Mu Yangling nodded, "70% sure, you should know that the emperor also ate these things."

Ji An gritted his teeth and said: "I have done this business!"

"Then I'll leave the Miao Village to you," Mu Yangling said with a smile, "Do you think we should hand over this business to cooperate with each other, or should you take it and sell it to me, and count it as my business?"

"What kind of cooperation method is the cooperation? If it's all yours, how can the price be set?" Ji'an asked.

"If we cooperate, we will split the cost equally. You are familiar with the Miao people, and you will be responsible for this side. The Wangfu will be responsible for the Han people. The money earned from buying grain in the capital and transporting it back will be divided equally," Mu Yangling said. He smiled and said, "As for the expenses on the road, I'm at a loss, and our palace is fully responsible for it."

"This, how much is the cost of 50%?" Ji'an thought that he didn't have much money.

Mu Yangling smiled and said: "I don't know the inventory in everyone's hands. Naturally, the more goods you can receive, the better. We have two payment methods, one is to give money directly, and the other is to give a note. How many things did they bring, after checking the value, convert it into food, write a note directly to them, stamp the seal of you and our palace, and when the food comes back, you can take the note and directly exchange it for food, so that we can directly save money. A lot of cost."

Ji'an's spirit was shaken, he thought this was good, and asked quickly: "How is the unit price determined?"

"Let's figure out the cost of these things first, and we can't let the common people suffer. It doesn't matter if the purchase price is a penny or two more expensive than the market price."

"What about the price of food? The price of food in Qiannan is not low now."

"Chief Ji'an, don't worry, the price of this grain will definitely not be higher than that in Qiannan now. The price in the south of the Yangtze River has been flat. Now a stone of millet costs one tael or three silver, and corn is cheaper. It only costs one tael and eighty cash, and it will be shipped back. When we go to Qiannan, we only need to add half a penny per stone, so we won’t lose money.”

Chief Ji'an was stunned, and said: "Then we are not doing a loss-making business?"

"How can you lose money? You can earn half a penny per shi."

Chief Ji'an stomped his feet and said: "Princess, don't lie to me, this is not counting the round-trip travel expenses."

Mu Yangling said: "They all said that the travel expenses will be paid to me."

Ji An looked at her suspiciously, "Then the princess hardly made any money this trip, what are you trying to do?"

"Chief Ji'an, have you forgotten our original intention? The original purpose is to let the people in Qiannan survive the next year's slack. This trip will increase the income of many people. We will not lose out on this alone. "Mu Yangling looked at him seriously and said: "This is really the last condition I want to say to the chief. The grain brought back, whether it is Han people or Miao people, must be treated equally and the price is fair. You see how?"

Ji An rolled his eyes and understood that Mu Yangling wanted to make the poor Han people feel better, but he did it for the Miao people. Although he did not make money from doing business, he was a chief, and if his people made money, it was he who made money. .

Chief Ji'an immediately responded with a smile.

Mu Yangling immediately wrote down the contract, and both parties wrote down all the prices. Mu Yangling said: "In order to supervise each other, the chief can send someone to buy goods from the Han people with the steward of the palace. What does Chief Ji'an think of a person coming to Miao Village?"

"Just do it like this." Chief Ji'an responded readily.

As soon as Mu Yangling left, Chief Ji'an called all his subordinates, and said: "You all go and inform everyone that the steward of the palace will come tomorrow, and no one is allowed to ask for money, and all of them will be exchanged. When you come back, you have to exchange all the grain on the note before selling it, and the price she set is only two-thirds of the price in Qiannan, so the note is more profitable than the money."

The Chen family rushed over and hurriedly asked, "Father-in-law, are you really planning to start this business?"

Chief Ji'an stroked his beard and smiled, "Your talent, don't underestimate the princess. Although I don't know if her idea will succeed, we will never lose."

"Why?" Chen Jiacai frowned, "If the things can't be sold, how can we explain to the villagers?"

"Don't worry, the prince loves the concubine so much, when I come to him and cry a few times, he will make up for my losses." Daqi's only prince has money.

Ji'an's abacus was sound, and Mu Yangling was not stupid, so he called Zhu Liang after he went down the mountain, and said, "Send someone who is smarter to the Miao village, and tell him to keep an eye on them, don't tell them to write random notes, and take them up." The value and quality of the goods must be strictly checked. This is something delivered to the capital. When you go to contact the Miao Village, you should also warn them and imply to them that this is not a one-shot deal. If it is smashed, we will not be responsible. .”

Best wishes.

Mu Yangling said again: "Go to the government office again, let Mr. Liu come forward to find respected old people from all over the place, and let them help buy the goods. Remember, remind them to try their best to ask for notes and not to take money. The notes are exchanged first, and the rest of the grain will be sold. Miao people and Han people are treated equally, this point must be informed in advance and instilled in the people repeatedly."

"Is the princess worried that they will cause chaos later because we sell food to the Miao people?"

Mu Yangling sneered, and said: "The price of grain I set is low. When the time comes, I will exchange the note first instead of selling it first. Those who have taken the money will definitely make a fuss. They must always agree on the rules of the game in advance. There is Ji'an on the side of the Miao people." Press it, he has high prestige, nothing will happen, not sure about the Han people."

Zhu Liang understood the seriousness of it as soon as he thought about it, and hurriedly said: "Princess, don't worry, I will do it myself at this time."

"Okay, take the sign to get the money, and change it all into copper coins."

Ji'an searched his own Miao village first, and then offered olive branches to other Miao villages. He has a good prestige in each Miao village, and the recent Miao Nian party was held there not long ago. After the chief of the village greeted him, they turned a blind eye and let him buy those things on their territory.

In another Miao village in southern Guizhou, Ji Lu rushed home in the dark, and when he came back, he asked anxiously, "Mother, how much bacon and dried prickly pears do we have at home?"

"There's not much cured pork left. I need to save it for the Chinese New Year. There are still a lot of dried prickly pears. What's wrong, Dad?"

"The Miao village in Ji'an needs to collect these things. We will take out all the cured pork and dried prickly pears in the house. We will exchange them tomorrow. My eldest son and I will prepare liver grass overnight, and we can exchange a lot of food. "As long as Giroud thinks of the news he has received, his face is full of smiles.

Jirou's wife was puzzled and asked, "What note?"

"In exchange for food notes, the princess of Juzhou is kind. She cooperated with Chief Ji'an to give our Miao people a way to survive. They collected these things and exchanged them for food. After the Chinese New Year, when the food comes back, we can exchange the notes for food."

"Could it be that you lied to us? Is the princess so kind?"

"The people in Ji'an Village don't dare to lie to us. I heard that Ji'an Village has already collected all of them. It took a long time for us to turn. We must not slow down, otherwise what should they do if they have collected enough?"

Jilu's wife thought the same thing, even if the princess lied to them, the people in Ji'an village would not dare to lie to them, at worst they would just go and rob Ji'an village.

Such conversations were going on in various Miao villages, and then Ji'an looked at the goods that were being transported back to the warehouse with a smile, feeling both happy and worried, and didn't know if all these things could be sold.

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