The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 563 Nightmare and Reality

I'm back--

No matter what, Takeya couldn't say this calmly.

Those complicated eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the mask. Siji Yingji seemed to know the identity hidden under the mask from the very beginning. The moment she saw Wu Ye, she did not act like she was facing an uninvited intruder.

Does she recognize me?

Wu also came to a conclusion that made him extremely horrified. Even after a thousand years, the relationship between him and Shiji Eiji was not close, not even as close as Komachi.

But now, Lord Yama said strange words like "Welcome back" to himself.


"Always. I've been waiting for you."

The gradually sobbing cry made Wu Ye's brain go blank, his small body hugged him tightly, and the strange but familiar smell crossed the tip of his nose, igniting the deepest doubts in his heart.

Was this all too ridiculous, or was he really forgetting something?

Forgot something, very important, something.

"'If I am no longer who I used to be, will you still be who you were before?' That's what you said, so I have to convey it, Takeya."


The shocking fact made Takeya stiff. His eyes widened in disbelief. Why did she know this name from a thousand years later?

"What we see with our eyes may be completely different from its original appearance. The so-called enemy is not what we are facing now, but we have all forgotten, forgetting everything that happened in the past, and what will happen in the future. everything that's going to happen."

Siji Yingji gently let go of Wu Ye who was stunned in place, stretched out her hand and took off the mask on his face, the familiar face was almost the same as the one in memory.

Despite the tears in his eyes, Yan Wang still managed to maintain his emotions hovering on the verge of collapse. He stood on tiptoe and caressed his face. Four Seasons Yingji held Wu Ye's cheeks. He stared at the young man in front of him uncertainly.

Everything was exactly as in memory, even the time was controlled to the second, and he still appeared here, in front of him.

Hiding the longing in her heart that she had no time to express, the haziness in Shiki Yingji's eyes was replaced by determination.

The boy will get back his own power step by step, but at the same time, that guy will also get back his own memory little by little. When the two souls are intertwined, the separated memory will return to the original body.

The fate of the two people is divided at both ends of the long river of time, but the distorted time does not move forward, but forms an endless Mobius loop.

One party falls asleep, and the other party wakes up. This is the case in every reincarnation, but in the end the young man has to face his own destiny.

She wanted to convey, wanted to tell the other person those hidden secrets that could subvert the world, but she couldn't do it.

She can't do it!

Those lost memories, the important memories buried in those seven days were all lost. Although she witnessed everything in secret, she was not one of those chosen ones.

She cannot compete against the power of the world.

She has no memory of those seven days.

She, who knew everything, was deprived of her most important memory, and they, who were engraved with eternity on the stars, lost the chance to save everything because of their own incurable stupidity.

In the end, all she could do was throw the boy's soul into the deepest part of hell and let the world enter a new reincarnation.

She didn't know what kind of terrifying future awaited them at the end of reincarnation. Perhaps there was a world ahead that was even scarier than the abyss of hell.

Therefore, she must convey it. Even if she is misunderstood and hostile countless times, she must do this.

Because this is the only way she knows to stop reincarnation.

"Whether it's me or them, the things that everyone can do are actually very limited in changing the reality, but one thing is for sure, no matter how time reincarnates, I will never forget that it is the only thing that breaks this reincarnation. method--"

"What?" Wu Ye's throat rolled subconsciously, perhaps because he was too shocked, or perhaps because of the instinct hidden somewhere in his body, even though he couldn't understand what Siji Yingji said, he was still guided by the content.

So much so that he fell into complete confusion because of what Shiki Yingji said next.

"Takeya, you must personally kill Yakumo Murasaki of this era! She is the cause of this reincarnation nightmare!!"


Suddenly throwing off the quilt and turning over to sit up, Yuko's pale face was covered with traces of fear, the sweat on her forehead slid down her cheeks, and the cold touch from the back of her hand brought the girl back to her senses.

"Lord Yuko?" Yaoji's worried concern came from outside the door.

"I'm fine." She waved her hands weakly to make Yaoji retreat, Yuko wiped off the sweat stains on her forehead, her gradually steady breathing still couldn't wipe away the remaining gloom on her face.

"It's that dream again."

Yuko murmured, fetched a basin of clear water, and slowly took off the clothes soaked in sweat.

Yuko didn't have the habit of ordering the maids, she always let herself do it, except for letting Yaoji take care of her during meals, she did all the washing and other tasks by herself.

No matter how many times, Yuko will always be terrified by the scene she sees in her dream, as if it is not a dream, but the reality she is in.

The dream scene became more and more real, the hazy memory began to gradually become clear, and even the pictures that I didn't want to remember would be involuntarily deep in my mind.

For a moment, Yuko felt that she had been living in a dream and had never woken up.

There is laughter, anger, happiness, and sadness in the dream, but whose life is that? Is it hers, or "hers"?

Lowering his head, the girl reflected in the clear water, with cherry hair, crown, blue clothes and lotus belt - that was not her.

Yes, her name is Saikyoji Yuyuko, and she is a stranger who has the same friends as her, but has a different life.

I don't know when, Yuko has been haunted by this dream, she can't tell how many times she saw her friend Yakumo Zi crying while hugging her dead body, or how many times she saw Takeya's tears for herself.

Watching her two best friends killing each other, she could only stand on the outside like a passerby, unable to do anything.

The unexplained heartache made Yuko hang her head sadly, her absent-minded eyes looked at the corner of Qingshui, and saw a strange figure, wearing a red and white shrine maiden costume, with a cheerful yet calm smile on her face.

Reimu? No, that's not right! Who is this guy? !

Breathing was almost stagnant, Yuyuko suddenly regained consciousness, inadvertently water droplets dripped from the tip of her hair, ripples appeared in the clear water, Yuyuko turned back into Yuko again, and that strange figure disappeared.

Another hallucination, huh?

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