Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2560 The little secret of a prosperous country and a strong people

Just when Lu Hong understood the secret of the so-called "official", Zhuge Liang in Sichuan and Shu was also growing up like a reborn, or it was called "abnormal development".

Fei Qian put Zhuge Liang in Sichuan and Shu.

Sichuan-Shu is the place where Brother Zhu showed his strength in history and even dominated one side. It is also the place where Brother Zhu grew up from an internal affairs officer to a typical "prime minister".

Brother Pig in history is not like in the novel. He seems to be complete as soon as he appears. He can set fire, spray water, and be omnipotent. In fact, the real Brother Pig should be more focused on internal affairs...

More importantly, Liu Bei attracted a large number of angel investments from Jingxiang people through his interactions with Brother Zhu, and promoted the IPO project operated by Liu's enterprise, which was finally successfully listed. So to a certain extent, what Liu Bei was planning at that time was not just the happiness of "fish and water" as he said, but whether there was cheating or not.

Maybe when Liu Bei and Brother Zhu are sleeping next to each other, he will shout happily that he has lost so many wives... Well, he should have waited twenty years to hang up the wall...

This plug-in.

It's called "money".

Only with money can we have soldiers, and only then can we have Vice President Guan Laoer's navy. When Liu Bei's army lost its armor, it could still retain part of its strength, and it also became a bargaining chip in negotiations with Soochow. .

Many people look down upon money, but running a country cannot do without money.

In history, Brother Zhu did not start learning economic knowledge until he arrived in Sichuan and Sichuan, and he suffered a big loss as a result.

China often calls Sichuan and Sichuan a small China, and the beautiful rivers and mountains in the middle of Sichuan. In fact, it is not unreasonable.

In Sichuan and Shu, there are plains, snow-capped mountains, hills, and rivers. Almost all terrains can be found in Sichuan and Shu. Moreover, Sichuan and Shu are surrounded by mountains, which is very similar to the environment around China.

Zhuge Liang is very smart, no one denies this, but the smarter the person, the easier it is for him to get into some corners, and once he gets in, it is difficult to get out.

Fei Qian was worried that Zhuge Liang would get into trouble, so he specially asked Zhuge Liang to come to Xu Shu, who had already gotten into trouble...

Because Fei Qian didn't want Zhuge Liang to follow the same old path in history.

Zhuge Liang did develop well in history, but he was just good.

Historically, in the late Shu Han Dynasty, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang's Mansion Group was always in power. However, it is obvious that in the late Shu Han Dynasty, the talents of the Shu Han Dynasty could not keep up. This may be explained by the so-called population base, but it is undeniable that The talent problem that arose in the late Shu Han Dynasty was obviously a problem caused by Zhuge Liang's administration.

Because there are actually not no people in Sichuan and Shu.

Although Zhuge Liang contributed to later generations the method of identifying talents, and he was very strict, but unfortunately Zhuge Liang was not able to break out of the limitation that sharpness cannot cultivate one's character...

The talent problem in the late Shu Han Dynasty is inseparable from Brother Zhu.

When Liu Bei entered Yizhou, a large number of talents under Liu Zhang defected to Liu Bei and played an outstanding role in the early battles of the Shu Han Dynasty. These talents were originally in Sichuan and Shu, but Liu Zhang never used them well, leaving him in a weak position. Is this the fault of the talents or Liu Zhang's problem?

Then, after the death of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang took full power. In the later period of the Shu Han Dynasty, there were less and less people, and they had to invite outsiders. Whose problem is this?

Such as Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei, in fact, he comes from a humble family.

And to put it more harshly, there are many Qiang and Hu ancestry in the Longxi area, and it was such a person who became Zhuge Liang’s right-hand man. To a certain extent, Jiang Wei was actually Zhuge Liang’s salt-carrying man, uh, wrong, carrying the bag. people.

A child from a humble family has nothing to do with any of the factions around him. Is that what the big guys like to use the most?

It's like Da He, a good candidate to take the blame. Use it for two or three years. If it doesn't work, just replace it with another one. It won't be a hassle.

Does it taste like this?

Zhuge Liang in history, in fact, his military talent is not as shining as in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He also has many problems. The biggest problem is that he likes remote control. If it sounds better, it means he has clever tricks. But if it sounds bad, he has too much control. Like micromanaging.

After Liu Bei's death, someone who opposed Zhuge Liang's military affairs was arrested, but this person died suddenly not long after. Of course, having said that, Zhuge Liang was put in that position. If he doesn't advance, he will retreat. Playing at the top of the political hierarchy is not a child's play. Sometimes taking a step back will lead to eternal disaster. In order to protect the interests of the Jingxiang faction, Brother Zhu could only act ruthlessly.

As soon as Brother Pig lifts the table, of course no one will play with him.

There are many similar questions like this in history. For example, why did Liu Bang, Liu Bei, Zhu Yuanzhang and others meet the most talented people at the time when they first started to raise the army? Is it a coincidence? Why are many of Liu Bang's disciples capable of leading troops in battles, and they are all very good, but before they had trumpeters, mat sellers, dog meat sellers, and carriage drivers? Why can someone like Liu Bei meet so many talented people? Do all the talented people in the country happen to be gathered in that area? Why did Zhu Yuanzhang have so many generals? Is it a coincidence or necessity?

In fact, it is not, but when people stand high, they forget the ground under their feet.

Fei Qian was worried that Zhuge Liang would evolve into a historical pattern, so he specially asked Zhuge to come to Sichuan.

After all, the burden on Zhuge Liang is not as heavy as it was in history, so Zhuge Liang can get more time to develop and change.


Government office lobby.

Xu Shu sat at the top, and those sitting around him were Dong He, Fazheng, Peng Yi, Cuan Xi, Meng Yan, Lu Kai, Hu Du, and of course Zhuge Liang sitting at the bottom.

As for ordinary officials, they are not qualified to participate in the meeting.

What? Gan Ning? Gan Ning is now serving as General Zhechong and is guarding Badong.

The people in the lobby of the government office include old people, young people, local powerful people, tribal leaders, rural sages, cultural celebrities, and people from all walks of life.

"Brother Youzai." How is the reconstruction of the academy going? ” Xu Shu asked.

Xu Shu was polite to Dong He because Dong He was older. However, Dong He could not rely on his elders just because he was older. Instead, he returned the courtesy quite respectfully and replied: "All the repairs have been completed, and students will be admitted in the spring." 』

Cuan Xi, who was standing aside, asked: "I dare to ask the envoy, is this kind of Qiang, Di and Shi people... can the academy accept?" 』

Meng Yan looked at Xu Shu nervously.

Before the renovation and expansion of the academy, Xu Shu indeed said that the enrollment scope of the academy would not only be limited to Han people, but would also open the door to some young people from tribes such as the Qiang people and the Di people who were willing to study. However, something else happened later. A series of rebellions? Although most of the rebels were from minority tribes in northern and western Sichuan, if Xu Shu refused to enroll the children of these minority tribes because of the rebellion, others would not be able to say anything.

Ordinary people may not feel the need to study.

For these ordinary people, food and clothing are indeed the first priority, but once they have passed the food and clothing line, if they want to move up, it is absolutely impossible without knowledge.

At the same time, for Cuan Xi, Meng Yan and others who have some tribal connections, whether this can allow the children of tribal nobles to enter the academy will mean whether there will be a reserve force of their own in Sichuan and Shu in the future...

Fortunately, Xu Shu did not change his mind and nodded to indicate that what he had said before had not changed.

Cuan Xi, Meng Yan and others obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Shu nodded slightly.

Zhuge Liang, who was sitting at the head of the table, was looking at Cuan Xi. He glanced at Meng Yan's face, and then lowered his head again, as if his attention was only on recording from beginning to end.

Afterwards, many things became smoother, including the proposal to cooperate with Xu Huang in building military roads and mountain fortresses, and the issue of widening the road from Nanzhong to Jiaozhi...

Finally, it was discussed that the first large-scale examination of the Sichuan Academy would be held in late winter and early spring.

Regarding this Sichuan-Sichuan Spring Examination, Zhuge Liang originally thought that everyone would have a lot of opinions or miscellaneous ideas, but what is very interesting is that everyone did not have many proposals for the Spring Examination at all. Instead, they still had many suggestions for the Spring Examination. There was a lot of discussion about the reopening of the academy after the exam.

This surprised Zhuge Liang, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be reasonable.

As the spring exams are approaching, students from around Sichuan and Sichuan, either to become famous, to show off their talents, or to prove their knowledge, often compete with each other in the humanities at gathering places, including articles, six arts, poems, and couplets. , there is always some excitement between the battle for victory and defeat.

It's just that with more excitement, there are more things to do.

Those in central Sichuan claim to be authentic, but those in eastern Sichuan are very unconvinced. In addition, some students from the fringe areas feel that they have been discriminated against and unfairly treated. In a few words, they often evolve from literary societies to martial arts, which brings security problems. It brought a certain amount of pressure.

Except for the commotion of these energetic young people, Sichuan and Shu can be said to be very peaceful during this period.

During these days, the people were busy running for a living, the businessmen were busy making more money, the Qingliu were busy praying for the people, and the careerists were busy using various plans to realize their ambitions.

They all seemed harmonious.

If we say that the busiest person in Sichuan and Sichuan politics in the past two months is probably Zhuge Liang.

Before that, although Zhuge Liang had served as a general of hussars, he actually had no actual experience in governing the country. In addition, he was relatively young. When he first arrived in Sichuan and Shu, everyone at the top and bottom had no regard for Zhuge Liang. I don’t quite agree.

It was only during the civil strife between the Di and Zhi that Zhuge Liang began to show his prominence and achieved considerable success. He successfully proved his ability, which made the officials in Sichuan and Shu respect Zhuge Liang accordingly.

But having the ability does not mean that you will have the corresponding position.

There are only so many carrot pits.

Therefore, Xu Shu arranged for Zhuge Liang to go to the academy and serve as a supervisor.

During the period from Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty to Liu Zhang, the schools in Sichuan and Shu stopped and resumed, and they never had standardized operations. Especially during Liu Zhang's short reign, they were almost laissez-faire, so that the schools almost became The existence of a pheasant university is like that. The students in the academy, well, let's call them students for now, not only do not focus on their studies, but they also openly gather for bets and concubines, and the doctors of the academy don't care.

As for the exams in the Academy at that time, you could basically pass them by paying money.

After all, at Liu Yan's time, the academy was a face-saving project. In order to repair the academy and compete for progress, the academy recruited people on a large scale. The so-called "all on voluntary basis" became empty talk, and there was a burst of complaints among the people.

Moreover, when Liu Yan repaired the academy, in order to please Liu Yan, the officials in charge went to great lengths to do it. Some of them over-decorated with carved beams and painted buildings, and some of them transplanted trees and built rockeries. Anyway, all the expenses far exceeded the original plan and budget. One plus plus three plus, until Liu Zhang took over, there was still a lot of shortfalls...

Later Feiqian came.

Fei Qian fired those doctors with false reputations and expelled those corrupt students. Of course, Fei Qian only said at the time that the academy had suffered a military disaster and needed to be closed for renovations for a period of time. During the renovation period, it would naturally not be open to the public, right?

And now, after the first large-scale examination in Sichuan and Sichuan, the re-enrollment of the academy has naturally been put on the agenda.

Xu Shu nodded, indicating that he had remembered everyone's suggestions and ideas, but still needed to consider them comprehensively. He then asked Zhuge Liang to report some specific details of the academy's restoration, and said that he would wait until the next meeting to discuss some specific details of the academy. matters, and then adjourned the meeting.

The meeting ended, but Zhuge Liang stayed after everyone left.

"Do you understand? ” Xu Shu asked.

"Some understand it, some don't understand it yet. Zhuge Liang said.

"Do you need me to explain?" ” Xu Shu asked again.

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly, thought for a while and said: "I want to think about it again... If you can't figure it out, come back and ask for advice..."

"good. Xu Shu nodded, then gestured slightly backward, "By the way, have you read most of the books in my backyard?" 』

Those books, including the Four Books and Five Classics, and many miscellaneous books, were all handwritten by Xu Shu himself. After hand-copying, he wrote many of his own understandings next to them, which is basically equivalent to the "wealth" Xu Shu brought out from under Lushan Mountain.

Zhuge Liang nodded.

To a certain extent, Xu Shu can be regarded as half of Zhuge Liang's teacher.

"Those books..." Xu Shu said slowly, "Some of them were memorized when I was under Lushan Mountain. I discussed them with my lord and Shi Yuan, and later revised them several times. Others were memorized. I wrote it after I entered Sichuan and Sichuan, and the annotations are somewhat intermittent..."

Zhuge Liang raised his hand and thanked Xu Shu, "Brother Yuan Zhi will give you more loving guidance..."

"That's a bit too much. Let's learn from each other..." Xu Shu waved his hand and said, "This is what my lord meant..."

"My lord's intention?" Zhuge Liang asked.

Xu Shu glanced at Zhuge Liang and said, "Then why do you think my lord asked you to come to Sichuan and not to other places?" East of the river, or north? 』

Zhuge Liang couldn't answer.

"My lord asked me to come to Sichuan before, and I was a little puzzled... Later I realized that my lord has taken great pains..." Xu Shu turned his head and looked at Zhuge Liang, "My lord asked you to come, most likely because he wanted me to spend these years I want to share my harvest with you... You and I have many similarities..."

"Over the years, I feel that what I have gained the most is the time I spent sitting and talking about Taoism under Lushan Mountain. What I remember most is the pain of becoming a fugitive, being arrested by the government, and hiding in Tibet..." Xu Shu said He looked at it, then closed his eyes slightly, as if recalling the scene back then, "The path of the lord is different from that of the predecessors, and also different from those of the Confucian scholars today... In these years, the great Han Dynasty has been fighting in the court, and I There used to be a lot of indignation, thinking that it was the traitors who caused trouble and the evil bugs that caused the people's livelihood to suffer and the people suffered..."

"But now, I feel that it's not the traitor that comes first, and then the national crisis..." Xu Shu opened his eyes, with a little sparkle in his eyes, "It's that the traitor exists all the time, everyone." yes! 』

Zhuge Liang was silent for a long time, then Fang nodded slowly, "Brother Yuan Zhi said exactly what he said." 』

Historically, Zhuge Liang was very sad about Xu Shu's fate, thinking that Xu Shu was a pearl in the dust when he became the magistrate of a small county. But now, Xu Shu, who had dined with the Hussars General earlier, has obviously sharpened his own skills. Naturally, there is a gap between his sharp edge and Zhuge Liang's, who has just started to polish it.

The change in thinking that Xu Shu mentioned is actually like when a child doesn't know enough about the world, he thinks that good people are good people and bad people are bad people. When he grows up, he realizes that good people are not always good people and bad people are not always bad people. Similarly, the distinction between traitorous ministers and loyal ministers is not black and white.

Whether it was the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, or the ups and downs of the Han Dynasty over the past three or four hundred years, it seemed that when the dynasty was on the verge of collapse, traitors appeared to cause trouble and cause trouble to the country. Then these people became the targets of reviling. It seems that these traitors no longer exist. With people, the dynasty can last and the people can be stable, but is this really the case?

Just like Dong Zhuo.

Even without Dong Zhuo, is it possible that the Han Dynasty would not be in chaos?

"Therefore, my lord once said, "The country is rich and the people are strong." Do you know what they mean? 』

Zhuge Liang pondered, and then smiled bitterly, "My lord has a deep plan, and it is difficult for Liang to see the whole story." 』

"The world thinks that "the country is rich and the people are strong" is just a word, but they don't know the mystery behind it..." Xu Shu said slowly, "It is now that I gradually understand..."

"Many people are foolish. Xu Shu said, "The writings of sages are also to eliminate these ignorances." The people nowadays only care about one person and not the whole family. They only care about the family and not the whole country. If there is no other, it is selfish desire. The method of sages and sages is found in those who have a pure heart and few desires, is found in those who give strict orders and punishes harshly, is found in those who seek it from within, and is also found in those who seek it from external things, but...hehe..."

"It's not as straightforward and thorough as the four words "Lord"! 』

Xu Shu said it categorically,

"In this world, everyone has selfish desires. If selfish desires expand, the person will be blinded and cannot see the right or wrong of what he does. ” Xu Shu raised his head, as if he was remembering something, “Just like when I was a chivalrous person, I thought grudges and grudges were the right way to go. What was the result? I'm happy, but mother is implicated...huh..."

"Suppose the laws of heaven and destroy human desires..." Xu Shu laughed twice, "It won't work. Desires also have good and bad qualities. If people no longer have desires, how can they still be called people?" Not as good as The Walking Dead! Just like the discussion at the Academy just now, if I hadn't agreed to let people from those tribes enroll in the school together, would these tribes be willing to cooperate with us in repairing roads and opening up trade routes? 』

"Why is this world like this? Why should it be like this?" Xu Shu continued, "These four words given by the Lord are the answer. If there is no national wealth, how can the people be strong? In other words, if the country is not strong, how can the people become rich? But what if we look at it the other way around? 』

Zhuge Liang's heart skipped a beat, "Nowadays, the great Han Dynasty is...the people are strong, but the country is not rich?" 』

"What is a people, and what is a country?" Xu Shu smiled and said, "If Kong Ming can understand the meaning, he can return to Chang'an..."

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