Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2606: Character design, simple and crude

Where there are people, there will be trouble, and where there is trouble, there will be trouble.

Humanity's means of solving this kind of trouble are actually very poor. Apart from war and violence, the only way to go is through meetings.

When the Jiankun people held a meeting in the pasture to discuss the next strategy, a meeting was also held in the office of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty in the far south.

Different from the relatively simple issues on the grassland, things in the Prime Minister's Mansion were as complicated as an open ant nest.

In fact, in Xu County of the Han Dynasty, the emperor Liu Xie hoped to have something to do, but he had nothing to do. What can be said and done during the three-day court meeting?

And in the Prime Minister's Office, busy officials, documents coming and going, and endless topics of discussion simply fill up all the time every day, even during meals, they are discussing and discussing.

Cao Cao didn't trust the people he hired, but he didn't trust the people he trusted. Historically, it was known that Sima Yi had the ability, but he just guarded against it and left it idle, so he didn't use it. Therefore, not everyone under Cao Cao can happily fish in troubled waters, at least not in these few days.

The Yushitai was happily teasing the Kong family. Although Cao Cao's side had maintained a strange silence and did not speak, it could not be said that they were completely ignoring it.

"The people of Yushitai were stopped by the people in the state of Lu, and a fight broke out... Three officials of Yushitai were injured, and two others lived in the post station and stayed behind closed doors. 』

Xi Li would definitely not go to the State of Lu himself. He sent several of his subordinates to the State of Lu to cooperate with the investigation and evidence of Kong's related "criminal" behavior. As a result, after these officials of the Censor arrived in the State of Lu, they caused of anger.

The specific process is not very clear, but generally speaking, it should be that the officials at Yushitai had stayed in the upper echelons of the court for a long time and felt that they were great. This time they came down to act on behalf of the emperor. When doing things, of course they put political achievements first. One goal, I just want to finish it as soon as possible, get the relevant criminal evidence, and then go back and get promoted.

The Kong family's reputation in the Lu State was pretty good, and the ordinary people did not believe in the officials who suddenly fell down. And these officials became angry, saying that these untouchables and unruly people did not cooperate with the work...

Can't you explain it carefully?

After all, this matter has nothing to do with ordinary people, but with the Kong family. However, these officials at Yushitai simply look down on these ordinary people, and think that talking to these ordinary people in a nice manner is simply a waste of time. Losing face as an official!

And who said there is no "good" explanation?

Aren't these officials already "standing" among the people and "communicating" with them face to face?

Of course, it might be better if those officials did not open their mouths and kept their mouths shut to represent the emperor, or if they just stretched out their fingers and yelled with frowning eyes what do you want to do, do you want to rebel, etc., maybe it would be better, but who knows? ?

Perhaps for these officials, if they can't show off their prestige in front of the people, then why are they still officials?

Jinyi cannot return to his hometown, even if he becomes a prince, it would be meaningless.

As a result, a fight inevitably broke out.

The local county soldiers who were supposed to maintain order crooked their hands and softened their feet, indicating that they had tried their best and failed to stop the angry people, and then these officials were beaten.

Immediately, these officials ordered the arrest of those people who beat people.

Suddenly, the whole country of Lu was boiling with excitement.

"What does this accomplish?" 』

"That's good. Kong has added a new crime. 』

"So what is Kong Wenju doing now? 』

"Haha, I'm still studying in Kong's hometown in the state of Lu. 』

"read? Haha, haha, this Kong Wenju is really..."

"Feeling confident?" 』

"No, very stupid. 』

In the hall, everyone was talking about Kong's affairs.

Cao Cao was at the top, expressionless.

Guo Jia sat at the bottom, tilting his body and supporting his head with one hand, as if he was spreading himself on the table. The other hand was playing with a jade medal, as if the jade medal had Many mechanisms are full of fun, or they seem to insist on a salty fish strategy and want to lie down for thousands of years.

It's just that Guo Jia's salted fish strategy didn't work as expected. Lao Cao turned his eyes to Guo Jia, then turned a blind eye to Guo Jia's laziness and asked directly: "Fengxiao, what do you think?" 』

Guo Jia sat up straighter, raised his hands and said, "Just wait and see what happens." 』

Cao Cao glared at Guo Jia and raised his voice a little, "How can you sit back and watch at this time?" The state of Lu is boiling like a tired egg! 』

Guo Jia was not afraid at all, "In this case, why not let Shangshu Ling issue an announcement to the State of Lu... Well, let's just say that the officials of Yushitai have a simple and rough job. They are ordered to admit their mistakes and Chen Ken apologizes..."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes.

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

There was no reaction from the Yushitai, but the Shangshu Ling issued instructions and published notices. Is this criticizing and stopping the behavior of the officials in the Yushitai, or is it encouraging them to continue their behavior?

Should Chen Ken apologize? It must be Chen Ken!

Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed, then nodded and said, "Let's do it like this!" 』

Everyone exchanged looks and glances.

For most people, the conflict in Lu State was just an incident, but for those above the court, there was never a separate incident.

In Cao Cao's eyes, Xi Lu was just a clown.

Because everything Xi Liu does seems to be subtle and can bring benefits to himself, but political things can never belong to one person.

Just like Cao Cao, he has the interests of the Cao family and the Xiahou family behind him, as well as the interests of these close officials who followed Cao Cao, such as Xun He, Guo Jia, Dong Zhao, Cheng Yu and others.

Therefore, Cao Cao killed people at the palace gate of Xu County. Emperor Liu Xie thought he was killing hundreds of officials, and Xi Lu thought it was Cao Cao who was killing people. But in fact, Cao Cao was not killing for himself, but for the political groups behind Cao Cao. The overall interests are killing.

That's right, it is the overall interests of Cao Cao's political group, not the overall interests of the entire Shandong gentry system.

In other words, Cao Cao raised his whip and drew out strips of blood on the body of the largest and the old landlord class in the Han Dynasty, urging this entrenched giant to move forward and catch up with the pace of Guanzhong.

Cao Cao was still thinking about how to start promoting the big landowners outside Yuzhou, but Xi Lu gave him a pillow to sleep on.

As for the follow-up, let’s see how far Xi Liu can go...

Whether it's stinky tofu or sour distiller's grains, it takes a period of fermentation to gain some flavor.

If you take it out in a hurry, it will not be beautiful anymore.

After the discussion about the Lu State was finished, everyone discussed some other matters.

Cao Cao also made arrangements one by one. As time passed quietly, the discussion gradually came to an end. Just when everyone was about to say goodbye, Cao Cao stopped everyone again, and then said: "Heroes will be rewarded, and filial piety and military will be rewarded." At that time, Lieutenant Li, who was now the Po Shihe clan, wandered in the desert. He came to Youbei again. He wanted to see the emperor and pay tribute to him, so they traded in Youbei. What do you think about this matter? 』

In fact, everyone had heard about this matter two days ago, but Cao Cao did not mention it directly at the time. Everyone did not know what Cao Cao was thinking, so naturally they did not dare to discuss it easily. The higher the official position, the more cautious one's words and deeds will naturally be. However, the common people are light-hearted and there will be no problem in talking about whatever they see. Of course, it will be of no use.

"Could it be that he was trying to commit fraud?" ” said Cheng Yu on the side.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and then asked: "Gongren, how is the situation in Guanzhong?" 』

Dong Zhao was mainly responsible for the military surveillance and response to Heluo and Guanzhong. When he saw Cao Cao's eyes turning, he immediately handed over his hands and responded: "Ming Gong, there is nothing unusual in Tongguan and Hangu in Guanzhong. Most of the officials within the auxiliary were busy with farming and mulberry planting, and there was no sign of mobilizing food and grass or dispatching soldiers. Therefore, I think that Jiankun's matter has nothing to do with Hussar, maybe it can be seen. 』

Although Dong Zhao is not as quick as Guo Jia, he is very clear about his responsibilities. Since he was almost ambushed and killed by He Yi and others in Jingzhou, Dong Zhao set up a fake situation. Later, after He Yi's rebellion was eliminated, he stayed in Xu County and did not return to Jingzhou.

China is now busy with spring plowing, whether in Shandong or Guanzhong.

Cao Cao pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Let him come to see you." If there is any movement, it will probably come out after autumn..."


Are the people sane or stupid?

This point has actually been discussed and studied by people since ancient times.

Until later generations, there is still no so-called "scientific" argument that can prove which side the people are leaning towards, because this is indeed a conceptual model that is difficult to quantify, especially for something as abstract as thinking, like the book "The Crowd". The book is not a psychological work in the true sense, but rather a pseudo-psychological discussion like "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

But what is very interesting is that the more feudal it is, the stricter the class rule, the more simple and crude behavior patterns are reflected in the upper-level court's attitude towards the lower-level people.

The reason for such thinking and behavioral patterns is very simple. It is because the attitude of the upper-level court towards the lower-level people is not to "humanize" them, but to "objectify" them.

The herdsmen are just cattle and sheep.

Who knows how to treat cattle and sheep...

Kong Rong actually did the same to the common people.

Kong Rong didn't care what the people were like, because those people could neither understand his theories nor praise his articles, so what did the common people, who were as stupid as cattle and sheep, care about?

Are you from the upper class? Who is not from the bottom?

In later generations, Kong Rong will probably be remembered for that pear, but who knows that the "pear" he gave up ended up with a life?

When Kong Rong was sixteen years old, the government wanted to arrest Zhang Jian, a famous scholar. Zhang Jian happened to be friends with Kong Rong's brother Kong Bao. In desperation, Zhang Jian fled to Kong Rong's house, hoping to get Kong Bao's help, but Kong Bao happened to be there. When Zhang Jian was absent, Kong Rong took it upon himself to hide Zhang Jian in his home. Later, the government found out about the incident and all three were arrested and imprisoned.

Someone must be held responsible for concealing corruption and being arrested by the government. Kong Rong, Kong Bao, and Kong Rong's mother all rushed to take responsibility for this and requested that they be executed. But every cause must have its effect. When Kong Rong was a child, Kong Rong offered pears to Kong Bao. This time it was Kong Bao's turn, so in the end the officials sentenced Kong Bao to death. Kong Bao died innocently, and later generations basically did not remember him, but the living Kong Rong became famous again because of this incident.

From then on, Kong Rong ran wildly on the road of fame and fame.

In other words, fame and fame became Kong Rong's obsession.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" says that Kong Rong was not without ambitions. He also had ambitions, saying that he was "aiming at Jingnan." However, although Kong Rong fought many battles in his life, he did not actually achieve a complete victory on the battlefield. .

Kong Rong didn't know much about military affairs. When the war came, he remained calm and calm when blood and flesh flew everywhere. Kong Rong's calmness is not the kind of calmness that is confident, but a pure luck mentality. He hopes that when surrounded by enemies, he still has the demeanor of a celebrity and reflects the calmness without fear. If If he can just win the battle, others can praise him twice as much, and then he can gain a higher reputation...

It's a pity that even Liu Guanzhang could only save Kong Rong once.

In the end, no one could save him. Kong Rong did not say "when the city is alive and people are alive, when the city is dead, people are dead." He left behind his wife and children, his subordinates, and the people in the city. He ran away.

This was the most embarrassing and painful thing in Kong Rong's heart, but he couldn't show it.

This is his persona.

Some people think that because his surname is Kong, he needs to play the role of a descendant of a saint with impeccable morals.

Some people think that as a local governor, he should be a decisive and decisive hero in troubled times.

Some people think that since he is determined to help the Han Dynasty, he should assist Liu Xie, the emperor of the left, and stay with Liu Xie to advise him.

Some people even think that when he was young, he showed his quick wit by saying, "You are young, but you may not be good when you are young." Therefore, like Mi Heng, he should embark on the colorful stage of fighting people for a living and living by fighting.

But Kong Rong was just himself, just a person.

Just like this time, when Xi Liu wanted to mess with him, didn't Kong Rong feel panic?

But Kong Rong remained calm on the outside, just as he was still calmly studying when he was heavily besieged by enemy troops.

After dinner, Kong Rong read for a while with a smile on his face, then he washed up calmly and went to bed to sleep.

He did not go back to the backyard to rest, but slept directly in the study.

In the middle of the night, there was a strange noise in the room.

Kong Rong was shocked, jumped up, and hurriedly ran outside. When he was in the courtyard, he was blown by the cold wind and finally woke up. He listened carefully and heard that there was no chaos around him, and then he exhaled a long breath. , walked back again, reached the room, lit the lamp and took a look, it turned out that a nocturnal mouse had overturned the utensils.

I couldn't sleep anymore, so I just sat, lit a lamp and read.

In the great Han Dynasty, the society was unstable and moral ethics were often overturned. The laws that originally restrained local officials were not strict. Now, with the endless wars in various places, there is less time to manage local affairs. In many cases, there is only one standard, which is to pay taxes in time and in full, and KPI performance evaluation. If you pass, you are a "good official".

It is obviously impossible for these "good officials" to produce so much tax revenue on their own, so they must need the cooperation of the local squires. For the State of Lu, Kong Rong is undoubtedly a very good "squire". If he says a few nice words, Give Kong Rong a hand, and Kong Rong will help collect taxes without hesitation and hand over every penny. With Kong taking the lead, what can the other squires say?

For such a good country squire, are the local officials willing to leave it to the superiors? It's just a censorship platform. Once it's done, it's done. If we do nothing and hand it over happily, what will happen to the taxes of the Kong family in the future? What do the other squires think? Therefore, the local officials naturally exaggerated and described their role in the process of fighting against the evil forces. On the other hand, they also said, Grandpa Kong, just keep it in check, otherwise you will give the superiors a soft blow or something, and this matter will not be solved. Has it passed?

This is the truth.

Scholar-officials are reasonable among themselves, and only when the reasons cannot be explained clearly, or when the principles conflict with each other and cannot be reconciled, will they use the knife.

Unfortunately, he was rejected by Kong Rong.

Kong Rong believed that if he admitted his mistake, he would lose the compulsion to "die willingly", so he did not admit his mistake, and he felt that he was not wrong either.

The local officials had no choice but to shake their heads and leave.

The local officials were able to fight against the Yushitai, not because the local officials dared to disobey Cao Cao, but because they felt that Yushitai Xi Lu and Cao Cao were not on the same page. At the same time, the Yushitai was not a fatal organization, just like the Liushitai. Guan and Zhang went to rescue Kong Rong because the only people who surrounded Kong Rong were the Yellow Turban thieves. Later, when Yuan Tan came with Yuan's soldiers, there was no one to save him.

The sky gradually became brighter, there were more voices again, and there was more life.

Kong Rong put down the book and looked at the rising sun silently.

The servant brought water, Kong Rong washed himself slowly, and then asked, "Are everyone in the backyard up?" 』

The servants all got up to answer. Kong Rong nodded first, and then said after being silent for a while, "Go and ask Madam." 』

Not long after, Mrs. Kong Rong came and greeted Kong Rong.

Kong Rong nodded, asked about the children in the backyard, and then said: "My eldest daughter... I'm not young anymore... A few days ago, a Yang family sent someone to inquire about her... I didn't agree at that time." , Now I think about it, the son of the Yang family is a Qingliu in Nanyang, and he has poems to guard Nanchu, and his works are praised by the people. His fish hangs white, and his relatives and guests are scattered. He can be called a good man... I wonder what Madam thinks? 』

The madam was stunned for a moment, then sighed slightly, "It's all up to the husband to make the decision." 』

Kong Rong nodded, remained silent for a while, and said, "Second daughter, didn't you say you wanted to go for an outing before?" Just let Kong Sanlang take him on an outing..."

The lady looked at Kong Rong and said, "Lang Jun... you are... if this matter is really troublesome... why don't you go up to the court to defend yourself, or... go to the Prime Minister..."

Before the lady finished speaking, Kong Rong waved his hands angrily and said, "Don't mention the Prime Minister!" Although he is called Prime Minister, he is actually threatening the Emperor! How can a virtuous person in a certain generation live like a traitor? Doesn't it insult the name of Kong's sages? Don’t mention this matter again! Go, go! 』

Madam had no choice but to leave.

Kong Rong put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky, his demeanor was still extraordinary, but after a while, there was only a faint sound, not sure if it was the sound of wind or sighing.

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