The World of Evil God game

Chapter 165 Rani Music Group

In the first urban area of ​​the Kingdom of Steam.

The program box in front of Rani dimmed, which meant that her program time was over.

What should I say?

Now, there is an extremely happy emotion lingering in my heart!

""The Will of Mortal". I am also recalling my past self. The mortal era as an armored god has actually not passed that long! Hmm! I feel it. This is a brand new power that music brings to me!"

Rani's red hair fluttered, and layers of halos began to appear on her body. The power of faith from many worlds converged on her body. At the same time, she also heard the voices of many prayers.

People from different worlds and different walks of life.

Some are singers and start praying to themselves, and also specially add sentences such as "I swear to watch your show on time every week, please take care of me" in their prayers, hoping to get a flawless look from themselves. Singing voice.

Some are composers. These people hope to get "inspiration" from themselves, because their music is God's music score and completely original music. Some composers have gradually lost their inspiration and they want to regain their glory. And some people hope that their inspiration will never run out, so they begin to pray to themselves devoutly.

Some are harpists who pray to themselves. They hope to be able to play divine music that is similar to themselves. They want to gain status in the palace, or they want to compose music for someone important. Some of them want to be in the dormitory of a famous player. Their wishes are different.

As the oldest musical instrument in every world, the harp is also one of the oldest plucked string instruments in civilization. It appeared in the early days as a primitive harp.

In the early days of many civilizations, the harp was often regarded as a magical prop possessed by certain music goddesses, and the sound of the harp was considered an important medium for communicating with the gods.

Of course, in the universe, there are countless gods with musical authority or similar sound authority. Even humans and gods who have almost nothing to do with music have similar authority!

Because the full name of Man-God is "Voice of Man", and shouting is also the first act of life, it is also regarded as the origin of sound, and this part of life's cry is attributed to the authority of Man-God.

There are even some dancers who are worshiping themselves, which makes Rani dumbfounded.

Dancers, you should believe in Cinderella, right? Although Cinderella is the god in charge of misfortune, she also has the authority to dance. Now that these dancers come to worship you, for Cinderella, it is equivalent to robbing her. A believer, but I don’t have the authority to dance!

What’s more!

Some Iron Men and Zerg also believe in themselves, and according to the content of the prayer, the Iron Men hope that by believing in themselves, their "alarm clock ringtones" will become better!

The prayers of the Zerg tribe hope that after believing in themselves, their cries will become more beautiful and sweet!

"It doesn't matter how nice the alarm clock sounds. When it becomes the alarm clock tone, it is no longer good music!"

"The sounds of bugs become more melodious? This has the same meaning as an alarm clock! When bugs gather in large numbers and make messy sounds, no matter how sweet the music is, it will turn into torture!"

"Instead of praying to me, it's better to believe in the Blue Light God! Although he can't make your voices sound better, he can directly mute you, so that you can be silent once and for all."

In addition to these professions closely related to the music industry, Rani also heard the "voices" of some special people.

Those are mute people who cannot speak, and some disabled people whose throats or vocal cords have been damaged and cannot speak normally. They are also listening to their own programs. They beg themselves for blessings. Of course, what they want is A normal voice.

For this, they are willing to pay the price.

"Actually, it's better to ask the God of Sacrifice for this kind of thing. First find some hypnosis masters to hypnotize some insignificant things into vital things, and then sacrifice them. As for me, I can't respond to you. Prayers.”

"Because I don't have the authority over music and sound."

Lani was a little helpless at first. The effect of this program may have been unexpectedly good. Her reputation had been completely spread, but many people seemed to have made some mistakes.

The powers he possesses are cleansing, ice and snow, mind, spell, and starlight.

There is no power of music or sound.

Looking at the forum, there are many people who said that their performance moved them and purified their souls. This is indeed a good thing and what they should do.

"Well, the spiritual value has increased a lot. Everything else doesn't matter. Anyway, the reason why I chose to do music programs is not to gain too much value, but simply because of love!"


Lani originally thought she was sorry that she could not answer these people's prayers, and was about to post a post on the forum to clarify the matter, but she suddenly felt that she had an extra authority!

This made Rani touch her body in disbelief, and she was stunned.

The authority of music that appears in oneself is not other authorities related to sounds or musical concepts, but "music" itself!

Of course, music as an authority is very narrow. If it is pure music itself, then the word "music" must be an absolutely audible normal melody, and the sounds that constitute the musical image must be organized and regular. Only the sound of harmony will do.

The messy "noise" is not included in the authority of music, but it is related to it, and what is somewhat funny is that no matter how unpleasant the sound of your music is, as long as it is played according to the standard behavior of music, you can get rid of the chaos. If it retains a trace of order, it can also be recognized as music.

"Hey! This is not like gaining the authority over music, but rather like gaining the authority to 'appraise music'!"

If Rani's mood index could be visualized, it would have already broken through the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Steam! What a ridiculous and magical thing it is to open a program and gain authority!

At the same time, she also thought that if she could gain authority through the program, would other gods also gain more authority after this program?

It's like obviously he is not the god in charge of music, but because he has a top-level understanding of music, and other people think that they have the identity of the god of music, their wrong belief actually helps them!

"Error. After error comes right?"

"So, since I have obtained the authority of music, I am the God of Music from now on! First, let's fulfill the wishes of the believers!"

Rani is a god who responds positively to believers. Before, she had no authority over music, so she was very embarrassed about these prayers, but now it is different!

It’s time to test your new authority!

I can give singers the singing voices they want, but the price is that once they are used to seek improper benefits, they will immediately turn into drake voices.

We can give composers the inspiration they want, but the price is that once plagiarism occurs, they themselves will become new scores.

The divine music that the harpists wanted actually did not belong to their own category, but the realm of another god. It was the same as the dancers' prayers, so Rani just gave appropriate "musical inspiration". Probably to increase their musical talent.

At the same time, he also sent divine inspiration to let them buy more of his music albums.

There are also the alarm clock ringtones of Iron Man and the noisy screams of the Zerg. For the former, you should go to the God of Steel or the God of Abandonment, or even the God of Fiction, and just install a music replacement function.

As for the Zerg, Lani still recommended the Blue Light God to them.

At the same time, there are also those who are mute and disabled. What Rani has obtained this time is narrow musical authority rather than broad voice authority, so she cannot restore their voices to normal, but it does not matter, Rani generously provides them with The ability to "sing" was restored!

Although I won’t be able to speak anymore, I can sing!

It’s half solved!

"This way the prayer problems of believers will be solved! It's quite tiring to be a hard-working god sometimes!"

"Then next, I have a new idea. How about finding some gods related to sound to form a band?"

The names of several gods related to sound popped up in Lani's mind, but the nature of these gods was actually very different from the path of music. For music, they could not be said to be very proficient, they could only be said to be completely ignorant.

"I remember the most famous gods with musical authority. The first is the aria poet with the authority of melody!"

As the most famous holder of musical authority, the Piano Poet is a very well-known god. All poetry academies in the world are his churches, and even some poetry majors in other academies are basically related to him.

The poet will hold the harp when singing, so he also has the oldest authority of melody.

Just, apart from him?

"The God of Collapse who has the power to change voices is a god worshiped by construction workers. I remember that he developed the profession of construction magician."

"It seems that the man-god who has the authority to shout for life has participated in a duel competition? No one has been seen!"

"He's on the show of the God of Panic, who has authority over sourceless sounds and rhythms, and I'll be watching."

"The majestic blue light with the authority of silence (silence), the blue light god failed to rehearse and went home."

"The God of Roaring who has the power of roaring and oscillating sounds. It seems that the script is poorly written, and the music must not be good either."

"A messenger of miracles with the power of sound imagery. God creates God and excludes."

"The Dream Weaver with the power of whispering. She seems to be incapable of doing anything but murmuring."

"The god of mad fire who has the power to scream. This is an ancient god. It's better not to contact him."

Looking at it this way, in fact, these gods related to sound clearly have the power of sound, but except for poets, none of them can do music.

Lani sighed, thinking that if she formed a band, she wouldn't be able to count on these abstract guys.

But the God of Poet can try to invite him, and then add his elder brother, the God of the Golden Tree, and Cinderella’s dance art.

"We still need a lead singer. The God of Sacrifice feels great!"

Lani started planning enthusiastically. At the same time, she found a church for rent, which was crowded with people watching TV. In the Kingdom of Steam, the churches used for rent were all properties of the Iron Church.

Yes, it's time for Iron God's "I Love Inventions" show.

Mechanical priests can be seen everywhere in the church. They began to pray in front of the TV and muttered:

"The machine soul rejoices! Praise the Lord of steel and machinery and tools and operations!"

As the program started, a giant steam vehicle drove towards the screen, and with a loud dull sound, it deformed on the spot:

"Mobile Suit, transform!"

Of course, even though he uses the name of a mobile suit, his transformed image looks like a steampunk version of Optimus Prime!

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