Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2552 I hope I will be full for the rest of my life

The stones are changing, and the Li family in Longxi is changing. These small changes, among the three assistants in Guanzhong, are like the waves in the river. They seem inconspicuous, but it is these waves that form the rolling river. Keep moving forward courageously.

Times are changing, productivity is changing, and production relations will naturally change accordingly. This is the truth discovered by Ma Dabeard. Its root lies in human thinking, which is unpredictable.

Also changed was Niu Dalang.

Niu Dalang had previously said that he wanted to join the army, but he was a little young, and his family suffered changes and could not settle down, so he was not selected into the army that year, but postponed it later.

It is difficult for ordinary people to have the same ideas as those of officials.

It is basically impossible for all people to have a high degree of unified thinking.

You know, even God can’t do this.

The Jew took the money and smiled.

Where there is a will, things come true. The cauldron sinks the boat. One hundred and two Qin passes finally belong to Chu.

If you work hard, God will not let you down. If you lie on the firewood and taste the courage, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu.

In later generations, when Fei Qian saw this couplet for the first time, he wrote it neatly on the title page of his book, and then quoted it many times in some argumentative papers to prove it. Support your own arguments and so on.

But as the years went by, the shortcomings of this couplet gradually became apparent.

limitations of class.

"Qin Guan finally belongs to Chu", regardless of why this "Chu" later became "Han", is this "Chu" simply the "Chu" of ordinary people? Similarly, can the "yue" of swallowing Wu be an ordinary mountain Yue?

Xiang Yu was originally a noble.

Gou Jian was originally from the royal family.

The ugly duckling was originally a swan, and Cinderella was originally a princess.

And those ducks that expected to become real swans from ugly ducklings fell down mid-flight.

What's more, the complexity of world affairs cannot be said to cover everything with just a few accidental examples.

Especially the current generation of nobles.

It is also like the hundreds of schools of thought before.

Because they are smart, have wealth, fame, or status, their personal demands cannot be unified, and the innate diversity of the disciples naturally creates divisions among countries.

Now, it is undoubtedly very difficult for Fei Qian to unify these scholars and have a common belief and a common understanding.

But someone has to do it anyway, and it is obviously better to do it sooner rather than later.

When a dynasty solidifies and declines, the first thing that appears must be the solidification of class and the decline of its upward channels.

The monopoly of educational resources by the gentry and classics families in the Han Dynasty is a typical example.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the emperors who came from relatively low-level families were surrounded by ministers who were relatively low-class, such as wine sellers and pig butchers. This was the case until Liu Bei's generation, and perhaps there were still people who followed Liu Bang's example. The idea of ​​Dragon Balls, but I just couldn't get enough...

Therefore, after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, there were a large number of middle and lower classes in the Han Dynasty, who were freed from the shackles of the old aristocracy, and there were also a large number of military honors. These personnel also stood firmly in the subsequent civil strife. On the side of the Han Dynasty, the old aristocrats who were trying to pick peaches were completely swept into the trash heap of history.

Starting from the Han Dynasty, the old aristocratic system from the Zhou to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period basically disappeared.

Instead, it was the aristocratic family.

The aristocratic families accumulated over the three to four hundred years of the Han Dynasty.

Most of these aristocratic families were not descendants of famous families in the Spring and Autumn Period. They broke the restrictions left by the old aristocrats, but then turned around and placed the restrictions on others. They smashed the original class blockade and opened a new path for promotion. channel, but turned around and began to put a ceiling on his own channel.

There are classes in society, which is not terrible. What is terrible is that there are no channels for promotion.

There are no channels for promotion, so we can only see that Xiang Yu has a chance, Gou Jian can work hard, the fake duck can fly, and the princess in distress has put on glass slippers. Others can only imagine having a sweet dream, and then waking up to face a miserable life, accumulating resentment until it explodes.

It's like Zhou Shuren's words that were banned.

Fortunately, among the big men at the moment, Fei Qian poked several holes in the originally thick coffin board. Although it was not completely opened, the fresh breath passed in and blew on Niu Dalang's body.

Niu Dalang still got up early, um, or is it called a straw mat?

Straw mats like this have always been a happy home for all kinds of insects. Every once in a while, Niu Dalang has to find some mugwort or something like that to smoke these straw mats, otherwise as time goes by, all kinds of bugs will be found in them, including but not limited to mites, lice, fleas and bedbugs.

Even so, he was bitten almost every day.

Niu Dalang scratched his back, but there were some areas that he couldn't scratch, so he just rubbed it against the doorpost a few times, and that was it.

Anyway, I'm used to it.

There was no reserve training today, so he was going to work in the fields and tidy up the ditches beside the fields. If there was still time, he would tidy up the tiles and shed covers on the house...

He went to the small courtyard, broke open a water jar with some thin ice, scooped some from it, rinsed his mouth, then dipped some water in a piece of linen cloth that was almost rotten into a fishing net, wiped his face and hands, and that was it. Finished washing.

As for his sister, she didn't even bother to wash herself.

On the one hand, it is cold, and on the other hand, I have to be busy getting up early in the morning to cook.

The trauma caused by Niu Sixia's death still remains in this home, but it is no longer as bloody as before. As Niu Dalang received the attention of the inspection, even if he walked around occasionally, gave Niu Dalang some encouragement, and brought two or three yuan of steamed buns, it would be enough for the surrounding neighbors and the Tingchang elders in the village to have a bowl. The water is a little calmer.

It doesn't require any special care. As long as you don't deliberately destroy it, cattail grass like a cow can grow out of the cracks in the rocks and push away the rocks pressing on you.

This year Niu Dalang participated in the preliminary selection.

Preliminary selection of soldiers.

Nowadays, children from poor families have two paths to take.

Go up.

One is Wen, the other is Wu. Of course, at this stage, there are relatively more martial arts paths. Because it's straightforward and the rewards are quick, although the risk is higher, facing death. But children from poor families are not afraid of death, but afraid of poverty.

The path of literature is vague, some places have it, some places have not. Chang'an Sanfu is better, but other places are not. After all, the imperial examination system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties was only put on after constant friction and friction. If you want to get the benefits now, you still need to adjust and adjust.

Niu Dalang bit into the thick bun.

The thick buns were mixed with bran, which was very harsh on the throat. But Niu Dalang eats it very well, and Niu Xiaomei also eats it very well, so why not complain.

Their lives seemed to have climbed up from the abyss, or at least got a little better.

After the little sister had finished eating, Niu Dalang took the hoe and shovel and went out with the little sister, and then took the two sheep with him.

The lamb was originally brought for inspection and was lent to Niu Dalang first. A few months later, the lamb grew up, was bred, and became pregnant. It was then sent to the Husband General's livestock station. Two lambs were born, one was brought back to be raised, and the other was kept at the livestock station. Station, it can be regarded as repaying a small part of the debt.

Although the grass and blades are withered at the moment, the temperature during the day is fine and only gets cold in the middle of the night. Moreover, it is the instinct of animals to search for food. The sheep should be allowed to eat some outside. When the heavy snow comes, they will have to eat the stocks.

Niu Dalang glanced at Niu Xiaomei.

Because Niu Xiaomei followed the lamb and ate some goat's milk, her face was somewhat of a blood color, and her hair was not as withered and sparse as before. Coupled with a decent-looking indigo coat, she also looked A little more lively. She holds a stick and drives the sheep. The little sheep doesn't need to pay special attention, it will follow the big sheep on its own.

My little sister is growing up soon and needs to prepare some dowry. Niu Dalang thought that if he went to serve as a soldier and had settlement money, he could buy two or three more sheep and let his younger sister raise them. Farming and other matters, just like other military households, are entrusted to the public in the village to rent out, and the rent is collected according to the harvest. They do not expect to make a fortune, but they can provide some food.

The military household's farmland and the village don't dare to have any evil thoughts. After all, under the same hussar, there is still a certain amount of affection for the emperor. Even if Niu Dalang is outside, the rest of the retired people will do some inspections and so on. Note that if you are found to be corrupting military households, the penalties will be heavier than those for ordinary corruption!

After all, military law is strict, and it is easy to lose one's head. Corruption of military households is basically the same as involving military discipline. It is indispensable to have a higher degree of crime. Basically, it is a capital offense if discovered. So whether the head is worth more or the rent is worth, people will weigh the amount.

When I come back...well, maybe I won't be able to come back, but no matter what, I will have some money that I can use as a dowry for my little sister. With enough dowry, you can find a good family. With a good family, I can rest assured even if I die on the battlefield.

Niu Dalang thought to himself, saying hello to the village neighbors he knew along the way. Some of these people from the same village had helped Niu Dalang back then, while others had just stood by and watched. Villagers are all like this. They are neither good nor bad. Generally, when they are in trouble, these people will help out if they can. What they can help is a matter of personal preference, and those who cannot help cannot be resented.

After all, you can't expect others to help you, you still have to fight for yourself.

After they arrived at the field, Niu Dalang went to the field first, while Niu Xiaomei took the sheep to the wasteland nearby, then walked around nearby, first picked up all the excrement that could be seen in the basket, and then went to pick up the waste. A bundle of firewood was tied up with a belt, and he put it on the roadside with his back bent, and then came over to help Niu Dalang plow the fields.

Niu Dalang waved his hoe up and down.

Their cattle were taken away to pay debts after Niu Sixia died.

But it doesn't matter, Niu Dalang regarded himself as a cow.

"elder brother! Are all these lands going to be turned over? ” Niu Xiaomei asked, then she also took a shovel and followed Niu Dalang to help.

"No, turn over this piece first..." Niu Dalang waved his hoe and breathed out words, "Over there, rent it out, don't worry about it, keep this piece, dig it up, and grow miscellaneous grains..."

Niu Dalang was hoeing the ground and talking to Niu Xiaomei intermittently. According to Niu Dalang's arrangement, this piece of land must be planted with winter wheat first, and if time permits, radish will be interplanted...

It's just that radish can only be planted after spring, so Niu Dalang doesn't know if he has time to help plant it, so he can only tell Niu Xiaomei about it.

Because the location of recruit training is now changed to the new camp of the Jiangwu Hall, those who are relatively close like Niu Dalang will arrive at the barracks later, while those who are further away such as Youfufeng, Longxi Longyou, Hedongbei, etc. The military children in the area will set off as soon as winter comes.

Niu Dalang continued to dig the ground, and then hoe after hoe, he said, "You can harvest radish in April and May. Sell everything else and pickle it and keep it for eating..."

Because a large amount of lake salt from the Western Regions arrived in Guanzhong, the price of salt was lowered a lot, and people were willing to use some salt to pickle their own dishes. Salt-pickled radish was the most common dish, and could be eaten until the next year.

"Huh..." Niu Dalang paused for a moment, took a breath, then raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his arm, "When the time comes, if there are too many radish to sell, I will sell them to the military camp. There will be more radish in the market." , but it costs a lot of money and takes more time, so it’s not worth it... Phew... After harvesting the radishes, add another crop of grasshoppers, and then plant some sunflowers or something in the yard. Generally speaking, that’s enough. I have something to eat with you... I can have enough to eat all year round..."

Although Niu Xiaomei still had reluctance in her eyes, she stood beside Niu Dalang with a strong expression and nodded, "I'll remember it!" My mother said that she heard that silk is very popular now, so she wants to raise some silkworms at home. Then she will sell the cocoons first, and then learn to learn slowly. In the future, if she can draw silk, she can sell it at a good price... and , silkworm chrysalises can also be eaten..."

After Niu Sixia's death, the great grief and fear for the future made Niu Sixia's wife seriously ill and almost lost half of her life. If Niu Dalang hadn't gritted his teeth and shouldered the burden of the family, I'm afraid the Niu family would have been collapsed.

Later, as Niu Dalang restored the Niu family's vitality little by little, his mother gradually got better. Although she was still unable to withstand the heavy lifting, she could always struggle to survive after seeing hope.

"Raising silkworms..." Niu Dalang hesitated, "You have to herd sheep and take care of the fields. If you also have to pick mulberry leaves... can you handle it?" 』

Although raising silkworms is not a heavy labor, silkworms have to eat mulberry leaves almost every day when they grow up, especially before spinning silk. They are simply ruthless eaters. There are only a few or dozens, but they want to sell some cocoons. Money, that’s not enough to raise thousands of animals...

"My mother and I will give it a try this year and raise a few first. ” Niu Xiaomei also has the stubbornness of the Niu family, “Don’t worry, I will be careful in the beginning and there will be no mistakes! 』

"You girl..." Niu Dalang stretched out his hand, wanting to rub Niu Xiaomei's head again out of habit. Suddenly he saw some mud on his hand, so he hesitated and did not reach out. Unexpectedly, Niu Xiaomei came up to her. As if he was still a child, he put his head on Cow Dalang's hand and rubbed it, like a puppy.

"I looked around and saw that there is a mulberry forest over there. The sheep can be put there to graze. Then I will pick mulberry leaves without delay!" ” Niu Xiaomei grinned, “Brother, what do you think? Am I smart? 』

"really not bad. ” Niu Dalang smiled at his sister, touched her head and said, “From now on, all the work in the fields will depend on you... If you are too busy harvesting wheat, don’t do it recklessly. If you need to spend some money to hire some part-time workers, just hire them!” Don't worry about the money, it's not worth the exhaustion! I have military pay! I heard that if you train well in the military camp, you will get extra rewards! 』

When it comes to the treatment in the military, Niu Dalang is full of longing and seems to be full of motivation.

Because the welfare benefits provided by Fei Qian to soldiers far exceeded the original standards for soldiers in the Han Dynasty, the recruitment system in Guanzhong was almost full every year, with people vying to become soldiers. Even because he was a soldier, his family became a military household and could start to enjoy some exemptions and reductions.

In the Song Dynasty, military households were only thieves who joined the army. In the Ming Dynasty, they were lowly households and low-ranking people who were not allowed to take the imperial examination. In peacetime, they looked down upon soldiers and believed that soldiers and military households were inferior. Only the rich, nobles, gentry and rich deserved respect. As a result, they met In times of national calamity, can we still expect soldiers and military households under such circumstances to stand up and fight for the country?

Of course, not all the army is a collection of saints, and not all are good people. There are also some who use their status as soldiers to commit crimes, but fortunately, both Feiqian and the generals from various places abhor this kind of crime. If there are ordinary fights in the camp, sometimes in order to cultivate bloody courage, the board will be raised high and put down gently. But once it is found that someone is really using his status as a soldier to bully the people outside, it will almost always be from Be strict and deal with it according to military law!

In addition, the rangers and libertines in Sanfu and other places in Guanzhong are almost extinct now, and those recruited are from good families, so in terms of observing military discipline, they are relatively stronger and better than before.

"When the time comes..." Niu Dalang picked up the hoe again and hoeed the ground, "When the time comes... don't go see me off... I hate seeing people cry the most..."

In the past, there were a lot of people crying in the village who went to serve as soldiers. Parting and death were inevitable.

Niu Dalang didn't like this.

Because he had cried before, he even knelt down to cry to others and kowtowed to beg, but it was in vain.

It's of no use at all.

Others just laughed.

So from that time on, he stopped crying, and he didn't like people in his family to cry either.

Cry, I can’t cry, I can’t pray, I can’t pray!

Everything you want can only be achieved by yourself!

"Well, Mom likes to cry, so she won't go," Niu Xiaomei rolled her eyes, "I don't like to cry, so I'll go see you off!" 』

"Hey, at first, I didn't know who it was, crying like a mud monkey..." Niu Dalang revealed his shortcomings unceremoniously.

"Ah, brother!" I don't like crying anymore! ” Niu Xiaomei argued loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore..." Niu Dalang continued to hoe the ground, "That's right, sister..."

"Um? 』

"What kind of person do you want to marry in the future?" 』

"I want to marry a soldier!" ” Niu Xiaomei was also unambiguous and responded crisply, “Like a brother!” 』

"It's done, I will, when the time comes, hey," Niu Dalang dug up the ground vigorously with a hoe and laughed a few times, "I'll find one for you in the military camp!" 』

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