The World of Evil God game

Chapter 127 The God of War’s Psychotherapy and the Messenger of Blessings

The "Civilization" series of games can actually generate extremely huge value in this world, and they also involve many aspects.

There are many other games of the same type, such as the famous war criminal simulators "Hearts of Iron 4" and "Stars".

Especially the content of the latter, including but not limited to: genocide, planet destruction, enslavement, intelligence strikes, eating aliens, and destruction of the galaxy

A game like "Stars" is not suitable for gods to play, but it should sell well among the ancient gods.

Shang Lin is already preparing to expand the market. An ancient god previously intercepted his express delivery. According to the message posted by the God of War on the forum, it seems that he has received his wish card and removed the "original curse" from the ancient god.

If the pollution on the ancient gods is completely cleaned up, then they can actually become their potential users. After all, they are all imprisoned in a special place for who knows how many thousands of years. If they suddenly have access to the Internet, it will help strengthen their seal!

This kind of seal is called "Zhai"!

When the time comes, if you take the initiative to break the seal for them, I'm afraid they won't even come out!

"Connect the line to the God of War."

Shang Lin opened the forum, and automatically Aite God of War—— @Director of the Great Battle Hospital.

And asked the other party some questions about the curse.

What a coincidence is that the God of Curse happens to be beside the God of War!

As for why it was such a coincidence, Shang Lin thought about it for a while and thought that it must have nothing to do with the skill of shaking people!

Well, it doesn't matter!

[Chat Room of the Fictional God]:

[Try the curse with yourself]: "The wish card is quite effective against the original curse. When used according to the settings written by the God of War on the spot, it can actually be effective in clearing the curse! To be honest, I didn't expect this thing to be so effective. It’s amazing, even the hilarious content can be taken seriously!”

"The God of War said this was a 'what if wish card', set up a what-if event, and then really tampered with the past experiences of the Virgin of Sinfire!"

[God of Fiction]: "I'm glad to be able to help you. I didn't expect you to know the history of these ancient gods so clearly. To narrate a complete fantasy life will test your memory."

[Trying the curse with oneself]: "Hey! That's not true! Although I'm very familiar with the Holy Mother of Sin Fire, I only remember the things that happened when she was beaten by me. Who can do those things to her after tens of thousands of years? Remember all the stories. Besides, the ancient god is older than us. Who knows the little secrets of her past? "

[Fictional God] "Ah? The original curse originated from the beginning of the universe. If you don't know the cause of the curse and how the connection between the curse and this ancient god deepened, how can you describe this event? How about covering it?"

"To change an event, you must first know what the original event was like."

[Director of the Great Battle Hospital]: "This is simple. I treated her for psychological problems."

[God of Fiction]: "You still have the ability to be a psychiatrist?"

[Director of the Great Battle Hospital]: "No need to be so surprised. I often have similar spiritual communication with patients. After all, I am an excellent general practitioner, so I also have the identity of a psychiatrist."

"The so-called psychiatrist is mainly engaged in psychological counseling and psychotherapy. I am very good at this."

"Do you know [psychological crisis intervention]? That is to say, a type of psychological consultation that must be taken when a person encounters heavy psychological trauma and blows, leading to a sharp mental breakdown. At this time, the psychologist must provide appropriate Psychological assistance to help them get out of trouble as soon as possible.”

"Generally speaking, for a person with such a serious mental disorder, the first thing to do is to get her to open up her heart, and the second is to open her mind, so I used a set of combos to bring out her life memories."

God of War's method is simple and straightforward. If you don't know what to do with the other person's life, then hit the other person with a revolving door + recall kill, so that you can know the other person's past!

The specific performance is:

Heavy psychological trauma - breaking the other person's heart.

A sudden mental breakdown - insults and insults.

Open your closed heart - your chest is disemboweled.

Psychological Counseling and Assistance - Ask her what her last words will be when she is about to die.

Opening up the dusty memories - being kicked out of the revolving door, scenes from the past appeared in my mind, and I began to recall my friends over and over again.

Let the other party get out of the predicament - the other party can't stand it anymore and starts to beg for mercy and then tell her own difficulties and express that it is not her but the world that is wrong.

The God of War was explaining his magical operation, but Shang Lin couldn't hold himself any longer and began to skip the topic!

[Imaginary God]: "Then I have a question. From a god-level professional perspective, the wish card can clear the original curse, but will it be useful for the ideal curse?"

"Can the curse of mission and ideals on the God of Creation be cleared away?"

[Trying the curse with oneself]: "The mission of gods to create gods. To be honest, I dare not say this too fully. The mission of gods to create gods is actually the resonance between their own ideals and the entire universe. That is not It was given to them by God, but it was for these reasons that they came to seek God and longed to become gods.”

"When it comes to identifying things like curses, you have definitely come to the right place for me. I also created a divine god a long time ago, but that divine god has been destroyed by me myself."

"It's not okay to create randomly. Every god creates a god that is equivalent to the side silhouette of the god who created him. Many of you gods sometimes want to change your authority. So you ask everywhere if God can help you change your job, but you can't do that!" "The messenger I created back then was the [Messenger of Blessing]. His ideal was to let everyone have a happy life. However, after his ideal resonated with the universe, as my messenger, his blessing became the biggest curse." Although the cursed God was typing, his helplessness and sigh could be seen. "I was ignorant back then! I thought blessing was a good thing and wouldn't go too far. But the messenger of blessing wished death to whoever it was. For example, if he wished you good luck this year, you wouldn't live to see the next year."

"He wished you a smooth life, but your soul would suffer from dementia after death."

"All beings in the world have a habit of praying for blessings. Because of this, the messenger of blessing will appear in various places in the universe. He responds randomly and makes the whole universe fall into fear of blessing. I have no choice but to kill him."

The puppet god was also watching these messages. He asked, "What would happen if he wished you a happy life, peace and health, a successful career, and spiritual fulfillment?"

The cursed god in the chat room also gave an immediate reply.

[Test the spell with your own body]: "If you are happy in life, you will directly become a happy machine, lose your own thoughts and heart, and be completely occupied by happiness."

"If you are safe and healthy, your body will be abnormally healthy and will not encounter any disasters, but you will lose your consciousness and wisdom, because peace and health do not need these things."

"If you are successful in your career, then you can only complete your career before you die, because your life is bound in this way."

"If you are spiritually fulfilled, then you will only have a spiritual body left, and you will be driven crazy by all kinds of fulfilling thoughts."

The puppet god exclaimed: "This is all reverse understanding!"

[Test the spell with your own body]: "Because the end of blessing is curse, it is the beginning of the most simple mystical view. Just like the end of revival must be another decline, because there is no real eternity in the world."

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