The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 208 Bury it

After Yan Sihan left due to some matters to deal with, Lin Jiaojiao began to seriously think about these issues.

At this time, Xuemei brought a bowl of soup to calm the shock.

"Empress, Qin Zhi..." Xuemei was about to say something, but when she saw Lin Jiaojiao's gloomy eyes, she was so frightened that she fell silent.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little dark. After a long time, Xuemei dared to speak again: "Mother, was Qin Zhi killed? Or... I still can't think about it..."

The death scene was so terrifying that she couldn't help but think that someone had killed her.

"Go and tell the people in the courtyard not to let me hear any rumors spread outside."

Xuemei said "Oh", and at the same time she felt that the empress's attitude was a bit strange. She seemed not to be sad about Qin Zhi's death, but she could clearly feel that the empress was angry about this matter.

After leaving the house, Xuemei called everyone together and gave instructions one by one.

At this time, Dongqing was crying in Xiaoyun's arms until she was out of breath, so she cried and said: "Qin Zhi must have sought death because she couldn't bear it anymore, wuwuwu..."

This statement made Xuemei feel strange, and she quickly asked: "What can't you stand?"

Dongxue also touched the tears on her face and said: "Sister Xuemei, you don't know that there are eight people in Qin Zhi's family including Qin Zhi. These eight people all rely on Qin Zhi to support them. You have never seen Qin Zhi’s brother came to ask for money. Qin Zhi couldn’t save any money every month. He said that his father still owed gambling debts.”

After speaking, he sniffed and continued, "If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it."

"This..." Xuemei didn't know this. She only knew that Qin Zhi's mother-in-law was sick. She didn't expect that Qin Zhi...

She didn't know what to say for a moment. Slaves like them had nothing to do if something happened at home.

Just like when her mother-in-law died, there was nothing she could do.

Qing Tao stood aside and did not feel any sadness for Qin Zhi's death, which made several girls feel that Qing Tao was too cold.

Half an hour after Qin Zhi died, Shisan came to report.

"Princess, it was found out that Qin Zhi died of rat poison. Ruling out homicide, he should have committed suicide. She left you a letter."

Lin Jiaojiao took the envelope from Shisan and opened it. The words "I'm sorry" were written all over the rice paper, and the ink marks on it were blurred and mottled in many places.

She turned over one side, and there was a line: This slave is willing to endure the pain of eighteen levels of hell.

Holding this letter, she seemed to feel that Qin Zhi was crying and writing these sorry words before he died, and then ended his life in the cruelest way.

Slowly clasping her palms, she asked in a deep voice, "Where did she get the rat poison?"

"I don't know." Thirteen replied.

Hearing this, she let go of her hand, and the piece of paper fell gently.

Qin Zhi had planned it from the beginning. She was a little angry, and more of it was angry. If Qin Zhi said everything at the beginning, this would not be the result.

She recalled the infinite pain, regret and endless despair she had felt in Yan Sihan's arms before she died in her previous life.

I closed my eyes and swore secretly in my heart: I, Lin Jiaojiao, will never let anyone I care about go through the pain I went through, especially Yan Sihan.

In my last life, you never abandoned me. In this life, I will definitely live up to you.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear, and he opened his mouth and softly uttered three words: "Bury it."


Thirteen suddenly felt a trace of murderous aura in the princess, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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