Western Fantasy: I can write unlimited entries

Chapter 119 You were struck by lightning

Ulyas's arrival this time was not only to retrieve the inheritance wand, but also to fulfill the agreement between Marquis Nochis and Ron.

The Marquis had a general understanding of the situation in the Arnold Territory. It was not enough to rely on existing experts, so he sent authorities in other fields to assist. Most of them held honorary titles and had made achievements in their respective fields.

Of course, Ron expressed his gratitude to the Marquis of Noches for being so sincere, and asked Egbert to entertain them enthusiastically while he went to greet Miss Eurias.

The two entered the mansion side by side, and Ron introduced him as the master. Diana, the head maid, followed behind, and there were several maids and attendants waiting to be dispatched.

When walking into the hall, Urieis suddenly said: "I heard that there is a place to play chess in the Baron's Mansion. It has a pleasant scenery, is quiet and comfortable, can you take me to see it?"

Ron knew what was going on as soon as he heard this. He said with a smile on his face: "Do Miss Eurias and Miss Teresa have a good relationship?"

Euliez smiled faintly, "Miss Teresa has returned to the social circle of the royal capital. Because of the influence of her father, Lord Alfred, the Marquis, any noble daughter wants to make friends with her."

"Oh? Is the same thing true for Ms. Yurieis?"

Hearing this, Uriais stopped, turned to look at him, smiled, and then continued moving forward.

Ron was puzzled by the sudden move, and the other party's inexplicable attitude prevented him from discerning any useful information.

It's really difficult.

Ron sighed in his heart, and under his leadership, the two of them came all the way to the Mirakel tree in the backyard.

Diana ordered the maids to bring snacks, then stood not far away and looked at the two people next to the chessboard under the tree.

"What a beautiful tree. This is the emblem of the Arnold family - Mirakel. I also heard that it has an extraordinary origin."

Eurias looked at the Mirakel tree, which was more than three feet tall, and marveled. Even after the blooming season, some of the golden-pink flowers still remained on the tree, and the rest fell to the ground. Ron deliberately did not let anyone clean it up. .

As the cool summer breeze blows by, the flowers on the trees will fall again. If two people are playing chess, it can add a different artistic conception.

As she opened her mouth, Urieis moved her gaze to Ron, and he slowly told about the glorious history of his family.

After telling a story that could be turned into a picture book, Urieis looked at the chessboard again and said, "Is this the chess piece Miss Teresa mentioned? I wonder if Baron Arnold would be willing to give me some advice?"


Later, under Ron's guidance, the two began to play backgammon, and then Go. As a high-ranking noble, Yuliais' learning ability was undoubted. She quickly mastered the rules of the two chess games and played the game with Ron in an exemplary manner. Yes.

After the game of chess was over, Uriais was satisfied and asked about the repair status of the inheritance wand.

"I just ordered someone to pick it up. Miss Urieis can check it out later. If there is any dissatisfaction, we can discuss it again," Ron said.

"Of course I trust the Baron, so there's no need to check." Uriais smiled.

Hearing this, Ron smiled.

Afterwards, Urieis asked to take a rest, and Ron asked Diana to take her to the guest villa to stay.

Ron stood silent, something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Urieis stayed in the Arnold Territory for a total of three days, during which time she and Ron went to the city twice. Although it was not completely built yet, some shops were already open, and they were no worse than those in the King's City.

During the shopping process, Uriais would ask some simple and ordinary questions, and Ron would answer them one by one based on his own knowledge. Every time at this time, he would cleverly notice that the corners of Uriais's mouth were slightly twitching. Trembling, is your answer funny?

He was very puzzled.

On the carriage back to the mansion, Urieis asked again: "Baron Arnold, do you think that as a noble lady, you must participate in social activities for the sake of your lover?"


Ron was slightly startled when he heard this question. It's not like Yuliais hasn't asked strange questions in the past two days, but now this question is particularly sharp.

Speaking of which, the Marquise Nochis didn't seem to be seen at the dinner party held in the palace. Could it be that Urieis was talking about her mother?

He thought carefully and then said: "I think everyone has their own freedom. There is nothing that must be done. It just depends on whether it is worth it or whether you want it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ron noticed that the other person's eyes were shining. This was the first time since he had been in contact with Eurias that he saw emotions revealed in the other person's expression.

"Thank you for your answer, Baron Arnold."

Seeing that Urieis had returned to her previous expression, Ron smiled politely and said, "No need."

Then the carriage fell into a quiet atmosphere, and Uriais didn't ask any more strange questions. Ron was also happy with this.

The next day, Urieis said goodbye, took the inheritance wand, got into the carriage and left.

Before leaving, she said something puzzling to Ron - 'In fact, philanthropic men are also very attractive. ’

For Ron, this sentence is another question for Eurydice, and this question is even more profound!


The royal capital.

Marquis Nochis hurried into the palace with the repaired inheritance wand and met the king in a side hall.

Meredith took the wand presented by Marquis Noches and looked at it for a long time, then waved to summon someone, an old man with a white beard. This man was a palace craftsman and was good at identification.

"Come and see."

Meredith handed over the wand of inheritance, and the old man took it with trembling hands, stroking it gently from beginning to end. The action made Marquis Noches frown, but he endured it.

After a while, when both of them were impatient, the old man finally said, "It's perfect, this is perfect!"

Meredith showed no emotion or anger and said calmly: "Let's talk about it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old man bowed and slowly explained, "I can't see any traces of repairs on this, it's just like new. Look here again, only a blacksmith master can forge it so perfectly."

The old man spoke, and his words revealed his deep respect for the person who repaired the wand.

King Meredith and the Marquis of Noches looked at each other and already understood clearly. He interrupted the old man and asked him to step back.

"It seems that there is indeed a blacksmith master in the Arnold Territory, and the Baron did not bluff anyone. Your Majesty, should we cooperate with Baron Arnold on this in the future?" Marquis Nochis said first.

A blacksmith master is so rare. There is no blacksmith master in the Kingdom of Carlo, the surrounding neighboring countries, or the Kingdom of Nebonir, which has a sword master.

Even if the royal family set up an auction house to obtain many resources, they would not be able to use them without a blacksmith master.

King Meredith fell into thinking. It is inevitable to cooperate with the other party, but under what conditions and at what price. This needs to be carefully considered.

A blacksmith master is so important to the kingdom!

At this time, the king thought of another thing. He looked at the Marquis and asked in a meaningful tone: "Prime Minister, is it true that the top alchemist you said is also true?"

Marquis Nochis was silent for a moment and said, "Then shall I go again?"

The king waved his hand, "No need, it would be bad if Baron Arnold noticed."

The two chatted about political affairs for a while. Seeing a trace of tiredness on the king's face, the Marquis of Noches made an excuse to leave.

Nowadays, King Meredith's energy is not as good as before. If he advises the king in front of him that he needs to rest, he may be unhappy. The Marquis knows this, so he makes an excuse to slip away and let his majesty rest.

King Meredith naturally saw the Marquis' intention. He sat on the throne with half-closed eyes. There was no one in the palace, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"I hope it comes quickly and before I die."

As the king closed his eyes, the hall fell into silence for a long time.


The royal capital, the Alfred family residence.

Considering that nobles leave their territory to go to the royal capital to do business or attend banquets, nobles generally have their own residences in the royal capital, except for a certain baron.

Inside the mansion, on the lawn in the garden.

The two girls sat opposite each other, with exquisite desserts placed on a small white table and decorated with vases. The two of them did not move much, just chatting.

"Miss Teresa invited me here not just to talk about trivial matters. You should know something about me. I'm not good at sociability." Eurydice said lightly.

From her tone, it seemed that the two of them were not very familiar with each other.

"Then I'll ask you directly, why did Miss Urieis go to Arnold Territory some time ago?"

If it was just this matter, Teresa would not specially invite him to her home. However, after the previous dinner at the palace, news spread privately in the social circle that the second daughter of the prime minister of the kingdom was very close to Baron Arnold. We also spent some time alone at the banquet.

For fear of offending both parties, the news was kept secret and only circulated in a few small circles.

And Teresa re-entered the social world, and she was invited to tea parties held by some noble daughters. In order to please the marquis' daughter, she told Teresa this gossip.

"I didn't expect Miss Teresa to be so interested in my affairs, or it's not me who is interested, but"

Ulyas raised the corner of her mouth slightly, with a slight smile on her face. Seeing Teresa's face change slightly, she stopped talking and changed the subject, "Actually, it's not something that can't be said. My family's inherited wand has been damaged. Please Arnold." The Baron is just helping."

But this explanation did not satisfy Teresa. She asked, "Do you need to go in person to do this?"

Ulyas raised her eyebrows slightly, and the smile on her face became even wider, "Miss Teresa seems to be struggling with this matter~"

After hearing this, Teresa realized that she had made a mistake and acted in a manner consistent with her status, "I'm sorry, I was rude. I apologize to you."

Euliez accepted the other party's apology, remained silent for a moment, and then said, "Miss Teresa has been in the Arnold Territory for so long. Have you ever found the Baron to be a very interesting person?"

Hearing this, Teresa became wary. She had heard about the other person's deeds when she was in the academy. She seldom cared about other people's affairs and hardly participated in any social activities, so she got the nickname Ice Rose.

Is this kind of Eurias actually finding Baron Arnold interesting?

"What do you want to say?"

In front of Teresa, Urieis no longer hid her inner thoughts, or she no longer needed to hide them, because she would take action soon.

She smiled and said: "I think Baron Arnold is very suitable to be my fiancée."


The vase on the table fell over, and the water inside flowed out, quickly soaking the white cloth tabletop.


Arnold territory.

Next to the medical clinic attached to the Baron Mansion, Dr. White stays in the medical clinic on weekdays. If anyone in the mansion is sick, they will come to him for treatment.

Well. Even if the dog is sick, he will come to him.

Thanks to this, Dr. White's experience has become richer and his medical skills have become more and more sophisticated.

Not limited to form, preferring multi-directional development.

"Sir, today I went to the city to see a doctor. I have a symptom that I am very puzzled about. Please give me some advice."

At this time, an apprentice came over and said.

Although this person is an apprentice, some minor illnesses can be easily cured by his hands. White looked at the most talented apprentice under his hands with a smile on his face.

"It's Donald, tell me."

Just as Donald was about to speak, shouts came from outside the hospital, and then someone was carried in. Doctor White looked at it, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly stepped forward and said: "Frank Knight! What's going on with you? How did you do this? so."

It was Frank, one of the Knights of the Round Table, who was carried in by a group of people. Victor said helplessly: "He got like this during training. Mr. White, please treat him quickly."

Dr. White didn't ask any more questions and carefully examined Frank's injuries. At the same time, he was wondering what kind of training could make him look like this.

Frank's body was scorched black everywhere, and the skin on the surface was in pieces, ready to fall off at any time, as if he had been struck by lightning.

White soon came to a conclusion, stared at Frank who was holding back the pain and said: "You were struck by lightning!"

Donald: "Sir, it's been sunny these days."

"Ahem, you go out first."

Ibuprofen looked at him, but Donald didn't dare to say anything and turned away directly. He was definitely not afraid of the other person's muscles.

Anthony sighed: "Dr. White is indeed an expert. He can see the source of Frank's injury at a glance, so can this be cured?"

Dr. White was silent for a moment and uttered one word: "Yes."

After hearing the affirmative answer, everyone felt relieved and left Frank to be treated in the hospital while the others withdrew.

Anthony smiled and said: "Frank himself is playing with thunder, and he was actually injured by his own power. If the lord finds out, do you think you will scold him?"

The others fell silent when they heard this, and their eyes turned to Sig, who had been silent.

Sig is partly responsible for Frank becoming what he is now.

At this moment, two people walked up from a distance. Everyone looked at the sound, and Anthony smiled again, "Isn't this Boss Reagan and Mr. Jeff? Which of you is sick?"

Jeff said: "We made an appointment with Dr. White to examine Reagan today. How about you? It's the first time I've seen you all here."

"Haha, we are also here to see Dr. White. By the way, what is wrong with Boss Reagan?"


Jeff hesitated a little, but Reagan next to him showed no intention of covering up, "Let me tell you."

Everyone looked at him, and Reagan said: "You should all know that I used to be an adventurer. But you may not know that I am a third-level warrior."

Everyone was surprised that Boss Reagan was actually a third-level powerhouse before! I can't tell.

"Then what are you doing now?" Sig frowned.

Reagan nodded, "That's right, my current strength is very weak, and I no longer have the third-level strength. The reason why I became like this is in the Black Valley Forest."

As he spoke, he took off the blindfold he had been wearing, only to see that his eye sockets were empty, and a trace of strange aura drifted out.

Everyone was shocked, feeling that the aura came from a powerful monster.


Abel looked at him seriously, and Sig nodded cautiously, "It should be a legendary monster."

Hearing his words, everyone was horrified. Anthony asked curiously, "What can you do?"

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