This lich needs more money

Chapter 63 Mortal Power

In an open space, three hundred mortals who had eaten their fill and had rested for a few days were loudly reciting sacrificial inscriptions praising the Lord of the Morning.

When they said "willing to dedicate everything to purify evil," a faint holy light emitted from their bodies, and then condensed into many human shapes composed entirely of light.

Some of these human figures are extremely dazzling and lifelike, while others are dim.

But without exception, they all mastered the power of the Holy Light, and it only took three days.

However, after condensing the holy light, many people's hair began to turn white and there were a few wrinkles on their faces.

Fanxing looked at the scene in front of him and felt quite satisfied.

This is the use of three hundred mortals. At the cost of their lifespan, they summon heavenly guards and quickly transform from weak mortals into powerful warriors.

It is impossible for a mortal to become a qualified warrior in just a few days unless he pays a huge price.

Fanxing brought a piece of magic equipment called the Crown of Faith from the Lion Empire, which can condense the power of faith to open the passage to heaven. Borrowing the power of the Holy Light, it is a replica of the real artifact Lathander's Crown.

These three hundred people did not disappoint the stars. After listening to the teachings of the Lord of the Dawn, they all became believers of this god. Maybe their beliefs are not pious enough, but the Lord of the Dawn will never deceive you, The response of the Power of Holy Light is the best proof.

If your faith is not pious enough and you don't have enough time to train, there is no problem. As long as you are willing, you can use your life as a price to summon the power of the Holy Light to perform divine magic.

Summon the celestial guards, this is the advice given to them by the stars.

With a lifespan of about ten years, they can control these heavenly guards to fight for twenty minutes.

Each heavenly guard is a battle-hardened elite warrior, composed entirely of holy light energy. They are immune to most low-level magic, have no vital parts, are not afraid of death, and more importantly, can restrain most magic. Undead.

Fanxing made no secret of the side effects of this approach.

In order to activate this counterfeit artifact, the victim must be completely voluntary. It is useless to use spells to brainwash them or to force the other party to sacrifice.

The Lord of the Morning rejects human sacrifice, but not self-sacrifice.

These mortals are well aware of the consequences, but their life span is only ten years. A person can live at least sixty years if he is well fed and clothed. As a serf, or the people under the rule of these lords, the average life span is only thirty years.

What's wrong with using a lifespan that doesn't belong to you in exchange for a brighter future?

This is also the reason why Fanxing only needs to be young and strong. Those who are too old have no lifespan to sacrifice and will die directly during practice.

"Let go of your consciousness and merge with the will of the heavenly guards, and you will be able to master the honed skills in a short period of time. Remember, every second of this is earned by you with your life, any laziness or delay will be They are consuming your lives and reducing your chances of survival. If you want to survive and become a real human being again, then give me your best effort."

Fanxing very carefully pointed out how mortals can control the projection of the celestial guards, without wasting any second.

These hundreds of vague figures began to make various tactical movements under Fanxing's orders. In less than a minute, those slow movements became smooth. They had completely mastered the method of controlling the projection of the heavenly guards.

Finally, under Fanxing's command, these heavenly guards completely merged together and turned into a ten-meter-tall giant of light.

The white-gold giant sword was swung, and the holy light spurted forward like a giant cannon, cutting a hundred-meter-long crack in the ground.

Although it only has the power of one blow, this giant of light should be enough to deal with those annoying low-level undead, such as skeleton zombies, who are nothing more than cannon fodder.

If the Lich were any weaker, the Giant of Light could even open the castle door directly, allowing Fanxing and the others to enter.

The only pity is that the two adventurers who investigated the castle have never returned. It seems that the situation is in danger.

"At noon tomorrow, we will begin to attack the castle of the undead. Success or failure depends on this. Don't worry, I will charge with you then."

Fanxing asked everyone to go back and rest. When all these mortals left, a paladin beside him walked up to Fanxing and said, "Captain, that boy named Geronimo is very talented. Do you want to send him back alone? "

What this means is don’t let Geronimo go to war, and send him directly back to Ryan for training. It won’t take long for him to become a qualified paladin, and he will no longer need to resort to self-mutilation to use the power of the Holy Light. .

Fanxing knew that his companions were right. Geronimo's talent was indeed very good. His control over the Holy Light was much stronger than that of ordinary people. He consumed less energy and the condensed heavenly guards were also more powerful.

But Fanxing shook his head and said: "No, if one person is less powerful, their chance of survival will be less. I promise to let them work hard for the future, and we cannot let Geronimo go because he has better talent." This test. Human beings should be bathed in the Holy Light fairly. However, if this kid can really survive, I will personally train him and make him a member of the Knights of Conviction."

"Okay, let's have a good rest. We will start the first attack at noon tomorrow. I hope this lich can be eliminated in one charge."

Fanxing took everyone back to the Alchemy City and let others rest while he came to the Iron Slag Ember Bar again.

Tomorrow will be his first crusade against the legendary undead. Although this young paladin has tried every means to ensure victory, he is still a little nervous when the battle is approaching.

Fanxing needs a drink, so he goes to the bar to ask for information. Maybe he will get something good.

Strolling on Southern Cross Street again, this time there seemed to be more pedestrians on the road, but many of them were aliens other than humans. They looked at Fanxing, the paladin, with unfriendly eyes.

Fanxing had long been accustomed to it and ignored these hostile looks and walked into the bar.

There were indeed more guests tonight, and the bar was half full, but the bar was still very quiet, as if everyone was preoccupied.

Fanxing didn't think there was anything wrong. In the past few days in the Alchemy City, he had seen too many worried people. After all, the economic environment was not very good, so naturally everyone looked bad.

Walking to the bar, Fanxing said to the orc bartender: "As usual, two glasses of rum."

Fanxing has been here almost every day these days and has become quite familiar with the orc bartender. Although he still doesn't like the other person's race, Fanxing has been able to speak without discrimination, which is very rare.

The orc bartender also poured him a glass of rum as usual, and then asked: "I am alone again today. Why don't you bring more people to take care of the business? I heard that you bought hundreds of slaves."

Fanxing smiled and said: "Your shabby bar is too deceptive. I can still afford to drink alone. If three hundred people drink, I will have to pawn my armor."

The orc bartender wiped off the wine bottles, placed them on the bar without any smoke, and responded casually: "Then you should also bring your paladins with you. Drink alone every time. Do The boss is too stingy."

After saying that, the orc bartender gave Fanxing another drink.

"They are not free today, but maybe we will come and have a good drink tomorrow." Fanxing drank the rum again, and then said: "Is there any discount today? Why are there so many people?"

The orc bartender sighed and did not answer Fanxing's question. Instead, he said to him: "As the boss, you better not be too stingy. Otherwise, if you encounter an accident, no one can save you."

Just when Fanxing felt something was wrong, he suddenly felt dizzy... No, those two glasses of wine just now were poisonous!

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