Yan Xi originally planned to take the book back to her room and chew it slowly, but after hearing the security guard's announcement, she smelled the smell of melon after having been in the entertainment industry for a while.

She just sat on the side and pretended to read the book.

Tong Rao ignored her, but looked at Tong Wan who was walking in slowly, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "My sister, why do you, a busy person like you, think of coming to this humble house?"

Yan Xi glanced at Tong Wan quietly. This was the first time she saw Tong Wan in reality.

She and Tong Rao are twins, and their facial features are indeed very similar, but they are like two extremes.

One is gentle and generous, the other is cold and strong.

Tong Wan put the court's verdict against Qin Shuzhen on the table and showed it to Tong Rao, "Sorry, I was the one who implicated you in the first place."

In any case, Tong Rao would not have suffered such a disaster. Qin Shuzhen would attack Tong Rao just to deal with her.

Hearing "I'm sorry" from Tong Wan, Tong Rao was slightly startled.

That incident made her feel particularly humiliated and angry. Afterwards, she threw the dirty man to feed the crocodiles, but she continued to wipe her body with alcohol and disinfect it for several days.

When she dreamed about it at midnight, she could still think of the stench emanating from that man. After that, she suffered from sleep disorders and her temper became increasingly weird.

At that time, she hated her twin sister Tong Wan. After learning that her relationship with Xiao Dingkun had attracted praise from everyone in the wealthy circles in the capital, she became even more furious. After she successfully became the head of the family, she kicked her out of the Tong family. .

At that time, she thought viciously, why could Tong Wan be so happy when she had caused her such humiliation? She wanted to see if the Xiao family would accept Tong Wan, who had no family background and had a grudge against the head of the Tong family.

She wanted to force Tong Wan to come back and beg her and apologize to her.

Later, Tong Wan was involved in a plane crash and fell into a coma.

Tong Rao's anger was extinguished as if someone poured cold water on her. She calmed down and discovered many doubts. However, because Tong Wan became a vegetative state, she might never wake up, and there was no way to verify anything.

As time passed, as she took the power of the Tong family and worked hard to develop the Tong family, the things that left a shadow on her at the beginning were nothing more than an eyesore in her eyes.

Her Tong family head, the only female head among the four major aristocratic families and the eight wealthy families, how could she be defeated by such a thing?

Later, when she learned that Tong Wan had woken up, to her own surprise, she felt a little pleasantly surprised.

She thought it was a ghost.

Even if the shadow of her youth was not caused by Tong Wan, it was probably related to her and was caused by her.

But Tong Wan was so focused on finding her daughter that she seemed to have forgotten that she had a younger sister.

It was only later that she deliberately recognized Gu Yang as her daughter, and Tong Wan remembered her.

Now, after hearing Tong Wan's "sorry", Tong Rao felt a lot more relieved even before he looked at the things she handed over.

After reading Qin Shuzhen's criminal facts in the court's verdict, Tong Rao's face darkened.

She glanced at Tong Wan sarcastically and said, "Sister, you really don't think well of your best friend."

She remembered that Qin Shuzhen was Tong Wan's best friend who had played with her since childhood, and their relationship was better than that of her and Tong Wan's biological sisters.

Tong Wan smiled bitterly: "I do have bad judgment. I was also responsible for what happened back then, so you should blame me."

Tong Rao snorted and looked at all the lines. She turned to the end of the verdict, narrowed her eyes and sneered: "Death penalty? It really gave her an advantage."

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