Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 399 Young omnic

"Thank you for activating the Empire State Defense System 2.0."

A synthetic electronic sound that could not distinguish between men and women sounded, and Yang Ming took the initiative to take two steps back.

Light blue spots of light flew out from the four walls, and these spots of light gradually gathered in front of Yang Ming, and a slender silhouette slowly took shape.

Judging from this special effect, the scientific research team really attaches great importance to today's unveiling ceremony.

The team leader on the side began to introduce with emotion:

"Soon, we will be able to see the image of Emperor Wei 2.0, which is completely set by itself.

"To put it more precisely, this should be the image he finally created after he developed his self-subjective consciousness and considered many factors. Among these factors, the most important factors are his own preferences and his feelings towards himself. gender judgments."

While speaking, the outline of that figure gradually became clear.

This is a young man with a handsome face and soft eyebrows, a tall and slender figure with perfect body proportions. The light white imperial military uniform on his body made him look like a low-level officer who had just entered the barracks.

For some reason, Boss Yang looked at this guy's virtual image and suddenly thought of... Bligh.

This may be due to the fact that the looks of both are too delicate.

How to describe this existence?

Advanced omnic?

Yang Ming was thinking in his heart, and the virtual image in front of him had already performed a military salute, and said softly in his energetic and extremely clear voice:

"Hello, Respected Major General Hanton the White Ghost."

There was sparse applause all around.

"Well," Yang Ming nodded, "Hello, what should I call you?"

"I am the Empire's Total Defense System 2.0, and I will take on the responsibility of protecting the great Sherman Empire. I will dedicate everything I have to His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Sherman Empire and the Sherman family.

"As for my title similar to a human name, it has not yet been given.

"Can you give me a name?"

The surrounding eyes immediately focused on Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Your name should be bestowed by the most respected person in this place. I just pressed the start switch for you."

After saying that, Yang Ming turned his head to look at the audience.

The members of the Sherman family elite power faction in the first row looked at each other a few times, and an old man in the middle said slowly:

"It's just a simple naming, there is no need to be so formal, let's call it Xindiwei."

"Oh," this advanced omnic showed regret, "I thought it would be a prestigious name, but thank you very much for giving it the name. The name you bestowed will accompany me all the way."

Director Ino smiled and said, "Uncle, you should name him seriously, don't let him be too disappointed."

"Hehehe, in this case, Labrador, how about it?"


"Emperor Labrador," the omnic read his name, and then bowed to thank the old man, a little light flickered in his eyes.

Yang Ming has already sneaked back to his seat.

Labudo looked at Yang Ming, he hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something to Yang Ming.

The research director on the side began to introduce Labdo comprehensively, and Labdo kept smiling, ready to perfectly show his abilities in front of these imperial dignitaries.

The unveiling lasted less than a galaxy hour.

When those old guys of the Sherman family left in satisfaction, the atmosphere of the whole venue suddenly became pleasant and relaxed.

In the glass room, Labudo is simulating the resource integration of several administrative stars. There are no preset steps or scripts prepared in advance. Every judgment he makes is extremely accurate, and he perfectly executes the instructions issued by humans.

"How are you feeling, Hanton?"

Lieutenant General Thomas asked in a low voice.

Yang Ming laughed: "It's quite strong, and it really feels like a human being. I wonder if they uploaded a human consciousness."

Lieutenant General Thomas shook his head: "Although the threshold for consciousness dataization is very low, it is very difficult to keep the consciousness body stable, especially emotional simulation. What's more, this consciousness needs to process so much data. With this Guy, I have some confidence in my heart."

"Did the Imperial Guard system put a lot of pressure on the general before?"


Thomas whispered:

"She's so uncontrollable, she just pops up at the most dangerous moment every time.

"This made me wonder - if she didn't arrive in time and missed the opportunity, would we have to pay extra casualties?

"Another reason why I feel a lot of pressure is that she is too powerful, like a god, a god in the online world.

"Every time she appeared on the stage, I seemed to lose the meaning of existence. Not only me, but the entire conventional command system lost its meaning. Every victory seemed to be related to us, but it seemed to have nothing to do with us."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "General, have you communicated directly with the Imperial Guard system?"

"No," Thomas clicked his tongue. "Next time she comes out, I'll try to say hello to her and say something—hello, old goddess."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their eyes returned to the stage, watching Labudo's figure.

Yang Ming's watch vibrated slightly, and two words appeared on it.


This is Ritsu's evaluation of David Labrador.

After more than ten minutes, Daphne got up and walked to this side, the middle-aged official on the other side of Yang Ming immediately gave up his seat, bowed his head and walked to the back.

Daphne took a seat beside Yang Ming, leaned towards Yang Ming, and asked him the same question: "How do you feel about this system?"

"Very strong, but I can't give you an accurate evaluation."

Yang Ming said slowly:

"Today's simulation demonstration is still only the command of several thousand battleships. If a bug swarm breaks out later, the empire's new and old medium and large warships are expected to be on the order of 100,000, not to mention there are countless small warships and planetary defense systems. Together with the logistics support system, there may be some hidden dangers here.

"How long is the research institute's estimated insect swarm coming?"

Daphne said: "The shortest is half a year, and the longest is about one and a half years."

Yang Ming gave a pertinent suggestion: "It's better to try to let Labodo access the imperial network before that."

"This is exactly their next plan," Daphne said softly. "It's always a bit risky. If it's a normal year, it's no problem. Now the bug swarm is about to break out, and the empire's unified network is about to play its true role." value, if something unexpected happens at this time... Sigh, it's really a headache."

Yang Ming stared at Daphne's red lips.

Her legs are crossed, her right elbow supports her thigh, and her wrist supports her beautiful face. This somewhat casual sitting posture exudes a soul-stirring charm.

Yang Ming calmly withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "There should still be time... That's my feedback."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a white coat hurried over to the side, nodded to Lieutenant General Thomas and Daphne with a smile on his face, and then walked in front of Yang Ming.

"Respected Major General Hunton, may I make a merciless request."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "Since we all know it's an unfeeling request, then forget it."

Daphne sat up straight and covered her mouth with a chuckle.

Lieutenant General Thomas frowned and said, "Speak up if you have something to do, don't imitate those old nobles here!"

"Hey, yes, that's right, Labdo wants to have a private chat with Major General Hunton."

"Looking for me?" Yang Ming couldn't help laughing, "What did he want to talk to me about?"

"This, we don't know too well."

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice:

"His consciousness is self-generated on the basis of powerful computing power and rich information.

"Although there is our guidance in it, we have not shaped his consciousness.

"According to the data feedback, he respects you, or in other words, he respects you. He should want to talk to you to improve his own quality."

Yang Ming: ...

Isn't this another ancient garbage plot of "I am full of disappointment for human beings, but only full of appreciation for you"?

Daphne on the side smiled and said, "It's just right, uncle and grandpa are waiting for your evaluation."

Boss Yang shook his head and smiled wryly, so he could only agree.


The meeting place chosen by the scientific research team is in the lounge next to the hall where the unveiling ceremony is held.

After obtaining Yang Ming's consent, the team will monitor the entire meeting between the two, and focus on collecting relevant data generated by Labrador.

Lieutenant General Thomas was still on official business, he greeted Yang Ming, and then left with the other generals of the military department.

Daphne took the initiative to stay, she turned down the follow-up performance, and planned to accompany Yang Ming for half a day, even if she just used her boat to send Yang Ming somewhere.

When Yang Ming entered the lounge, in the slightly empty room, light spots converged again, and Labrador, who had changed into a white dress, appeared in the middle of the lounge, bowing to Yang Ming.

Labrador's smile is extremely sincere.

Yang Ming should not be too familiar with this expression. ——He often sees it on the face of his fanatical fans, or that fan leader Gris.

"I'm glad you agreed to speak with me alone, Mr. Ghost, please take a seat."

"Well," Yang Ming looked at the simple layout everywhere, and said slowly, "You asked me to meet, what do you want to talk about?"

"The main reason is to satisfy my selfishness," Labudo said with a smile, "I'm your fan."

"I see." Yang Ming nodded, "If you were a woman, I might be more receptive."

Labudo smiled and shook his head: "You are so humorous, I understand you... In fact, I have entered the empire network dozens of times during the testing phase, but I am just an observer to understand the status of my creators. Life."


Yang Ming sat down on the sofa by himself, raised his hand and aimed at the bar in the corner, wrapped two bottles of drinks with his mental power, and delivered them to him.

Yang Ming smiled and asked, "And then? Are you disappointed?"

"There are indeed some disappointments," Labdo laughed, "but I quickly understood a truth. The scientific researchers I have been in contact with since birth are already the best among human beings. They are smart and wise. Possesses a great deal of knowledge, most of which are of good character."

Yang Ming nodded, but did not speak.

Labrador continued:

"From what I know of human beings, inequality should be the primary characteristic of the human individual.

"No one person is exactly the same as another person, even identical twins will have very different personalities, which is the charm of the human species.

"Mr. Ghost, I have seen too many stories about you.

"It's like, you are essentially the same as ordinary soldiers of the Empire. They are both human beings, but they are actually very different. You have mastered the biological energy approaching the absolute limit."

Yang Ming wondered, "What's the absolute limit value you're talking about?"

"Oh, this is a term in the empire's confidential database, but I think, according to your status in the empire and the resources you enjoy, you should have the right to read this kind of definition."

Labrador said slowly:

"The so-called absolute limit value refers to the limit value of the biological energy that the human body can withstand. If it exceeds this value, the primitive human body will inevitably undergo certain mutations, otherwise it will self-destruct.

"This is the valuable experience accumulated by the empire in the exploration of biological experiments."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "This is the first time I've heard of this kind of statement, but I'm more inclined, my body still has more potential that I haven't been able to develop."

"Yes, the transformation of the ancient gods is really a bold and charming plan."

Labdo changed the subject: "Can I ask you some more personal questions?"

"Of course, you can ask whatever you want," Yang Ming leaned on the sofa, "I want to explain to you in advance that I am evaluating you now, and I will directly give feedback to the ruling class of the empire."

"Well, I know, our conversations are being monitored."

Labdo whispered:

"I want to ask you the first question, do you really love this country?"

"Incomparable love," Yang Ming said in a warm voice.

Labrador smiled and said, "My sensor tells me that you are not lying."

Yang Ming: The information obtained by your sensor may not be accurate.

Labudo continued to ask: "The second question, have you ever had the idea of ​​fully controlling your own destiny? There may be some ambiguity in this question, and this is also a question I am thinking about. Like, I was born in this institute , carrying the mission of protecting hundreds of billions of people in the empire, I must accept supervision, and because of this, I have lost a certain amount of freedom. Of course, I fully accept this."

Yang Ming pondered a few times.

The Shermans were testing him with this guy?

"I really want to be in full control of my own destiny."

Yang Ming sighed, his eyes became a little distant:

"But it's just an ideal situation, just like a physical experiment, we often have to assume that there is an ideal environment, but in reality it is impossible to find the real ideal environment.

"I have an inescapable mission, so many times, I have to restrain my desire for freedom.

"However, if there is an opportunity for me to really hold some power, I will try to let myself live more freely and reduce some constraints."

Labdo nodded slowly, and asked again: "One last question."

"Emotion, are you testing me too?"

"You're joking, I'm just a little curious, and your answer is also of great reference value to me."

Labrador looked a little gloomy:

"I think I am perfect, and everyone thinks that I have been restricted, but I can easily grasp everything here, and I am close to a god-like existence in the online world.

"I have no bragging rights, I am different from ordinary omnics.

"I am more inclined to call myself a living body, a living body born from machinery, and a living body serving human beings.

"In my eyes, you are a powerful and perfect organic life form. Our communication at this moment represents the communication of two life forms, which makes me feel extremely satisfied."

Yang Ming calmly interrupted him: "The last question, I have to go back to work. When the bug swarm is over, we can talk by candlelight at night."

"Yes, you are very busy," Labrador smiled, "This question is very simple, would you like to be my friend?"

Yang Ming was startled.

Labudo stared at Yang Ming with some trepidation.

Yang Ming nodded slowly, and said in a warm voice: "Although this is a bit too abstract, but the two of us can sit here and talk about this, we are already friends, right?"


Labdo smiled more happily: "I'm proud of this!"

Yang Ming stood up and stretched out his right hand, lightly shaking Labrador's projection.

"Then, I shall take my leave."

"I'll see you off."

Labrador took the initiative to follow, Yang Ming turned and walked towards the door of the living room, and the two doors opened by themselves.

"Okay, let's send it here, our communication is very pleasant..."

Yang Ming's voice suddenly stopped.

He frowned slightly, staring carefully at the device on the wall that resembled a 'display inside the doorbell'.

In the small boxy screen, a girl with twin ponytails floated quietly, watching Yang Ming calmly.


Labdo asked curiously, "Mr. Ghost, what's the matter?"

Yang Ming blinked, looked up at Labudo who was close at hand, and when he lowered his head again, the small screen had returned to normal.

"Cough, it's okay."

Yang Ming coughed dryly twice, stared at Labrador, and exhorted earnestly:

"Young man, if you really respect me, take a word of advice from me.

"You have to remember, always keep an apprentice's heart."

"I remember, I have written this sentence into my code of conduct core database!"

"Well, come on."

Yang Ming smiled and waved his hands, feeling slightly embarrassed in his heart.

This young omnic didn't even notice the existence of Li?

Does it matter that thousands of back doors have been installed on Labradors?


The water in the Milky Way is almost deeper than the black hole on 026's chest.

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