Xia Zhu carried Gong Lin's heads back to the fortress, and Ye Jun was indeed still guarding the corpses of the five children, but the corpses of the five children had been scrubbed clean, and the internal organs that had been taken out were sent into the empty chest.

The family of three children had already arrived, and they were standing by, and no one cried, just staring at the stiff corpses in a daze. The other two children were brutally murdered by Gong Lin when they were kidnapped by Gong Lin!

It's been too long since they've been dead, the corpses are completely stiff, and the five children were forced to put on some distorted poses by Gong Lin when they were mutilated, which should be for that evil and grotesque ritual, and now those family members can't bring the distorted postures back to normal no matter how much they touch them.

When Xia Zhu came, he saw such a poignant scene.

"Baby, don't be reincarnated in my house in the next life, don't go out until you are born, you will be born into the golden nest and blessed nest, don't be like you were born in this place in this life, even the sun is only seen when you die!" A middle-aged woman held the child in her arms, as if coaxing the child to sleep, and whispered, "You are also an uncompromising person! I just left a little early, you see this is the sun! How beautiful, my hometown can see the sun every day!" It's not warm and comfortable to shine on people, and people don't have to wear thick leather jackets all year round, you can run around in single clothes..."

Xia Zhu put the heads of Gong Lin in front of the corpses of several children, and then did not speak, walked to the side gently, sat down cross-legged, and listened to the woman babbling, drank a pot of wine, and then Ye Jun handed him another pot!

In the sky, on the thick clouds, the gap that he broke with his knife was still not closed, and he also saw the sun in the north where there was no sunlight all day long, and the sun of the dead iron star was like the sun of the blue star, it was all golden and shining, shining warmly, although this level of sunlight could not melt the thick ice on the ground, but it shone into people's hearts.

At this moment, there were countless people in the fortress who were greedily looking up at the sky and feeling the sunshine with their cheeks, which was the best gift they had received in so many years, and the same was true of the soldiers! No matter how much the Empire sent over and tried to change their living conditions, the Empire could not bring the sun!

At the same time, they were also afraid, afraid that the next moment the gap would disappear, and then the Great Wall Fortress would have to return to that gray sky, and they could not see the sky, they could not see the sun!

Xia Zhu drank five jars of liquor in a row, his face gradually turned pale, his consciousness began to be impetuous, dizzy, chaotic, and there seemed to be unevenness in his heart!

He threw off the wine jar in his hand! Pointing to the sky, he scolded: "Thief God! Why are you stingy with that little sun, human beings should live under the sun and be illuminated by the sun! When the sun shines, the world will light up! When the body is warm, the heart will be warm! Only when the heart is warm, can people not want to go home! Damn! Thief God!"

Xia Zhu was incoherent, laughing and scolding for a while, like a drunken man, and the soldiers next to him did not dare to approach, thinking that Xia Zhu was in a bad mood and drunk! But Xia Zhu's words still made them feel emotional! Yes, people should live under the sun, and they should see the sun more! What darkness, what kind of charm and what the most fearful thing is the sun!

"Jun'er, Jun'er, take my knife!" Xia Zhu suddenly shouted.

Ye Jun was a little helpless, she hadn't seen Xia Zhu drunk, at this time it was considered to be insightful, it turned out that the teacher was similar to ordinary people, and he would get drunk, and he would lose his superior temperament after getting drunk, no, maybe it should be said that Xia Zhu has never had a superior temperament, he looks like an ordinary old farmer, and now he is a drunk and spilling old farmer!

"Teacher, the knife is on you!" she said to Xia Zhu as quietly as she coaxed a child.

"On me?" Xia Zhu was stunned, drunk.

Ye Jun nodded, "Teacher, let's go back first! You drank too much and need to rest!"

Xia Zhu shook his head and groped for the knife behind his back, because he was not conscious enough, he pulled it out several times before pulling it out!

"Teacher, don't practice knives today! You're already drunk, be careful that you'll hurt yourself!"

Xia Zhu pulled out his bloodthirstiness, like stroking his own child, and touched the knife from the tip of the knife to the hilt, "I joined the army at the age of eighteen and began to practice knives, and I have been ... There are... How many years?"

"Eighty-two years!"

"Yes, eighty-two years! I Xia Zhu has been practicing knives for eighty-two years! The initial practice shelf, the knife technique is messy, not the same, the instructor said that others are imaginary, you don't even have a watch, and you still practice a hammer, it is better to go home and farm!"

"I don't believe it, I practice day and night! I'm a fool, I spent three whole years practicing good things in a year! Then I began to learn to chop models, chop straw mats, chop wooden stakes, and slowly learn bit by bit, and if I was stupid than others, I practiced more time than others, and so on for three years and three years! Then the war began, and I took this knife to the battlefield and began to cut off people's heads!"

"Ah, I was afraid to die at that time, I went down with a knife, and the enemy's neck was cut in half by me, and my brain drooped on my neck, spurting blood outward, if it wasn't for our squad leader to save my life, I would have died at that time, I would have died on the battlefield, I didn't die, who died! But then there were more people who cut virtues, I got used to it, and the knife became better and better, and I found that the original knife was not used to chop straw mats, cut stakes, or cut people's heads, cut enemies, look at those things I am not used to!"

Xia Zhu raised his head and looked at the sky, "Cut off the grievances in my heart! I am unhappy in my heart today, why is there no sun here?"

"Teacher, this is determined by the laws of nature, we can't change it!" Ye Jun shook his head, also a little uncomfortable, there should also be a sun here.

"Jun'er, you say, should there be a sun here?"

Ye Jun nodded, and replied affirmatively: "There should be!"

"That's good, the sun is actually there all the time, it's this floating cloud that covers our eyes, so that we can't see it! As long as I cut off this floating cloud, the sun will come out!"

Ye Jun opened his mouth, looking at the clouds spreading in the sky for tens of millions of miles, as well as the gaps that were already gradually getting closer, and suddenly he didn't know what to say, the floating clouds were rootless, if there was no wind, they would gather, and if there was wind, they would disperse, and how to cut them with a knife! It seems that the teacher will also talk nonsense when he is drunk, and it is still that kind of shocking nonsense. But she didn't stop it, the teacher was obviously in a bad mood today, so he sought to get drunk, and let him go crazy, which is also a good thing, it's better than holding it in my heart all the time!

Xia Zhu held the knife and began to look around for something, but he was not satisfied with many things, he shook his head while watching, and muttered to himself, "No, it's too soft, it's too brittle!"

"Teacher, what are you looking for? I'll help you find it!" Ye Jun looked at him like this, I'm afraid he was already a little unconscious.

"I'm looking for a big rock! two feet high!"

When Ye Jun heard this, he immediately turned his head to look at the officers nearby, those officers were also in trouble for a while, where to find a two-zhang high stone in the fortress?

However, soon, one of the officers patted his head, "It turns out that when the city was built, wasn't there still a black stone left? That stone is probably several zhang high, and it was originally intended to build a statue of the head of state or something, but then the war began, and no one mentioned it at that time!"

So everyone led Xia Zhu to find the stone, which had been placed here for ten years, and it was full of ice and snow.

Xia Zhu patted it, "Okay!

Then Xia Zhu bent down and shouted, the extreme path of power unconsciously opened, and the majestic force surged out, and this boulder of at least a dozen tons was carried by Xia Zhu with one hand!

There seemed to be a small earthquake in the fortress, and every time Xia Zhu took a step, it shook once, and many people in the city gathered around Xia Zhu, looking at the new general to see what he wanted to do today!

Xia Zhu placed the stone on the small square in the center of the fortress, and the stone fell to the ground!

With a bang, people who were close could even clearly feel the powerful tremor coming from the ground, and Xia Zhu slammed one end of the stone into the ground!

Then everyone saw the light of the knife in Xia Zhu's hand flickering, and the shadow blade was flying, so fast that they couldn't see clearly, only stone chips were flying!

It turned out that they were going to carve something, but they didn't know what Xia Zhu would carve! After a while, they knew that a knife-shaped sculpture of three or four feet above the ground appeared in the center of the square, and the tip of the knife went straight into the sky, as if it was about to pierce the sky, and it happened to be aimed at the crack in the clouds that was about to close!

Ye Jun's face was solemn, she suddenly realized that maybe Xia Zhu was serious, the words that seemed out of tune, and the actions that were out of tune were all serious, and she was doing it!

Xia Zhu is not a master carver, in fact, he doesn't know anything about carving, but he is familiar with the knife, more familiar than his own body, and the knife technique is good enough, so this knife is like a real steel, lifelike, as if this is a peerless knife!

Xia Zhu nodded with satisfaction, "I used to shout that I want to break the mountain, cut the sea, and open the sky! It's just that now my strength is not good, and I can't open the sky, but I can't open the sky, and I can't break your bullshit floating clouds? Don't be afraid of the floating clouds to cover your eyes, I want you to never close today!"

At this moment, the drunken Xia Zhu was gone, the knife on his body was full of intent, the bloodlust in his hand made a pleasant light sound, Ye Jun looked at his war knife with a moving face, and he was also groaning, and many people's knives were in the same situation, and the knives of the entire city seemed to have life at this moment, and in the call of a certain king, they hummed unsteadily in the scabbard!

Is this the grandmaster? As soon as the sword intent comes out, ten thousand swords will follow!

The sword intent on Xia Zhu's body was still endlessly increasing, as if there was no end, and there was no one around him who could stay, because that sword intent was too terrifying, sharp and domineering, as if he wanted to cut all the subordinates under the knife!

Then, seeing Xia Zhu slashing out at the black stone knife statue in the air, everyone was confused, could it be that the things that had just been carved were going to be destroyed again? Do you want to stop it, this is a good idea, not to mention that the carving is not bad! Just as an officer wanted to step forward, he was stopped by Ye Jun!

"Now is the critical period, don't disturb the teacher!"

I saw that the knife intent slashed on the black stone knife, and it did not destroy the statue, but instead blended into it like water, and then Xia Zhu became faster and faster, slashing out one after another, like a mad demon, one after another terrifying knife intent merged into the statue!

Then everyone was surprised to find that the statue also began to release terrifying sword intent, soaring into the sky, and it became more and more powerful and terrifying, as if there was a huge pillar extending from the ground to the sky!

100 knives, 1,000 knives, 10,000 knives, in the end, no one knew how many knives Xia Zhu had chopped, only to see him sweating like rain, not only soaking the military uniform on his body, but also dripping down the corners of his clothes, Ye Jun wanted to go up and stop it several times, but after all, he still couldn't bear it, the teacher was desperate, it had reached this level, no matter whether it was successful or not, he had to let him continue.

I don't know how long it took, the knife intent on the statue had accumulated to an extreme, just like a nuclear bomb that had been detonated but was stopped by someone with great power, stopping at the moment when it was about to be exploded!

Xia Zhu finally stopped, rested for a while, and raised the knife again, this is the last knife!

"Today, cut through the clouds!


The last knife fell on the statue, as if the nuclear bomb that had been stopped by life had finally detonated at this moment! The terrifying sword intent rushed into the sky, and from the very center of the Great Wall of Despair, like a pillar of light that soared into the sky, straight into the sky, the crack in the clouds that was already about to close, was torn open again by the terrifying and majestic knife intent at this moment, and this time the tear was even bigger, and the sky that had been darkened suddenly brightened again!

Countless people looked up at the sky, dumbfounded!

"My sword intent will not disperse for a day, and the floating clouds will not gather for a day!" Xia Zhu laughed, feeling that he was extremely happy at the moment, thief God, look, after all, he couldn't fight himself! After saying this, he fell to the ground!



The shouts of countless people sounded in Xia Zhu's ears, but Xia Zhu couldn't hear it anymore, because he was lying on the ground and had already heard a thunderous snoring.

Ye Jun carefully checked Xia Zhu's body and found that there was nothing serious, that is, it was caused by drunkenness and detachment! As long as he rested for a day and slept well, he could recover as before.

She looked up at the black stone knife that seemed to pierce the sky, and there was an indescribable pride, she really deserved to be her Ye Jun's teacher, she never did ordinary things, and it was bound to be earth-shattering if she wanted to do it!

Many people know at this moment, what Xia Zhu is doing, and what Xia Zhu's purpose is, their first feeling is that it is impossible, how can someone influence the principle of natural change, they are not fools, they naturally know what a terrible thing it should be to really do it to this extent, so they don't believe what Xia Zhu said, the sword will not disperse, and the clouds will not gather. Maybe this is a useless exercise, maybe tomorrow when I get up, I will never see this gap again, and this place will return to the same as before.

However, they are still very moved, very touched to have a general in a high position who can put himself in their shoes, no matter what, they will never forget this love for the rest of their lives, and it will be passed on from generation to generation, and at this moment, Xia Zhu has been accepted by everyone here!

But Xia Zhu didn't know all this, and was still sleeping heavily, and he slept all night this night!

Finally in the early morning of the next day, Xia Zhu woke up from his deep sleep, got up with difficulty, and heard movement Ye Jun walked in.

"Teacher, are you awake?"

"Well, it's just a headache, why am I lying in bed?" Xia Zhu couldn't remember what happened yesterday, but he felt like his brain was in chaos and his head was splitting.

Ye Jun poured Xia Zhu a cup of tea, and was about to open his mouth to explain to Xia Zhu, but he heard a sudden exclamation outside, and this sound quickly spread, and countless people called friends and called everyone out of the house!

"There's the sun!"

"The clouds didn't close!"

Countless people were cheering and crying, and soon the carnival of a group of people turned into a carnival of a city of people.

Xia Zhu was a little stunned, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on outside?" Is something happening? You go and take a look, I'll be there later!"

Ye Jun hurriedly ran out of the room, and then saw rays of sunlight shining through the cracks into the inside of the fortress, and at this moment, the entire fortress was shrouded in sunlight!

She felt that she was trembling a little at the moment, and muttered to herself, "Teacher, you have succeeded! The fortress has the sun! The people here can also get the sun!"

In the sky, most of the floating clouds are still clustered together, but only above the black stone knife, there seems to be a huge hole broken by something, there are no clouds, the sun shines down from there, the range that can be illuminated is not very large, but it is still surprising! In the future, there will be sunshine here every day! No matter whether it is windy or snowy, there will still be here!

From now on, this is no longer a city of despair, but a city of sunlight and a city of hope!

Just because there is one person, after drinking, he led the knife to the sky and won half of the sky for the people!

Xia Zhu hurriedly got dressed and ran out of the room, still carrying bloodlust in his hands, he was afraid that something would happen in the city again, and the five children yesterday made him feel guilty for a while, if something big happened and more people died, then he would definitely feel guilty, he would blame himself, and he would not even be able to forgive himself.

"Jun'er, what's going on?"

"Teacher, you succeeded!" Ye Jun hugged Xia Zhu, damn, Xia Zhu has lived for so many years, and it is the first time he has been hugged by a woman, and this time he is still his apprentice! Such a large-scale action made Xia Zhu suddenly at a loss, and he was still confused!

With a serious face, he hurriedly tore Ye Jun away from his body, "The eldest girl's family, how can she throw herself on others, what kind of system will it become! Don't be like this in the future! Since there is not something going on!"

Ye Jun was stunned in place, but when he thought of Xia Zhu's character, he took it for granted, so he immediately became unable to cry or laugh.

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