The Mechanic

Chapter 45

"Diego said that there is a place called Dionysus here." Adam asked while chewing strawberries and candied haws, "Are we going?"

Dionysus is the largest club in the fourth district, where the masquerade party is held. Probably half of the people who came to the fourth district tonight wanted to go in, but probably less than one-third could squeeze in in the end.

"I'm afraid we won't be in the queue." Zhang Xun deliberately described the place as unattractive, "and it's not interesting to go in, just drinking and dancing, crowded with a group of people, and the smell of sweat is everywhere."

"But Diego said it was fun there."

"Do you believe him or me?"

"Axun, of course I believe you, but according to your personality, I think the information you provided also has a certain degree of cognitive bias." Adam said seriously.

Zhang Xun rolled his eyes, "I can't get in even if I want to."

"Eh? Axun?"

A hand suddenly fell on Zhang Xun's shoulder, Zhang Xun was startled, and when he turned around, he saw James' surprised face.

Zhang Xun was shocked, "So you can recognize me?"

James grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "Others can't recognize it, but you and I can't recognize it? What's the matter, I told you to come here before and you didn't come, why did you come here secretly?" To Adam in the mask, "Who is this?"

"His name is Ben, and he is a newly-passed mechanic." Zhang Xun said quickly without waiting for Adam to speak.

"Ah..." James glanced at Adam strangely, then looked at Zhang Xun, then showed a smirk, leaned close to Zhang Xun's ear, and said while elbowing Zhang Xun, "Did you fall in love with him? All these years , are you finally in love?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I just brought him to see the world..."

"You bring people to see the world? Come on, there are not many people who come to Paradise Lost less than you." James smiled friendly at Adam, and pointed to the few people behind him who waved to them, "I said, you guys Where are you going to play? Do you want to come with us? We plan to go to Dionysus, I heard that today's performance is very popular."

Zhang Xun cursed secretly in his heart.

"we do not……"

"Okay!" This time it was Adam who snapped. "We just happen to want to go too!"

"That's great! Let's go!" James said, hugging Zhang Xun's shoulders boldly, and Zhang Xun could only stagger along with the other's footsteps in the direction of Dionysus.

"Let's not go!" Zhang Xun was still struggling.

James said decisively, "No! Every time I invite you, I can't find an excuse. If you try to save me this time, I will never help you take the bugs out again!"

Zhang Xun turned his head and stared at Adam, who was following behind with an obvious grin, and couldn't believe that this stinky boy was plotting against him.

But Adam blinked his innocent blue eyes and shrugged his shoulders in a strange way, as if he wanted to express that he didn't do anything.

The author has something to say: artificial intelligence led by Diego. . .

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade~~: ABB 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran, let me know 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution~~: 10 bottles of Qi Mingfei; 7 bottles of Joy;

Chapter 20 Garbage Treatment Plant (6)

Dazzling lights, deafening music. The tightly packed crowd danced wildly in the magic field of light and sound, shouting hoarsely. On several high-rising circular stages, the gigolos with perfect bodies stretched their limbs wildly. The dance full of power and wildness made people's throat warm just by looking at it.

There are so many people that you almost run into someone when you turn around. It's normal to get separated from his companions under such circumstances, but he can't get separated from Adam, that would be too risky.

If Adam tried to shake him off at this point, it would be easy to do. Maybe that's why Adam wanted to come to District 4 so much. For a moment, Zhang Xun's doubts about Adam arose again. While James was not paying attention, he grabbed Adam's wrist and pulled him to a place where there were slightly fewer people in the corridor formed by several pillars.

"No, there are more people here than I thought, and we have to leave immediately." Zhang Xun, who refused Adam to talk to him again, pulled back his sleeves in a threatening way, revealing the watch-like wristband tied around his wrist like a threat. Collar controller. Adam vaguely knew that he had done it this time and touched Zhang Xun's bottom line, so he settled down and nodded obediently.

Just as he was holding Adam with one hand and trying to squeeze towards the door against the crowd, suddenly the crowd burst into cheers and rushed over even more violently. Zhang Xun was forced to take several steps back. When he turned around, he saw a muscular man holding a metal stick high. A long rope hung from the top of the stick, and the end was tied into a hanging knot that often appeared in medieval film and television works. And in the circle that represents death, there is a robot neck spliced ​​out of scrap copper and iron.

And the chest of the "robot" was spray-painted with "Adam" and "Eden".

The gigolo was lifting the robot into the air, and the metal arms and body collided with each other, making clanking noises, all of which were drowned in the cheers of the crowd.

Zhang Xun reflexively wanted to prevent Adam from seeing, he wanted to pull Adam to turn around, but it was too late. Everyone was shouting in unison: Hang Eden! Hang Adam! Hang Eden! Hang Adam!

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