So what is the situation at the end point tens of miles away?

It was naturally peaceful.

There have been teams that have successfully arrived before, and about seven or eight teams have already entered the finish area to complete the report, and the intelligence and information they fed back are pretty normal.

They were led to the waiting area to recuperate, and they could really stop and rest.

Many freshmen finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. They stopped and stopped along the way, not daring to relax for a moment, and their nerves were tense. In fact, they never really took a break, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

However, when they reached the finish line, they realized that this training was not just an activity for freshmen as they had imagined. The finish line was set up more like a competition field.

High stands are set up in the surrounding circle, which is a standard competition venue.

And a large screen was set up directly opposite their entrance, showing their mental state at the moment they arrived defenselessly.

At the bottom of the screen is a huge dynamic list, with a total of 200 names listed on it, all selected students who performed well based on the performance of this training. The latter is the extra points they gained during this training. After the training task, it will be converted into personal points and put into the account according to certain rules, which can be regarded as a reward for outstanding students.

Before they finish digesting the matters of the terminal, they still need to face the last test, which is the team flag.

It has also been explained before that before the departure of each team, the person in charge of the training ground will personally distribute the flag representing the team to them, which will be held by the selected flag bearer. And the person in charge will explain the meaning of the flag to them, and different person in charge will explain it in different styles.

It's just that different people and different teams have different understandings.

Some people take this to heart. Basically, the whole team has been carefully protecting the flag throughout the whole process, and then successfully brought the flag to the finish line together with the team. This kind of team has the highest degree of completion of training tasks and can get a complete bonus points.

But there are also some people who don't take this to heart or don't realize the significance of the flag to the team at all, so they go their own way and take their own. Some were accidentally damaged by the person holding the banner, and some were even more outrageous and lost directly. This kind of evaluation points will naturally have to be deducted by half even if they reach the finish line early, and the points will also be deducted backwards.

Of course, some teams are luckier. Although I didn't pay attention to the flag, and the performance of the whole team was not outstanding, but the road was smooth and steady, and the hurdles encountered were not too difficult, so I successfully completed the task. Moreover, there are quite a lot of people left in the team, and the raters can't find their mistakes, so their team score is not too low.

In short, when they reached the end point, broke away from the previous state of information isolation, and regained the way to obtain information, they knew everything they should know soon, and naturally they were happy and sad.

Then the group continued to wait for the next arriving team.

Just when everyone thought they would complete the entire training reception work smoothly, an accident happened like this.

I don't know if it was the ninth or the tenth team to arrive... The first thing they did when they arrived at the finish line was not to follow the instructions of the finish line staff to complete the registration work, but interrupted the other party to tell everyone a shocking news.

——A team encountered star beasts at the level before the finish line, and was attacked by a group of star beasts.

The news was received by the officers in the observation center almost as soon as it hit the ground, and it was like a bolt from the blue. Some young officers present couldn't help standing up immediately, looking at each other in horror.

how come?

In order to carry out this freshman training, they cleaned up the entire training site at least a week in advance, and dispatched many experienced sergeants to defend nearby. Moreover, the people assigned are all trustworthy people seconded from the army. How could such an accident happen?

And they are more concerned about... If they really encounter star beasts in the middle of the road, how will these freshmen led by only one young officer escape from a group of star beasts?

What kind of group of star beasts are these uninvited guests? How did they break through the defense line and enter the controlled area? And why hasn't the Observation Center received a corresponding help signal so far?

Too many questions and doubts.

Almost all the people present were people who came from the actual battlefield with military ranks. They knew better than the outsiders what the combination of these information meant, and it was easy to guess in some conspiratorial direction.

While some inexperienced young sergeants were still in a daze, some experienced officers quickly responded and dispatched all ports to observe, and quickly checked and located several teams that might have accidents.

Because it is a round-robin system, it is not easy to find one or two pictures suddenly missing. But now knowing that something happened, integrating all the port screens and corresponding with the numbered team one by one, a lot of information can be found out immediately.

Everyone found that the line radiated 78 degrees southwest of the terminal station. The observation screens of the three nearby teams seemed to be affected by some external factors, and the screens were blocked or simply disappeared. And none of these three teams has reached the finish line so far, which can easily make people have bad associations.

A very prestigious instructor in the third grade made a quick decision, connected the other end of the optical computer and issued an order to let the nearby patrolling troops go to check the situation immediately, and bring the students back to the finish line safely regardless of whether the teams are in trouble or not. Then start a carpet search to dig out and eliminate the group of star beasts that may be hiding nearby.

Following the lead of the instructor, officers with authority contacted nearby teams one after another to rescue and assist in the search, and the situation became very tense for a while.

And this time all the class guides in the first grade couldn't sit still. Because their students are the parties who were the first to bear the brunt of this accident, and they may also become the victims.

So no matter whether their students are in the three teams within the range of the radiation line, they can't sit here quietly.

Before their search and rescue operation officially started, the bad news continued.

Three teams came to the terminal in a row, and they came together. However, the faces of the students who reached the finish line and the team leader instructors were a little unsightly, and they looked panic-stricken.

After asking again, these three teams actually brought back the students who were attacked by the star beasts.

They all belong to the seventh team gathered in the A1 training ground, which is the team where Jiang Hui is.

Stark, who had been silent for a while and seemed to be sitting very calmly, stood up suddenly, staring at the blocked observation screen, his eyes darkened.

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