Top Student

Chapter 417 Elite Symposium

"Anyway, it's always good to be cautious. In fact, we are continuing to pay attention to all key personnel who have returned from abroad, including your scientific research assistant Cui Ying. But you can rest assured that Cui Ying is absolutely not questionable."

Xu You didn't expect that even the research assistant beside him was being watched secretly all the time.

"It seems that there are certain risks in the overseas talent return plan."

"This kind of risk is unavoidable. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Let me tell you something that you may not believe. There are far more enemies around us than you can imagine. If you think about it carefully, it should be possible." I want to understand."

Xu You frowned and recalled some things that happened in the past, and suddenly realized.

"Damn...they actually did such a disgraceful thing!"

"We are already investigating, and sooner or later they will be uprooted. This way of disintegrating from the inside is their usual trick. You must be more careful yourself, you are already a dangerous person in their eyes."

"Don't worry, I'm usually on the two-point line in the family courtyard and the laboratory, and it's still very safe. As long as I go out, I will definitely say hello."

After hanging up the phone, Xu You thought about his own safety.

Xu You thought about it for a while. If he was a leader on the other side of the ocean, he would definitely feel a strong sense of urgency for such a young person with strong scientific research ability to appear abroad.

Even until this person completely disappeared, he would not feel relieved a little.

"No, safety issues need to be paid more attention to."

Xu You is always in a safe environment, and there are often multiple bodyguards around him to protect him.

Even so, Xu You didn't think that such a security work must be foolproof.

Xu You can completely raise his security level to another level by relying on his own ability.

Thinking of this, Xu You began to spend part of his time researching various security systems.


After busy work, there is always a need for proper relaxation time.

Xu You organized several friends to come to his home for a small gathering.

"It was agreed to get together once a month, but it has been almost half a year, and we finally got together again." Xu You said.

"Actually, once every six months is not bad. With my family, I can only go back once a year during the Chinese New Year. If I am busy during the Chinese New Year, I may not even be able to go home."

Regarding the matter of not being able to go home during the Chinese New Year, Xu You has experienced it several times.

For those of them who are engaged in important scientific research, it is not a matter of course to go home during the Chinese New Year.

In this gathering, in addition to the previous group of six, Xu You also called his research assistant Cui Ying.

After getting along for such a long time, Cui Ying has completely gained Xu You's trust.

Cui Ying also knows many secrets around Xu You.

Another reason for inviting Cui Ying was that apart from Lu Zhiyao, the cooking skills of the others were indeed a little lacking.

Xu You was reluctant to let Lu Zhiyao "lead the power" in the kitchen alone, and Cui Ying, who had rich life experience, could help Lu Zhiyao relieve a lot of pressure.

After the meal was ready, the seven people came to the dinner table and chatted while eating together.

"Fortunately, Mrs. Yaoyao and Teacher Cui are here, otherwise it would be really difficult for us to eat." Lin Shi said with a smile.

With the experience of eating last time, this time Xu You also resolutely gave up the plan of "one person cooks one dish", and strictly restricted Lou Song from entering the kitchen.

Lou Song really belongs to the kind of people who are addicted to food and want to try cooking a dish, but under Xu You's insistence, Xu You dragged him to discuss math problems together.

While eating, Xu You suggested:

"Let's all talk about some new things we have encountered recently. Don't talk about things that need to be kept secret, talk about those that other people can know."

Like Hu Shucheng, living in the aerospace system must have access to many confidential tasks, some of which even Xu You is inconvenient to ask.

Hearing Xu You's proposal, Luo Wenkun took the lead in saying:

"Let me talk about one thing first. This thing is quite big, and it is definitely something that makes everyone feel very happy after listening to it."

Luo Wenkun's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Why, wouldn't it be that our EUV lithography machine has already been built?"

Luo Wenkun shook his head and said: "That's not true, it won't be so fast. That's right, ASML took the initiative to find us and wanted to sell us an EUV lithography machine."

"They took the initiative to find Fulong Technology? But, didn't they participate in the ban before and didn't sell any products to us?"

"Yes, there was indeed such a ban before. But this ban is not the original intention of ASML. As you know, ASML also hopes to sell their lithography machines. After all, they rely on this to make money. Participate in In the midst of the ban, they are really helpless, who let a hegemonic country have been behind the scenes?"

After taking a sip of the juice, Luo Wenkun continued:

"I guess, the bald eagles should have let go. When they found out that the implementation of these bans had the opposite effect, there was no point in implementing them any longer. With the consent of the bald eagles, they dared to talk to us about the sale of EUV The matter of the lithography machine."

In fact, these prohibitions are all about killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred.

Those Western companies do not want to participate in these bans.

After all, the primary purpose of an enterprise must be to make a profit, and no one will be troubled by money.

It's just that when a powerful force makes these demands, these companies have to choose to implement them.

"Great, with the EUV lithography machine, we will no longer worry about the production of high-precision chips." Lin Shi said.

But Xu You knew that things were not that simple.

Just as Xu You expected, Luo Wenkun went on to say:

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. After receiving their invitation, we decisively rejected this proposal. Moreover, after they made it clear that they were willing to sell at a discounted price, we still directly rejected it."

"Why is this?"

"For nothing else, just to strengthen our determination to develop EUV lithography machines. Over the past few decades, we have lagged behind so much in the semiconductor field. One of the big reasons is because we feel that since we can buy it directly and cheaply, why We still have to work hard to study these technologies. We didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until they started to restrict the product."

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