The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 148 The Broker, Sister Yu

"The activation command is here, sister, please remember it." The uncle displayed on the screen.

Yan Yu looked over anxiously, the uncle's activation instructions were always in the middle of the second class, and she was ashamed when she said it, but for some reason, she said it with anticipation.

"Uncle, which one is the first-level authority?"

"That buddy customized it, which one do you think it is?"

Yan Yu understood, and it was her father who benefited again.

"If you change your residence, remember to ask her to re-scan to determine the service scope." The uncle reminded.

Yan Yu nodded again and again, and asked curiously, "What if I forgot?"

The uncle was out of breath with a smile: "If she forgets, she may, no, she will definitely return to her original residence to continue serving. Home service robots, the concept of family is a priority, more functions, you can find out by yourself , because the sound card is removed, in order to prevent communication inconvenience, she has a text communication function, and can write to answer all kinds of questions you have...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Time is running out, hurry up..."

Yan Laoer had already brought the meat over, and when he saw the gesture from his daughter, he hurriedly piled up the horse meat in one place.

"Uncle, nutrient solution, fruit juice, vegetable juice." Yan Yu said hastily.

"All right, all right, I'll match the flavors for you."

The two clicked to confirm in a hurry, and completed the transaction in the last few seconds.

The diabolo tube on the ground was filled, and the figure that appeared out of nowhere seemed to be stuck, and it hadn't flashed out after a long time...

With sharp eyes, Yan Yu let out an ah.

"Father, go find some clothes!"

Yan Laoer hurriedly turned around and slipped faster than a rabbit.

Li Xuemei laughed.

The mother and daughter waited for a while, and the home service robot finally arrived!

The aunt with a kind face, wearing simple work clothes, long clothes and trousers, her hair is meticulously tied up, standing barefoot on the ground...

Yan Yu didn't expect it to be this style, only the upper body can be seen on the screen, which is quite old-fashioned, showing the whole body... What kind of mix-and-match style is this.

Yan Lao Er took some clothes, and carefully aimed at this side.

Seeing that he was wearing clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked over lightly.

Yan Yu has already written the start command on the ground.

Clearing his throat, he said quickly, "I still can't get separated from you—Sister Rong is here!"

The aunt came over naturally and looked at her fixedly.

"I am Brother Twelve."

Auntie smiled kindly, looked at her for three seconds, and nodded.

Li Xuemei said: "I'm the Queen Mother."

Auntie's gaze was even more gentle. She looked at her for four seconds and nodded.

Yan Lao Er came over and said in a deep voice, "I am Huang Ama."

Auntie's expression became serious, she looked at him for five seconds, and nodded.

Li Xuemei handed her the clothes, paused, and said tentatively: "Nurse Rong, find a place where no one is around and change."

Nanny Rong took it, nodded to her with a smile, glanced around, finally chose a direction, and left with the clothes.

The couple looked at each other for a moment.

They all laughed.

"Good guy, this is done for me, even Huang Ama?"

"Well, I'm the Queen Mother!"

"Our emperor is ranked twelve? Nonsense!" Yan Lao Er put on airs.

Li Xuemei pursed her lips and laughed, seeing her daughter started talking into the air again, she hurriedly signaled her father to stop talking and listen attentively.

Although I don't know what the person on the other side said, but through the various reactions and conversations of the daughter, I can also infer a lot.

Yan Yu was successfully bound, and quickly clicked on the beating free market.

It's Miss Yu!

"Sister, how are you recently?" Yan Yu asked.

"The wind is still strong, but the water level has dropped a lot!" the woman opposite said happily.

Yan Yu was also happy for her, with a big smile on her face.

"Look, I'm on a mountain now." The woman patted the swollen wood next to her, and shared with her in a brisk tone: "These are all I found nearby, and I can make them when they dry a little more. A big wooden raft can pull more things when the time comes."

"Did you cut your hair?"

The woman scratched her hair and said with a smile: "It should have been cut a long time ago. It's too long and it's hard to take care of it. When the wind is strong, it smears my face. It's too late. I found a pair of scissors and cut it myself. The craftsmanship is not good, like a dog chewing on it, ha ha!

The time is halved this time, so we have to hurry. The woman hurriedly opened the plastic bag on the other side and showed it to Yan Yu.

"Look, sister, I exchanged it with the person in front. Do you need it? Alcohol, needles for infusion, normal saline, glucose, injections, oral medicines..."

Yan Yu's eyes lit up.

Where is medicine not needed?

"Need, need! Sister, give me some if you have more! Oral medicine is enough, you don't need too much, I just keep it, and alcohol!"

Whether it is to cool down or eliminate the hidden danger of trauma infection, alcohol is excellent.

Best of all, it can be used with water, with a lower concentration, and the effect will not be much worse.

"Okay!" Sister Yu agreed happily. "What I changed were all common medicines, cold medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, and stomach medicines, half of which will be shared with you."

"You don't need that much." Yan Yu hurriedly said, "I don't have any packaging, just give me a few pills of each."

Sister Yu thought for a while and nodded approvingly: "That's right, medicines are rare, and it would be a pity if they don't work. You still need to find a way to store them properly."

"I think so too, it's really inconvenient without packaging."

Yan Yu can't do anything about it, the platform won't give any packaging.

"There is charcoal this time, sister, do you want to change it?"

"Charcoal, and..." She flicked the screen with her fingers, and her eyes widened. "So much horse meat!"

Yan Yu: "Hey hey!"

"I heard that the body is warm after eating horse meat. I don't know if it is true." Sister Yu has no resistance to food that can warm the body.

"Give me some more, um, there are so many herbs..."

She found that the little sister on the other side of the line was always expanding her resource list every time she connected.

In contrast, her supplies are lackluster, which strengthens her determination to hoard supplies from various worlds.

Since your own products are not distinctive, take the opportunity of connecting with other people to exchange for more useful and easy-to-store things.

Yan Yu found that Sister Yu had changed a little during the connection this time, she was different from her past.

Be more...positive!

"The person I connected to just now is very good. He said he can help me find a wind turbine. Hahaha, it would be great if I can change it next time!" Sister Yu's eyebrows were curved, and she kept laughing.

"So I'm going to stock up on more stuff.

There is a zombie virus outbreak on his side, which is extremely dangerous, and the most scarce food, sister, can you exchange some for me? "

Yan Yu said: "Okay! I have made a lot of jerky here, as well as dried wild vegetables, which are durable to storage. You can put them on the next platform to open, and there will be no problem."

Sister Yu smiled and said, "I've made up my mind. When I have a chance in the future, I will stock up on more things from your world and be a middleman to earn the difference!"

It's a bit late~()

I feel very sleepy today. I fell asleep and woke up still in a daze. Could it be that I am tired?

Dreaming about the plot, such a dedicated house o(╥﹏╥)o...

Go on and continue to code~

Ms. Natural Calamity is determined to be a middleman. I also think it is more convenient to transfer things in the modern background. At least she has packaging, plastic bags and tape, and a proper packager ( # ^.^ [# ])

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