Treasure hunter, sailing on the blue sea

Chapter 388 Return to the Broken Sea

Under the sunlight.

A ship sailing on the endless sea.

The ship has a special bird-headed head, and patterns on the ship that seem to be carved with vine-like reliefs.

The most striking thing is that there is a big tree growing on the deck of this ship.

The big tree is covered with crystal gems that reflect various colors of light in the sun.

The most interesting thing is that there is actually a layer of lawn on the deck of this ship. If you look closely, you can see that the grass is really growing from the deck.

Alka stood at the helm, looking at the endless sea in the distance.

At this time, there was also a small flag on the rudder, with a red cross star painted on it.

This is the guiding flag of Southern Cross Island, guiding everyone in the direction to Southern Cross Island.

"How long do we have to sail this time to reach our destination?" Lucilia asked, sitting on Alka's shoulder.

After hearing this, Alka thought for a moment and replied: "According to our previous calculations, and the speed of Dawn Voice has increased now, it should take three or four months."

"Does it take so long?"

"It's already very fast, and we have only reached the Broken Sea. To reach the Southern Cross Island, it may take half a month."

Alka said, after all, they are on the Twin Islands, which is relatively far away from the Southern Cross Island.

Although it is broken, although the entire expanse is still disordered and chaotic. But there is a signpost island that can be stable in the sea of ​​dark clouds.

Therefore, it is also divided into prosperous areas and more remote areas, and the broken sea area where they appear can no longer be described as remote but can be described as border.

According to their understanding, reaching the boundless sea from the home sea usually occurs in remote areas. Because this can be regarded as the most chaotic area in the Infinite Sea.

The chaos here is not reflected in the direction of disorder, but in desolation.

The Broken Sea itself is a patchwork world made up of the broken fragments of the world and the ocean.

Although it took tens of thousands of years and the efforts of everyone in the world. But it has only stabilized in relatively central areas.

Edge areas like these are difficult to access.

For example, the chaotic scene of the sea turning over and the space that they encountered in the Broken Sea before could only be encountered in such border waters.

The ocean vision here is more exaggerated than anywhere else.

It can be regarded as the experience they gained from sailing.

They left the Border Island and sailed towards the Twin Islands. In fact, it can be clearly felt that there are fewer and fewer exaggerated and chaotic disasters.

At this time, Alka saw Simon coming up from the cabin below.

He quickly asked: "Simon, do you understand what I asked before?"

Simon nodded: "I checked some information and roughly understood the beginning and end of the entire Saraland Empire as well as the current specific situation."

Hearing this, Lucilia was also a little curious.

The rest of the people who were doing their own things on the deck also gathered around, waiting for his answer.

The notes he carried appeared directly in Simon's hand, he flipped through them, and began to tell the story to everyone.

"The first founder of the Saraland Empire was the savior Saralans, a chosen one by Poseidon."

Having said this, he glanced at Pororo next to him.

Everyone looked at him curiously.

Pororo looked at the looks cast by everyone, shrugged helplessly and replied: "Don't look at me, I don't quite understand what the chosen one means."

"Aren't you a loyal believer of Poseidon? And you are also the Storm Champion." Jason asked doubtfully from the side.

Hearing this, Pororo raised his finger and pointed at himself: "Look at how I look like a loyal believer. I am a fishman. I have believed in the ocean since I was a child and lived in the ocean. Of course, I naturally Became a believer in Poseidon.”

"What kind of prayers and praises don't understand this?"

As he spoke, Pororo waved his hands irritably, not feeling at all wrong about his behavior.

Although most Poseidon believers are like this, after all, in this world, ocean storms and other things can be regarded as part of Poseidon.

Therefore, Poseidon never takes the initiative to preach.

Next to her, Materissa helplessly held her forehead.

He explained on the side: "The concept of divine election has the same meaning as the divine election of other churches, and there is no difference."

Materissa is also a believer of Poseidon. Their entire race made a big mistake and was punished by Poseidon to guard the gate of the passage.

Even though Materissa said this, Alka still didn't understand.

His concept of religion...let's put it this way, is no different from Pororo's. To some extent, it may not be as good as Pororo.

Silently, he turned to look at Xia Detti beside him.

After all, as a former preparatory saint, she should still know this.

Looking at Alka's eyes, Xia Daiti rolled her eyes helplessly and explained: "The so-called divine choice means a person who is literally chosen by God.

But among the churches of the Twin Church, I have a better understanding. The general meaning is that you are willing to accept the power given by the gods, but you are not willing to believe in the gods wholeheartedly. "

"What they do is in line with the needs of a certain god. It is similar to an investment relationship." Simon added slightly beside him.

After hearing this explanation, Alka probably understood.

If the agent or saint is a believer of a god, when facing his own believers, the god will naturally give him power.

There will also be a higher tolerance.

But some people don't believe in themselves very much, but what they do is in line with what they want, so they will naturally provide some help.

Obviously not everyone can meet such requirements.

Then Simon continued: "About the year when the savior was 23 years old, he killed the deep sea troll Ekandar. Then he was chosen by the God of the Sea and became the chosen one."

"As for this deep-sea troll, there aren't many records. It's probably some kind of powerful ocean monster."

"What's behind, why is he called the Chosen One?" Juanlu asked curiously from the side.

Simon flipped through his manual and continued: "You will definitely not think of the period when he was active, which was about 6,400 years ago.

Over such a long time, some of his deeds have been beautified and deified by the Salaland Empire at that time, so it is difficult to verify them.

However, according to research by church scholars, he should have done something to stabilize the world at that time. It is said that the barrier has been opened so that people from outside cannot come in so easily. "

"Of course, for most people, his main achievement is actually killing the invading race - the Vesians from the stars.

They are the same interstellar aliens as Bronze Hammer. Of course, this race obviously came with malicious intentions. "

"According to legend, during the war, he took those whose homes were destroyed with him. He organized a legion to drive away these outsiders.

These homeless people who followed him later formed the Saraland Empire on the ruins of the war. This was the beginning of the empire. "

After Simon explained the origin of this great empire in one breath, he began to continue talking.

"You will know what happened next. This empire is getting better and better, and it successfully became one of the most famous and largest forces in the entire Infinite Sea 4000 years ago.

But about 1,000 years ago, the demon we met before named the Devouring Mouth returned. Used some means to destroy this country. "

"And it caused scars on the world that still exist to this day. The gaping mouth that opened there was once the front line of defense against alien aliens and became an outpost of demonic invasion.

Basically all the church forces have troops there, and the remaining Salalan people are still there to resist the demons that are invading at any time. "

After finishing, Simon closed the booklet and looked at everyone.

Everyone was silent, still thinking about what Simon had just said.

"So it is indeed a very dangerous area, right?" Alka asked.

After all, the devil is rampant.

Simon nodded without hesitation: "As far as I understand, that's the case, because the world scars that broke the world barrier are not only of interest to demons.

All the monsters and monsters who are interested in this world have something there. "

"So there must be countless treasures buried in the ruins of that empire, right?"

Simon also nodded to this: "Yes, at least two well-known treasure hunting groups became famous from there. And all the well-known treasure hunting groups have left their footprints there."

Having said this, Simon seemed to have thought of something else and took out his booklet again. After rummaging for a long time, I finally found what I had recorded.

"As far as I know now, the Saraland Empire was destroyed in the past 1,000 years. Records have been confirmed and the information I have found shows.

The wealth produced from there is immeasurable. In terms of treasures alone: ​​15 Holy Grail-level treasures, 6 scepter-level treasures, and the only identified Crown-level treasure. "

After speaking, Simon also emphasized: "Remember, this is only confirmed, clearly known and I can find records.

Probably less than 1/5 of the actual production. "

Hearing this, Xia Daiti couldn't help but frowned: "I can understand other things, why are there crown-level treasures identified?"

Can this thing be exposed casually?

"I was quite curious at the time, so I checked it out." Simon said with a strange expression: "The owner of this crown-level treasure is also a strong man born in the Home Sea.

After he got this treasure, he didn't hesitate to use the power of the treasure to kill demons and various evil monsters on the entire battlefield after mastering it. It took him 5 years of killing before leaving that area. "

"And before that, he had been there for 10 years and never left. So it was easy to know that his treasure was found in this area. After getting the treasure, he never covered it up, but rushed in The battle on the front line was even more joyful.

And the provider of the information is the Holy Mother Church. "

"So will we go here too in the future?" Jason turned to look at Alka and asked.

After all, it was Alka who asked Simon to help him look up information before.

Alka must have some ideas about this place.

Alka nodded and said directly: "The old man who lent me the treasure should be a descendant of the Saraland Empire. He should also be fighting in this area now.

He deliberately told me about this area to arouse my curiosity. But I have to admit, I'm really curious about this area. "

Then he looked at everyone and asked, "How are you doing? Do you have any intention of going?"

"Of course we are going, crush all those demons!" Pororo directly clenched his fist and said fiercely.

Looking at Pororo, Julia suddenly said: "I can suddenly understand the behavior of the person Simon just said."

Apparently he is the same type of person as Pororo.

Fighting madman.

"My suggestion is to wait until we reach the fifth stage, or almost reach the fifth stage before considering it." Simon said next to him.


"Because we offended the Devouring Mouth, that area can be said to be the Devouring Mouth's home. His real body has been firmly restricted in that area.

If the strength is not strong enough, you know. "

These words made everyone nod.

Indeed, they offended the devil there early on.

Once they get there, they will definitely be severely targeted. If they don't have the strength, the danger there will obviously be several levels higher than others.

And if they all reach the fifth stage, Alka will be able to increase his power to the sixth stage at some point through his dream power.

In the sixth stage, there is almost no big problem in protecting oneself on such a battlefield.

Doing the math, it would have to be after all these things were resolved before they could go there.

"Before going there, you have to go to another place with me." The crystal dragon who had been shrinking next to him suddenly raised his head and said.

"Is it the one you were talking about before?" Jason turned to look at her and asked.

Probably during the third stage, she had already told Alka and the others that she would take them to an area after the fourth stage.

But it was Jason who relayed it at that time.

Ululius nodded: "Yes, my inherited memory tells me that this is very important. Not just for me, but also for you."

Alka looked at Ululius and then nodded: "Then let's arrange our next schedule first."

"Revenge on Southern Cross Island and then find Baraz, open the ritual of Vastva and get the treasure.

After getting the treasure, we will go directly to where you said. Then we go to the Island of Trials.

After getting the clearance reward on the Island of Trials, and our approximate strength should be almost at the fifth stage, we can consider heading to the ruins of Saraland, the scar of the world. "

Alka simply arranged what they were going to do next and their itinerary and looked at everyone.

Everyone collected their thoughts and nodded.

It's quite reasonable.

After all, the stronger the Tower of Trial is, the better it will be at clearing the level.

"Okay, let's move forward at full speed now."

Alka said, leaning on the rudder and looking ahead.

Look at the red star flag fluttering on the rudder.

"I hope the trip in between can be as expected."

When Jason said this, everyone turned their heads to look at him.

Before anyone could teach him a lesson, the crystal spread from Jason's face and completely sealed his mouth.

"Jason, you really should stop talking." Ululius looked at him helplessly.

Jason, whose mouth was completely sealed by crystal, shrugged helplessly and made a sighing gesture. He stopped making excuses and squatted beside him silently.

Alka turned to look at the sea.

"It seems like this time it won't be easy."

Everyone nodded in unison, and what they received was a blank stare from Jason, whose mouth was sealed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Translated, it means superstition.

When the blue sea began to surge, a sea wall like a tsunami appeared on the side of the sea. And on this sea wall, the Sound of Dawn sailed diagonally and steadily on it.

At this time, everyone on the boat was standing on the boat looking at the surrounding environment. In their field of vision, there is still the sky above their heads, but the sky is slanted, and the sky is also the same to their right.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such chaotic seas, and I feel a little nostalgic for it inexplicably." Sitting on the boat with nothing to do, Jason couldn't help but smile and said while looking at such sea conditions.

This also indicates that they have basically reached the Broken Sea. It is understood that this kind of strange phenomenon of the sea turning over and causing space chaos is unique to the Broken Sea.

The various sea conditions in other sea areas and the chaos caused by the world will not be so exaggerated.

But there's no big danger in trying it like this, it's just a little scary.

Marine disasters in other border waters are real disasters that can cause serious damage to ships and surrounding areas.

What they are facing now is just chaos in space, but it actually poses little danger.

"Come on, Urulius, let's fly around."

Jason couldn't wait to jump on Ululius's back.

"You are so annoying!" Urulius said helplessly, but still slowly got up from the deck. Then he jumped off the boat, spread his wings and began to soar in the sky.

The sea began to become more and more chaotic.

The sea wall they were leaning on continued to extend upward, and then the entire sea surface became cylindrical, and the sky appeared in front of and behind them.

Jason was riding Ululius in the center of the sea in the distance, flying forward following the sound of dawn above.

"Oh, I'm jealous," Simon said.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you just made your flying machine?"

"This is different."

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