The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 328 Try to keep Jinli from making trouble

Long Hao had only one core idea: try to keep Jinli from causing trouble.

An existence like Jinli with special abilities and unpredictable strength was marked as high-risk in the files of the Supervision Bureau.

Although Jinli looked very free, in fact, her movements were always under observation.

At present, she is evaluated by the Supervision Bureau as: safe and friendly for the time being.

But that doesn't mean there's no danger.

Looking at the wind and rain on the Internet from the Supervision Bureau, Long Hao, who had been in contact with Jinli, received the notice immediately: let him try to help Jinli solve this matter.

Please don't let this kind of personal matter affect Jinli's mood.

In case someone is irritated and does something that is not conducive to social stability, it is not good.

This is not unfounded worry.

Such a tragedy happened more than ten years ago.

Lin Jun, a person involved in the world, is a person with spiritual abilities. He is an ordinary company employee with a harmonious family. Because he likes an ordinary and happy life, he rejected the recruitment of the Supervision Bureau, saying that he only wants to be a normal person.

But no one thought that once his wife took their six-year-old daughter out to play, and when they got home, they encountered a car accident. The wife pushed her daughter away and was seriously injured.

The driver was a scumbag. He just bumped into someone at that time, but didn't kill anyone. But after he realized that he had hit someone, he reversed the car without hesitation, and ran back for the second time.

This kind of thing doesn't happen much, but it's not uncommon either.

Some drivers are worried that they will be hit and disabled, and the follow-up treatment and compensation will be stressful and endless.

When a person dies, the family members have no hope. If you pay some money, the follow-up matters will be settled.

That's what this driver thinks.

There were no witnesses at the time, and the condition of the driver's home was not bad. After spending some money to manage it, the incident was classified as drunk driving.

The driver lost a large sum of money and let it go.

Lin Jun naturally didn't believe the verdict. He appealed many times, but was suppressed. His daughter was also affected by the car accident and developed post-traumatic syndrome.

The great pain and pressure drove this man who had been honest all his life crazy.

He is crazy, so he has to make those who harmed his family crazy.

After placing his daughter, Lin Jun disappeared.

He knew that the people from the Supervision Bureau could find him, so he used his ability to temporarily block the surveillance from the Supervision Bureau.

Then, all those who directly or indirectly, overtly or secretly intervened in this matter, anyone who compromised with money and power, and pushed Lin Jun's family into the abyss, all went crazy.

They began to have nightmares all night long, dreaming that they had entered a strange world of ghosts and ghosts, and their lives were worse than death in the dreams. After waking up during the day, they heard screams in their ears, and when they closed their eyes, it was another round of nightmares.

People kept saying in their ears that they would be free after death.

The easiest way to get rid of suicide.

When the people from the Supervision Bureau finally found Lin Jun, the driver's family of six, except for his daughter who was studying abroad, couldn't bear the mental pressure and committed suicide. The legal///court staff and police// /Fang, even the doctors and assistants who collected evidence, were not spared.


It is also this incident that has allowed the technology of the Supervision Bureau to develop rapidly.

For example, the bracelet on Jinli's hand now, there is basically no way for a person with special abilities to block it.


God Supervision Bureau: Pass cigarettes to the boss, solve all problems for the boss, and hope that the boss will not cause trouble!

Gao Lengzhi is now in the last round of PK, and it will be put on the shelves after the PK is over, so, in the next ten days, everyone, please vote and leave a message to support it.

There will definitely be a big explosion when it is put on the shelves. There are many chapters of spicy, don't worry.

Although I don’t have any manuscripts, there will always be [righteousness and akimbo]

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