This is not a weird story

Chapter 353 Infected!

After experiencing the scene just now, everyone was speeding up their pace, and they also readjusted their formation.

Iori was scouting the front, Wei An was responsible for cutting off the rear, Zhou Xin was next to Wei An, and his wife Xiaowan took care of Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna.

However, because Liu Wenna was still wearing a cloak, Xiao Wan actually resisted getting close to her. She just knew that Xiao Wan's cloak would not hurt her, so she did it for Zhou Xin.

Not long after, Iori, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped and said, "We have reached the end."

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the end of the passage was not the entrance to Black Mountain, but instead reached a closed end!

Then Iori lit the candle, and everyone suddenly realized that there was another door that was exactly the same as before.

In the middle of the door is the same solid keyhole shape of a sheep's hooves, which looks like it will be opened again.

By coincidence, Iori also obtained a sheep's hoof. Fortunately, he still had it with him and did not throw it away just because Wei An was able to enter the gate.

She took out the sheep's hoof, and Xiaowan walked over to take it, turning the sheep's hoof into a shadow before inserting it into the keyhole.

After a bang, the double doors opened to the outside, and a long-lost moonlight entered the passage and shone on everyone.

Although they couldn't feel any changes, in the eyes of Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna, the moonlight dispelled the darkness and gave them an inexplicable sense of security.

Wei An raised his head and looked outside. The half-circle moon hung in the sky, and not far under the moon was the huge black mountain. Even the top of the black mountain seemed to be connected to the moon.

Halfway up the mountainside of the Black Mountain, the pitch-black building stood there alone, with no light and no movement at all.

Judging from the time on the internal and external streets, it is still curfew time. I wonder if there are creatures in the building sleeping and resting during the curfew.

At this time, everyone had slowly walked out of the passage, and the two doors seemed to be sensing, and they slowly closed again after they walked out.

Zhou Xin touched Wei'an with his elbow. Wei'an followed his gaze and looked back in the direction he came from. He was slightly startled.

They saw that the passage door they just walked out of looked like a huge mouth, and there were two protrusions like eaves on the top of the door, which looked like two round eyes, staring at the people coming out. These people, and at this moment, the mouth is slowly closing.

Looking at it this way, it seems as if the Guwa City behind him is the belly of this giant monster, and the few of them have just escaped from the beast's mouth.

Now everyone was standing at the foot of the Black Mountain. Without saying a word, they immediately climbed up the mountain and approached the black building halfway up the mountain.

This black mountain is bare, with no weeds or trees visible. It is only composed of some black soil and a large number of gray stones. The rocks are rugged and steep, making it very difficult to climb. There is also no complete path leading to the black building. mountain road.

Several people groped their way up. Only the injured Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna had to crawl slower. Everyone else was fine.

Because the terrain here is very weird, Liu Wenna didn't dare to take off her cloak, so she had to take into account that the cloak would fall off during the climb.

But fortunately, there are no patrols in this place, and there are no other abnormalities. Just be careful not to fall.

After climbing and resting for a while, it took nearly three hours to finally reach the foot of the black building.

After getting closer, Wei An took a closer look and discovered that the appearance of the building was not actually black, but a material similar to the passage door just now. The entire material was not transparent, and all the light and heat seemed to be sucked in. As a result, the moonlight cannot be reflected when it shines on it, making it look like everything is black.

"Are those solutions inside this building?" Wei An asked Zhou Xin.

Zhou Xin said: "Xiao Wan heard this from an outsider who sneaked into the inner streets last time. That person said he got it from the mouth of the patrolman."

"Do you know where the solution is?" Wei An asked again.

Before Zhou Xin could speak, Iori had already taken over: "On the top floor of this building, a participant who is said to have entered the top floor once revealed this news."

Wei An remembered that participant. It was said that he had entered the city of Guwa for many years. He was one of the first participants to enter and successfully passed through the inner streets.

According to other people, this person has probably entered the channel, but it is not known whether he got the solution and got out, but I haven't heard anything about him for a long time.

At this moment, Iori saw Liu Wenna taking off the cloak when she was sitting down to rest. She immediately rushed over and reminded: "You can't take it off. If you are not strong enough, the danger to you here will be greater than in the inner streets!"

Liu Wenna waved her hands and was speechless, but she scratched her face and back, and then her arms.

Jin Mingfei immediately put the cloak on her again and said, "I looked at hers, and Nana said she was itchy, so she just took it off briefly and then put it on again."

After saying this, Jin Mingfei scratched the back of his neck.

Wei An walked over, looked down at Jin Mingfei's neck, and saw that the area was already red from his scratches, and asked, "When did it start to itch?"

"On the way up."

"Me too." Liu Wenna said after she had regained her breath, and rubbed her back against a boulder protruding next to her through her cloak.


Zhou Xin shouted Wei'an from the side.

After Wei An walked over, Zhou Xin turned up his sleeves, exposed his forearms, and said to him in a low voice: "I'm also a little itchy. Maybe we encountered something while going up the mountain, but we didn't notice it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Wan had already come closer and looked down at Zhou Xin's exposed forearm. Then she reached out and grabbed Zhou Xin's arm. The two arms could be seen with the naked eye, turning into phantoms and merging together, and then Zhou Xin Xin's arm became physical again and twitched slightly, as if it was being shocked.

Zhou Xin obviously felt a lot of pain, but he held back and did not make a sound.

When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw a dense layer of fine hairs appearing on the top of the arm. These hairs were all alive. They should be very small flesh worms, half inside the skin and half outside the skin. They were rapidly moving. He twisted his body and seemed to want to get inside.

Xiaowan grabbed Zhou Xin's arm again. After another period of illusion, Zhou Xin felt even more pain. However, only half of those tiny flesh worms were left outside the skin. They were rolling violently and soon stopped moving. Then it stiffened and turned into something like skin flakes that fell off.

"They are infected by this kind of flesh bug!" Wei An's eyes narrowed and he asked Xiaowan: "Can you help eliminate the flesh bugs on Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna in the same way?"

Xiaowan shook her head gently.

She pointed at Zhou Xin and herself, then at Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna, and then shook her head to express that they were different from herself and Zhou Xin.

Wei An felt her body carefully and found that there was no itching. He called Iori over and asked her if she felt anything strange.

Iori also shook his head.

Wei An asked: "Is there anything like a charm on your clothes?"

Iori was stunned and took off the outer aboriginal robe, revealing a linen garment, and on the back of the linen garment was a bloody talisman that Wei An had never seen before.

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