Berg's body fell on the roadside, with his hands tied behind his back. His legs were bent due to the pain before death. His head was turned to one side. There was a bright blood hole on the right side, and blood was still pouring out.

No one buried it. This was not because the Germans were unsympathetic, but because they had orders not to bury Berg. To be precise, premature burial was not allowed. Berg's body had to be displayed in front of the entire team so that everyone would know the consequences of killing his comrades.

It is indeed necessary to do this as an army, because unity and trust are very important to the army. Only with these two points can soldiers win victory on the battlefield as a whole.

Therefore, unit commanders need to use this method to shock others to achieve the purpose of increasing cohesion.

But personally, Qin Chuan still felt that this was a bit much, especially since many German soldiers spat in the direction of Berg's body with disdain when they passed by it.

It wasn't until the troops were almost at the end that Kuhn waved to Qin Chuan and others before he began to bury Berg.

The method of burial is very simple. Use an engineering shovel to dig a hole in the sand nearby. Two people carry the body into the pit one after another. After covering it with sand, Berg's engineering shovel is inserted in front of the grave as a tombstone. , a soldier even put Berg's helmet on the tombstone.

After Qin Chuan and others left, only a lone helmet was left swaying in the wind and sand under the setting sun, and several vultures appeared in the sky. They had smelled the smell of blood and were waiting to come down for a meal.

The next day, the troops successfully arrived at Mses Oasis.

The Mses Oasis is not really an oasis as imagined. It is actually a small pond of several hundred square meters, surrounded by some weeds that have been dried and yellowed by the sun. You can only visit it if you are close to the pond or in the pond. See a little green.

But this was exciting enough for people walking in the desert. The soldiers excitedly ran to the oasis and drank greedily. Some even jumped into the pond to cheer loudly.

Of course Qin Chuan can understand their mood, because Qin Chuan himself can hardly restrain his desire for the pond in front of him... At other times, Qin Chuan would not have paid much attention to this unremarkable looking pond. At first glance, but now, this pond seems to have a kind of magic power, making Qin Chuan have the idea of ​​"just stay here and never go anywhere."

However, this was just a luxury, because the order was quickly passed down: "Take a break for fifteen minutes!"

Fifteen minutes... At this time, the soldiers who jumped directly into the pond regretted it, because they had to wear soaked clothes on the road.

"Do you know why you are in such a hurry?" Werner was relatively well-informed. He went out for a circle and then came back and said: "Because our troops are about to reach Mechili, we must get to Tengeter as soon as possible, otherwise the enemy will Will escape from our encirclement!"

"God!" the baker couldn't help but exclaimed: "Our troops have reached Mechili. Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true!" Werner replied confidently.

The baker took out a map from his pocket, looked at it and said: "That's a distance of more than 700 kilometers. They only took them ten days. Didn't the British resist at all?"

"What else can we expect from the British?" Werner winked.

Werner's words caused a burst of laughter from the surrounding German soldiers. They were all extremely proud that the British army was vulnerable to the German army.

The baker didn't understand what was going on, but Qin Chuan did.

The combat effectiveness of the British army is not as bad as it appears. The problem lies in the judgment of the British Commander-in-Chief Wavell.

Weiweier always believed that Rommel would not attack again, so there was no defense or effective planning and deployment of counterattack.

In fact, this is not to blame Wei Weier, because at this time the British army had "super secrets."

The so-called "super secret" refers to an intelligence organization located in Bletchley Manor, England. To be precise, it is the first rudimentary computer built by British intelligence personnel. It can use mechanical means to violently crack the German army. The code... It's a bit like trying to guess someone else's password using permutations and combinations.

Originally, it would take more than ten years to decipher the telegraph code in this way... This is obviously impractical, because when the telegraph code is deciphered, the war will probably be over.

However, the German army always added the words "Heil Hitler" at the end of the code. After the British intelligence personnel entered these words into "super secret", the deciphering time was shortened exponentially.

Finally, in May 1940, the British army successfully deciphered the first code using "super secret". From then on, the contents of the German military messages were almost exposed to the British army.

The reason why Weiweier judged that the German army would not attack was because he obtained from "super secrets" Hitler's orders to Rommel one after another, all of which told Rommel to stop attacking and garrison in place.

So Weiweier believed that Rommel was only conducting offensive patrol warfare, not a real offensive warfare.

However, who would have thought that Rommel completely ignored Hitler's orders and launched "real offensive wars" against the British defense lines again and again that Weiweier believed would not happen.

This made the British army passive again and again in battle.

As a result, the regiments Rommel put into the front advanced more than 700 kilometers in just ten days... This speed even exceeded Rommel's own imagination.

And this was the result after the troops were attacked by a sandstorm...

The sandstorm, known locally as the "Kibli Wind", swept through most of Cyrenaica and raised temperatures in the area to 54 degrees Celsius.

The sandstorm caused the least damage to Qin Chuan's group... Only more than a hundred people in the first group were missing, and more than fifty people were confirmed dead. The main reason is that the regiment's troops are relatively concentrated and well prepared.

Other regiments, such as the Second Regiment, were scattered in various places to pursue the British army when the sandstorm came, so once the storm passed, they did not know where they were, nor did they know whether the people on the opposite side or next to them were British troops or German troops.

What's more, even Rommel couldn't find his troops... At this time, Rommel himself was only ten kilometers away from Mechili. He wanted to gather his troops to attack Mechili, but in the end, there were only dozens of soldiers around him. people.

Among them, especially the 5th Armored Regiment, which has the most tanks, cannot be contacted at all, and it seems that it has completely disappeared.

It was later discovered that this was because their radio stations all malfunctioned and became unusable due to the attack by the wind and sand.

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