nothing beats One Punch Man!

Lin Weixiang was startled. He first used R [Ultimate Shot] to push Jace away, and then used Rocket Jump to escape to the side - this way he could avoid being interrupted by the opponent's thunder blow.

But his operation delayed a lot of time.

Chaowei used his treasured flash from the last wave of dragon team battles, and after approaching the cannon, QR poured out all the damage!

Syndra, who Zheng Zhixun has been honing for a long time, finally showed its effectiveness again at this moment, and his ability to control the battlefield situation was clearly visible!

Although there is Yasuo behind him and Sword Demon on the side, Chaowei knows very well that as long as he can kill the cannon instantly, the enemy will not have any means to counterattack!

"Nice!" Gu Xing couldn't help but praise loudly when he saw the energy pouring into the cannon.

The battlefield situation was urgent and changing rapidly. He didn't have time to tell his teammates one by one how to operate. He could only issue a relatively vague instruction to "kill the cannon". The specific execution depended on the wishes of his teammates.

If Chaowei is far away from him and does not participate in the encirclement and suppression, then Lin Weixiang will run away, which will cause endless troubles for VG!

However, Chovy, who has an indecisive personality, showed rare decisiveness and chose to flash forward to inflict damage. This move certainly made Gu Xing highly praised.

Five magic balls were poured into the cannon one after another. Bron, whose security door was cooling down, and Broiler, who was being controlled by Duan Deliang's taunts under the VG tower, were powerless. They could only watch the cannon girl being stuffed with balls!

A wailing sound came, and Tristana died suddenly in the air!

The situation is now clear.

The IG battlefield is cut into three parts. Nosuke is in the area near the midline, the top laner Sword Demon is in the Sharpbeak camp, and the mid laner Yasuo is under the tower.

It can be said to be broken into pieces!

"Jack, don't worry, let's seduce him first!" Gu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to spare the energy to speak long sentences.

Yu Wenbo understood this, and with the help of auxiliary cover, King Qin walked around the pillar under the tower, avoiding Yasuo's slashes, and then used the void projectile to intimidate the enemy.

When the Sword Demon used the second stage of E to come through the wall again, he suddenly used R [Hunter Instinct], and flew forward with the help of the plasma effect provided by Jace's Thunder Strike hammering the wine barrel!

Under the encirclement and suppression of the four VG players, IG Nosuke wanted to deal with damage but not with output, wanted to be frank but not frank, and was completely unable to resist!

During this period, Gu Xing played an important role. He picked up the soul from Xiaopao's corpse and reset the Dark Harvest, reducing the health of the wine barrel by 1/4 with just one punch!

To put it bluntly, the output of the critical hit ADC is nothing more than this!

One Punch Man Gu Xing accelerated Beer Man's death speed, used Sky Thunder Break to increase his attack speed and killed him, then absorbed 6 layers of souls, and threw the Sky Sound Wave towards Braum!

Follow up with another punch!

"Good guy, Brother Xing has turned the blind monk into a melee version of Draven!" Watanaru yelled, shouting wantonly on the commentary stage, "Punch to the flesh, IG can't bear his damage!"

Gu Xing's three punches alone produced nearly 1,500 points of output. You can imagine how destructive Dark Harvest Li Qing is!

After Bronn was killed, countless spectators could see clearly that the victory of the team battle between the two sides was decided!

"So handsome!" Shen Guanshan's face flushed with excitement, either because of the cold wind or because VG won the team battle, and let out a high-pitched scream.

This is not obtrusive.

The VG fans who were worried before were finally able to lift the huge stone that was weighing on their hearts and let themselves go to give the home team huge cheers!

The Wenhe Arena was filled with the excitement of VC!

"Rookie didn't give up resistance. He built up strong winds to blow Syndra away, trying to replace the enemy hero..." Miller increased his speaking speed, and his mood also rose, "But Jack still has a healing spell in his hand! "

The increased blood volume made Song Yijin extremely desperate.

Because for him to get close to Syndra was like putting himself in the face of the blind monk, ready to be slaughtered!

Li Qingping A was in extreme pain!

Can you handle this punch with twenty years of skill?

Song Yijin was extremely desperate, seeing that Sindra had only a trace of health left, but he was killed by the blind monk!

"TheShy is the only one left!" I remember holding the commentary table with both hands and roaring with all my strength, "The Sword Demon wanted to hide in a safe corner and return to the city, but Brother Xing had no intention of letting him go. He touched his eyes and moved forward to close the distance. Throw out the Tianyin Wave!"

Jiang Chenglu twisted his waist left and right in an attempt to dodge.

Having used up both E Shadow Rushes, he could only use this unpretentious way to evade the skills.

However, Gu Xing's touch was hot, and the Tianyin wave was like turning on the lock technology, hitting the sword demon accurately!

The blind monk triggered the second stage of Q and flew over, and his entire body transformed into a silver dragon on the way!

I opened the sky with one punch and transformed into a dragon!

"The blind monk is no match for him in a face-to-face duel on Sword Demon Theory. The third stage of Q barely managed to cut off half of Brother Xing's health, and then he was put into the blood pool resurrection state..." The mouth I remember is like a Gatling gun. He kept spouting words, "But after he got up, Brother Xing's Tianyin Wave had already turned around again!"

Gu Xing casually took away the sword demon's life with one punch!

Quadra kill!

The cold and ruthless tone of the announcer echoed heavily in Wenhe Stadium, and was immediately overwhelmed by the wave of enthusiasm of the 50,000 people present!

"Brother Xing with four kills, VG won a great victory, playing zero for five!" Miller hissed, "I can't believe it, they actually won this team battle without Shen's ultimate move!"

Duan Deliang's ultimate move finally turned around at this moment.

This is also the reason why IG dared to break off the team decisively. Without R, it stands to reason that the Extreme team should easily cut to the back row of VG. After entering the top and middle single line, they can defeat everything and win!

However, the entire team battle took a dramatic turn because of Gu Xing's key kick!

"VG has reestablished its advantage, and it can even be said to be a victory!" Wawa couldn't control his passionate emotions, and his voice was sonorous and powerful, "The Baron is about to refresh, they can push IG's mid-tower and then take down the Baron, one after another. Take advantage of the economic advantage!"

When the members of the Ji team heard the roar of the dragon's death, they knew that the situation was over.

They still face the disadvantage of short range. Only small cannons in the team can stably clear the line at long range.

How can this lineup face the enemy's push with the Baron BUFF?

There is no solution at all!

IG retreated steadily, and finally waited until King Ning's ultimate move improved, throwing it out to try to threaten the enemy's back row, and then linked up with Song Yijin.

As a result, Happy Feng Man just flew up, and Gu Xing used QARQ's smooth combos, combined with Jace's one shot to kill Yasuo instantly!

The core member of the team was killed first, and the team had no resistance in the team fight. In the end, Jack was too reckless. In order to deal damage, he rushed into the back row and forced R into the range of the incisor tower, and then gave IG a head.

"One for five, VG won the team battle again, they can end the game in one wave!" Miller shouted loudly, "2:1, the championship point is in hand!"

"In the next two rounds, VG only needs to win one game to achieve the unprecedented Triple Crown achievement and win the Summoner's Trophy!"

The venue was filled with excitement!

While Shen Guanshan applauded everyone in VG who left the soundproof room, he tapped his armpits twice with his elbows, imitating Kobe's classic moves.

"How's it going? I said VG can definitely win!" She looked at Gu Xing's back, her eyes shining brightly.

"Niu Niu Niu..." Gu Pan fiddled with his elbow unconvinced.

The next second, she felt something was wrong with her elbow, and her cheeks were stained with a hint of flying clouds.

"What's wrong?" Gu's mother asked curiously when she saw that her expression was wrong.

"It's okay, it's okay," Gu Pan shook his head like a rattle, "It's so cold that I'm freezing!"

The reason was reasonable and reasonable, but Mother Gu didn't think about it in detail. She turned around and gave her son two cheers.

Although Gu Xing most likely couldn't hear it, she didn't care.

Wawa looked at the players from both sides leaving the field, her heart slowly dropped, and she felt like she still had something to say.

"The third game between the two sides was fought from start to finish. After every team battle, they did not mourn for the death of their teammates for a moment. They immediately rushed to the next battlefield, focusing on one violent one!" He was filled with emotion, "It's really true. In the global finals, the highest stage of League of Legends, the characteristics of the LPL region will be brought into full play!"

"That's right, in just 25 minutes of the game, both sides actually managed 34 kills," Miller looked at the post-game panel and was stunned for a moment, "The blood level was ridiculously high!"

I remember being attracted by the weird numbers in the damage bar chart, "Hey, brother Xing, what on earth is this blind monk doing?"

"Li Qing can actually produce an output of 22080?" I remember being stunned, "Isn't this really a damage modifier?"

There were also constant exclamations from the audience.

As we all know, the blind monk is very difficult to deal damage, and it is very easy to produce all kinds of weird output numbers.

Even though the level of blood in this game was very high, and there was no pause in the fight, Gu Xing's damage of up to 2W was still incredible!

Looking at the entire audience, Blind Sin's output is only slightly lower than VG Double C, far ahead of everyone at IG!

"The average output exceeds the 800 mark," Miller exclaimed, "I can only say that this is the owner of the championship skin!"

"The MVP of this game..." When Wawa saw the makeup photo given by the director, he felt reassured, "There is no doubt that it must be Brother Xing!"

"The exaggerated damage numbers, the perfect and smooth rhythm in the early stage, and the fatal kick that destroyed IG's comeback hope in the mid-term, the MVP is well deserved!"

The average damage per point on 13/2/6 was 880, the group participation rate was 100%, the damage conversion rate was 5%, and the average number of wards was 07...

Data is extremely luxurious!

The LPL live broadcast room was packed with people.

As VG won the championship point, the number of viewers on all major platforms reached a new level, and barrage flooded the audience!

[I just said that champion skin +10 points of attack power, how come some of you still don’t believe it? 】

[I like to be honest, the Blind Sin’s 2W damage was at least 5,000 due to Dark Harvest]

[It should be about the same. I remember that during the last wave of the group, the blind monk’s dark harvest level reached 300. He couldn’t kill a cow with one punch? 】

[This is how Yasuo's team battle ended. He was punched away by the blind monk before he even landed. It was really a bit embarrassing]

[Knead it, is this the blind monk? Holy monk! 】

[VG is going to win the championship! If IG understands the situation, they will surrender and give the championship to VG. After all, everyone works in the LPL. In the future, we will not see each other again, and it is not good if the relationship is too tense]

[Those who saw Chaowei choosing Syndra before, come out and speak! 】

[Ooooooo, blue cat, I’m sorry, I was too loud before]

In the VG lounge, Gu Xing patted Chaowei on the head affectionately.

"Well done, Blue Cat!"

In his opinion, Chaowei Bureau successfully carried out its mission.

The line relied on the proficiency of the first-level team and its own hero to successfully hold off the broiler. In the mid-term team battle in the middle, first used the weak to retreat to control the small cannon to prevent the enemy from receiving damage immediately, and then used the flash QR to pour out All outputs kill the enemy's back row instantly.

The overall performance is perfect!

Hearing Gu Xing's praise, Zheng Zhixun grinned and grinned, "No way, Brother Xing, you commanded well..."

He was afraid that his praise would be too general, so he specifically pointed out, "Especially in the team battle in the middle, your kick on the Sword Demon was so cool!"

"It's just so so," Gu Xing felt very satisfied. On the surface, he waved his hands and said modestly, "It's just a basic operation."

Even though there was no VG vision in the F6 camp at that time, Gu Xing could easily find out where Jiang Chenglu was hiding through a simple elimination method and had already prepared in advance.

He squatted down below just to lure TheShy into taking the bait.

As long as the sword demon dares to cross the wall, Gu Xing can immediately rush to his teammates and just kick him!

"Everyone should work harder and try to win the next game." Hongmi's face was bright red, but he still managed to stay calm.

"The next game is easy," Jack smiled, "We are on the blue side. Doesn't Lao Gu have another way to deal with the IG Sword Demon? If you choose it, you will win!"

"Don't let your guard down!" Hong Mi quickly scolded with a straight face, "Think about how we lost to the Xiaolong Group. Don't let down your guard and stretch your strings until the moment you flatten the enemy base!"

"Don't worry, have the champagne ready and waiting to hold the glass." Gu Xing was full of confidence.

The right to choose sides is back in his hands, and he is full of confidence in the subsequent game!

Not long after, the VG training department returned to the soundproof room and started BP for the fourth set.

"VG came to the blue side in this game. There was no suspense about the three ban positions in the first round. They sent Qinggangying, Luo and Jayce to the ban position, while IG banned Akali and Xin Zhao, and finally made up for it. Yasuo is used to ban the super powerful hero pool!" Miller quickly explained the BP situation to the audience.

"VG's first pick was very decisive, and they directly got the sword demon in their hands!"

Jin Jingzhu didn't hesitate. They were already prepared and banned Yasuo early in order to choose the sword girl!

One hand swing is specifically used to target Aatrox, and then grab Kai'Sa instead of banning.

However, the moment IG locked the sword girl, the five players in the VG soundproof room all laughed out loud.

The plan goes through!

WE is so good, this lineup has no effect at all.

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