The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 205 The Pope’s Funeral

The Pontifical Guard is the theocratic Vatican City State. In the past one thousand years since 1506, it has been the special existence closest to the divine authority. It is also the only legal armed force in the Vatican City!

They do not participate in any decision-making, but they are in charge of the security of the supreme leader and are the personal bodyguards of the Holy Father!

The Commander of the Guards is the supreme leader of the Guards. It is no exaggeration to say that he is in charge of the life and death of the supreme leader!

Since its establishment, the Pontifical Guard has produced 70 commanders and served 102 popes.

As the 70th commander of the Pontifical Guards, Daniel is the only commander in the history of the Vatican who faces the political situation of divide and rule between the Holy See and the Pope!

I originally thought that as the Holy See’s enlightenment teacher, with this mentor-like-father relationship, there would be no big trouble. Therefore, in order to ensure a smooth transition of power, the Holy See was not in a hurry to integrate the rights of the church with other judicial authorities. And transfer!

Unexpectedly, just a week after the coronation of the new Holy See, the busy members of the Pontifical Guard finally returned to their normal resting schedule. Just as Daniel was about to enjoy his first rest, the Pope was murdered!

Daniel, who was running wildly in the underground passage at this time, soon arrived at the basement of Peter Cathedral!

To be more precise, this is a semi-basement. Sunlight can shine in from a row of low window bars on the ground. The sun outside at noon is bright and dazzling, but the residual light scattered into the basement can only allow Daniel to barely see clearly. There was a figure standing there!

The three-layer imperial crown allowed him to know that the person standing there was the Holy See without having to see the face clearly!

Why is the Holy See here? Daniel hesitated and slowed down. He was not sure whether he should just walk out of the shadows and walk in front of the Holy See.

But since the Holy See is safe, his anxious heart has been relieved a lot!

He saw that the man seemed to be standing there waiting for someone, and did not notice his arrival, so he continued to stand quietly in the dark, checking the situation first.

"They have no time," the man wearing the three-layer imperial crown said!

It is indeed the voice of the young Holy See! Daniel thought for sure!

"Why didn't Master let them meet 483 years ago instead of sending messages across time and space like this?" It was still the voice of the Holy See.

"The Lord said, because they haven't met yet!" a baritone said slowly.

Daniel heard the voice and froze in place instantly, 'This... this is the Pope's voice! ! ! ’

"Who?! Who is there?!" At this time, the figure wearing the royal crown waved his hand hastily. The moment the person turned around, Daniel saw clearly, floating in front of the figure, an oval shape, exuding a faint blue-purple light The light hole closed instantly!

"Come out!" The figure said sternly, turning around at the same time. Through the peripheral light that came in through the window bars, Daniel saw the Holy See, that childish but regal face!

Daniel had no choice but to come out of the shadows, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Excuse me, the Holy See. I just received the news that the Pope was murdered. In desperation, I used this underground passage to get to the Holy See in time." Around you!"

"Phew, it turns out it's you, get up, Daniel," the Holy See sighed, "I thought you were still squeezing in the crowd in the square, and it will take some time to arrive. Thank you for your trouble, my friend!"

After saying that, he stretched out his right hand and asked Daniel to kiss his hand and stand up.

"The Holy See, the Pope..." Just as Daniel opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the Holy See!

"The Pope has been summoned by the Lord to take away his soul to complete the new mission given by the Lord!" The Holy See's voice returned to a cold and official voice, "Daniel, my commander, come on, we also have a mission to complete!"

After the Holy See finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the steps leading to the ground.

"Our mission?" Daniel followed behind the Holy See and climbed the steps carefully, testing!

"Yes, we have a funeral to host!" the Holy See said in a low voice!

At this time, the two of them had arrived on the first floor of the church, where there was already a coffin, surrounded by gendarmerie troops inside and out!

Seeing the arrival of the Holy See and the Guards Commander, the gendarmerie moved aside on both sides, making way for the two to lead to the coffin.

Daniel followed behind the Holy See, subconsciously holding the handle of his sword to prepare for possible emergencies at any time!

Step by step, the image in the coffin came into Daniel's eyes. Lying calmly inside was the Pope he was familiar with! ! !

‘But I am very sure that the voice that just spoke to the Holy See in the basement was definitely the Pope’s voice! ’ Even years of professional Guards training couldn’t conceal Daniel’s shock! ‘The body lying in the coffin is indeed the Pope! What exactly is going on! ! ’

In just a few minutes, Daniel was already in confusion. He was not sure whether to believe what he heard with his ears or what he saw with his eyes!

At this time, the captain of the gendarmerie came out and reported, "Report to the Holy See, the Pope's funeral is ready. After you announce it to the believers, we can start moving the coffin!"

'What? Moving the coffin into a coffin? ! So fast? ’ Daniel’s shock came one after another, and this wave was the worst.

In a normal funeral, after the death of the pope is announced, the body must be displayed for at least a few days before the burial, allowing the public to come to mourn and say goodbye; then there will be religious funeral ceremonies such as prayers and masses; then national funeral procedures such as soldiers saluting and lowering the flag, and finally This is the burial!

The entire funeral can take as short as a few weeks or as long as several months. Even a civilian's funeral will not be so streamlined that it can be carried out on the day of death!

What exactly is going on! Daniel's head was about to explode. He felt like he had fallen into a huge black hole of thought. He knew that this was not normal, and all his thoughts and clues were without a trace. They were sucked clean by this black hole!

"I know," the Holy See said without emotion, "it's almost time, ring the bell!"

It was the twelve bells at noon. As the first bell spread throughout Tudor Square, the noisy crowd fell silent!

After another shout, someone in the crowd began to pray, and a holy atmosphere spread instantly!

"Daniel, come with me." The Holy See turned towards the window on the top floor of the church where the Pope preaches to the believers every day. "Today, I will replace the Pope and complete the sermon!"

I don’t know if it was Daniel’s illusion, but when the Holy See said this, his voice was full of helplessness and sadness!

"Others, there is no need to follow, stay here with the Pope!" The hurt in this sentence was no longer concealed, allowing Daniel to confirm that the conversation he just heard in the basement was not his imagination.

The question is, if the voice coming from the light cave is not the Pope, then whose voice is it? !

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