The strongest talent

Chapter 113 The desperate training group

One day, two days, three days...

Under the stimulation of the Yuan Qing group, all the training groups in Class S almost went crazy and worked hard to earn points every day. At one time, most of the training groups took a total of about 10 hours of rest every day, including temporary rest and night sleep, and some even exceeded 10 hours. Hour. But now the top-ranked groups have their daily rest time reduced to less than 6 hours. They almost only sleep when they are hunting mutant beasts, or they are on the way to hunt mutant beasts!

Level 4, Level 3... The mutated beasts in the Suyala Desert were being wildly harvested, and the top players in the standings were getting tighter and tighter. Qi Dongyang's team, for example, scored 237 points in one day at the most, and now the total points have been Reached 1622 points!

However, even Qi Dongyang's team still failed to keep the second place in the experience list. At 2 o'clock in the middle of the night on the fourteenth day of the experience, Yuan Qing once again killed a fifth-level mutant wind fox. After the record was uploaded, the total The points reached 1641, second only to the Guigui team's 1926 points, and the gap was narrowed to less than 300 points.

The A1 group and the Yuanqing group surpassed all the experience groups except the S1 group and reached the top of the experience list, only 285 points behind the Guigui group!

"Crazy, Brother Qi is crazy." Around 7:30 the next morning, the four members of Qi Dongyang's team looked at the murderous Qi Dongyang from a distance, watching him wielding a beast bone sword and a fifth-order mid-term mutant The desert bull was fighting desperately and wanted to help, but...

Qi Dongyang said before the war started that he would kill himself!

Hee hee hee hee hee...

The sound of swords piercing the air, the sound of blades entering flesh, the sound of desert wind, the roar of wild bulls, Qi Dongyang's roar, all kinds of sounds intertwined together, the yellow sand was rolling all over the ground, and the dust was all over the sky. It lasted for more than an hour; it was supposed to be half an hour. The desert bull that could be killed was chopped into a rotten sack by Qi Dongyang, and it fell into the sand with no trace of its original appearance.

"Upload your results and see how many total points you have." Qi Dongyang swallowed a bottle of recovery potion, holding a sword covered in blood, and shouted in a low voice: "Look at the wolf group, have you overtaken them?"

Yang Mei quickly opened her smart watch and took a look - Yuan Qing's "Wolf Team" had just uploaded their results and killed two more level 4 mutant beasts, with a total score of 1661. Qi Dongyang's team had just scored 30 points, which had just reached 1652, still 9 points away.

"It's only 9 points, we can easily overtake." Yang Mei took out a few high-condensation water-locking capsules and handed them to Qi Dongyang, her voice was charming and soft: "Brother Qi, take a rest, let's kill another fifth level and we can return to Second on the overall list.”

Qi Dongyang took the water capsule and threw it into his mouth. He didn't rest at all. He held the horned sword in his hand and walked deep into the desert while panting heavily: "If I don't rest, no one else is allowed to rest. Follow me!"

The corners of Yang Mei's lips moved a few times, as if she wanted to say something. She shook her head slightly, sighed, and chased Qi Dongyang with the three team members.

In the desert deeper and further than Qi Dongyang's group, Guigui walked slowly towards two mid-level fifth-level sand wolves and a fifth-level peak wolf with an expressionless face; the four team members behind him fled in the opposite direction, not daring to join at all. Battle Circle - Everyone knows that although Brother Gui didn't say anything, he has already felt the threat of the wolf group. He only rested for four hours a day in the past two days and hunted mutant beasts like crazy.

Even so, the points of the wolf team led by Yuan Qing are still slowly approaching. The original gap was more than 340 points, but now the difference is only more than 280 points. It seems that the gap is not small. In fact, Yuan Qing's wolf team once set a record of 337 points in one day. Kill level 4 during the day and level 5 at night, the efficiency is terrifyingly high.

"Ouch!" In the far distance, three sand wolves grinded their teeth, saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths, and showed their claws with flashing black light; while Gui Gui was silent, running, gradually accelerating, and then accelerating, his thin The body was like a sharp arrow tearing through the desert, charging rapidly towards the three fifth-level sand wolves.

He is Gui Gui, the son of the strongest fighter in Asia. He jumped through the ranks and killed fifth-level mutant beasts, one against three!

At this time, the four members of Yuan Qing's team each faced a fourth-level mutant beast, while Yuan Qing just watched leisurely - after these days of fighting, training, and oppression, the actual combat abilities of Li Jinming and Li Jinming improved every day. On the 9th day of progress and experience, it was very difficult for the two of them to work together to kill a fourth-level peak. But now, each person alone kills a fourth-level peak. Not to mention it is easy, at least they will not be injured again!

"Yeah!" "Ha!" "Drink!"... The four of them rolled around, fighting desperately with their opponents. The light of the sword flashed endlessly. The new sword technique taught by Yuan Qing, the new sword technique, had been mastered for a long time. Extremely skilled. Yuan Qing looked at them occasionally, occasionally looked at the standings, and his eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

On the standings, the Guigui team suddenly gained 90 points, killing three heads and five levels. The total points reached 2016, breaking the two thousand point mark!

"Do you four still want to win this training championship? If so, then you can be more ruthless and kill faster." Yuan Qing put down his wrist and shouted in a deep voice: "The points of the Guigui team have exceeded 2,000. Like you If you are so slow, you will be the second child for ten thousand years. Being suppressed by Gui Gui and the others, you will never be able to get ahead!"

The four of them, Li Jinming and others, suddenly went crazy and rushed towards the mutated beasts with howls. If Yuan Qing hadn't strictly prohibited it, they wouldn't have even been able to resist using their special moves.

Yuan Qing raised the corner of his mouth and showed a satisfied smile - since they rushed to the second place in the standings, Li Jinming and the others have also gone crazy. They seem to have seen the hope of winning the championship. Everyone seems to have been pumped. Every time they see the mutant beast His eyes were shining, his fighting spirit soared instantly, and his fighting spirit was extremely high.

After watching for a while, Yuan Qing raised his eyebrows - on his wrist, the communication ring of the smart watch rang.

Lifting his wrist to look at his smart watch, Yuan Qing answered the phone: "Teacher Tong?"

The call was from Tong Lin. She was far away in Kyoto. She obviously knew the training situation very well. She didn't talk nonsense and said concisely: "I heard that you led a group to kill fourth-level mutant beasts during the day and killed five alone at night. Level?"

"Yes." These can all be seen from the training software. There is nothing to hide. Yuan Qing smiled and said: "Originally, I wanted to take Li Jinming and the others to kill level 5 together, but they were still a little bit close. I'm going to finish last In a few days, we will take them further and bring them to the end of this experience so as not to leave any regrets for them.”

In the smart watch, Tong Lin's voice became more serious: "I won't comment on your decision, I just want to remind you - points are very important, safety is the first priority, no matter what the final ranking is, you and the team members must be guaranteed Safety, you are my assistant, they are my students, you all must come back safely."

After cutting off the communication, Yuan Qing felt a little warm in his heart. This call came out of the blue. You can guess that Tong Lin must have been concerned about her all the time. She called her "trash" all day long. In fact, she cherished every student in the class. This is how she hopes that her son will become a dragon and her daughter will become a phoenix. , caring very much about the students as if they were their own children.

About half an hour later, the four of them, Li Jinming, killed the mutant beast one after another, each uploaded their results, sent the coordinates of the corpse, and then peeled off the mutant beast's head... Unfortunately, they did not find the beast crystal, but only collected the most essential small part of the material. I packed everything into the package behind me, rested for ten minutes, and continued to follow Yuan Qing into the depths of the desert.

On this day, until the sky turned dark, Yuan Qing's team fought for more than 120 kilometers, killing a total of 23 fourth-level mutant beasts and 8 scattered third-level mutant beasts, earning 270 points and still occupying the second place on the list. The total points are 1911 points. The first-ranked Guigu team killed 6 level 5 mutant beasts and 3 level 4 mutant beasts, scoring 330 points, bringing the total points to 2256.

It was just approaching 8:30, and almost all the training groups did not want to take a rest, hoping to continue hunting mutant beasts... However, the wind picked up.

Winds in the Asura Desert are very common, occurring almost every day, especially at night. Desert winds are even more common; however, this time the wind was so strong that even Yuan Qing's reinforced oversized tent was a little shaky and had to be It was fixed with the help of a sword and inserted deeply into the sand to be stable. It was still shaken by the wind, so that Li Jinming and the four people did not hold up the small tent at all, and they all gathered in Yuan Qing's big tent.

"Brother Yuan, are you not going out tonight?" Liang Yanqiu carefully heated up the combat rations, looked up at Yuan Qing who was standing at the door of the tent, and said with some confusion: "We have satellite weather guidance, we never predicted such a big storm. The wind and sand are so strong that I can't even open my eyes, affecting my perception. It's too dangerous to walk in the desert."

Yuan Qing closed the zipper of the tent and nodded slowly.

The wind in the desert tonight was surprisingly strong, and it was indeed inappropriate to go out hunting mutant beasts. Even the Guigui team would have camped to avoid the wind at this time, so it didn't matter if they were delayed for one night.

"Everyone has finished eating. You can relax today and have a good sleep at night." Yuan Qing took the heated rations from Liang Yanqiu, ate slowly, and said with a smile: "In the past four or five days, I have been impressed by your progress. Seeing it in my eyes, Teacher Tong called me today and expressed concern for us. We can’t embarrass Class A1. Let’s have a good rest today. We will continue to hunt mutant beasts tomorrow, win this training championship, and break the undefeated streak of Class S1. myth."

The four students quickly finished their rations and looked at each other with eager expressions on their faces: "Brother Yuan, you haven't let us enter the group chat channel. Can you chat with other groups today? We are all ranked second. I really want to hear it. Listen to what they say."

"You can't help it so soon?" Yuan Qing put away the ration packaging bag and smiled slightly: "It's still early now. You can go to bed before ten o'clock. You can chat if you want. Don't chat until too late."

The four of them, Li Jinming and Li Jinming, were overjoyed. They all shouted "Oh yeah" and then quickly opened the training software and entered the group chat channel.

The moment the wolf group's two-day profile picture lit up, almost all the group chat profiles of Class S dimmed. Only the 48 groups of Class A remained online. The students' chaotic and noisy voices instantly came out: "Wow! Wolf! The team is finally willing to go online, and we are second in total points. This is awesome. Please teach me your experience. How did you find so many fourth-order mutant beasts? Our points are only over 500."

"It's so awesome, it's really awesome, it blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes." I don't know if it was a male student with a duck voice from that group, shouted: "Wolf group, you guys work harder, we will Everyone is watching eagerly. Since the establishment of our college, Class S has won the first place in total points in every experience. This year is the most promising one. All the hopes of Class A lie with you!"

After the duck-sounding student finished speaking, the chat channel went silent for a moment - it was really shocking. No one expected that a group of Class A1, led by Assistant Teacher Yuan, actually rushed to the second place in the overall standings, and Guigui The gap between the two groups was even close to 300 points. Taking into account the luck factor, maybe they really hope to compete with the S1 class this year.

"Where's Yuan Qing? Are you listening?" The chat avatar of Group A1 lit up, and Zhou Yuan's voice rang from the chat channel: "Hurry up and pass on your experience. Our total points have just exceeded a thousand. Call us privately." Chat, this guy dragged me into the blacklist!"

Li Jinming and the others suppressed their laughter and lowered their voices: "Brother Zhou, please lower your voice. Brother Yuan is meditating, right next to us..."

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