The rise of nanometers

Chapter 422 Selected

the other side.

Huang Xiuyuan walked out of the 3D communication cabin. After inspecting the South Pacific area, he went to the Qinling Class training base.

The few seeds of super-memory beings are currently being cultivated well and look promising. However, the base's research on super-memory beings is proceeding very slowly.

Huang Xiuyuan didn't have much to do. Even the future in his memory didn't completely solve the side effects of hyperamnesia.

Half lying on the sofa in the office.

Xiao Yingnan poured him a glass of Phoenix Dancong.

The aroma of tea spreads slightly in the air with the steam. Huang Xiuyuan closed his eyes and rested, thinking about some things about the company and scientific research.

From the current point of view, the development of domestic science and technology has made great progress after his tutoring, and the catfish effect brought by the Suiren system has also promoted self-reform in the domestic scientific community. Many old problems in the past have been eliminated. Improved a lot this year.

The proportion of many scholars and overseas students who choose to return to China for development has become even greater.

In addition, there are many high-quality foreign scholars who also choose to come to China for development.

For example, the Suiren Department recruited a large number of engineers and scientists in Eastern Europe, and then transferred their nationalities to Mobei, Ellis Islands, and Gilbert Islands.

Of course, Huang Xiuyuan's management in this area is very strict, and the technical immigration card is very strict. It is jointly reviewed by the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Scientific Research to ensure that only genuine technical personnel can obtain immigration qualifications.

As soon as he picked up the tea cup, the phone rang. It turned out to be Academician Zhang from the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology, and he pressed the answer icon:

"Academician Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Haha, good news! I recommend you to select next year's academicians of the two academies."

"Oh? You're always bothering me, but am I older..."

Academician Zhang interrupted him directly: "It doesn't matter. With your achievements, no one dares to gossip. What's more, I am not the only recommender this time. The Aerospace Research Institute supports your election."

"Thank you very much."

In fact, Huang Xiuyuan has very strong connections in the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering. There are hundreds of academicians who have direct business dealings with the Suiren Department.

Although he has not published any papers in international journals, he does not meet the selection criteria of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, and he is obviously too young.

Sometimes, rules are set up for ordinary people, and exceptions can be made for people like Huang Xiuyuan who don't follow the ordinary path.

In fact, in the past two years, there have been voices from the public, hoping that Huang Xiuyuan, Lu Xuedong, Miao Guozhong, Zhang Jingjian and other Suiren researchers can be elected academicians.

This kind of voice, as time goes by, not only does not subside, but intensifies.

Especially after Tobacco recommended a quota last year, it suffered fierce pressure from public opinion. In the end, the review committee was able to correct its mistakes and eliminated the person recommended by Tobacco. Chen Xuedong, the chief engineer of Beifeng Factory, was elected.

This year, the public voice for Huang Xiuyuan and others to be elected as academicians has become more intense and louder.

After all, the founder of Textile Semiconductor, coupled with the research and development of various new materials, has directly promoted China to become one of the two poles of the world. If he is not qualified to be elected, who is qualified to be elected?

Too young, you say?

However, the selection criteria only stipulate that those over 65 years old cannot participate in the election, and it does not say that those under 30 years old cannot participate in the election.

As for the number of papers published in first-class journals, the academician selection committees of the two academies also have a way to solve it. They can just directly recognize Suiren Journal.

In fact, Suiren Academic Journal currently has a huge influence in the domestic scientific community. Among the several sub-journals, Suiren Electronics, Suiren Materials, Suiren Environment, and Suiren Frontiers have basically been in the spotlight all year round. Top ten domestic academic journals.

This academic journal ranking compares data such as the number of citations of journal articles and the practical application of results.

Even if the Suiren Journal is a purely Chinese journal, it is still difficult to stop its terrible influence. Many researchers in the Suiren Department have a comprehensive impact factor value higher than 80% of academicians and Yangtze Scholars.

Among the recommended list this year is not only Huang Xiuyuan, but also 12 researchers from the Suiren Department, including Lu Xuedong, Zhang Jingjian, Miao Guozhong, and Liu Xin. With the connections and influence of the Suiren Department, at least half of them will be elected.

He had just finished a phone call with Academician Zhang. Academician Chen Xuedong from Beifeng Factory, Academician Tang Changhong from XAC, Academician Wang Mengshu from Road Traffic Research Institute, etc. also called one by one.

This time, when the list of additional academicians was selected, it immediately aroused a huge response.

On the time blog.

Under the official accounts of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, many melon-eating people posted comments in the comment area.

[Congratulations in advance and hope Huang Xiuyuan can be elected. ]——Space Odyssey 2050

[Fuck! Suiren Company actually has 12 people in the primary election! ]——The most powerful excavator

[He deserves the title. If Huang Xiuyuan cannot be elected, there is definitely an inside story. ]——Interstellar fart people

[come on! I hope to travel to the moon in my lifetime. ]——Cute Bunny

[I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but now after reading the research results of Suiren Company, I realize how powerful they are, almost single-handedly changing the pattern of the entire world乁(˙ω˙乁)]——Don’t eat coriander

[ @Don’t eat coriander. If you have been to the dark web on the Internet, you will know how powerful the researchers of Suiren Company are. They all have bounties on their bodies. ]——Blackfish

[No wonder Boss Huang doesn’t go abroad. Boss Huang was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year. He probably won’t go abroad even if he wins the prize! ]——Kanna Tritium

[Going abroad? Maybe after Blue Star is unified, Boss Huang dares to go out and wander ╮(╯_╰)╭]——Dirty Star Man

Just when people were talking about it.

Huang Xiuyuan also took the time to hold a video conference with more than a dozen selected researchers from the Scientific Research Department to discuss the selection.

"Everyone is here. This time, we are all selected for the additional election of academicians, but we will definitely not all be elected. You must be mentally prepared."

Lu Xuedong also said: "Xiu Yuan is right. It is impossible for all of them to be elected. You don't need to think about other things, just study and work with peace of mind."

Huang Xiuyuan continued: "We will also launch our own Academy of Sciences internally next month. Those who are not elected as academicians of the two academies will also be added to the Pacific Union Academy of Sciences next year."

The so-called Pacific Union Academy of Sciences is actually an official scientific institution established by the Sui people using the legal principles of the Ellis Islands and Gilbert Islands.

Legally speaking, if a researcher from the Department of Sui Ren is elected as a Pacific Academician, it is equivalent to gaining the reputation of a foreign academician.

As for those two places, the actual controllers are the Suiren family, and they are still a family going around.

In fact, the Scientific Research Department of the Suiren Department has already had an internal rating system, but it has always been in the name of a company, which feels a little unfair.

Now that we have obtained the jurisprudence of the two archipelagoes, the Suiren Department can naturally launch its own academician system, as well as its own universities, journals, television stations, and broadcasts.

These things are very sensitive even in other regions, let alone China.

Only through backdoor listing can it be possible to obtain relevant qualifications, such as international Internet IP addresses and telecommunications area codes, which ordinary companies would never even think about.

Huang Xiuyuan has many things and plans that are actually not convenient in China. Only by going around can there be no problems.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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