The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 408: Mysterious Voice

In order to save their seriously injured companion, the two banshees threw on the heavy shield, one of them clasped the edge of the shield with his hand.

If they can pull it away from Soshyang's palm, or lower it a little, the other one can make a lethal blow.

But the brave banshee knew she had made a mistake when she locked the gorgeous shield.

Soshyang was unequivocal. He realized the moment the threat approached, and when the opponent was waiting for an opportunity to seize the shield, he slammed into it and squeezed the banshee against the wall.

The power was like a Rand predator landing on her body. When the banshee stuck to the wall, she couldn’t say anything except breathe hard. Reaching the edge of the shield gave her a chance to stab Soshyang’s knee with a sword. But this only left a scar for Tao Gang.

Then Soshyang turned around and took a backhand shot that had been prepared a long time ago to end another banshee's sneak attack.

When the opponent wanted to attack again, the Sacred Yan sword rushed towards his face.

This blow easily passed through the banshee's defense, and hit her breastplate half a second later.

Even after the spirit warrior fell to the ground sluggishly, her armor still emits heavy smoke.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt blood and flesh.

After dealing with the other banshees, Soshyan released the one on the shield.

The banshee staggered forward, letting go of her numb hand.

The third and final shield blow knocked her over, falling down like a fallen leaf.

"Your impurity makes me sick."

Soshyang's angry buzzing sound was like his roar when he attacked. He moved to the side of the fallen banshee and stepped a boot on the opponent's breastplate.

"Why invade the realm of the empire? Your vicious performance shows your cancerous existence. Now your life has come to an end? Is it worth it?"

The banshee's laughter and coughing intermittently, she threw away her helmet, her long red hair clinging to her white and **** face.

"Disgusting monkey."

Although the other party didn't understand what she said, looking at the appearance of this alien girl clenching her teeth, it was obviously not good or bad.

Soshyang raised his sword, his expression hidden behind his visor.


A soft and angry voice suddenly came from behind, and Soshyang turned around and swung his sword without even thinking about it.

In the end he only chopped up a raindrop.

The source of the sound moved away from him in an instant, standing in the rain.

She looks taller than an average adult male, wearing a black and white robe with complicated symbols and words engraved on it. The soaking of rain makes the soft textile close to her elegant body.

This newly-emerged spirit race holds a sword, a stick, and long dark black hair is draped on her shoulders and behind her. His beautiful face is full of angry expressions, even the elegant almond eyes are staring big, and the rain drops smoothly. She kept dripping down with her pointed chin.


Soshyang moved his legs away from the banshee on the ground and turned the holy flames in a circle in his hand.

"Why don't you all learn badly."

Hearing Soshyang's words, the unfamiliar girl from the Spirit Race raised her eyebrows, revealing an expression of disgust.

"It's your violence and blood that makes people feel sick!"

Soshyang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that what came out of the opponent's mouth turned out to be Gothic, which was quite standard.

"Violence? Bloody? Look, look here, look at everything you do."

Soshyan made a circle with his sword.

"This is the territory of the empire, what are you doing?"

"We are preventing a disaster!"

"You are a disaster."

It's useless to say more, Soshyang stepped forward, raised his shield and held the sword in his hand.

"Be at peace with your fallen god, alien."

Veronica snorted with obvious disdain and irritation.

"Hmph, your fallen empire is just because people with your accent will become like this."

When Soshyan got closer, Veronica raised her staff with one hand.

She condensed her anger into a scorching energy ball that rushed forward with her tender drink. This energy ball came to Soshyang in a blink of an eye with majestic power.

But Soshyang didn't evade, and he slashed straight down.

With a loud noise, the energy ball disappeared.

"Wizard? Ridiculous."


Veronica was shocked, she backed quickly, and suddenly a explosive bomb hit her back shoulder and knocked her forward.

If it were not for the shelter of the psychic position, this one would be enough to kill her.

When she regained her balance and turned to check the source of the attack, she found that it was a thunder eagle in the sky.

So she once again raised her staff and released another blue flame toward the storm, trying to destroy the Thunder Eagle before it continued to interfere with her.


But suddenly, a tingling pain turned into her brain, and the alien girl immediately made a painful hiss.

"Witch, you are done."

Hearing the rumbling footsteps behind her, Veronica knew that her psychic energy was not working.

When she turned her head, the scorching blade was already in front of her, and the Spirit Race girl gritted her teeth and took out her assassin.

With only a bang, the crystals on her stick bloomed with magnificent brilliance, and then her whole person turned into a plume of blue smoke, making Soshyang's sword cut into loneliness.

Then, before the other party had yet to regain her strength, she appeared again, stretched out her right arm, and pressed two slender green fingers to Soshyang's forehead.

"who are you?"

Veronica asked directly in Soshyan's mind, searching for any flash of memory.

She wanted to seize his weakness, and then strangle his soul.

But when Veronica didn't expect it, there was nothing in Soshyang's soul sea. The only thing that was there was the cold wind fed back into her brain, which almost froze her soul.

In the end, she saw a gleam of light in the boundless darkness——

"what are you doing?"

Only a second later, Soshyang suddenly turned around to loosen the shield and grabbed the girl's neck, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"What are you doing in my head."

The moment the other party touched him, he had already noticed that something touched his consciousness, which made him feel very uneasy. He didn't know what strange ability the other party had, if...

"Say! Did you see something!"

Soshyang squeezed her hand and raised it, but Veronica was silent with tears and stubbornly shook her head.

"Then I can only..."

Soshyang raised the sword and aimed the blade at the head of the alien girl.

At that moment, she finally raised her gaze and stared at Soshyang, a pity of sympathy flowed from the azure blue pupils and touched his soul.

Soshyang’s sword hesitated, and his reason told him that this must be an alien trick——

Suddenly, as soon as he stabbed the sword, a certain voice rang in his head.

"Don't hurt her, or I will shake off your little secrets, Commander Soshyan."

Hearing the last three words, Soshyang's shoulders immediately froze.

He didn't know who was speaking, but his voice was obviously male, with a mocking tone.


Suddenly, a burning pain in his shoulder made him recover from his thoughts, and Soshyang turned around and saw a sword stuck in his back shoulder.

The banshee who had been defeated earlier was crouching on the ground, holding another sharp blade in her hand.

"Go to hell! Dirty monkey!"

When she leaped up again and pointed the sword at Soshyang's neck, Veronica suddenly raised her hand and threw her staff.


The stick went around in the air as if it was alive, hitting the banshee and knocking her down to the ground.

"Veronica! What are you doing!"


The spiritual girl who was strangled in her throat replied hoarsely:

"...He can't you crazy! This monkey is going to kill you now!"

"...No... OK."

This also stunned Soshyang.

He stared at Veronica for a long time, and the other person looked back at him.

After hesitating for about ten seconds, Soshyang finally let go of his hand slowly.

The liberated Spirit Race War Witch sat on the ground and coughed violently. After she panted slightly, she raised her head and said to Soshyang:

"We are not your enemy."

"Yes or not, it's not up to you to decide."

Soshyan replied indifferently, and when he turned his gaze to the direction of Sol, his pupils shrank suddenly.

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