Many people came out of Ningzhou City, and all of them talked about this matter eagerly. Many of them said that Xie Yunjin was the master of Qingtian. Dare to go to the government to file a complaint, the most important thing is that this Xie Qingtian will really make the decision for them.

So many people were happy and talked non-stop excitedly.

In the Xie family's carriage, Lu Jiao was quite happy listening to the discussions outside the carriage.

The girls in the carriage were also very happy, the little girl Du Juan was a brazen girl.

"I knew that a beautiful person is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted, and the most important thing is a sense of justice."

Lu Jiao looked at her amusedly and said, "You will be sold out sooner or later, so be careful."

Du Juan blinked and said: "I know what madam means, but when I look at your lord and madam, I know that you are not the kind of people who harm others. Although some people are good-looking, they have evil intentions and evil intentions." .”

Lu Jiao was surprised, and turned her head to look at Du Juan: "You can still tell this from the face of a person, is it true or not?"

Du Juan immediately said proudly: "Madam, don't believe me, I can really tell what kind of person a person is from his facial expressions."

Lu Jiao became interested, looked at her and said, "Where did you draw your conclusion from?"

"I just rely on my feelings. I can feel what kind of person this person is at a glance. It's like the first time I saw my wife, I knew that my wife is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted. She is easy to get along with." People, that's why I want to stay."

Lu Jiao stared at Du Juan in disbelief, did she pick up a treasure? If Du Juan really has this ability, when she meets people in the future, take her and let her take a look, won't she know what kind of person the other person is?

But Lu Jiao still couldn't believe it, so she stretched out her hand to pull Ruan Zhu on the side of the carriage: "Look at your sister Ruan Zhu, and see what kind of person she is?"

Du Juan likes Ruan Zhu very much. Among the girls, she and Ruan Zhu get along best, so when she heard Lu Jiao's question, she immediately said: "Sister Ruan Zhu is a very simple person, she doesn't have so many thoughts, she is a good girl. A person who knows how to plan."

When Lu Jiao heard what Du Juan said, she became interested: "Then tell me what kind of person you are?"

The current Xie Yunjin is different from before, with gentle eyebrows and gentle eyes. Many people think that he is a very easy-going person when they see him. Unfortunately, although he is much better than before, in fact he is still not easy to get close to, but many people are attracted by him. Appearances were deceiving.

The little girl Du Juan has only been here for a month, and she doesn't have much contact with Xie Yunjin, so Lu Jiao asked her to see if she was really so amazing.

After hearing Lu Jiao's words, Du Juan was a little embarrassed: "Madam, if I say something bad about you, will you be angry?"

"No, you say."

Du Juan immediately said: "My lord is very good-looking, he always has a smile on his face, and looks easy to get along with, but in fact he is a difficult person to get along with, and he has a strong desire for revenge. If anyone offends him People will definitely suffer his revenge."

Lu Jiao was surprised, and pulled Du Juan: "Little girl, you are really good, how did you know that?"

Du Juan smiled: "Madam, I can tell what kind of person this person is just by feeling."

Lu Jiao nodded, there are all kinds of strange people in this world, it's nothing, but it's good that the little girl has such a talent.

"Except for the few of us, don't tell anyone about it in the future. You and Ruan Zhu will follow me from now on. You don't have to do anything else. You only need to do one thing. Keep an eye on those who are with me or adults. People who have been in contact with it can analyze for us the nature of the people we contacted."

After hearing Lu Jiao's words, Du Juan was overjoyed. She thought she was the most useless person, but now she is very happy after hearing Lu Jiao's words. She is also a useful person.

In this way, she is the same as her sisters. Sister Ruan Zhu knows martial arts and can protect his wife. Sister Ding Xiang is now keeping the accounts for his wife. Sister Shan Cha is now making clothes for her family. She was not very capable at first, but now she can Mrs. Dai stared at those people to see what kind of people they were. Du Juan was good at this. She was indescribably happy and said excitedly.

"Madam, don't worry, I will report the situation of those people to Madam at any time in the future."

"it is good."

In the carriage, several people laughed, and the carriage drove all the way to the Luan Grave in Ningzhou.

Outside the Luan Grave Mound, the crowds were extremely lively. In the past, there were no ghosts in this place, and no one dared to come to this place even in broad daylight. Today, because Wang Mingren was going to be executed, everyone didn't feel scared, and they all ran over to watch the excitement .

Because there were too many people outside, it was difficult for the Xie family's carriage to come over, and Lu Jiao didn't get off the carriage to come over, she just watched the excitement from a distance outside.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, an official from the Ningzhou government office came over, and it was Xie Yunjin who was in charge of the case.

Xie Yunjin is a good-looking person, and wearing an official robe, she really looks like a crown of jade. The people who watched the excitement from outside were all dumbfounded. Some people in the crowd even gave Xie Yunjin a nickname, Judge with Jade Face, After Wang Mingren was beheaded, the entire Ningzhou people would know that Mr. Tongzhi's nickname was Judge Yumian.

It's just that everyone hasn't spread the word yet, and everyone is eagerly discussing Xie Yunjin's appearance and his heart of making decisions for the people.

With Xie Yunjin's arrival, Wang Mingren and the rest of the Wang family were escorted over.

At this time, Wang Mingren no longer had the arrogance and domineering he used to do, and now he has sunken eye sockets, and his whole body has lost weight rapidly, and the clothes on his body are so empty that it is very scary.

But even if he is like this, the people onlookers don't sympathize with him. If more than a dozen lives were killed just like that, this person deserves to die.

So as soon as Wang Mingren appeared, the surrounding people shouted: "Kill him, kill him."

One person shouted, others echoed, and finally more and more people shouted: "Xie Qingtian, kill him, kill him."

Wang Mingren raised his head to look at the crowd watching, subconsciously opened his eyes to get angry, but soon realized that he is now a prisoner, or a prisoner who is going to be executed, Wang Mingren was terrified, and cried loudly, while crying, he moved towards the executioner Xie Yunjin, who was on the platform, called out.

"Xie Tongzhi, I was wrong, I dare not, please forgive me, I will never dare to hurt anyone again, I promise I will not hurt anyone again, I will be a good person."

The first Xie Yunjin looked at him coldly, and said lightly, "It's late."

Wang Mingren just felt hopeless, he didn't know why he was about to be killed, and who was to blame for him to come to this day.

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