Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 315: Engraving the Dharma Ribbon, Wudang Zhou Sheng comes to visit

"Stay where you are and don't move? Why do you think I'm just letting go?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, replied saying yes, and then asked his uncle to send the "Shangqing Jing" first.

Soon, my uncle received a letter: "Why do you want the Shangqing Jing?"

"Condensing Dharma Ribbon!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

After a while, Zhang Shoucheng replied: "Why did your brain suddenly become enlightened and you started to pay attention to the talisman?"

"However, to condense the Dharma Rui, one has to be down-to-earth, use Shen as the pen, Qi as the ink, and carve the runes into the Dharma Rui one stroke at a time. This is a hard work and cannot be rushed."

"These days, you kid has been traveling through most of China in the wind and rain. Take a good rest for a while. When you return to Longhu Mountain, you can go explore Daozang by yourself!"

Zhang Zhiwei replied: "There's no need to rush, the enshrinement ceremony is coming soon!"

Zhang Shoucheng replied: "Do you also want to participate in this ceremony? However, even if you want to participate, you must be promoted from the fifth-grade Du Gonglu to the fourth-grade Alliance Prestige, and the requirement for promotion is to be proficient in "Zhengyi Zhu" "Sutra", what do you want from the "Shangqing Sutra"? You don't even know basic common sense, do you? Be careful that senior brother will give you the Five Thunder Initiation to make you sober up!"

Zhang Zhiwei replied: "You don't know basic common sense? How can your uncle accuse someone of their innocence out of thin air? I know a lot, and I won't participate in the ceremony to promote Du Gong Lu to Alliance Wei Lu this time. I want to go To participate in the ceremony of ascending the Five Thunder Barrels, of course you must ask for the Shangqing Jing!"


Zhang Shoucheng was stunned immediately, and after a while he replied:

"You actually want to upgrade to the 'Five Thunder Barriers'? Wait, then when did you get the 'Alliance Prestige Barrier'? I have participated in these conferences, and I have been a recommender several times. Why don't I Remember recommending you?"

As the recommender, all personnel must pass through his hands before they can participate in the ordination conference. There is no reason why Zhang Zhiwei, a prominent figure in Longhu Mountain (a conspicuous package), would not know about the event.

Zhang Zhiwei patted his head, "Oh no, I didn't say it right. I let it slip. Isn't this an injustice to Master Zhang Yi who helped me get through the back door?"

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Zhiwei decided to tell the truth. One lie requires countless lies to cover up. His family did not tell the truth immediately.

However, he didn't say anything about his master's request to him, even asking him to spiral into the air with a flying sword. He had a hunch that if he did, these elders would be happy to see him embarrassed.

"It took me more than five years to be promoted from the 'Alliance Prestige Ru' to the 'Five Thunder Ruins'. Now it's just a short time before the ceremony begins. Are you sure you can make it!?"

After a few minutes, Zhang Shoucheng sent a message, which was enough to show his surprise.

"You have to do it even if you're not sure. Whether it's successful or not is one thing. You have to have a correct attitude!" Zhang Zhiwei replied.

Zhang Shoucheng replied: "I have a very positive attitude towards admitting my mistake. OK, I will send you the Shangqing Jing. The Shangqing Jing is also known as the Thirty-nine Chapters Sutra. It has thirty-nine chapters in total. I am now I have something to do, so I don’t have time to write it all to you.”

"I'll give you the simplest chapter first. You read it first and try to engrave the verses above on the Dharma pot. I don't know how many runes from this chapter you can engrave on the Dharma pot during the ceremony. ?”

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, look at what his uncle said, isn't engraving runes on the urn the same as copying a book according to the text? I can't copy a chapter in ten days? Are you kidding...

He had the intention to ask his uncle to pass it all over, but then he thought about how troublesome it would be to pass it through the Yin-Yang paper. It won't be long before his uncle will come back. This chapter will be engraved first, and the rest will be sent to him in person when he comes back. consult.

Soon, a large and obscure scripture was sent.

"I'll send you a message, but speaking of this, Zhang Yi, an old bastard, did something a bit out of line with the rules. I must talk to my senior brother about it!"

When Zhang Zhiwei saw it, he didn't care to read the scriptures and quickly wrote and sent a message:

"Uncle Shoucheng, what are you doing as a family like this? Besides, do you think Master knows about this kind of thing?"

Speaking of which, it was Master who first told him about this matter. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Uncle Zhang Yi mentioned it first and Master agreed.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's message saying that we are a family, Zhang Shoucheng's face was very happy, but there was a letter in his hand replying:

"Oh! It turns out that these two old guys are working together. This is not good!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

What do you mean? Doesn't this ruin the situation? There was a bad premonition in his heart. Uncle Ruo Shoucheng went to find the master and said... Isn't something going to happen?

Zhang Zhiwei quickly sent a message: "Uncle Master, what do you want to say to Master? Just tell me directly!"

Zhang Shoucheng replied: "What's the point of talking to you? These two old guys are very old, but they are not stable at all."

"The formal process for this matter is for the three masters to do it at the same time. Only in this way can it be seamless and not criticized by others. The two of them can do it with one supervisor and one transmitter. If the elders in the sect are like Yi The selfless and selfless man from his hometown found out and started to investigate. Do they still want their old face? How should we deal with it?!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

It turns out that Master is not stable enough!

"Uncle Master, you are the most stable, how do you think we should respond?" Zhang Zhiwei replied.

"How to deal with it? I am the recommender, can't I just add it to you? I said that you were busy and could not attend the ordination conference, so I recommended it on my behalf!"

Zhang Shoucheng replied that according to the procedure, the conferment conference at Longhu Mountain must be presided over by three masters, namely the transmitter, the supervisor, and the recommendation master.

The supervisor is usually a contemporary heavenly master who is responsible for supervising the entire Dharma assembly.

The transmission master is Zhang Yi. On the day of the conference, he will perform the Dharma at the Ten Thousand Fa Sect altar and upload the information about the disciples to the gods in the Dharma lineage, so he is the transmission master.

The recommender is the recommender of the disciple who teaches the disciple, and has the power to recommend or deprive the recommender of the qualification to teach.

This position is usually held by a high-ranking member of the direct lineage of the Zhang family. This is a rule that has lasted for thousands of years to ensure the status of the direct lineage of the ancestor Tianshi in the Tianshi Mansion.

The original Tianshi Mansion was actually the ancestral Tianshi's bloodline, and all important positions were controlled by the Zhang family. However, as the scale expanded, the number of disciples increased, and the number of conflicts in the mansion increased.

This contradiction is somewhat similar to the dispute between the inner and outer sects of the Tang Sect.

However, the Zhang family did not create an inner and outer government to divide the conflicts like the Tang clan did, but gradually delegated power. Only then did the disciples with the fake surname and even the Tianshi with the fake surname appear. However, this also allowed the direct descendants of the Zhang family to Bloodline has less and less say in Tianshi Mansion.

In order to ensure that the bloodline of the Ancestral Celestial Master would not be slowly eliminated, the Celestial Master's Mansion gave many preferential treatment to the direct Zhang family.

For example, Zhang Lingyu, who was adopted as a closed disciple by the Heavenly Master in later generations, was one of the preferential treatment.

What can I say about Zhang Lingyu? He has some talent, but his character is completely bad, and he is pedantic and conservative in his work. A cultivator can't even maintain his lower body. In fact, this is understandable, after all, Xia He is so capable.

But the key point is that this guy has no responsibility. They say he has no regrets. Things happened, but he regretted it. He wanted to break off the relationship and wanted to put the relationship aside, but he couldn't let it go. He couldn't let it go but he didn't dare to face the relationship...

This little daughter's mentality of being unable to pick up and let go, he accounts for half of the eight sufferings of human beings, and it is a taboo in spiritual practice.

The most important thing is that he also made a principled mistake. In the battle of Longhu Mountain, Tian Jinzhong died. The entire Tianshi Mansion was the same enemy. The master went down from the mountain to eradicate Quan Xing.

Under the righteousness of the master's sect, he, as a young disciple, did not want to avenge his uncle, share his master's worries, but only thought about women.

He even went so far as to disobey his master's order that all Longhu Mountain disciples were not allowed to go down the mountain, and sneaked down the mountain to deliver a message to Quan Xing's mistress.

Isn't this the behavior of a young person? Fortunately, the one who had to go down the mountain was the old Heavenly Master who used his strength to break the situation. If he were like the Tang Clan, wouldn't he be harmed if something like this happened?

If this kind of thing falls on the hands of forces like the Shuzi Sect, the Lu Family, and the Tang Sect, instead of killing you on the spot, I will show mercy to you outside the law.

It is said that they expelled him from the school to train him and cultivate him. There may not be a reason why they are really disappointed with him.

You know, when the Tianshi Mansion sends people down the mountain, they are just letting people go down the mountain to experience, and there is a time limit, but there is no such thing as expelling the master.

Zhang Lingyu was expelled from the master's sect. If he enlightens, he may be able to go back. If he doesn't, there will be no such person in the Tianshi Mansion.

In general, if Zhang Lingyu is not named Zhang, she is not qualified to be accepted as a closed disciple by the Heavenly Master. This is a kind of support for the Zhang family.

In addition to special cultivation, another kind of support provided by Tianshi Mansion to the Zhang family is to let the Zhang family hold the position of recommender among the three masters, and can recommend Taoist priests to participate in the conferment conference.

If the other party has bad conduct or is very hostile to the Zhang family, they have the right not to recommend it, making it impossible for them to advance to the talisman and restricting the other party's development in the talisman field.

But this situation rarely occurs. Most of the time, the recommender actually goes through a process. The following Taoist or Buddhist disciples sign up and want to be conferred or promoted. The recommender can just pass it directly.

After all, the talisman path was created by the Ancestral Master. Most of those who join this path have respect for the Ancestral Master. You recommended me to learn the methods of your ancestors, but I came to deal with you. How unkind is that?

Therefore, many people have a passion for the direct bloodline of the Zhang family. This is a virtuous circle, and the Zhang family is happy to recommend it. In many cases, they will even select some geniuses to recommend and give full support.

Zhang Zhiwei has been very impressive and upright since he started, so they naturally have no reason to interfere with him.

In the past, Zhang Shoucheng always felt that Zhang Zhiwei's temperament was not stable enough.

But this time in the Dragon Vein Land, after seeing Zhang Zhiwei's methods, Zhang Shoucheng's impression of him changed drastically. Although his temper was still not stable enough for Shoucheng, his strength could make Longhu Mountain very stable!

No matter whether he becomes a heavenly master or not, he will still be the pillar of Longhu Mountain.

So he was happy to sell Zhang Zhiwei's reputation and add a name. It was just a minor disadvantage.

Seeing Zhang Shoucheng's reply, Zhang Zhiwei was stunned and complained in his heart, you are the recommender, why are you talking about this? Are you looking for fun with me...

After a pause, he wrote: "Uncle Master is so steady. I have thanked Uncle Master Zhiwei, but I ask Uncle Master not to tell Master about this!"

Otherwise, if he sneaks down the mountain, the mission of the magic basket is not completed, and there is no door on his lips, all these things combined, I am afraid that it will not be as simple as being tied to a flying sword and spiraling into the sky.

"Why?" Zhang Shoucheng asked.

Zhang Zhiwei's mind was spinning rapidly, his fingertips were sketching, and he wrote on the yin and yang paper at an extremely fast speed:

"Master and Uncle Zhang Yi's matter is a back door after all, which is not very honorable. If you tell them directly, won't it make them lose face?"

"So?" Zhang Shoucheng asked.

Zhang Zhiwei wrote directly on the spot: "I suggest that your uncle should not leave his name when doing good deeds, and just add it secretly. Don't tell them directly, let them discover it by themselves. In this way, they will not lose face and will accept your kindness. Killing two birds with one stone, it is extremely stable, don’t you think so, Uncle Master!”

After writing these paragraphs in one breath, Zhang Zhiwei felt a little tired, even more tired than fighting with Shuten Tongzi.

"What you said makes a lot of sense. Senior brother always said that you don't understand the world and only see yourself. That's not true. Don't you think about others?"

Zhang Shoucheng replied, but what he was thinking in his heart was that I am just being honest, not pedantic. After helping others, if I don't make it clear, it is tantamount to walking at night in brocade clothes. I will talk to my senior brother later.

Let's just say that this kid Zhiwei spilled the beans. Anyway, he is a big talker and has no clue. I will keep it a secret for him. It won't take long for him to tell others.

"Zhang Gaogong, the dragon vein has been released, this operation has ended perfectly, I am going to have a celebration banquet? Gao Gong, why don't you call the little heavenly master together, everyone come to my place, have fun!?"

At this time, in the land of dragon veins, the head of the Gao family came over and invited with a smile on his face.

Zhang Shoucheng ended his conversation with Zhang Zhiwei, turned around and said:

"Patriarch Gao has his heart in mind, but the Xiayuan Festival is approaching, and we are rushing back to the mountain to attend the ceremony for the ceremony, so we won't go!"

"I see, that's such a pity..."



On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei took a long breath and began to meditate on the "Shangqing Jing".

Master Zhang Shoucheng lived up to his reputation as a steadfast scholar. He sent the "Shangqing Jing" in great detail, including not only the original text but also annotations, which contained some insights on spiritual practice.

Standing on the shoulders of predecessors, climbing high and looking far, this greatly saves Zhang Zhiwei's time for inscription.

After reading it through only once, he began to fall into trance, using the power of his soul as a pen to inscribe runes on his own dharma basket.

While inscribing, I could see the "Zhengyi Alliance Mighty Sutra" on Zhang Zhiwei's wrist flashing, and the transparent runes were outlined by the power of the soul, manifested on its surface, and deeply engraved on it.

The whole process was as smooth as writing a painting. According to the current engraving progress, he could engrave all the sutras on it in less than half a day, not to mention ten days.

If my uncle saw this, he would be shocked.

A few hours later, as the last sutra fell, this sutra was engraved on the Dharma basket word for word.

Zhang Zhiwei stood up and stretched, went to the inn window, opened it, and looked at the sky.

I saw the clouds breaking and the moon rising, a full moon hanging in the middle of the sky, stars scattered in the sky, the sky was filled with clear light, and every plant and tree in Changbai Mountain reflected the cold light of the stars and the moon.

People came in one after another at the gathering place. This was the return of the people from the Dragon Veins of Changbai Mountain. On the way back, they were escorted by all the immortal families, and everything went smoothly.

Zhang Zhiwei was about to go out and asked his uncle about the rest of the "Shang Qing Jing".

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the inn door.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand by the window, released energy from his palm, and opened the door.

I saw an old-looking young man with small eyes standing outside, holding his hands and saying:

"Wudang Zhou Sage, pay homage to the Little Heavenly Master!"

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