Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 249 Returning Maiev

Recently, Old Tony, who was guarding a warehouse for the Stannie Chamber of Commerce in Port O'Brien, felt something was wrong. Everything in the warehouse was moved out the day before yesterday, leaving only some magic crystal mines and magic cores. However, yesterday and today, a bunch of goods were quickly shipped into the warehouse, occupying nearly half of the warehouse in Nuoda.

The strange thing is that Old Tony took a sneak peek at the goods that were shipped in. They were all filled with magic crystal ores and low-level magic cores. Moreover, after these goods, which were supposed to be highly liquid, were put into the warehouse, no one came to pick them up. They kept piling magic crystal ores and magic cores into the warehouse, unable to get in or out.

Is the Chamber of Commerce going to hoard magic crystal mines and magic cores for reselling? However, the prices of these things are generally relatively constant, and their origins are not fixed, so it is difficult to manipulate the prices to obtain profits - Old Tony felt very puzzled.

But today, something even more strange happened to Old Tony. President Stannie actually came to this warehouse! What an honor this is! For the people of the O'Brien Territory, President Stannie was equivalent to their lord before, so they were naturally in awe of him.

There was a mysterious figure in black robes who came to the warehouse at the same time as the president, and the president seemed to respect this mysterious man? ! Old Tony rubbed his eyes, then lowered his head and pretended not to see anything.

Then, the president ordered Old Tony to stay outside, and then entered the warehouse with the mysterious man. After the president and the mysterious man left the warehouse, Tony Lao entered the warehouse curiously, but he couldn't believe what he saw.

The magic crystal mines and magic cores that filled half of the warehouse have all disappeared! This, this, this! Wise old Tony reacted after the shock and became taciturn for a while. The warehouse he was guarding was still being transported with magic crystal mines and magic cores.

Many adventurers in the entire O'Brien Territory also felt strange. Recently, all the stores opened by the Stannie Chamber of Commerce no longer sell magic crystals and magic cores, but have begun to purchase these two items at a premium of 10%. But although it felt strange, who wouldn't want to make money if they had money? Adventurers went into the mountains and forests to hunt monsters, and then sold them to the Stani Chamber of Commerce.

Returning to the bedroom of the Lord's Mansion, O'Brien touched the four rings on his hand and took off three of them.

Previously, relying on some techniques for using mental power that he had studied during this period, O'Brien had subjected all the management of the Stanney Chamber of Commerce to a shallow level of thinking influence - that is, hypnosis. Subconsciously, the managers of the Stani Chamber of Commerce have surrendered wholeheartedly to O'Brien and resolutely obeyed all of O'Brien's instructions.

The first order O'Brien gave was to collect magic crystal mines and magic cores. The power of the Stannie Chamber of Commerce is indeed huge. In just three days, it collected magic crystal mines and magic cores that can be converted into millions of energy by the main body. And, with continued acquisitions and shipments, this number is increasing.

This made O'Brien very satisfied. He was even so satisfied that he decided not to drain the Stannie Chamber of Commerce and left all the gold coins that could also be converted into energy for their operation. Originally, O'Brien was planning to convert the entire Stannie Chamber of Commerce's property into the combat power of the night elves, but he found that controlling a chamber of commerce that belonged entirely to him might be more conducive to the development of the night elves.

The three rings O'Brien took off were all space rings donated by the Stanney Chamber of Commerce. Although individually it is not as large in capacity as the space ring that O'Brien got from killing the Necromancer before, it is much larger in total.

Now, these three space rings are filled with magic crystal mines and low-level magic cores. The energy that high-level magic cores can provide after being exchanged for low-level magic cores is even greater, so O'Brien did not ask the Stannie Chamber of Commerce to collect high-level magic cores. Instead, he exchanged some of the high-level magic cores he brought out. Low level.

"Maev." O'Brien called calmly. A graceful figure that ordinary people could not see knelt on one knee and appeared in front of O'Brien. "Here! What is my king's order?"

O'Brien threw the three fallen space rings towards Maiev. With a flick of Maiev's cloak, the three space rings were put away. "Take these magic crystal mines and magic cores and return to Father God, and then Father God will tell you what to do next."

"Yes! My king!" A faint light flashed where Maiev was, and then disappeared.

Now that the human world has stabilized, Maiev no longer needs to be around the Elf King's clone. It just so happened that so much energy had been collected, so it was just right for Maiev to take it back. With Maiev's infinite flashing speed, she should be able to return to the Windwhisper Forest in a few days.

As for the next magic crystal mine and magic core, several special ships of the Stanney Chamber of Commerce are already under construction. O'Brien looked towards the west with deep eyes. After the energy brought back by Maiev is converted into combat power, it will be time to truly reveal the sharp fangs of the night elves to the human world.

The day after Maiev left, O'Brien also left his territory in a carriage in a low-key manner, and the sacred giant wolf also shrunk and hid in the carriage.

It would take at least two months for the ship to be built. Anyway, the territory was run by a group of people from the Stannie Chamber of Commerce. Yu Fei didn't want to bother building the territory. One night elf was enough for him.

I guess in the novels I read before, the protagonist worked tirelessly to build his territory. Building a waterwheel would take more than ten chapters and would have long-term consequences. Is this to make up for the word count? Besides, it can be said that Eslazer's production level and construction level cannot be improved based on Yu Fei's ability.

Yu Fei had seen a lot of things like magic waterwheels and magic mills, but he didn't think he could transform these things without even going to college.

Now, the identity of Count O'Brien will disappear for a while. Of course, to the outside world, it is very peaceful to stay in one's own territory. Yu Fei will not return to the O'Brien Territory until the ship built by the Stanney Chamber of Commerce that can sail the far north sea is completed.

As for the past two months, Yu Fei, who was sitting in the carriage, touched his chin. One month later, he will command the night elves to attack the Kingdom of Severn. A month before that, he went to the Elf King's Court for a walk. After all, he is considered the king of elves, even though he is the king of the night elves.

Maybe we can gain something from the local elves? Yu Fei, oh no, is now the Elf King Alan Abner. In this way, Alan Abner sat in a carriage and began to trek towards the territory of the elves.

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