Treasure hunter, sailing on the blue sea

Chapter 391 Floating Alien Space

When the brilliant blue light is revealed.

The originally chaotic space has become extremely stable.

This is a blue gemstone with irregular but numerous smooth facets, allowing it to reflect brilliant light.

With the appearance of this gem, the energy in the Holy Grail was consumed, and the four treasures held in the hands of the stone sculpture also fell down and were caught by several people below.

The original lines on the altar also dimmed and disappeared.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the gem above the Holy Grail.

Alka slowly leaned over, reached out and took the gem in his hands.

This was a huge gem, held by Alka in both hands, completely exceeding the palms of both hands, and it was unusually heavy.

Everyone gathered around.

"Is this the treasure on the mural?" Lucilia, sitting on Alka's shoulder, asked curiously.

When this treasure appeared, it became restrained, just like an ordinary expensive gem, without seeming to have anything special about it.

In other words, such a big and beautiful gem is special enough.

"Try it quickly and see if it suits you." Jason next to him patted Alka and said.

Alka nodded, and the magic power slowly touched the gem.

As the gem was moved, brilliant blue light emitted.

"Okay? Does this mean it's okay?" Jason asked in surprise.

Alka closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After a while, he opened his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were already raised.

Apparently, he had found a treasure that suited him.

"That's right, neither the Mirror nor the Dream Catcher are repelled by him, and are even willing to touch each other's magic."

Obviously these three treasures are compatible. Although it cannot be described as a high degree of compatibility, they are not opposed to their mutual communication at all.

In other words, although they may not necessarily complement each other and produce a high-connectivity mutual matching effect, normal mutual combination should be fully able to play out.

There will be no conflict between the magic powers and they can blend well with each other. This means that when Alka uses this scepter-level treasure, he can also easily use the other two Holy Grail-level treasures. There is no barrier between them.

"Tell me what the ability of this treasure is? Doesn't it mean it can open a huge space where people can live?" Lucilia asked hurriedly.

They had stayed on Broken Island for a long time before, and through the excavation of various ruins, they probably understood some of the more ancient legends and stories.

Through these stories, I fully understood the power of this treasure.

The main ability should be to open a huge space that can accommodate an entire city-state.

The Broken Island outside is just a corner of this city-state.

Moreover, this space is capable of inhabiting and surviving life, and it is very large.

A small world that is independent and capable of survival.

But Alka didn't answer, but frowned.

"Is there still any personal aura left in it?"

These words made everyone a little confused, and they couldn't help but look at him.

"Don't you feel wrong?"

"No, there is indeed a personal aura left, but it's very light. It doesn't even take half a month to remove the personal aura on it."

"Could it be that the preservation method was so good that the personal aura on it was completely preserved?" Lucilia thought for a while and asked.

When Alka heard this statement, he nodded, not to mention that it was really possible.

The place where this treasure is hidden can indeed be described as secret.

It is stored in some kind of space mezzanine that needs to be opened through this kind of ritual.

"Now..." Jason looked at Alka, his meaning obvious.

Alka looked at the gem in his hand and placed it in another free treasure box.

"Let's go back to the ship first and wait until the smell above is gone."

After a few people nodded and gathered together, they returned outside through the reversal of the spell.

Passing the way they had come, they were soon back to the breach in the landing. After boarding the Sound of Dawn, we directly drove the ship back without stopping.

"At this speed, we will almost return to Southern Cross Island after the aura disappears." Alka said, looking at the box at his feet.

Upon hearing this, Pororo said: "Isn't that good? Let everyone know it as soon as possible."

In just one or two days, Broken Island will drift off course again, and they must return quickly.

They are very fast.

More than half a month passed quickly.

Some passing merchant ships have appeared around, and they are about to return to Southern Cross Island.

Alka sat on the deck.

"Has the breath of the treasure been eliminated?" Jason asked sitting next to him.

It should be almost time.

Alka nodded: "It was eliminated yesterday morning."

The reason why I didn't grasp it was because we were about to arrive at Southern Cross Island, so it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't hurry and let everyone take a look at it.

Hearing this, Jason turned around and said with a smile: "Then I'm starting to get a little curious."

"I'm even curious myself, the Voice of Dawn is accelerating!"


The melodious song came and the ship sped up.

When the sky was covered by a curtain, the ship happened to be docked at the port of Southern Cross Island.

Xia Daiti and others, who had been waiting on the shore, jumped up with a smile.

"Is there nothing going on during this period?" Alka asked looking at Xia Dai.

Xia Daiti shook his head: "It's very quiet, but it is said that the turmoil in the royal city is not over yet."

"Even at the port, there are many rumors related to Kriel."

Alka nodded, after all, Kriel's method was a bit too radical.

These rumors will definitely take a long time to dispel.

"You guys get on the boat first and go out." Alka carried the treasure box and headed into the night.

After all, I still have the treasure I borrowed from Balazs, so of course I have to return it first.

Soon Alka bought a small item at the Chamber of Commerce, and then came to the tavern on the second floor.

At the tavern owner's nod, he sat in the corner.

However, after waiting for a while, the owner of the tavern personally served a glass of wine, and then said in his ear: "If you can't come, let's go first."

Alka thought for a moment and opened the treasure chest, revealing Balazs' treasure inside.

Seeing this treasure, the boss nodded.

After some tricks, the treasure fell into the hands of the boss. Alka left after seeing him return to the bar.

Balazs still has great trust in his boss, when Alka came with him before. Balazs placed his treasures in the hands of his boss many times.

And it's the boss who helps deliver the message.

After making sure that nothing happened, Alka was wary of accidents and gave the boss a label before leaving.

By the way, in his dream, Pi got a small mist-like creature attached to the outside of the boss's dream bubble.

Although Balazs trusts this boss, after all, he still needs to be vigilant when borrowing a treasure from Alka.

After doing all this, Alka returned to the ship under the cover of night.

At this time everyone was waiting for him on the deck.

The moment Alka got on the boat, everyone focused on him.

"I didn't expect you haven't mastered that treasure yet." Simon looked at him and said with a smile.

Of course Simon is happy about this kind of thing.

Every process of mastering a treasure is worth recording.

Let alone a scepter-level treasure.

"Okay, I know you are looking forward to it, let's go outside first."

With that said, he drove the Dawn Voice out of the port and sailed outside the Southern Cross Island.

After all, he is mastering a scepter-level treasure, so who knows if some exaggerated situations may appear inexplicably.

No one can guarantee that it won’t be too late to do it when you reach the unexplored sea.

Soon everyone took the Dawn Sound and arrived at the sea where the Southern Cross Island was no longer visible.

Alka opened the box.

Inside is a scythe and the huge blue gem.

Slowly hold up the gem.

The personal atmosphere above has been completely eliminated.

Alka took a deep breath, held the gem and closed her eyes.

Slowly instill your own magic power, along with the infusion of Alka's magic power. The gem emits a brilliant blue light.

Everyone immediately retreated to give enough space.

The moment the light emitted, Julia frowned. Xia Detti, who was next to him, saw this situation and asked, "What's wrong?"

Julia felt it for a while and then said, "I feel like the space around me has become a little chaotic."

Not long after she finished speaking, the surrounding sea began to roll, and huge walls rose up one after another and began to rotate.

Everyone has long been accustomed to this kind of situation. This is the unique exaggerated effect caused by the chaos of space here.

"This can't be a coincidence, right?" Jason asked after looking at this situation.

After all, as soon as Alka grasped the treasure, the space around it became chaotic, resulting in such a situation.

Julia nodded, obviously it couldn't be a coincidence.

However, this time the turning of the surrounding sea surface was a bit beyond their imagination. The wantonly rotating sea surface no longer simply surrounds some surfaces, or appears directly in the sky as before.

Instead, it forms some kind of weird and twisted image, and the chaos of space has reached a rather outrageous level.

Comparing the former space to a piece of white paper, the previous situations were just that the paper was slightly folded, or rolled.

And this time it was like someone took this blank paper and started folding it in various handicrafts.

Suddenly the blue light produced some kind of shock wave.

The chaos in the surrounding space subsided in an instant.

The moment it calmed down, the turbulent and chaotic sea surface suddenly turned into a normal situation.

The changes in environment are a little too exaggerated.

At the moment of calm, everyone's expressions changed immediately, and they rushed to the sides of the boats on both sides and stuck their heads out.

Various sounds of vomiting and retching were heard, and even Urulius' head stuck out.

Only Lucilia and the doll girls looked at everyone in confusion.

They used doll bodies, so they obviously didn't have such a vomiting reaction.

For a moment when the space was extremely chaotic, the strange feeling caused by being flattened by the space gave them a feeling similar to severe seasickness in their minds.

The vomiting subsided for a while, after they rinsed their mouths. Jason sat on the deck and held his forehead in discomfort.

Looking at Alka who was still mastering the gems.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would be able to enjoy the feeling of seasickness.”

Compared to humans like Jason and Xia Detti, the three marine race members of Poroluo never thought they would feel like this.

After Julia relaxed for a while, she felt the space around her again.

She has the keenest sense of the environment, and the sudden calm of space that she just received was the strongest.

"The space has become solid. Even the Twin Islands have never been so solid."

As soon as he finished speaking, Alka had already opened his eyes, and the gem had disappeared from his hands.

Instead, Alka's right eye completely turned into a crystal-like existence. You can see the blue light inside through the pupils with gem facets.

This is the symbol of Alka's fusion of treasures.

I thought it would be in the eyes.

It looks slightly weird.

But compared to this weirdness, what everyone is more interested in is obviously the ability of this treasure.

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Alka sat down on the deck and frowned.

"You guys, wait for me to do some research. There's something wrong with this treasure."

Alka said and closed her eyes.

"What's going on? I'm almost out of curiosity right now." Simon said uncomfortably.

There was obviously something different about this treasure, but I didn't know it for a while. This feeling of almost knowing but having to wait made him extremely uncomfortable, and he could only walk up and down the deck to kill himself.

Everyone had no choice but to wait nearby.

Now I no longer even have the desire to chat, I can only sit and look at Alka.

At this time, Alka closed his eyes, and he began to carefully explore his gem.

The scepter-level treasure known as the Heart of Vastava.

Although this treasure is called the Heart of Vastava, to some extent it would be called a different dimension or a space stone.

These names are all completely acceptable existences.

Alka could clearly feel some kind of bonus power brought by this treasure.

That is the power to connect to space and manipulate space, and this is only a bonus brought by this treasure, not its main ability.

The main abilities are vague and seem to have been deliberately hidden. Something is obviously wrong.

Alka couldn't tell, so he could only start to check carefully, wasting his mind.

Logically speaking, this treasure's ability should be able to open a door to an alien space.

Finally, after Alka's investigation and detection, I finally felt this major ability.

He could feel that there was a space that was huge and wide-ranging. It's like a piece cut out of reality.

Just like the real world, but separated from each other.

Finally Alka discovered the reason for this.

The world was broken and rejoined, causing this alien space that was essentially connected to the real world to be cut off and pushed away.

Apparently, the Four Gods who once repaired the broken world so that it barely stuck together didn't take into account such tiny fragments.

Alka must take back this space, otherwise the main ability of his treasure will be completely unusable.

You can only use the controllability of space that comes with it.

Although that is obviously a powerful ability possessed by a treasure, Alka is more concerned about this main ability.

The body and the dream were exchanged, and everyone outside immediately felt something different.

"Alka fell into a dream?"

"It should be right."

At this time, Alka sank into his own country.

The moment he arrived, he used a mirror to simulate himself as Mirmi, with antlers wrapped in crystal and mist growing on his head.

The moment Alka walked out of his dreamland, Shadow Robe felt something different about Alka appear next to him, and Huan also appeared next to him.

"Your Majesty? What are you doing?" Yingpao asked a little strangely.

Alka's simulated breath with Mirmi after he came out made him think that something unexpected had happened.

"I need the power of the country, let everyone help me."

Hearing this, Shadow Robe nodded although he didn't understand what Alka wanted to do.

Soon the fog-like creatures gathered in the kingdom.

Their power began to be transferred back to the buildings in the capital, and the buildings spread the energy out.

A large amount of fog filled the entire mirror kingdom in an instant.

This power is controlled by Alcasso's perception, which has simulated Mirmi.

He began to use his royal power and connection with the world, through the treasures in his body.

He began to explore the faraway fragment outside the world and began to sense his existence.

After finding it, he began to use his own power and connection with the fragment of the world to try to pull the fragment toward the world.

It was like a white rope that stretched out to tie him up and drag him back to the world he once was.

This process, with the help of Alka's dream kingdom and Mirmi's power and treasures, went extremely smoothly.

It only requires a slight consumption of strength, and of course it also requires help from the world that is already completely asleep.

But all it takes is the mist creature to take action.

Soon, through the white fog rope, the space finally approached the edge of the broken world.

Alka already had a very clear perception.

Able to control that broken space.

Open the door to the inside.

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