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Chapter 505: The First Launch of Zhengtu No. 9

"It turned out to be... an analysis of the cause of our rocket accident?"

You know, even within the Sam Space Agency, no conclusion has been drawn on the cause of the accident.

Because the wreckage of the rocket has sunk into the sea, it is very difficult to salvage it.

They were ready, never to find the wreckage of this rocket.

The absence of wreckage means that the specific cause of the accident cannot be determined and can only be analyzed theoretically.

What Johnson didn't expect was that before they even found out the cause of the accident, Xu You went ahead and completed the analysis of the cause of the accident.

With shock, Johnson continued to read the email Xu You sent him.

In order to avoid the problem of format incompatibility, Xu You deliberately edited his own 3D modeling files with the version of international standard software.

After all, it is not so easy to find a Fulong system computer in Sam.

Looking at the specific content in the 3D modeling, Johnson's expression became more and more tense.

"Professor Xu You thinks... there is a leak in our fuel chamber?"

After seeing the content expressed in the 3D modeling, Johnson did not doubt Xu You's inference, but regretted it.

Because in previous tests, Johnson had concerns about the performance of the fuel chamber and strongly recommended more rigorous testing.

However, Johnson is only the commander of the Sam Space Agency after all. Although he has great power over the technical level, he cannot decide the overall plan.

Now that the above has requested that the plan be advanced, Johnson can only carry out this order.

After the failure of the rocket launch, Johnson was a little skeptical that there might be a problem with the fuel chamber.

After reading the documents sent by Xu You, Johnson believed even more that this was the real cause of the accident.

Thinking of this, Johnson immediately found Williams.

"Commander Johnson, have you finished communicating with Xu You? What did you talk about?"

"Yes, Director Williams. Xu You analyzed the cause of our rocket's accident."

Hearing this, Williams frowned.

"What? Even we didn't find out the cause of the accident, they actually analyzed it first?"

At this time, Williams felt that things were very inexplicable.

If it weren't for the fact that this matter had something to do with the rabbit, Williams would never have believed that the rabbit would have found out the cause of the accident faster than they did.

But obviously, this accident could not have anything to do with the rabbit.

"That's right, Director Williams, Xu You just guessed the cause of the accident based on our live video. You can read the documents he sent."

As he spoke, Johnson opened the document sent by Xu You and asked Williams to read it.

Although Williams is not as technical as Johnson, he quickly understands what is represented in the 3D modeling.

"Johnson, Xu You mean that the fuel chamber of our rocket leaked?"

"Yes, he did make such an assumption. I think the possibility of this assumption is indeed very high. I have been a little worried about this issue before, hoping to conduct more detailed tests, but..."

At this time, Williams quickly stopped Johnson's words.

"Well, although the urging from above is rather urgent, I am also responsible for this matter. As the director of the Sam Space Agency, I should be more responsible for our launch mission."

Now that things have happened, there is no point in regretting. We can only quickly find out the cause of the accident and ensure that the next rocket launch can go smoothly.

After discussions at the meeting, the Sam Space Agency decided to continue efforts to find the wreckage of the rocket on the one hand, and on the other hand, strengthen the test of this space system.

After all, in the vast sea, it is very difficult to find something.

They had to be ready, they couldn't find the rocket.

Before the specific cause of the failure is unknown, the launch mission must not continue.

Because they are not sure whether this accident happened by accident with a very small probability, or there is a high risk.

If you cannot find the wreckage of the failed rocket, you can only pass the test of extreme conditions, let the rocket simulate the extreme state of the launch, and try to see if a similar situation can occur again.


"Old Xu, did the people from the Sam space agency reply to you?"

"Not yet, but I guess they are already conducting extreme tests on the rocket. Regardless of whether the final cause of the accident is the same as I guessed, it will be difficult for us to get a positive response from them."

Even if Xu You's guess is correct, the Sam Space Agency is unlikely to admit that Xu You's conjecture is correct.

It would be very embarrassing to admit this kind of thing in the open.

"That's true, but will this matter really never come to fruition?"

"That's not necessarily the case. When their rocket launches next time, there will always be some information exposed."

Xu You believes that with his keen observation ability, he can notice some places that ordinary people can't notice.

These days, the space academy is making intense preparations for the moon landing plan.

Like Sam, the first launch of our lunar landing program was not a direct manned landing on the moon, but an unmanned flight around the moon.

But among them, there are also two places worthy of attention.

The first one is the first launch of Zhengtu 9.

This is the first rocket in our history with a carrying capacity exceeding 100 tons.

Only Sam's Saturn 5 and the Space Launch System can be compared.

The second point of concern is that in this unmanned launch, it is not unmanned in the conventional sense, but a "dummy system" has been added.

In the aircraft, there are three dummies with the same specifications as real people, which are used to simulate the subsequent actual moon landing process.

These three dummies will not only occupy a certain amount of space and mass, but will also wear formal spacesuits.

Inside the spacesuit, various data will be monitored in real time to monitor whether the conditions required for normal human life are met.

In this way, the situation of real manned flight can be simulated to the greatest extent, ensuring that the astronauts can guarantee their own safety during the subsequent moon landing.

Since the main research work has been completed, the remaining work is on the final test.

Even so, Xu You still attaches great importance to the testing work.

In Xu You's heart, ensuring the safety of astronauts is the first priority.

After a series of rigorous tests, the time for the first launch of Zhengtu 9 has finally been determined.

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