The rise of nanometers

Chapter 753 Topic

Tianmen Space Station.

Dock No. 7 and No. 8.

After some improvements and modifications to the two previously built Zhurong-class spacecraft, the final version of the spacecraft was a large spacecraft with a full load of 13,700 tons.

Zhurong-class spaceship.

It has a full load of 13,700 tons, an empty load of 10,500 tons, and a payload of 3,200 tons.

The fuel reserve is 7,500 tons of N30 fuel. The main engines are 6 Baofeng 16 engines and the auxiliary engines are 12 Baofeng 7 engines.

The cruising speed in a sub-vacuum environment is 12 kilometers per second, the maximum speed is 18 kilometers per second, and the maximum range is 260 million kilometers.

The range and payload can be adjusted to a certain extent based on the distance to the target.

After all, the positions of the planets are not static, especially the positions of the planets. The major planets in the solar system have different revolution speeds and periods, and their distances from the sun are also different.

For example, between Venus and Blue Star, if it is during the great opposition of Venus, the distance between the two is probably between 38 million and 42 million kilometers.

During this period, if the fuel reserve of the Zhurong is full, even if it is running back and forth, it will still have more than half of the fuel left, which is a waste of transportation capacity.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate special navigation arrangements based on the real-time distance changes between the two planets.

This work is handled by the Interstellar Navigation and Transportation Bureau under the Ministry of Aerospace.

As the end of this year approaches, the Star Aviation Transportation Bureau has also successively arranged a series of flights, including the six forward-class spacecraft that have been put into service, and the two Zhurong-class ships that are being outfitted.

Starting next year, Blue Star’s flights to Mars, Venus, and the asteroid belt will increase significantly.

According to the adjusted arrangement, the two Zhurong-class spacecraft and the three Pioneer-class spacecraft are included in the Blue Star-Venus route.

Of the remaining three striker-class spacecraft, two have entered the Blue Star-Mars route; one has entered the Blue Star-Asteroid Belt route.

Next year, two new Zhurong-class spacecraft and 12 Pioneer-class spacecraft will be built to gradually expand the transportation capacity between various interstellar routes.

Especially Venus, which is included in the key development areas, will be the largest investment point for the Federation.

Dasha Aerospace City in Australia.

This is one of the few space cities within the Federation that has the ability to train astronauts. Among the 11 space cities currently owned by the Federation, Dongfeng Space City and Dasha Space City have established astronaut training centers.

The astronauts trained in the training center here are not ordinary astronauts, but professional astronauts.

The reason why we say they are professional astronauts is because with the rapid development of the Federation in the aerospace field, three types of astronauts have emerged: professional astronauts, ordinary astronauts, and tourists.

The so-called professional astronauts are spacecraft pilots, maintenance personnel, medical staff, combat personnel, etc.

Ordinary astronauts are people who go to outer space to do other jobs, such as researchers, construction workers, chefs, barbers, factory employees, etc.

There are certain differences between the two. The training of professional astronauts is very strict and tests various abilities.

For example, in the event of an emergency, the spacecraft engine fails, the spacecraft is damaged by a solar storm, the electronic equipment is damaged, the crew becomes sick, or is infected with alien microorganisms.

When encountering these situations, you must make accurate choices to minimize losses. Only then can you be a qualified professional astronaut.

Professional astronauts are also the backing of ordinary astronauts and the core strength of a spacecraft.

You must know that as the Federation gradually enters the stage of interstellar civilization, it may be necessary to encounter various unknown problems.

After all, to a certain extent, the Federation no longer has a reference to draw from, that is, there is no stone left to touch in front of it.

In this situation, many problems may be encountered for the first time, which greatly tests the ability to adapt to changes.

At the end of the year, the Ministry of Aerospace released an event to the entire Internet - "The Future Interstellar Era". The theme of this event is to ask the public to actively contribute and think about the various problems that humans may encounter in the process of entering the interstellar space. .

The purpose of launching this activity is to bring into play the wisdom of the group and provide the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Space Issues Research Center with some unthought-of questions.

After all, no one is perfect. The researchers at the Center for Space Issues Research, a total of just over 2,000 people, are responsible for dozens of large and small research projects, so it is impossible to cover everything.

For example, there is the Moon Issues Research Group, which specializes in studying various issues on the moon; then there are the Mars Issues Research Group, Venus Issues Research Group, Solar Issues Research Group, etc.

There are more than 2,000 researchers spread across so many research projects, with an average of only a few dozen people per team. Humanity’s understanding of outer space is just beginning, and it is inevitable that small details will be overlooked.

When exploring extraterrestrial and interstellar dark zones, even the slightest neglect of small details may have fatal consequences.

Although the Federation hopes for smooth sailing, this kind of thing is basically impossible.

Therefore, the search for problems can only be made public on the Internet, and billions of people can think together with the help of the wisdom of the crowd.

Even if only one ten thousandth of the suggestions are useful, it is still a rare gain.

What's more, everyone's perspective on things will be different depending on their life experience and knowledge level.

Maybe you can find some overlooked issues.

Once the event started, it took less than a week.

The submission mailbox of the Ministry of Aerospace has received a total of 850,000 relatively professional submissions.

In addition, there is Time Blog, which launched a special topic circle and attracted the participation of more than 27 million netizens.

[Now the development direction of the Ministry of Aerospace has chosen Venus? Didn’t you say you wanted to immigrate to Mars before? ]——Honolulu Wild Boar

[ @Honolulu Boars, bro! The village just got internet access? It was made public in July this year that there are microorganisms on Mars. ]——Dinosaur Feathers

[ @Dinosaur feathers and microbes, don’t they prove that Mars is more suitable for immigrants? ]——Honolulu Wild Boar

[The person upstairs has a very low IQ and is even more unsuitable for immigration if he has microorganisms. If he is infected with alien microorganisms and there is no way to treat him, all mankind may be doomed. ]——Zhang San, the collective of all evils

[I feel like Venus is so difficult to transform. ]——Teacher Bai’s Spring

[ @Teacher Bai’s Spring, what’s so difficult about this? Isn’t it just a matter of one sword? 乛v乛hehe]——Dirty Demon King

[For the transformation of Venus, I have read the plan of the Ministry of Space Affairs, and it seems to be very likely to be successful. However, I have a small suggestion, which is to consider the changes in the atmosphere of Venus caused by the extraction of large amounts of carbon dioxide. ]——Liu Diangong

[I also have an idea to consider building a structure similar to a Dyson sphere to wrap Venus, so that the atmosphere of Venus can be controlled. 】——Big structure lovers

[I am uneducated, so I can only call 666. ]——Muralist

[I took a trip to the Tiangong Space Station a few days ago. I have a few suggestions. I feel that the planning of the Tiangong Space Station is too messy and disorganized. I hope it can be transformed into a more regular one...] - Fisherman Yong

[Haha, friends! I successfully immigrated to Assam and will be a citizen of the federation next year! ]——Edward of Paris

[ @Edward of Paris, so envious! I also want to apply to go to Assam, but unfortunately it is difficult to apply now. ]——Big pig knuckle

Various discussions on the Internet have caused the original topic of discussing space exploration to constantly change between crooked and straightened.

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