USA, California, Silicon Valley, San Jose, Cisco headquarters building.

"Tell me, is what he demonstrated true?"

Chamberson Carey pointed to the video of Ning Zi’s speech at the Mathematicians Conference on the computer display screen, and asked in a calm but extremely stressful tone.

At this time, a group of senior engineers and mathematicians from Cisco's technology department were sitting opposite him.

However, he didn't get the response he wanted.

Looking at those pairs of eyes that were either dodging or nervous, Chamberson Carey suddenly felt a surge of blood and his whole body was in a trance for a moment. Fortunately, it returned to normal soon.

In fact, Chamberson-Carey would rather not recover.

Subconsciously, he glanced at his mobile phone placed on the large desk. It was still flashing, indicating that there was an incoming call. Fortunately, the silent mode prevented the phone from making any sound or vibrating, allowing him to have a moment of peace.

Of course, we must also thank the senior engineers across the street who once patted their chests and said there was no problem, but today they have collectively remained silent.

But Chamberson-Carey wasn't even in the mood to get angry at the moment.

If it's true……

Then it's over...everything is over...

This year, as much as the champagne has been popped, so does the despair at this moment. Every order he signed before and every product he installed was equivalent to putting a rope around himself. Those wonderful operations that seemed almost foolproof before now probably only showed how stupid he was.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, he should have seen the clues long ago.

Conan Lamar suddenly withdrew from the research team, and not long after the former chief technology officer Myron Kermit chose to leave... Looking back now, the reason for resignation given by the guy was ridiculous, but it did not arouse him. of alertness.

Yes, he could already conclude that these people had already discovered something was wrong.

Because he called Myron Kermit as soon as the accident happened, but the number was already empty, and the apartment he lived in was already empty.

These damn offal!

If he could have known the truth a few months earlier...well, there is no such thing as reality.

In the end, Chamberson Carey just raised his hand. This simple action seemed to use up all his strength.

When the group of people on the opposite side saw this action, they immediately stood up in silence, moving cautiously and making almost no sound, and then filed out of the office with heavy expressions.

No one can say anything at this time.

Looking back at that time, they had even smashed the code and didn't find any problems in it. Who dared to think that the problem was so deep. So is this the difference between algorithmic engineers and pure mathematicians?

No one dared to say anything at this time.

Everyone knows how serious the problem is this time, let alone their little shoulders. Even the guy who just questioned them probably couldn't bear it.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by the collapse of the company's stock price.

When Ning Zi announced the test method at the March forum, countless lawsuits from Party A made Cisco, the leading company in the industry, instantly fall into the 18th level of hell, and it will never recover!

Yes, everyone knows that the company has finished its game, and how to finish it is still in the hands of the young man in the video just now. He can make Cisco die suddenly overnight, or he can make Cisco survive for a while. If he shows great kindness, he might even be able to keep Cisco alive.

But this has nothing to do with these people. Because the fate of the company is completely out of their hands. If they are lucky, they may receive severance compensation, but if they are unlucky, they may even be sued.

Under such circumstances, how can one still have the mood to say a word?

Chamberson Carey watched these senior engineers who he once relied on walk out of the office. The door was not closed. His secretary leaned forward and came in... Without giving the secretary a chance to speak, he raised his hand to stop them.

Then he looked at the secretary who hesitated for a moment, and finally retreated in defeat in his eyes, and then closed the office door.

Sitting in his seat, Chamberson Carey took a deep breath and finally felt that he had some strength again. He bent slightly, opened the second drawer on the left, and lifted the topmost drawer with wrinkled hands. Several stacked documents revealed a revolver inside.

Chamberson Carey took out the pistol, rubbed it carefully for a moment, then skillfully opened the safety, pushed out the wheel, and turned it carefully. After confirming that the five single compartments were full of bullets, he returned the wheel to its original position, then turned the pistol upside down and stuffed the black barrel into his mouth...

Then at the last moment, his hands trembled.

I tried several times but couldn't pull the trigger.

Yes, this old-fashioned mechanical revolver has no safety because it requires too much force to pull the trigger.

When his hand shook, he didn't even have the strength to pull the trigger.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Chamberson Carey finally gave up the struggle...

He expressionlessly took the gun out of his mouth, just as his phone lit up again.

Chamberson Carey looked at the phone in silence for a moment, still not choosing to answer it. Instead, he took out a piece of cloth from the drawer again, carefully wiped the pistol that had just been stained with fingerprints, then put the gun back to its original position, and ritually covered the stack of documents on the gun, and closed it. drawer, then stood up.

When he walked to the office door and put his hand on the door handle of the office, Chamberson Carey paused for a moment, turned his head and looked at his office carefully, then opened the door and walked out calmly.

Outside the door, Marina, the secretary sitting in her seat, stood up quickly when she saw Chamberson Carey's figure. Before she could speak, Chamberson Carey took the lead and said: "I have an important meeting. Any The man came to me and asked him to wait in the reception room and wait until I come back to talk about anything."

"Okay, Mr. Carey." The young female secretary responded timidly.

She is usually like this, but today...

Well, maybe today is no different.

Because Chamberson Carey nodded to her as usual, and then showed a reassuring smile.

Maybe it was because of this smile that she fell in love at that time, even though she knew that his child was as old as her.

Yes, Marina likes this kind of confident smile and firmly believes that a man with this kind of smile will not be defeated by anything. No matter how difficult this time is, he must have thought of a solution.

With her heart agitated, she couldn't help but confide to the man's back: "I love you, always have!"

The man stopped and turned around, still with a warm smile on his lips, and said, "Me too, wait until I come back."

Then the man walked towards the elevator with firm steps.


Chamberson Carey walked to the edge of the building, looked around greedily, and then saw a familiar figure in the building opposite.

Cisco's headquarters is actually composed of seven buildings. Each building has a different shape, which makes people feel full of technology.

The building where Chamberson Carey is located is the tallest, with a total of seven floors and a total of thirty-two meters. Opposite is where the company's marketing department is located. If he is not mistaken, the company's global business president, Edgar Kerry, is blowing air on the rooftop opposite.

Coincidentally, the two of them were standing on the rooftop enjoying the breeze at the same time.

But unlike him, Edgar was still holding the phone and kept talking. There was a faint sound in his ears, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

This is really a sight to behold.

Why bother……

So Chamberson Carey raised his hand and waved hard at the other side, trying to get him to shut up. Why are you still answering the phone at this time?

The person on the other side obviously noticed him. Chamberson Carey was obviously stunned when he saw the guy, and then the hand holding the phone gradually dropped.

Well, this guy is still smart enough to understand what he means.

Then the next moment, Chamberson Carey saw the guy throwing away the mobile phone in his hand. He couldn't help but frowned. The habit of throwing objects at high altitude was not a good one. It was as if he had just thrown the mobile phone down. On the desk...

But the next moment, he was relieved, because next, this guy simply and decisively threw himself down.

Unfortunately, it was a bit far away and he didn't even hear the sound...

I saw a lot of people rushing out of the building opposite, and then there were faint screams and cries.

Chamberson Carey suddenly felt that he was quite lucky. Even in this kind of thing, someone could do it before him...

Well, there’s nothing to miss.

He has already enjoyed what he should enjoy in his life.

I believe no one will blame him if it ends this way.

With this thought in his mind, he took another step forward firmly...

The wind sounded in his ears, and the feeling of weightlessness at that moment reminded him of the first time his father took him on a roller coaster when he was a child...


United States, capital of Texas.

Nissen Mountbatten was giving a speech to thousands of people in the Place Saint-Denis.

God knows how grateful the Patriarch felt at this time.

He is naturally more informed than Zhai Qiuxian on the plane.

Just now, he had learned that the villain who bought Nissen Weir Company committed suicide. In his villa, Nissen Mountbatten even saw photos of the scene.

This was probably what should have happened to him.

Now God knows how many crazy big shots are looking for any lamb that can help them take the blame.

The majesty of God is so terrifying.

This is why he organized this speech at this time, he needed a powerful amulet.

Of course, he also firmly believed that God could help him.

Soon it turned out that his worries were not groundless. Three cars with FBI logos were parked about ten meters away from the rally. No one got out of the car for the time being. They probably noticed that this opportunity was still available today. There were media filming at the scene.

Yes, several Fox News reporters present today were invited by him with huge sums of money.

At this time, he already understood why God asked him to formalize the Illuminati Religion.

Now the Illuminati has become his talisman, or the talisman of him and Obote Lelo. Whether the two of them can survive this crisis safely depends on the influence of the Illuminati in Texas.

As long as his influence is large enough, he will naturally be able to weather the storm safely. Fortunately, everything that happened today was within God’s expectation.

The only thing is that God’s arrangement is so merciful that He felt that he could do something more radical.

Of course, you may have to take some risks, but who doesn’t need to take risks if they want to survive in this world?

"...Yes, as you all saw the news today, you should all know that those devices are full of evil things. So is the oracle wrong?"

"That's right!"

"Thank you Son of Light!"

"May Photon protect you!"

Countless people in the audience gave out inconsistent but passionate shouts...

Taking advantage of this moment, Nissen Mountbatten nodded slightly to Obote Lelo, who was hiding in the audience. The mathematics professor from Guinea quietly left the crowd and walked towards the cars that came. .

"Yes, God teaches us to be friendly, harmonious, civilized, and wise...but those blasphemers ignore these things, and they even..."

Nissen Mountbatten spoke passionately. From the corner of his eye, he saw Obote Lelo walking through the crowd and passing in front of the cars. Then he cautiously patted the car window. After a simple negotiation, he raised his hands. He kept backing up slowly until he had retreated a certain distance. He probably made sure that the window on the opposite side of the car had been closed again, then turned around and walked away quickly.

"Look, for example, those people..."

Neeson Mountbatten suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at the cars that had just arrived. All the believers below subconsciously turned their heads and looked over. The reporters at the scene also pointed their cameras there...

"Do you know? Anyone who blasphemes will not be forgiven by God. Now listen to me, everyone immediately retreat and stay away from them, further away. You should remember how God punishes those who blaspheme... "

While making impassioned remarks, Mountbatten looked up at the sky.

Cloudy weather, the clouds are not thick.

The crowd had begun to retreat desperately.

Follow Neeson Mountbatten’s words and start staying away from those vehicles…

The people in the car probably also noticed that the situation was a little strange. The door was opened and three people got out of the car...

But the crowd retreated faster.

This made the three people obviously hesitant. After all, they were not rushing towards them, but retreating.

One of them seemed to be reporting on the phone, and finally got back into the car, started the car, and seemed to be preparing to leave first.

However, not long after the car started, a light beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the car that Obote Lelo had just photographed...

Fortunately, the lightning was not strong, but it was enough to instantly stall the car that had just started.

This sudden scene did not frighten the believers at the gathering. On the contrary, after the thunder was not too violent, countless people began to cheer crazily.

Because the sun shines on the ground again. Lo and behold, God appears again and protects His believers...

Nissen Mountbatten just looked at the unaffected car next to him from a distance. After a moment of pause, someone suddenly stumbled out of the car and started emergency rescue. The patriarch only glanced at the specially invited reporter. , after smiling slightly, he raised his hands and walked towards the opposite side: "Brothers and sisters, there is no need to worry about me, I will explain everything to these people. The true God will protect me!"

Neeson Mountbatten certainly believed that God would protect him.

Oh shit!

The 200 million campaign funds were closely related to his freedom and life. He didn't believe that with today's campaign and the 200 million check, who else in Texas would be so blind!

Almost at the same time, Mellen Kermit, who had just settled in the hotel, saw multiple push messages on his mobile phone.

Immediately, a cold sweat broke out subconsciously.

At this time, he was almost madly thanking Conan Lamar.

If it hadn't been for this old friend's reminder, perhaps his name would be in the news now.

He subconsciously reached for a glass of whiskey provided by the hotel and drank it all in one gulp. The hot feeling in his throat made him suddenly excited and wanted to cry...

It’s so good to be alive!

In China, the mood on the Internet can probably be described as weird.

Although because of the news at eight o'clock, many people began to pay attention to Ning Zhe's upcoming report meeting, and even took the initiative to look for live videos on the Internet.

But after all, simultaneous interpretation is still relatively expensive these days.

At the report meeting, Ning Zi spoke in English again, and the codes and mathematical formulas were displayed on the big screen, so most people could only watch the excitement.

It doesn't matter what you say if you don't understand, but the reaction from the audience is understandable.

Is this a reaction to a normal presentation?

Really, if it were a normal report meeting, no one would last long before it would be shut down.

After all, that would be too dull.

Who has the patience to waste an hour looking at something they don’t understand?

But this report is obviously different.

Accidents happen frequently, and the voices in the audience can actually be louder than the voices on the stage?

This also caused countless people to start discussing what Ning Zi said.

When the attention reached a certain level, the big guys who knew English couldn't sit still anymore and started live broadcasting in their own circles.

Ning Zi said something, and he said something...

Although some professional mathematical terminology is difficult to translate, it can somewhat help everyone understand what is going on.

However, at the most critical moment, the live broadcast suddenly stopped.

Yes, it suddenly broke!

Just when many people were confused, some scattered videos began to appear on the Internet.

At this time, Ning Zi was no longer on the stage where he had just spoken.

There was a chaotic scene under the stage, and the voices of "Don't go, Ning, don't go..."

It makes countless people confused...

Damn, what's going on?

"What did Ning Zi say at the conference?"

It has also become the most hotly discussed topic on the Internet at this time.

Compared with the confusion of netizens on the Internet, the emotions rolling in the hearts of the big bosses who have learned all the inside information at this time can probably make people explode on the spot.

Zhang Haifeng has begun to receive the eighth call, each of which is asking about the security situation and itinerary planning for Ning Jie's participation in the conference.

He was already dry with explanations, but he had no choice. He couldn't afford to offend the person behind every phone call.

Zhang Haifeng knew that Ning Zi could do anything, but he probably wouldn't have thought that this guy could do so much.

Is this kind of thing something that can be officially announced externally?

Can we please stop making decisions on our own?

Really, Zhang Haifeng is going crazy!

He simply couldn't bear to think about how he would handle himself if something unexpected happened to Ning Zi during this trip.

If he had known earlier, he should have used a few more special planes and sent out all the best teams.

No, this time Ning Zi comes back and he has to talk to this guy... No, I should suggest confiscating this guy's passport directly.

Such a genius mathematician is simply terrifying!

But what can he do now?

He could only contact the Brazilian Embassy over and over again while answering the phone to learn about Ning Zi's itinerary. Other than that, he could do almost nothing.

Also having questions on his head at this time was naturally the tall Principal Chen.

Even at this time, he didn't react.

Didn’t you agree that you would come back after winning a prize at the World Congress of Mathematicians this time?

The award was indeed won, but what on earth would the subsequent report be?

Yes, if Zhang Haifeng received a lot of phone calls, he only needed an explanation.

But the phone calls he received were often filled with criticism.

Everyone was asking him how he educated his students. Why had this kind of thing never been reported before?

Chen Yonggang’s injustice...

Can Ning Zi be educated by him? It would be better if Ning Zi did not educate him in turn!

Besides, what did he report? Ning Zi never told him these things at all, and he didn't understand technology. How could he know that Ning Zi would talk about such things in his report meeting?

This is indeed the truth.

But Chen Yonggang soon discovered that it was obvious that many of the phone calls were just to vent his temper, and people didn't even bother to listen to his explanation. Of course, Chen Yonggang could probably understand that he was probably scolded just now, so he was so angry.

So he figured out that no matter what he said, it was of no use.

Because no matter from any angle, he deserves to be scolded bloody.

Some bosses even asked him sincerely, could he pay more attention to key students? If he really had a heart-to-heart with Ning Zi, would he not tell him about this in advance?

Really, Chen Yonggang already wanted to cry. How could he care about Ning Zi? He even cared more about Ning Zi than his own son, but his biological son wouldn't tell him everything, so why should he ask Ning Zi to tell him everything?

Yes, Chen Yonggang was really upset at this time.

Chen Yonggang was not the only one in chaos at this time.

It should be said that the entire academic community in China is probably in chaos.

Many people can't quite tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

In particular, many big bosses who received consultation calls were completely confused.

In fact, it is understandable that today is a day worth celebrating.

Ning Zi can win the Fields Medal in Mathematics and set a new record as the youngest winner of the Fields Medal. The entire Chinese academic community is proud of it.

This is why famous universities across the country started celebrating on Weibo as soon as the news of the award was confirmed.

But the content of Ning Zi’s report may still be too radical in the eyes of many people.

If you look up information on the Internet, you will know that this matter is huge.

What's even more frightening is that everyone still doesn't know how many trump cards Ning Zi has.

Naturally, it is even harder to say where this matter will develop.

But one thing is certain, Ning Zi has become Tang Monk meat at this moment.

Some benefits can be calculated with the naked eye.

Not to mention the possible compensation, the value of the turbulence algorithm itself, especially now that no one dares to pirate it anymore, the benefits brought by this technology are astronomical...

Probably no one dares to think about how to waste this special train fee. In other words, in the blue ocean market worth trillions of dollars in the future, everyone will have to pay the patent fee to Ning Ju honestly. Just thinking about it can drive countless people crazy.

Really, there is no need for a so-called patent application to keep everyone honest, and probably no one in the world can do that.

The invisible richest man in the world controls half of Internet security. What’s even more frightening is that such a man is 21 years old this year and has just won the Fields Medal in Mathematics and the Turing Award. This is not just the thigh of academia. This has been directly upgraded to the thigh of capital. .

How could they evaluate such a person and guess what Ning Zi was thinking?

The only thing I hope for at this time is that this guy can return to China safely and quickly.

As a result, countless eyes focused on the plane still in the sky.

On the plane back to China, Dominic Duncan was holding his eighth glass of water.

At this time, the joy and excitement when he came to the stage to receive the award this morning were completely gone from the young man's face, and only nervousness remained.

Really, he never imagined that such an important day in his life would be so exciting.

What left Dominette Duncan speechless the most was that for a long time he was not afraid to go back to Harvard.

On the way just now, he roughly inquired about the coverage of the ultimate network security algorithm. Hmm... When he goes back now, he will probably be investigated by many incomprehensible people, asking over and over again how many unknown secrets Ning Zi has mastered. The scary thing is that he doesn't know anything.

At this time, he felt as pure as a little white rabbit.

This game was too cruel, why did he suddenly stand in the middle?

The plane had been flying for five hours, and the three people in the cabin had almost no communication.

Dominette Duncan has a lot to say but doesn't know where to start.

Zhai Qiuxian, the only one equipped with a satellite phone, would receive calls from time to time and then leave the cabin. After coming back, she would spend most of her time staring at Ning Zi.

Ning Zi was sitting in front of the computer, handling things as usual.

Just when Zhai Qiuxian received a call again and walked out of the cabin, while Dominette Duncan was thinking about how to speak, break the silence, and bravely asked her doubts, Zhai Qiuxian came back again and took the initiative to break the silence.

"I just heard some news. Six billionaires jumped from the building, and three of them shot themselves directly."

After hearing these words, Dominette Duncan swallowed back the words that had stuck in her throat.

He knew, he fucking knew, that this incident was going to be big...

For the first time, Dominette Duncan regretted that he had worked so hard to learn Chinese this year and could not understand anything.

However, Ning Jie didn't even raise his head and responded casually: "What a pity."

After hearing such an understatement, Dominette Duncan finally couldn't help it anymore and spoke out the questions lingering in his mind: "Ning, why? I really don't understand! You originally had a better way to deal with it, but you didn't do it at all. Those problems need to be announced in public on an occasion like today. Even if you tell those companies privately about these problems first? As long as they are not made public, they will definitely ask for what you want, and you can even get more!"

Ning Zi raised her head and glanced at the excited Dominette Duncan, feeling very pleased.

If you have any questions, just ask them.

I'm afraid that if I keep it in my heart, it will be difficult to cooperate in the future.

Just this question...

After sighing in his heart, Ning Zi glanced at the kitten lying on the table and explained: "Because I like to watch the excitement."

Hearing this return, Dominette Duncan's mind was instantly confused.

"We are afraid..."

"I like to watch the excitement..."

The Harvard mathematics professor suddenly regretted that he had never been exposed to psychology, so that for a while he couldn't figure out whether the two kinds of psychology could be combined in one person. But as a normal person, he felt extremely inconsistent.

"And since these people have chosen to commit suicide in this situation, even if I choose a gentler approach, they cannot accept it. Because if I use private contact, I will only ask for more. Some things are not known to the public This situation will bring greater pressure to the sober people. Watching your wealth transferred without even being able to find a way to recover it will be even more painful."

Ning Zi explained again.

Dominette Duncan suddenly didn't know how to argue.

Because he knew very well that he had no position that could make Ning Zi less important.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Ning Zi can't really be blamed for this incident.

If these people had followed the requirements in Ningji's instructions and honestly purchased the activation code when using it commercially, instead of thinking about how to take this technology for themselves, then nothing would have happened now.

Of course, Dominic Duncan didn't think it was clear how innocent Ning Zi was, so he argued again: "But if you had stated the consequences more clearly in the instruction manual, maybe nothing would have happened. "

Ning Zi nodded, and then asked: "How to make it clearer? I think even judging from common sense, when a mathematician uploads the source code of an algorithm and indicates that this is a test version, If commercial use will have serious consequences, isn't this reminder enough? So you need to ask me to prejudge their possible consequences? For example, choosing to kill themselves? In fact, their choices from beginning to end are nothing more than greed and ending in stupidity."

"But greed is never fatal." Dominette Duncan argued unconvincingly.

"But the stupidity of greed is fatal." Ning Zi retorted seriously.

Zhai Qiuxian, who had been listening to the argument between the two, suddenly spoke: "Professor Duncan, so you adhere to the theory of guilt for defending the victims' rights, right?"

"Ah..." One sentence instantly left Dominette Duncan speechless. No matter how he defended himself, if everyone really followed the agreed upon rules, there would be no such consequences.

Although Ning Zi's approach was a bit radical, if you think about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with him from beginning to end.

Now that I think about it, it's really all stupid fault.

If those people weren't so stupid that they couldn't even see what was hidden in the open source code, naturally there wouldn't be so many things happening later. So who can you blame?

Unable to argue, Dominette Duncan subconsciously turned his gaze to the window, and suddenly made another discovery. From his point of view, there was a black spot on the upper left side of the plane. From what he could see clearly, it seemed to be a plane...

There is an airplane within sight of the naked eye? !

Dominic was horrified and subconsciously pointed out the window and shouted, "What do you think that is?"

Zhai Qiuxian still responded calmly: "Well, don't be afraid, they are escorting us."


"Okay, if I were you, I would choose to have a good sleep first, and the return trip will be quick."

Ning Zi decided to listen to the advice, so she closed the computer and walked into his room.

After Dominette Duncan was stunned for a moment, he stood up and walked into the bathroom.

Ning Zi slept soundly and for a long time. When he got up, his cell phone had signal.

Yes, he was woken up by a phone call.

Or maybe the little cutie in March took the initiative to wake him up when the call came through.

The call was from Tim Cook.

This was not beyond Ning Zi's expectation.

There are not many channels through which he can directly communicate with the other party. Currently, Apple is probably the smoothest.

After answering the phone, Ning Zi took the lead in saying hello: "Hello, Mr. Cook."

"Hello, okay, Ning, you made a not-so-funny joke to the whole world."

"Obviously, this is not a joke." Ning Zi retorted.

He really didn't mean to joke.

"Well, okay, you're right. Someone asked me to ask you what you want. Of course, everything can be discussed."

"I want what is rightfully mine and compensation for the infringement."

"Of course, this is what it should be. But you know, this takes time to define, so I hope you can give me some time, at least don't post the methods you mentioned that can test the false turbulence algorithm to the public network at this time. "

"This can be considered, but you have to ask me first what price they are willing to pay. If I agree with the price they give, I can agree."

"Okay, Ning, it's obviously not up to them to decide what price they are willing to pay now. Why don't you just state your request directly and I will relay it to you."

"Then I first need to know who you are making this call on behalf of."

The person on the other side was silent for a moment and replied: "Qualcomm, after purchasing the ultimate network security algorithm, they designed several sets of routing and switching equipment solutions."

"Oh...if it's Qualcomm, I remember they invested a lot of money in Boston Dynamics. If they can give me some information that I need to refer to and a large strong magnetic field research center, I can meet their requirements."

"Well... Ning, you know, this request... I can't guarantee that they will agree to it."

"Of course, I don't necessarily need their permission. But you can tell them that if they can do this, at least there won't be any problems until the equipment involving Qualcomm is replaced. I can find out which products are used Qualcomm designed solutions.”

"Well...well, I'll bring you your exact words."

"Well. Goodbye, Mr. Cook."


Ning Zi hung up the phone, put the phone aside, and sat quietly on the bed for a while before walking out of the room.

Dominette Duncan is already sitting outside, eating the meals provided on the plane. It seems that after a period of rest, this guy has calmed down. At least he can eat, and his appetite looks good. .

Zhai Qiuxian was sitting in her seat, flipping through a tablet computer.

Judging from the woman's expression, she looked much more relaxed.

Of course, when he walked out of the room, both of them glanced at him.

"How long until it arrives?"

"If everything goes well, the plane will land at the Beijing Airport in four hours. You slept for fifteen hours." Zhai Qiuxian looked at Ning Ji and said.

"Yes, she went into your room twice, but you didn't even wake up. I admire you very much, Ning... you can sleep so soundly."

Ning Zi shrugged, then winked at Zhai Qiuxian and said, "No wonder you are so hungry. Well, I want to eat a beef rice bowl, and I want more beef."

Zhai Qiuxian glanced at Ning Ji, then at Dominette Duncan, then nodded, stood up and walked towards the front of the cabin.

Dominette Duncan slowed down the action of cutting the steak. When Ning Zi's eyes moved to him, he felt a little nervous, and then had a premonition that maybe something that would change his life was about to happen.

At this time, Ning Zi's cat also slipped out of the room, then gently jumped onto the dining table in front of him, and then lay down there.

Dominet Duncan suddenly felt that this scene was very familiar, and soon he remembered that a year ago when he walked into Ning's dormitory and looked through the draft papers, the cat also made the same move, lying down quietly. There, staring at him quietly.

But before he could think more, Ning Zi suddenly said: "Dominette, have you ever thought about the future?"

"Um...what do you mean?" Dominette Duncan felt nervous, gave up the steak on the plate, turned to look at Ning She and asked.

"That's right, do you still want to go back to Harvard?" Ning Zi asked.

Dominette Duncan did not answer, but looked at Ning Zi with more vigilance.

"I have something I want to show you." Ning Zi said and handed over the notebook he had just worked on.

Dominette Duncan glanced at Ning Zi, then took the computer handed over by Ning Zi, pushed aside the almost eaten steak plate, and sat there to read.

"Is this the thesis you just completed recently?" Dominette Duncan looked up at Ning Zi with a surprised look on his face.

"Well, keep reading, you may find it very familiar. Let me eat first and talk to you if you have any questions."

Soon, Zhai Qiuxian brought the beef rice bowl that Ning Zi wanted.

Ning Zi began to feast, while Dominette Duncan next to him began to study the paper carefully.

Soon Ning Zi finished her meal, and Dominette was still looking at the computer...

It wasn't until the captain's voice came from the cabin that the landing was imminent. Zhai Qiuxian stood up and took away Dominette Duncan's computer and told them to fasten their seat belts. Only then did Dominique Duncan react and look at Ning in shock. Jie.

Ning Ji sighed: "Professor Duncan, welcome to Yanbei University of Physical Education. You have also read the paper just now. I think it is really not suitable for you to leave China before we complete the first step. The reason for doing this You can understand this decision as a kind of protection."

Dominette Duncan was stunned...

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