The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 291 The real villain and the hypocrite

Kerry's final votes in the general election in the original time and space were extremely close to Bush's. It was because of the closeness of the votes that Kerry believed that there was a problem with the procedure, and the two filed a lawsuit all the way from the district court to the Supreme Court.

Zhou Xin is very familiar with this history, because Kerry held a very special position in 2020, the special envoy for climate change affairs of the President, reporting directly to the President.

In 2020, when any diplomatic developments between Huaguo and American will be followed, Zhou Xin, as an entrepreneur in the semiconductor field, was extremely concerned about such things, so he paid attention to this special envoy for climate change affairs. Kerry, the diplomatic envoy.

Zhou Xin knew that Kerry and Bush would be very close in the number of votes, and they almost pulled Bush down by a small margin. Therefore, he is not sure whether his arrival will change this history.

Although the powers of President American are limited, this position has great diplomatic power. Zhou Xin cannot predict that he has changed such a big history, and what unpredictable risks will arise in the future.

This kind of change can be regarded as an epic change in historical deduction games.

What Zhou Xin didn't expect was that not long after he met Bush, Kerry came to him.

Unlike Bush who invited him to a dinner in Washington, Kerry came to Silicon Valley to meet Zhou Xin after visiting the office building of Matrix in a public capacity.

"Nice to meet you, Newman, you're younger than I thought," Kerry said.

In appearance, both Bush and Kerry look like old white men, but Kerry's facial features are deeper, his eye sockets are deeper, and his nose bridge is higher, which somewhat makes him a bit bitter and vengeful.

Zhou Xin said: "Mr. Kerry, this should be the second time we met. I remember that the last time we met was at the fundraising dinner held by the Donkey Party. It was about five years ago. At that time, Jerry, Yahoo! Jerry Young took me to a donkey party dinner."

Kerry suddenly realized: "It turned out that it was you. I still remember it. At that time, you and Jerry were at the table on the left in the second row. The two of you drank Coca-Cola instead of wine. I was very impressed."

Zhou Xin was surprised by the memory of the other party, because it happened in 1999. It is not easy to explain the specific location so clearly in five years, even with the iconic black drink.

Zhou Xin: "Your memory is really good, if I remember correctly, it is indeed the case."

Kerry said: "I'm confident in my memory, so Newman, are you a donkey supporter?"

Zhou Xin said: "No, I'm indifferent to politics. I just attended that dinner out of curiosity. I'm not familiar enough with the Donkey Party or the Elephant Party. I won't express my opinion on things I'm not familiar with. Don’t talk about taking sides.”

Kerry was not surprised by this answer, it was something he knew before he came, and he only asked more because he heard that the other party had participated in the donkey party's fundraising dinner, to see if there were any surprises.

Zhou Xin's answer only brought his expectations back to the average line, and Kerry said: "Well, it's a typical Chinese-American thinking. Among the Chinese-American businessmen I know, they are not so enthusiastic about politics.

You mentioned Jerry just now, and Jerry and I also know each other. He is a supporter of the Donkey Party, but he has always only donated money and will not use his identity or reputation to make political remarks.

Almost all the Chinese people I know are similar, rich, low-key, and use money instead of other means to express their political leanings. "

Kerry or most of the political animals think this is very good, isn't it good for a group of long-term checks that only give money and have no demands?

Ethnic groups like blacks or Hispanics who cannot afford much money and have a lot of demands are obviously more troublesome.

Chinese Americans are hailed as a model minority in American not because they perform well, but because they have fewer demands and more contributions, and they are standard worker ants in the social ecology.

After hearing this, Zhou Xin was speechless. Isn’t it because of historical reasons that the Chinese are doing this now? How could the Chinese group, most of them from poor backgrounds, learn and adapt to American’s political rules so quickly.

This all requires a process.

Zhou Xin said: "I am more neutral than Jerry. I donate to the supporters of the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party at the same time. I will actively speak out about things that involve me personally and will not remain silent."

Kerry knew what Zhou Xin was referring to, "Yes, Weibo is a very good platform. I still remember that at the end of 2001, under the leadership of Bush, Washington promulgated a new law, which included authorizing the government to monitor the Internet. Provisions for supervision and management.

Then Bush tried to frame all of this as your opinion, and I remember that you published a long article to explain all of this.

He did not accept his statement just because the other party was Bush. "

Zhou Xinjian's topic turned around and turned to this topic again. He knew that he had dinner with Bush a few days ago. Although there was no media report, as a political animal who has been rooted in Washington all year round, Kerry obviously got the news. As for It is unclear whether the news was told to him by White House staff or by the security personnel around Zhou Xin.

"I respect the truth, and this will not change because of my identity." Zhou Xin said.

Kerry applauded: "Newman, I appreciate your attitude. Bush is very cunning. He always tries to blur the key points and create the image he wants to create for the public.

For example, he hopes to portray himself as a resolute person who sticks to his own opinions, while he hopes to portray me as a cunning politician whose political attitude changes all the time.

Bush tried to portray himself as a hedgehog and me as a fox. "

Zhou Xin just listened quietly without making any comments.

Kerry said: “In fact, the media, controlled by Bush, reported my speech completely selectively.

From the Iraq War to today, my attitude towards this war has always been clear, but the focus I expressed on different occasions is different.

However, the media on Bush's side will not publish the full text of what I said. Instead, they will deliberately edit the content to give the public the impression that I have inconsistent opinions, and then try to portray me as a liar. "

A classic operation in the public opinion circle is to delete the causes and consequences and retain only the most explosive content. Zhou Xin, as a generation who has been poisoned by new media, knows this method very well.

Kerry continued: "Fortunately, there is a new voice channel like the Internet. Whether it is John Kerry's public account or my personal Weibo, more information can be conveyed, telling everyone that what the media reports is not necessarily what the media reports. the truth."

"So Newman, I hope more people can see the truth, can you help me?"

Zhou Xin couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Kerry is indeed a true scholar who graduated from Yale, and his speech is obviously better than Bush.

He also understands why Bush wants to portray Kerry as a liar, because they will have a TV debate later, and it will be difficult for Bush to defeat Kerry in terms of adaptability or rhetoric.

But by building Kerry's image as a liar, Bush's supporters will not believe Kerry's words at all. Bush will act as a repeater in TV debates, and his supporters will not turn around and support Kerry just because what he says is good. Kerry.

"I'm just a businessman. I may not be able to help you." Zhou Xin pretended to be stupid.

Kerry shook his head: "No, Newman, you have a strong influence in the new media field, and you can let more people see the truth.

Instead of living in the false world created by the media. "

What Kerry said was all about the purpose, but he didn't say it was helping me at all, but helping the people. It is a typical donkey party style, and the skills of political correctness are full.

Bush is much more direct than Kerry.

Both Kerry's request and Bush's request are similar. I hope their positive messages can be seen by more people. Starting from the good side, it is natural to help people learn more information, but this can be misinterpreted as interference in the general election.

Not to mention Zhou Xin, something that even the big northern countries dare not admit.

Therefore, Zhou Xin made up his mind to stay away from disputes, and originally wanted to accept campaign advertisements. You must know that the investment of both sides in each general election is in units of 100 million.

Now Zhou Xin doesn't want to make this money at all.

Zhou Xin even wanted to sell Weibo. Instead of keeping Weibo in his own hands, he might as well sell it for a good price.

"Sorry, Kerry, this is not my remit, this should be the job of your campaign team, they should let more people see what you really think."

After listening, John Kerry said: "This is about the truth, it's not just my team's job.

Newman, there was a movie called "Spider-Man" the year before last. I don't know if you have seen it. There is a saying in it called "with great power comes great responsibility".

There is no one more influential than you in Silicon Valley. Even Bill Gates is far less influential than you. You need to take on more responsibilities. "

Between the true villain and the hypocrite, Zhou Xin still hates the hypocrite more, "I'm sorry, I have given back to the society through a lot of charitable acts, which is my responsibility.

Even if it is true as you said, it is not my responsibility to let the society see the truth, but the responsibility of the media. "

John Kerry did not want to give up the opportunity to win over Zhou Xin, because Zhou Xin is an excellent candidate in terms of financial resources, influence, or status. He continued:

"Newman, do you know that my maternal grandfather did business in Huaguo, and I know Huaguo very well, and I also know you very well. Maybe I can give you what you want."

After John Kerry finished speaking, he got up and patted Zhou Xin on the shoulder, then walked towards the others.


Zhou Xin didn't even say hello to the banquet organizer, and left the banquet location without looking back. He didn't know what Kerry knew, but now he just wanted to bury a hole and sell Weibo.

In Zhou Xin's view, platforms like Weibo are indeed too easy to get involved with politics, and his identity is too sensitive, holding it like a time bomb in his hands.

"Sell Weibo? The user activity of Weibo is very high. After almost all Mphone users get started with Mphone, Weibo will be their must-have application.

In our background data monitoring, we found that the average usage time of Weibo users is even higher than that of WeChat.

Mr. Xin, you should know what this means.

In my opinion, Weibo, which operates on all platforms, is even more valuable than WeChat. "Pony couldn't understand.

He is also a shareholder of Tencent, which is also related to his interests.

Of course, what Pony couldn't understand was why he wanted to sell Weibo, such a valuable product.

Zhou Xin said: "It is precisely because its value is too great that we cannot grasp it."

Then Zhou Xin told Pony about his recent experiences in detail, and then concluded: "When everyone realizes that Weibo is a hot topic, it can affect elections and people's thinking, it will have a negative impact on us." It becomes a hot potato.

The more critical point is that Bush and Kerry can't convince me, but it doesn't mean they can't convince the middle or some high-level people.

When these people bypass us to serve Bush or Kerry and help them push a large amount of campaign content to Weibo users, and are later exposed by the other party, do you think we can put aside the relationship? "

Zhou Xin feels that his greatest advantage is that he is cautious enough to avoid danger before it comes.

Pony took a deep breath after listening, he understood why Zhou Xin made such a request so suddenly that he couldn't understand at all.

Pony now fully understands Zhou Xin's thoughts, and he even hopes that this day will come sooner.

"President Xin, I understand what you mean, I think there is no problem, Microsoft, Yahoo, Baidu are all potential buyers.

When I was having dinner with Robin, he hinted that I wanted to buy Weibo.

Baidu has always wanted to enter the mobile Internet field, but they did not find a suitable entry point.

We can release the news and let them bid in multiple ways, so that we can sell it at a high price. "

Zhou Xin said: "You can go to contact about this matter, and choose whoever offers a high enough price.

For Microsoft or Baidu, we also accept stock settlement, and for Yahoo, we only need cash.

After they have the first round of quotations, we will discuss. "

Zhou Xin continued: "In addition, during this period of time we have to reform Weibo.

What happened to the recommendation algorithm that you were asked to study before? "

Pony said: "From the theoretical result, it should achieve the effect you expressed, but it has not been fully tested in the pre-release version."

Since starting Weibo, Zhou Xin has asked Pony to study recommendation algorithms, mainly to allow users to see the content they want to see, instead of pushing content that lacks purpose like now.

The content that users see will converge. This is also a trick that all major Internet companies will use in the future, from Weibo to Toutiao to Douyin.

The same is true abroad. Converging content has caused a serious information cocoon phenomenon. A large number of users are immersed in the stratosphere and lack understanding of other people's world.

Such an algorithm will make Weibo more commercially valuable, and it will also be a cancer that is difficult to find.

Especially in 2004, a sensitive year related to the election, the recommendation algorithm will lead American to a completely unknown route.

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