What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 725 725: God Zhao Yun!

"Lin Weixiang didn't react yet?" Wawa was very surprised, "I didn't hand in any life-saving skills. This wave of mistakes is so inappropriate!"

The director will give playback in due course.

After reading it, the doll wisely closed its mouth.

Starting from Xin Zhao's R flash, the chain of control was endless, and even the ID above Lin Weixiang's head was replaced by being knocked away!

Even if you want to hand over life-saving skills, you can't!

"What I have to admire is that the control connection of VG's jungle combination is just right," Miller lamented. "Their hard control ability is not too strong, but their cooperation is too tacit and they do not give the other party any room to escape!"

"After Lin Weixiang was killed in battle twice in a row, Xia's current development has been greatly delayed by Jack's Bomber!"

According to the real-time economic total of the players shown in the data panel, Bomb Monster relies on the economy provided by the two heads and the first-blood tower to lead the match by up to 1,000 yuan!

“VG’s strategic implementation has not been a failure so far,” I remember also chiming in. “The core of this Poke system is to fatten up the middle and lower double C. As long as the rhythm of pushing towers is not affected, the vanguard is not that bad. important."

"Now that the bottom tower is demolished, Bomberman can naturally start switching lanes and continue to advance, extracting economy for the entire VG team!"

Wawa analyzed the situation from IG's perspective, "For IG, the only good news is that the road is about to be cleared!"

"King Ning got the Canyon Pioneer and saw that Brother Xing had been working around the duo in the bottom lane, so he decisively went to the top lane and released the Pioneer, hoping to help Theshy attack Maibo again!"

Smeb is a veteran after all. It is unrealistic to catch him and fight for a breakthrough. This time, we learned from previous experiences and lessons and retreated in a very timely manner.

Jiang Chenglu also wanted to use R [Beyond the Fear of Death] to slow down and control the sword demon from a long distance, but Song Jinghao had already been on guard and used the big destroyer to speed up and twist around to avoid it easily!

In the end, IG just bulldozed the previous tower and failed to get a kill.

The two sides have officially entered the mid-term. Since both teams' side towers have been bulldozed, the duo directly comes to the middle to line up, and the top laner switches to the bottom mid laner to the top lane, entering the final stage of the transformation period.

"But Chaowei didn't get any advantage in the lane today," remember to pay attention to the remaining health of the first tower on both sides and the number of last hits from the mid laner. "With Jace, a hero with super strength in the early stage, he didn't lead in the last hit. Even the defense tower has only been worn down a little bit..."

The current Jace is not the Five who was killed by the designer later. He has to transition to the mid-to-late stage to have sufficient damage. The current Piltover Second Battalion Commander does not even shed tears of the goddess, but uses Youmu + Black Cut. / Curtain Blade + Resurrection Armor This set of configuration plans focuses on a pure output of violence. It is an ultimate hero in the early and mid-term treasure hunting. The further it is delayed, the more useless it becomes!

In this case, Chaowei couldn't even suppress the broiler, which shows that there is still a gap in the laning strength between the two sides!

But Gu Xing had no idea.

The Blue Cat is already the leading mid laner in the lane today. Playing against Xiaohu is almost like a joke, but as a result, he will only suffer defeat when he encounters Song Yijin!

This can only prove that Rookie's current laning level is superb and he is truly the only one in the world!

After the lane change began, VG's three-lane troop situation became extremely advantageous in the middle lane, with a small advantage in the top lane, and a huge disadvantage in the bottom lane.

After a brief thought, he knew that Gu Xing's most reasonable plan was to create trouble around the Ueno area.

But the problem is that there are no resources. This version of the Pioneer will not be reborn. A new overlord will not arrive in Dalong Pit until 20 minutes.

At best, Gu Xing can counter two groups of wild monsters, but this is not the early stage. The income he can earn from a simple wild area invasion is very limited - after all, he does not choose a wild core hero, and Xin Zhao has a relatively high demand for wild monsters. The quantity is not large.

And if the position is captured by the enemy's field of vision in advance, King Ning can easily attack around TheShy in the bottom lane. In the end, the gain outweighs the loss!

After thinking about it, Gu Xing simply stood still and acted as a bodyguard around the middle while farming and developing. He wanted to wait for King Ning to attack first and then strike first himself.

Gao Zhenning's reckless character was here, so naturally he couldn't bear the loneliness, and launched an offensive when the game reached 13 minutes.

The finger continues to be pointed at Smeb!

Lift the curtain...

Amid the murmurs of nightmares, the sky in the canyon was getting dark, and Nocturne charged towards the Sword Demon with murderous intent all over his body!

Song Jinghao realized something was wrong immediately, and he quickly retreated while he was chopping down the soldiers in front of the tower.

Nightmare flew to him and used E [Silent Fear], and Smeb immediately used E + flash to pull away.

But King Ning followed decisively without hesitation, ensuring that the fear would not be broken!

Smeb, who retreated to the bottom of the tower, still could not escape his terrible fate. The sword demon began to move randomly and sway out of control.

TheShy shoots cooldown R again!

The alchemical warhead accurately hit the sword demon's body, and Song Jinghao felt like he had fallen into an ice cave!

He originally planned to use the next tower to counterattack, trying to get the tower father to fire a few more shots to help replace at least one person.

Unexpectedly, Crab's ultimate move improved so quickly, completely disrupting his plan!

Smeb is powerless to counterattack!

Because Sword Demon was weakened in version 16 used in the playoffs, the cooldown of Level 1 R [Destruction] was increased to 160 seconds. Even if you have [Caulfield's Warhammer] to reduce the CD, it still takes nearly two seconds. Divide it in half!

At this moment, there are still about 20 seconds until things get better!

IG Ueno obviously had a plan in advance, and they were targeting the period when the Sword Demon's combat power was weak!

It can only be said that the information gap is crucial.

Smeb has never played Crab, let alone him. Most players and professional players have never been exposed to Urgot. At most, they know the skill set, but if you ask about the specific cooldown of each skill, you know nothing!

If Song Jinghao knew that Crab's level 1 ultimate move only took two minutes to get better, he would definitely be more vigilant and be wary of his opponent's possible tower hopping!

But he didn't know it, and he wanted to rely on the defense tower to make progress with a sense of luck. Unexpectedly, he became a victim of poor information!

As mentioned before, the sword demon who has not been destroyed is not fleshy.

Crab E rushed forward to carry him back, fired a few shots with W and knocked Aatrox down to less than 1/4 health, and pulled back with his second ultimate move, successfully killing Smeb!

Looking at the frightening special effects of chains filling the screen, Song Jinghao sighed helplessly.

He never thought that he would be beaten into such a mess by the hidden move crab that IG took out!

There was even more debate in the live broadcast room barrage.

[WDNMD, isn’t this crab too bad? The killing mechanism of the ultimate move is like NT, specifically disgusting sword demons]

[Okay, okay, I will play Crab to get high scores when I get back. Now the ranked matches are full of Sword Demon Dogs, nimensidingle! 】

[TheShy pretended to be successful. He was talking trash before the game and wanted to use operations to bring Maibo back to reality. He really did what he said]

[Mai ÷, can you please stop sending me away? I’ll kill you as fast as you send me away, torturing your teammates, right? 】

[Smeb, this sword demon is as bad as Letme! 】

[After beating Emperor Rang, you were taken over by Emperor Rang? Yes, give it away! 】

[It’s so embarrassing to let me offend Letme. They really didn’t give it to me. If it were him, he would have retreated to the second tower and started to shut himself in.]

After Gu Xing learned from Song Jinghao that the Nightmare was attacking the bottom lane, he immediately thought of a countermeasure and planned to start a defensive counterattack to retaliate.

The destination is the middle road!

Duan Deliang's performance turned better, but after the laning period ended, the distance between the two teams was appropriately widened.

Just because the ownership of the line rights has come to an end, no matter how hard Xia Luo exerts his strength, it will be difficult to snatch the line rights from the equipped bomb monster.

Xiangsong and Song simply waited for the army line to push over before seeking to clean up. Naturally, they would not insist on fighting against the VG duo knowing that they could not beat them.

So much so that Duan Deliang's E-dodge now doesn't have enough distance to control the enemy!

Normally, Gu Xing could only cover the artillery troops that arrived in the middle at 12 minutes and 57 seconds after the duo pushed out the artillery troops to prevent the enemy Xialuo from quickly clearing out the artillery troops and seek to destroy the enemy's mid-tower HP. pose an appropriate threat.

But having Jack in VG is like having a treasure in the family!

He really dares to open a group!

The bomb monster flashes forward and throws E [Hex Explosion Minefield] at the feet of the enemy duo!

Bomberman's E skill has a maximum range of 900 yards, and with the flash, it can reach a full 1,300 yards, which is basically the limit of the hero's field of vision!

Xiangsong and the two were unable to defend themselves. After stepping into the minefield, their pace was slow and it was difficult to retreat in time!

Liu Qingsong can move with W [Grand Appearance] in his hand, but his ultimate has a long cooldown and will take a while to recover. If he uses his only control skills for escape, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to selling Lin Weixiang!

He didn't know what to do for a moment, being disgusted to death by Bomberman's minefield.

You are shameless, right? How many times have you come to arrest me?

Liu Qingsong became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and finally grew evil.

"TheShy, prepare to TP!" He shouted loudly, "We can cover the entire opposite side!"

Jiang Chenglu, who was happily demolishing the tower with crab legs in the bottom lane, heard his teammates' arrangements and quickly cut the screen to observe the teleportation eye position.

Because VG wanted to kill Xialuo combination in front of the first tower in IG, the position was relatively forward, and TheShy found a suitable TP position without any effort.

The eye position is in the grass below the middle road, which was arranged by Liu Qingsong earlier.

Although the enemy duo firmly occupies the center line, the number of real eyes is still insufficient. They are often placed in the grass above and below the river to prevent enemy raids. In the grass near the middle, only artificial eyes are used to ensure the most basic vision. .

It is this habit that gives TheShy the teleportation eye that can reach the battlefield as quickly as possible!

"The nest is coming too!" The broiler chicken is not far behind.

So far in the game, Song Yijin has not participated in any kills, and now his hands are itchy and eager to fight.

He chose Ryze to carry teleportation, which is not popular among mid-range units in the current version, so he naturally had to make some achievements!

At this moment, the battle in the middle lane is already very fierce.

After the Xiangsong duo learned that their teammates were about to arrive on the battlefield, they began to deliberately love fighting and lure the enemy into traps.

When Duan Deliang cautiously rushed forward and used E to taunt, Lin Weixiang calmly handed over R [Storm Feather Blade], eliminating the possibility of the enemy's E flashing to follow and control forcibly.

Lay down feathers all over the floor, wait for Gu Xing's E [Fearless Charge] to hit Luo, and then flash to the side to avoid being swept back by the opponent's R Crescent Guard again.

At the same time, he operated Kasumi and let out a light scold, using E [Barb] to pull back all the feathers!

No VG Nosuke who was closer to him was spared, and they were all imprisoned in place!

"TTT!" Liu Qingsong communicated in the most concise and comprehensive terms.

IG's single-player line all found teleportation locations and immediately handed over TP simultaneously, eager to participate in the battle in the middle!

When Gu Xing saw the scarlet teleportation light shining in the grass under the middle road, he knew something was wrong.

"Pull back first," he commanded his teammates calmly, "I am at the rear, you don't have to be afraid!"

Just now, Xia Xiajiao moved to the side of Gu Xing. Although he avoided being swept back by Xin Zhao's big move and surrounded by the three people in VG's lower field, the price was that Lin Weixiang's feather barb did not cause too much damage to Gu Xing, and it was just a restraint. .

Therefore, Gu Xing was not in a hurry to save his life by enrolling in the university, and regained his freedom and chose to hit Xia's face first.

What he caught was Lin Weixiang's flash ultimate move and barbs all entering the cooldown stage, hoping to intimidate Crispy Xia!

Although he lost some development in the early stage due to his inability to crouch in the jungle, with the two successful ganks of the Xiangsong duo and being allocated a first-blood tower economy, Gu Xing's combat effectiveness has already fully caught up!

If Lin Weixiang ignores him, Xin Zhao can kill him in an instant by using a set of skills called Challenge and Punishment and combining it with the explosive monster's ultimate move!

As expected, Big Eyebrow did not dare to let Gu Xing touch his face, so he hurriedly took small steps to the back - Xin Zhao didn't dodge E anyway, so he had to rely on walking to close the distance. Lin Weixiang only needed to walk to avoid the opponent's attack for the time being. pursuit.

Liu Qingsong had a perfect tacit understanding with him. When he saw Gu Xing stepping forward to threaten Lin Weixiang, he immediately handed over his newly converted R [Jingxiao Gap], hoping to charm Xin Zhao and create output space for his teammates.

However, Gu Xing's queen plan was successfully implemented.

Duan Deliang relied on his step to force Lin Weixiang back, and gained a few moments of breathing space. He quickly flashed upwards and escaped from the battlefield with his remaining health far away!

Big eyebrows that don’t flash can’t catch up at all!

Liu Qingsong does have dodge and W, but it is a bit too much for him to use too many skills to chase down a support with residual health in the ultimate state.

He also knew very well that his mission was to keep people in front of him, and try to drag the friendly forces to the ground to launch an encirclement and suppression. Therefore, he flashed across the minefield previously laid by Bomberman, W [Grand Appearance], rushed under Jack, and interrupted the opponent. Use ricochet to retreat and escape!

By the way, put ignition on the bomb monster to lower the blood volume.

Jack was flying in the sky when he saw the two villains Crab and Ryze landing in the grass below!

"Lao Gu, save me!" Yu Wenbo shouted for support.

He didn't flash, and his only displacement skill was interrupted by Luo just now. If he was caught by the opponent, he would definitely be dead!

"I know, just run away..." Gu Xing tried to calm his teammates down.

Even though he was suffering from Kasumi's feather thrusts.

Lin Weixiang couldn't deal with the fleeing Duan Deliang, so he vented all his anger on Gu Xing. Fortunately, Big Eyebrow 0/2 started with poor equipment and the damage was not particularly terrible. Gu Xing could barely withstand it and still chose not to use his ultimate move.

After escaping from Luo's charm, Gu Xing retreated straight back, just in time to bump into the enemy's middle and upper men who were killing Jack.

Only then did he wave the spear in his hand vigorously!

R【Crescent Guard】!

With a slight scolding, Gu Xing swept TheShy and Song Yijin back to the grass near the teleportation point!

These two people were not the only ones who were knocked away.

And Liu Qingsong!

Xin Zhao's challenge mark is currently applied to the last hero with E skills and basic attacks, and lasts only 3 seconds.

Gu Xing just tried to E to Luo's side to bring Lin Weixiang back, but he was dodged by Big Eyebrow's prejudgment. What followed was a 5-second long teleport to the ground when the enemy's upper middle handed over the guidance.

Just think about it and you will know that the mark of challenge hanging on Luo's body has long disappeared!

Liu Qingsong happened to be right next to Jack's bomb monster, and Gu Xing swept it closer and closer to the VG middle tower with one shot of his spear, away from the other IG members!

"Just kill Luo!" Gu Xing shouted, urging Jack.

In fact, he didn't need to say anything, Yu Wenbo would never let go of any output opportunity, and all QRs came out to make a high-volume explosion!

Liu Qingsong came to his senses and tried to retreat but was unable to do anything!

Although I still have E [Dancing in Pairs] in my hand, there are no teammates around me to rely on.

The upper middle was swept away by Xin Zhao, and the shooter was still in the rear!

He could only watch as Bomberman's explosive damage bloomed on his body!

The output of Tianhu's explosive monster should not be underestimated. With two skills, Liu Qingsong was reduced to residual health!

Gu Xing added another W [Wind Cut Electric Stab], and Luo, who was not strong, died on the spot!

"Get out, get out," Gu Xing told Jack to run away, "Don't worry about me!"

Yu Wenbo recalled the scene where his jungler sacrificed his life to save him, and he almost burst into tears. He turned back three times and wanted to wait for Gu Xing to die in battle before crying out in mourning.

But what happened next left him stunned.

IG became anxious when they saw that their team was unable to encircle and suppress them, and instead their opponent took the lead in killing an auxiliary.

Shen and Bomberman escaped one after another, and as far as they could see, only Xin Zhao was left!

All the hatred was focused on Gu Xing, but the three of them were still some distance away from Xin Zhao, and Ju Hua

TheShy first used Q [Corrosive Charge] to try to slow down the opponent, but Gu Xing moved at a right angle and easily twisted away.

However, Jiang Chenglu was very thoughtful and deliberately used the corrosive charge to predict Gu Xing's retreat.

In order to avoid the skill, Gu Xing could only run towards the enemy.

Broiler stepped forward, EW restricted Gu Xing in place, delayed it until the duration of Xin Zhao's Crescent Guard expired, and then started trying to output again!

Urgot used E [Contempt] to lift Gu Xing behind him, and kept bombarding Xin Zhao with his crab legs.

But Gu Xing could barely withstand it.

From the beginning of the battle to now, he has taken advantage of Luo's ultimate attack output and the poorly developed Xia's three feather barbs and several basic attacks. Naturally, his blood volume is very healthy!

Lin Weixiang was afraid of having more nightmares, so he wanted to step forward to deal with the opponent, trying to kill Xin Zhao quickly and vent the anger accumulated in his heart.

Makes you like to catch labor?

I have to kill you today!

But what Gu Xing was waiting for was for Xia to move forward!

As we all know, Kasumi has short hands and a shooting range of only 525 yards.

And Xin Zhao's E [Fearless Charge] has a range of 600 yards!

In other words, as long as Xia dares to attack him, Gu Xing can stab him!

Without saying a word, he poked Lin Weixiang with IG's mid-range output!

Immediately he picked up the spear and stabbed Kasumi wildly with Q [Triple Claw Strike]!

Miller on the commentary desk continued to speak faster as the battle intensified.

"Lin Weixiang quickly used his W basic attack to connect with QE, trying to hit Xin Zhao with a barb to trap him in place...but Brother Xing's triple claw attack had already fired the first two shots. Even if he was imprisoned, he could carry Xia away!"

Moreover, before Xia's small burst of attacks hit him, Gu Xing put Challenge Punishment on Lin Weixiang one step ahead, reducing the enemy's damage and adding real damage to his own attacks.

Xia's body couldn't withstand the torment, and her blood volume dropped by more than half in an instant!

After landing, Gu Xing had also escaped from the imprisoned state and continued to pursue Lin Weixiang with the high movement speed provided by triggering phase rush!

IG didn't expect that something unexpected happened, but Gu Xing dared to fight back, and was at a loss for a while.

Both of them had surrendered their only control skills, and could no longer connect the barbs to replenish the control chain. They could only watch Gu Xing cripple Xia!

Using the mechanism of reducing the cooldown of small skills by 1 second for each triple claw attack, Gu Xing dragged W [Wind Slash and Electric Sting] to get better, exaggerating the damage and taking away Xia's life!

"Another one!" Watanabe couldn't believe it, "All the IG duo died in the middle!"

"I thought it was a siege against VG, but now IG is in an even more embarrassing situation!" He said the reason in a loud voice, "It's so powerful!"

Chovy did not bring teleport in this game. When Ryze found the TP eye position before, he first tried to interrupt the support of Broiler. However, he was unable to find Ryze's specific position and had to walk to the middle lane.

Finally arrived at the battlefield!

Chaowei fired the first shot from a long distance. He was very detailed and did not engage in personal QE. Instead, he placed the acceleration gate at the feet of Xin Zhao, who was a little further away from him!

In this way, Gu Xing can enjoy the gain effect of the acceleration gate immediately!

"Brother Xing used the remaining movement speed bonus of Phase Rush to run towards Jace. Broiler couldn't wait any longer and flashed forward to kill Brother Xing forcibly..." I remember being surprised, "My old swan, Such a powerful and courageous operation!"

Under the spotlight, Jace suddenly flashed forward, passed Xin Zhao and stopped in front of Ryze!

Song Yijin is AQEQ's regular combo. After Jace used his body to resist the skill, the blue-skinned bald head's two Q [Overload] hits were all on Chaowei. Gu Xing only got E once in the whole process!

The damage is simply not enough!

Song Yijin was unwilling to give up, so he had to bite the bullet and use continuous basic attacks to reduce Gu Xing's health bar.

Before Gu Xing died, he inserted a prosthetic eye under his feet, and the next moment there was a blue light lingering up!

"Sword Demon!" Miller blurted out, "Sword Demon is coming!"

The battle has been going on so far, and Smeb, who died tragically under the tower last time, was finally resurrected.

He immediately teleported to Gu Xing, wanting to do his part for the team!

"Broiler finally killed Brother Xing, but he himself was beaten to a pulp by Chaowei!" Miller stared at the situation intently, "Jace's damage at this time is still too high!"

Song Jinghao landed on the ground and stabbed Ryze with a passive sword, while using his body to block the damage from Rookie.

"Jack, who had left the battlefield before, also rushed back and threw a bomb on the side. VG and C joined hands to kill the broiler!"

“The only two people left on the IG front are TheShy and the belatedly arrived Ning Wang!”

It stands to reason that a normal Ueno would stop losses in a timely manner.

But Jiang Chenglu didn’t.

Seeing his favorite chicken being beaten to death by the opponent, TheShy's blood surged and he insisted on rushing to kill Jack who didn't show up.




Just buy one get one free.

King Ning couldn't bear to live alone and insisted on dying for TheShy. When he jumped the tower in the bottom lane to kill Smeb, he resisted the tower a few times. His remaining health was not much and he did not have much combat effectiveness.

"Maibo unleashed the great annihilation, and kept all IG in the upper and wild areas!"

But VG also gave a chance.

Jack's old habit relapsed. In order to be greedy for output, he didn't pay enough attention to his positioning, and was killed by the Crab Nightmare.

"Bomberman was replaced...but it's no big deal," Miller finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the battle came to an end. "VG lost Jack and Brother Xing in battle, but five IG generals were replaced!"

2 for 5!

The director moved the camera to the middle, where the corpses of seven heroes were placed, covered in blood!

"Brother Xing, this team battle idea is too clear, isn't it?" I remember I couldn't help bragging, my whole body was trembling slightly with excitement, "Xin Zhao's presence in this battle was full, and he almost played his role to the fullest. Perfect!"

"I can't even think of any room for improvement!" He praised, "Brother Xing is simply ridiculously strong!"

In the replay of the team battle that followed, all the audience turned their attention to Gu Xing after hearing this.

The battle process during the live broadcast was too chaotic. Many people did not see clearly what happened. They only knew who died and did not delve into the details.

Even the doll stopped yelling and watched the replay attentively.

"Brother Xing first thought of threatening Lin Weixiang, deceiving Xia's flash, and then walked straight into the opponent's face, forcing the opponent to move to allow Prince Duan to escape," Miller murmured, "The next big move Help Jack out of the siege, push the three IG middle and upper assistants away, and let Liu Qingsong be killed alone, and finally absorb a lot of skill damage to replace Lin Weixiang..."

"Dear me, Brother Xing is so ruthless with Queshi!" He sincerely praised, "You must know that this is still a well-developed Xin Zhao. After this team battle, Brother Xing returned to the city to replenish his equipment, and Xin Zhao will follow up. I don’t even dare to think about how to kill him!”

Witnessing Xin Zhao's outrageous actions in the team battle again, the Youth Olympic Park Stadium was already a boiling ocean!

The sound created by the 30,000 spectators was earth-shattering and reverberated throughout the venue!

[Brother Xing is so fierce! Can Xin Zhao with such early development be able to C? 】

[I will kill Zhao Yun! 】

[Xin Zhao's ultimate move can still be played like this. I just E to the opponent's face and then use R to sweep others out and start the duel mode. In this way, Xin Zhao is almost out of his mind! 】

[No, how on earth is this R placed? The angle is so tricky that NMB is outrageous! Send the crispiest one to the face of your teammates, and move the meaty and output one slightly back. The effect is even more exaggerated than the blind monk's ultimate move! 】

[What does IG God and Demon mean? TheShy and Prince Ning were able to run away in the end, but they had to throw their heads in the face of the sword demon? 】

[If you don’t act like a reckless person, then you’re not called IG! 】

Team Ji fully demonstrated its fierce style in this wave of team battles.

Unfortunately, what we get in exchange is not positive feedback, but pure side effects.

They must accept the consequences of group destruction!

The first tower in the middle will be bulldozed by VG’s remaining middle and upper brothers, and the jungle area will also be cleared!

The most important thing is this middle tower. In terms of strategic value, it is even more important than the head gap between the two sides in the team battle!

Because VG chose the Poke system.

What you eat is the view!

As long as the opposite middle tower can be flattened and the field of vision is expanded, the consumption power of VG's double C will be difficult for the opponent to deal with!

Jack also knew that if he pushed down the first tower, his chance of winning would rise to at least 80%, and he immediately beamed, "Old Gu, you did a great job with this bowl!"

"Xin Zhao can be so charming with your mother's kiss?!"

Duan Deliang was also filled with admiration, "I know that Xiao Gu is very strong, but I still didn't expect that Zhao Xin could reach such a superb level..."

Gu Xing chuckled twice and turned to encourage Chaowei, "Blue Cat, you played well just now, really."

If Jace hadn't flashed over to help resist Ryze's skills, Song Yijin could have knocked Gu Xing to death with a set of skills and escaped quickly.

Then IG will definitely not die one after another in the wild!

Gu Xing said that it is not an exaggeration to say that Jace’s flash made a great contribution!

He still remembered that Chovy said that he was a little nervous, so he specially praised him in order to calm him down.

Zheng Zhixun nodded vigorously, letting the warmth flow in his heart.

"What about me?" Smeb shouted dissatisfied, "Don't you want to praise me? Teleportation is very important, okay?"

"Put her down, Nicole!" Jack replied angrily, "Don't give me too much, I'll help you win!"

Song Jinghao's face turned red and he muttered something like, 'Arithmetic is done mentally but not calculated,' and 'Crabs have long hands, so hitting me with short hands is a sign of disrespect for martial arts, and you will never get my approval for the rest of your life.' His words made everyone laugh.

Just as they expected, after the first tower was destroyed, VG had a bright future in this round!

Especially when Jace and Bomberk are developing so horribly, IG can't bear the damage at all!

When VG teamed up to advance to the second tower, Jess fired out with one shot and combined it with Bomberman's ultimate move, directly blasting Lin Weixiang's Xia to ashes!

King Ning originally wanted to wait for his ultimate to get better and launch a wave, but his own shooter became crippled and lost his combat effectiveness, so he had to suppress the idea of ​​forcing it and wait until Lin Weixiang returned to the spring to replenish the wave.

However, the absence of Xia, the main force of clearing the line, makes IG unable to defend the second tower in the middle and is forced to give it to the enemy!

VG is not greedy either. After pulling out the tower, they will adjust the vision to ensure the stability of the formation and then slowly advance, in order to prevent IG from having a good angle to start the group.

King Ning, who played with a violent temper, soon couldn't bear it anymore. Knowing that if he delayed it any longer, he would die slowly, he would forcefully start a group as soon as all his own people were gathered!

Nightmare turns off the lights and flies into Jace's face!

It's just that VG's good vision layout allowed Gu Xing to know IG's formation distribution in advance. He first put Luo and Crab over, then cut in alone, using R [Crescent Guard] to completely separate the enemy's front and rear rows!

Lin Weixiang and Broiler's output couldn't keep up immediately, so IG could only rely on crabs to kill people!

TheShy developed really well, but after Duan Deliang put on the shield, Jess smashed it open with a hammer, and it was difficult for the bulky crab to reach the back row of VG!

The team battle is about to collapse!

VG once again played 2 for 5, taking out the enemy's first and second towers in one wave!

The economic gap between the two sides has completely widened, and IG is helpless!

In 27 minutes, VG flattened the enemy base with Jace's heavy artillery and the mine-throwing bomb monster!

"One to zero!" Watou said with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to VG for winning the finals on a good start!"

"There is a saying that although TheShy's Crab is very eye-catching in the early stage, it doesn't seem to have much effect in the middle and late stages," Miller commented impartially. "This hero's own team-building ability is too poor, and he can only rely on Nosuke to supplement his control methods. , and it starts to produce meat after making a black cut. In addition, it is relatively bulky and cannot pose much threat to the enemy's back row..."

"Looking at the first game, it seems that IG's initiative to choose the red side is not a good move when it has the right to choose the side first!"

Hongmi doesn’t think so.

Standing in the backstage lounge, he suggested to the contestants who were relaxing on the chairs.

"I think if we choose the blue side in the next game, we can consider banning the crab."

"Is it necessary?" Duan Deliang frowned, "Didn't we win?"

He feels that there is no need to change BP if he wins. He can just keep the same in response to changes and wait for the opponent to solve the problem.

Hongmi explained, "It's very necessary. Didn't you notice how we were beaten on the road in the first game?"

"I suffered 30 knives and two heads in 10 minutes. If Gu Gu's decision to stay in the middle lane hadn't helped Sword Demon stop the bleeding, the top laner wouldn't have been of any use in the mid-game team fight!"

Smeb felt very unhappy, but couldn't find any reason to refute.

The underdeveloped Sword Demon is almost like a super soldier. Its only function is to absorb damage with its ultimate move!

If the Sword Demon can't hold on, VG's front line of defense may fall. Gu Xing alone is no match for IG!

It can be said that the team battle in the middle was the biggest turning point of this game.

The two sides were inseparable before, but a series of chain reactions triggered by the subsequent team battle caused the balance of victory to continue to tilt towards VG!

Gu Xing asked himself, and he was not sure that he could still contribute such a perfect team battle operation in the next game!

A similar situation is rare!

Although Hongmi's BP is old-fashioned and doesn't have much flexibility, its advantage is that it is really stubborn. When he sees something is wrong, he immediately restricts it.

Anyway, they are still on the blue side of the bottom plate, and the ranks are relatively sufficient. It doesn't hurt to dedicate one of them to the Crab.

After the start of the second game, Wawa was quite surprised by VG's operation of banning crabs.

"It seems that VG was very cautious in their tactical choices in this BO5 game. I give TheShy a lot of respect. It is the final after all, and I don't want any variables to arise..."

He made a few jokes.

Then I will understand why VG is so cautious.

In the second game, VG was on the blue side with a better lineup but lost the game!

And he was crushed by the opponent with a devastating attitude!

TheShy and Song Yi worked hard and had a big advantage in the laning phase. They did not indulge in the lane, but continued to exert their influence in the jungle to put pressure on Gu Xing!

From IG's point of view, as long as Gu Xing is uncomfortable playing, the entire VG team will turn into headless flies!

The plan was quite successful.

It is difficult for Gu Xing to continue to be distracted from commanding under huge pressure, and the opponent is a reckless team that will never stop talking about it if it gets a slight advantage. The speed of VG's collapse is beyond imagination!

In just 24 minutes, the Extreme Team won the second game with an exaggerated score of 18:7!

"What a brutal crushing game..." Miller exclaimed, "IG is getting better and better, gradually regaining the violent feeling it had in the previous rounds, pulling VG from start to finish, and pulling the defending champion into the game. In a familiar rhythm!"

"Then it will be difficult for VG to deal with it next," I remember hearing the information given by the director, with a worried look on my face, "IG will use the right to choose sides in the next game to go to the blue side!"

Tengjing didn’t get the live broadcast license, but the All-Stars were recorded and broadcast. TJ is really awesome, he can always do something ruthless.

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