This Star is Legal But Sick

Chapter 226: There is something called universal gravity

Chapter 226 There is something called universal gravity

 In the VIP room at the scene, Wei Dongan was sitting inside.

Today, he also came to the scene specifically to watch Xu Ye's performance.

 Wei Dongan attached great importance to this young man who defeated him continuously.

 He wanted to see how this young man was doing at the scene.

 When the song information appeared, Wei Dongan nodded slightly.

 “It’s quite interesting, it’s another original song.”

 In the audience, many viewers were already excited.

 Many of the audience who came to the scene this time did not participate in the recording of the previous program.

They don’t know yet that Ma Lu is hugging Xu Ye’s thigh.

  When I saw that Malu's song was also composed by Xu Ye, I suddenly became excited.

 “Wow! I can listen to two songs by Xu Ye today!”

 “It feels so good to be filled up!”

"Doesn't that mean that the last episode of Ma Lu's program may have been created by Xu Ye?"

Many viewers are already looking forward to the upcoming third episode.

 Backstage, in the lounge.

 Cheng Tianlei’s pressure doubled after seeing the song information.

 The singing order this time is Ma Lu first, then Xu Ye.

 And he was still behind Xu Ye.

Ma Lu is equivalent to taking the lead for Xu Ye.

Performing behind Xu Ye is very stressful.

 The performance of the singers who performed behind Xu Ye in the first two episodes was not perfect.

The replacement singer for this issue breathed a long sigh of relief.

 He was the last singer to perform.

In his opinion, performing behind Cheng Tianlei is less stressful than performing behind Xu Ye.

What kind of king is nothing compared to this newcomer in the music scene.

 On the stage, the surrounding bands have begun to play accompaniment.

 The accompaniment full of relaxed and happy atmosphere sounded.

With a smile on his face, Malu raised his hands and waved: "Can everyone raise your hands?"

 The audience in the audience also raised a hand in cooperation.

Ma Lu has already thought about it. Since he is performing before Xu Ye, he should give Xu Ye a good foundation.

The singing started.

Ma Lu waved his hands and sang:

“Finally, when the bell rang, I made an appointment to wait for you in the playground.”

“Summer is really boring. I’ll take you to eat strawberry ice cream.”

After Ma Lu opened his voice, the judges at the scene were all bright-eyed.

This song is really suitable for Malu.

  The melody and lyrics both exude a strong youthful atmosphere, as if it takes people back to their school days in an instant.

Especially Malu who is standing on the stage at the moment. He looks young himself, and the clothes he wears give people an even stronger sense of youth.

 Everyone even has the feeling that Ma Lu’s singing skills have improved.

 Everyone also understands that it is not actually how much Ma Lu's singing skills have improved, but that this song fully brings out Ma Lu's strengths.

 There are only four words left in everyone's mind.

 Xu Ye is awesome.

 “If you’re in a bad mood, I’ll play a Chopin waltz for you.”

“Hearing this relaxing melody feels like eating bonbon.”

 Many young viewers in the audience smiled involuntarily.

 They waved their arms to the beat.

 When you are young, you feel that youth is very long and you want to grow up and leave as soon as possible.

 But when you are no longer young, looking back on your youth, you will find that youth is really very short.

 So short that when you think about it, you realize that there seems to be nothing left.

Only the vague figure of the person you had a crush on at that time is left, only the summer sun and the evening breeze are left, and only the faces that are gradually moving away from your life are left.

 “When I look at you secretly, when I think about you secretly, thinking about some profound questions.”

 On the stage, Malu’s voice is easy to control.

  He seemed not to be on the stage of a singing competition, but at a concert.

"Is our love a game arranged by Cupid or an old man under the moon? He can't tell clearly."

"You said you felt telepathy when you leaned on my shoulder. You can't explain it clearly and it doesn't look like a dream."

“Our love is like two stars squinting, or we are destined to be together.”

“Newton said that there is something called universal gravitation. Because of you, I began to believe in those great principles.”

  After singing this line, Wei Dongan's eyes lit up.

 The lyrics have already pointed out the topic.

 In fact, at first, when Wei Dongan saw the title of the song, he thought the song was telling a pure youth story using gravity, something that everyone had learned during his school days.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Ye actually used gravity to describe the love between two people during their relationship.

This kind of gameplay is far from novel, but it feels very comfortable.

 Two people who love each other attract each other, maybe it is gravity.

Off the stage, many people were already waving their fluorescent sticks and waving along with Ma Lu.

 “The sky is clear with the warmth of the sun, but we are looking forward to a heavy rain.”

“You and I hold an umbrella and walk through the rain, collecting every little bit.”

  “I like that you have big eyes and are very curious about everything.”

“I hold an apple and think about laws every day, so cute that I even forget to eat.”

 The atmosphere on the entire stage has been completely aroused by this song.

 In another private room, Liu Zhiyuan was sitting there.

For this program recording, all three subjects were invited to the scene. The difference is that when the other two observation subjects came this time, they also brought the subjects with them.

 A young couple and a middle-aged couple with a child.

 Liu Zhiyuan, a single dog, is caught in the middle.

However, Liu Zhiyuan is used to it.

 He listened to Malu's singing with a sweet smile on his face.

Who hasn’t fantasized about being with your crush?

 Regardless of whether there is reality or not, aren’t people allowed to fantasize?

At this time, the child next to him said in a sweet voice: "Uncle, do you have a partner? Why are you laughing?"

 Liu Zhiyuan's smile suddenly froze on his face.

 The middle-aged couple hurriedly pulled the child over.

"I'm sorry."


What else can Liu Zhiyuan say?

 But he is indeed in a bad mood now.

 Hell, he might as well be given a separate room.

 It’s too uncomfortable to be with these two couples, right?

 On the stage, Malu had reached the end of his song.

“...Newton said that there is something called universal gravitation. Because of you, I began to believe in those great principles.”

After singing, Ma Lu raised the microphone and waved to the audience.

 His movements were easy and he had a smile on his face.

 He was indeed very happy during this period.

 He feels that it has a lot to do with Xu Ye.

 Since I followed Xu Ye, my mental state has really gotten better and better.

 His mental state was really bad before and he was worried every day.

 To use the word on the Internet, it is called mental internal consumption.

The more you use it up, the more your mental state will get worse.

 But Xu Ye is completely different.

 He is the type who refuses to be mentally exhausted and goes crazy when something happens.

 Don’t tell me, it’s really useful.

 The audience burst into warm applause.

 In the lounge, Shen Qian and others also noticed the changes in Ma Lu.

His performance can be said to be too perfect.

  There is no mistake at all, and the whole song is mastered with ease.

 The atmosphere at the scene also illustrates this point.

 Soon, Zhang Guangrong stepped onto the stage.

 After the audience’s scoring, it was the members of the jury’s turn to comment.

“Ma Lu, you are in a very different state today. When I was listening to your song, I was already immersed in it.”

"Youthful love is nostalgic. It reminds me of the love I have experienced. Xu Ye's lyrics are also very good."

“I have a hunch that your song will be very popular on campus. I can’t wait to see the market response to this song.”

Many music critics actually have something to say.

 It’s just that I’m embarrassed to say it in public.

 That is, Xu Ye is too strong.

Ma Lu, a has-been singer, was single-handedly brought back from the brink of death, and he also brought two songs that will be widely sung.

 Many music critics think of the conflict between Jade Bird Entertainment and Xu Ye.

 Given time, Xu Ye’s studio will have the opportunity to grow to the point where it can compete with Jade Bird Entertainment.

 It can only be said that Song Zhengqi made a mistake.

You think Xu Ye is just a contestant with a little talent on a talent show, but he is an all-around producer.

 After the comments were over, only Zhang Guangrong was left on the stage.

 At this time, Zhang Guangrong was also a little emotional.

 He paused and said slowly: "The singer who will appear next is also a member of the handsome and handsome group that has been disbanded."

As soon as he finished saying this, cheers erupted from the audience.

 The audience already knows who it is.

“More than two months ago, he stood on the same stage and won a title.”

“Everyone shout out that title with me, Superstar Xu Ye!”

 Zhang Guangrong shouted.

 He turned and looked at the entrance of the stage. Xu Ye, dressed in a suit and carrying a guitar, walked onto the stage.

 In the audience, many viewers also shouted that title.

 Superstar, Xu Ye.

 He is not a superstar yet, who can say for sure in the future.

 Zhang Guangrong left the stage.

 On the stage, the lights dimmed.

 When Xu Ye sat on the chair, he raised his hand and pressed it down.

 The scene suddenly became quiet.

 “Is this issue about guitar playing and singing?”

“Is this the first time Xu Ye has played the guitar on a formal stage?”

 “Just don’t play it for me, I’m really afraid of his trouble.”

 Many members of the jury interacted with each other.

On the big screen behind him, the song information slowly appeared.

 Song "Old Boy".

 (End of this chapter)

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