The rise of nanometers

Chapter 388 Caught off guard

The management of ABCD was worried.

In Greenwood, Mississippi, Cargill Group in ABCD has invested in a pig farm in the area, with a daily dynamic stock of 370,000 to 450,000 pigs.

Mississippi, with its flat terrain and warm climate, is a very famous commercial grain and crop growing area in the United States.

Adami, Bunge and Cargill in ABCD have invested in a large number of industries here, including corn cultivation, feed processing, oilseed processing, livestock breeding, dairy deep processing and meat product processing.

In addition, Smithfield Foods, the largest pig breeding company in North America, has also established a large-scale breeding base in Mississippi. This breeding base alone can produce 4.8 million to 5.2 million pigs annually.

The Mississippi River Basin, Texas and California are the core enterprises of American agriculture, especially the middle and lower Mississippi River plains with abundant light and hot water, which are very suitable for large-scale mechanized agriculture.

Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri are all traditional agricultural areas. Mechanized agriculture under the Great Plains has produced huge amounts of corn, soybeans, tobacco, and cotton.

This is also the center of feed processing in North America, so pig and poultry farming was also established in the vast plains of the Mississippi River.

About 80% of the pigs in North America are concentrated in this area.

Greenwood City.

Cargill's pig breeding plant is located on a plain 14 kilometers northwest of the city. Inside the modern pig breeding plant, management is very strict and the entry of foreign pathogens is basically isolated.

This is also the reason why ABCD dares to maliciously cause trouble in backward areas, because they are confident that their disease protection system can effectively isolate their farms from swine fever.

There are only more than 50 workers working in this high-protection pig factory.

William, who is responsible for epidemic prevention and control, was about to chat with his boyfriend online when he was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door.

"William, William, something happened!"

Opening the door, William saw Mark, the leader of the feeding team, who looked horrified: "What's wrong?"

“A lot of pigs have purple spots on their bodies!”

"Isn't it just purple spots..." William was stunned when he said it smoothly, and immediately asked: "Purple spots? Are there any other symptoms?"

"I didn't observe carefully, so I came to call you." Mark complained in his heart: Are you a veterinarian, or am I a veterinarian?

William, who became nervous, immediately took the toolbox and ran to the inside of the pig factory with Mark. As soon as he arrived at the pig house area, he saw the workers talking about it.

"Get out of the way." Mark shouted angrily.

Immediately, all the workers dispersed.

William looked carefully at several large white pigs lying on the ground and found some purple spots on their ears, hind legs, and bellies.

I took a temperature gun and found that the body temperature of many pigs had reached 39 to 41 degrees Celsius.

There are also signs of vomiting and bloody stools.

Seeing these clinical symptoms, William was 100% sure. He immediately took out his phone and called the factory manager: "Ayn Rand, come to the factory immediately. We are in trouble. It's a big trouble."

When the factory manager heard William's urgent and serious tone, he immediately drove over from his home in Greenwood.

When Ayn Rand arrived at the factory from Greenwood City, William had already completed preliminary statistics. There were 163 pigs with obvious symptoms.

This number may seem small, but the swine fever virus spreads very quickly and has an incubation period of 5 to 28 days.

There are 163 sick pigs with obvious symptoms in the pig farm, which means that swine fever has completely spread throughout the pig farm, and the pig farm is basically finished.

"William, what's going on?"

At a loss, William handed a newly completed statistical report to Ayn ​​Rand: "Swine fever, a swine fever infection broke out within our factory."

"What?" Ayn Rand's fat body trembled involuntarily. He hurriedly grabbed the file. After reading the contents, he rushed into the pig house area.

Several of the most obviously sick pigs destroyed Ayn Rand's last illusions.

Ayn Rand was so frightened that he walked around and shouted nervously: "Oh, buy it! What should I do?"

William, who had calmed down, suggested with a depressed expression: "Ayn Rand, report it to the head office! We cannot suppress this kind of thing."

"Huh..." After taking a few deep breaths, Ayn Rand finally calmed down a little. He nodded helplessly: "OK, you prepare the materials, and we will report this matter to the head office immediately."

If it were other diseases, the two of them could work together to suppress it, but the outbreak of African swine fever is very rapid. It is estimated that the pig farm will be wiped out in less than a month.

The current inventory of their factory is 398,363. With such a huge number, they have no way to hide it.

After all, Cargill's headquarters is not a fool. Every day in the pig farm, big pigs are sent for slaughter, and small pigs are added. If it is abnormal for one or two days, it will be fine. As time goes by, the headquarters will notice the problem.

At the same time, a swine fever outbreak was reported at the Greenwood pig farm.

Swine fever has also broken out in many pig farms in surrounding states, and large-scale outbreaks are inevitable.

ABCD and Smithfield Foods, the pig farms in the region are instantly facing a formidable enemy. Pig farms with obvious swine fever infection currently account for 31.6% of the pig population in North America. This is simply a catastrophic consequence. .

Soon Adami, Bunji and Jiaji held a secret meeting in New York.

But before they could discuss the reason, large-scale swine fever appeared in pig farms invested by ABCD around the world.

Cargill's Mississippi operations.

A professional livestock disease prevention and control team came to Greenwood's breeding base. They were very surprised by the sudden outbreak of swine fever and were eager to investigate the root cause.

The leader of the joint prevention and control working group, Cargill's veterinary disease prevention consultant Owen Alexander, looked at the situation at the Greenwood breeding base and looked puzzled.

Experts Adami and Bunji on the side were also confused.

According to the protection level of this pig farm, the introduction of other foreign pathogens is basically blocked. Where did the swine fever virus come from?

An expert in charge of the test ran over with a solemn expression holding a test report: "Dr. Alexander, take a look at this."

After receiving the test report, Alexander hurriedly flipped through it. When he saw the rows of data, his pupils suddenly shrank: "It's actually feed? What's going on? Why is there a virus in the feed?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of experts Adami and Bunge on the side suddenly changed. They hurriedly called the headquarters and asked them to test the feed in stock.

More than ten hours later.

ABCD conducted a rough test on their global feed stocks and found that 5 to 8% of the feed contained residues of the swine fever virus.

Moreover, some feeds have been sold all over the world, which means that customers who buy their feeds may be affected.

ABCD instantly felt a chill, and they immediately activated an emergency plan to prepare to suppress the incident.

At this moment, a news report completely exploded the matter.

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