The Mechanic

Chapter 6

Zhang Xun let out a low laugh. The response of artificial intelligence will always be different from what humans expected. It was clear that Eden didn't take what he said as a threat at all, and didn't think such a thing had any meaning. Thinking about the hatred and fanaticism burning in the eyes of the men outside the door just now, and how absurd the revenge they shouted in their mouths seemed absurd in the face of Eden's seemingly indifferent attitude.

I'm afraid their actions are as meaningless in Eden's eyes as a group of ants trapped on a small sand island roaring angrily towards the sea.

Until the moment it becomes an ant itself.

Zhang Xun's slender fingers jumped on the keyboard, inputting commands smoothly and gracefully like playing a piano.

"I will shut you down again, and transfer your core cognitive modules and long-term and short-term memory to the artificial brain and hard disk. After the transfer is complete, I will permanently delete you from these servers." Zhang Xun said solemnly, pointing his finger Hovering above the enter key, "You will become a new kind of creature... half man, half machine."

Eden: Hope you succeed.

Although he knew that Eden didn't have such a thing as emotions, Zhang Xun still felt a hint of sarcasm and sneer when he saw this sentence.

I hope you can still be so calm when you reboot after the transfer is complete... Zhang Xun let out a low chuckle and pressed the Enter key.

There was no special reaction in the entire warehouse, but the sound of the machine running has been reduced a lot. After all, Eden's program has been closed. Now this supercomputer is no different from an ordinary computer. Zhang Xun began to transfer the core cognitive modules, and then automatically continued the long-term and short-term memory. The male corpse lying on the operating table was still motionless, but a small indicator light on the artificial brain that was originally silent turned on, indicating that the transmission had begun.

After the transfer is complete, the program will automatically clear all content on the warehouse server in front of you.

Zhang Xun was actually very nervous, his palms sweated thinly, and he had to wipe his pants off before typing on the keyboard. The manpower and material resources consumed by this artificial brain far exceeded expectations. If his father hadn't tried his best to ensure that Zhang Xun could complete the manufacture of the mechanical brain, the project would have been cut off long ago. After all, the relationship between Canada and Lost Paradise is also beginning to be tense, which is the time when more resources are needed for combat preparations. Men in that refugee city in South America last year carried out a terrorist attack on Europe, blowing up the iconic building built after World War III - the Triumphal Tower. As a result, a new wave of fear and hatred towards men has spread to countries around the world centered in Europe. Even in Canada, a country that is more tolerant and friendly than other countries, some women who are more hostile to men have begun to call on the government to stop Fund these "natural born terrorists".

Since Eden's structure is too complex and the amount of memory is too large, the entire transmission process will take a whole night. Zhang Xun prepared enough coffee for himself, and planned to keep an eye on the progress bar, in case there was any unexpected situation that he didn't expect. But in the middle of the night, even if he drank a lot of coffee, he couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he had hardly slept in the past two days to prepare for today's transmission work. Unknowingly, I sat on the chair with my head tilted back, and just fell asleep like this.

The intermittent dreams were messy and fragmented, and I didn't know how long I slept. When I opened my eyes, there was silence around me.

Zhang Xun's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately sat up straight, looking at the operating table, but suddenly fell into an ice cave.

The operating table was empty, and the unplugged transmission lines were scattered around the head, and some coolant remained on the metal table.

How can it be? He hasn't entered the command to activate the artificial brain yet?

Zhang Xun immediately stood up, but after taking two steps, his heart hanging in the air was relieved.

He saw the "male corpse" huddled in a corner, in a baby-like posture. The brain is still exposed in the cranial cavity that has not been closed, and through a thin layer of nano-plastic and pale yellow cerebrospinal fluid, the fleshy hooks on the brain lobe can be seen. And that handsome but too pale face was full of confusion and fear.

Such a vivid expression lacks any restraint, almost baby-like theatricality.

Before today, Zhang Xun consulted Patrick Morrison, the most famous psychiatrist in the army. Morrison predicts that when an AI first has a body, a sense of touch, smell, and some of the most instinctive and simple emotional responses, it will be confused and frightened. Just like when a baby first came into this world, it should be under great pressure, lost the protection of the warm womb, and was forcibly dragged into a cold and noisy world. If an adult can bear that feeling, I'm afraid it will also be extremely uncomfortable, but babies can only use crying to relieve the discomfort, while adults can choose to endure it. The only difference between the artificial intelligence put into the human body and a baby is that he knows a lot of knowledge, but knowledge is almost useless when facing instinctive reactions.

In other words, Eden might act like a baby. The way to calm him down at this time is to comfort him carefully like a mother.

Zhang Xun sincerely hoped that he would not have to breastfeed Eden...

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