Technology empire starts from industrial manufacturing

Chapter 114 Chen Fan's National Channel Layout (Please vote, please subscribe!)

"Yes, is there a problem?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said indifferently.

"Hehe, if you have the money to distribute 50,000 mobile phones for free, of course I have no objection, as long as it's not the 50,000 that I bought."

"Haha, I have no money, and the 50,000 mobile phones that I threatened to distribute for free are the 50,000 mobile phones for you." This matter must be explained clearly, so don't cause misunderstandings at that time.

"." There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

"Chen Fan, it's not appropriate for you to do this. It's as if I, Wang Zhigang, didn't give me any money. Why did you give out the mobile phone for free in the end?" Wang Zhigang's voice could be heard to be displeased.

"Brother Wang, you haven't given me any money yet. Let's talk about it. If you buy me 50,000 mobile phones for 10 million yuan, are you willing to give me the money?" Chen Fan didn't show any face, and directly turned back.

During this period of time, Chen Fan and Wang Zhigang basically talked on the phone every day, and when they had time, they would have a meal together to enhance their relationship, so they were quite familiar with each other.

"I haven't seen the goods yet. You want money from me? Besides, no matter how much money you have, our sale and purchase agreement has been signed. That is to say, I really spent money on your 50,000 mobile phones." Money bought it!"

"Okay, isn't your core purpose just to test the 2.5G mobile network? Don't put the cart before the horse. Brother Xu from Tonglian is very good. He doesn't care about such trivial matters at all. You are here to pretend to be 5 million, don't hurt you image in my mind"

"You" was blocked by Wang Zhigang, and he couldn't hold back a rebuttal for a long time.

"You take care of yourself, I can't do business with you anymore, you are too rude!" Finally, he put down these words and ended the call.

Chen Fan curled his lips, and after Peony Lingyin exerted his strength, he still wasn't sure how Wang Zhigang would jump up, so this trivial matter should be added as a pre-heating.

jingle bell bell~

The phone rang again, and I looked down to see Xu Chengxing from Contact.

Good guy, these two people seem to have discussed it, they called one after the other, what a coincidence


"Okay, isn't your core purpose just to test the 2.5G mobile network? Don't put the cart before the horse. Brother Wang from Mobile Communications is very good. He doesn't care about such small things at all. You're acting hypocritical for five million. Don't tarnish your image in my heart"

Xiao Lingshan rolled her eyes and listened to Chen Fan's phone call, but you changed the words, copying them from front to back.

Knock Knock Knock~

Just as Chen Fan had finished dealing with Xu Chengxing who was on the phone, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

As the voice fell, a middle-aged man in his forties came in, about 170 cm tall, with a short cut, a suit and a collar, and a pair of glasses. He was the general manager of Peony Trading, Liang Hanji.

"Chen Dong!" Liang Hanji greeted Chen Fan, then looked at Xiao Lingshan and said another sentence. "Boss Xiao is here too."

Xiao Lingshan nodded with a smile, stood up and said. "My work is done, let's talk, I have to rush back to the company, there are a lot of things waiting to be dealt with."

Chen Fan: "Well, go get busy and call me if you need anything."

Liang Hanji: "President Xiao, walk slowly."

"Old Liang, don't stand there, sit down and talk." Chen Fan looked up at Liang Hanji who had been standing there, and said with a smile.

Liang Hanji nodded, sat on the sofa opposite Chen Fan, then took out a document and said.

"Chen Dong, this is the operation status of Peony Trading. It is the latest version, as of yesterday."

Chen Fan: "Tell me the key points, and I'll listen."

After Liang Hanji responded, he opened the file, picked up the key data and began to report.

"As of yesterday, there were a total of 635 physical stores under Peony Trading Co., Ltd., mainly distributed in North China, Northeast China, East China and other regions, plus Qingzhou City in the southwest region, and among them, Jinzhou City, Jingzhou City , Haizhou City, Gyeongju City, the four major municipalities directly under the central government, we have 135 physical stores, and the remaining 400 are concentrated in prefecture-level cities in North China, Northeast China, and East China.”

Chen Fan nodded to express his understanding. This is the result of his nearly two months of battle. If Liang Hanji hadn't joined last month, to be honest, it would be impossible to deploy 635 physical stores in such a short period of time.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Chen Fan and Liang Hanji personally select the location of every physical store. In such a short period of time, even if they have three heads and six arms, they can't run all over the country at the same time.

Speaking of Liang Hanji, the two met in Haizhou City. At that time, Liang Hanji was at the bottom of his life and had to sell off the physical channels in East China mainly in Haizhou City.

He is from a trading background, mainly engaged in overseas import and export trade, and he is also a health care product. He made a lot of money in the early stage, but failed to control the cost in the mid-term. He vigorously expanded physical channels and deployed in East China. More than 400 In just a few years, it has become a large-scale channel dealer in East China.

That period of time was Liang Hanji's most beautiful time, and his influence increased. No matter where he went, he was always the object of compliments. Even his dream lover, a well-known female broadcasting hostess, invited him to have dinner together. .

But this kind of scenery could not be maintained for a long time. Once a health product problem occurred, his competitors launched a fierce attack on this point, causing his daily sales to start to fall.

The weakness brought about by the rapid expansion also began to manifest at this time. More than 400 stores cost money to maintain every day, and the business was sluggish. Day after day, Liang Hanji finally shouldered heavy debts, and later he was desperate When I met Chen Fan.

"Currently, our nationwide sales channels mainly sell products such as Peony Ringtone of Pingfan Communication, Y06 flip phone of Yutong Technology, Founder notebook computer, and a small amount of Diao electronic toys."

Listening to Liang Hanji's report, Chen Fan couldn't help feeling a little helpless. There were still too few products, but there was nothing he could do about it. The channels he wanted to deploy were not all products, but mainly high-tech products. Lord, for this reason, the decoration of all stores across the country is full of simple and technological sense. In this regard, Chen Fan referred to the later Apple stores.

For the channel of high-tech products, the first impression is very important. The products do not need to be many, but it must make customers feel a sense of nobility that is different from other stores.

Therefore, Chen Fan spent 50 million yuan on the uniform installation of stores across the country, and together with the brainwashing training of employees, he also spent 13 million yuan on it. He found a team of professional trainers. Subtle training is carried out day after day.

"The nationwide channel layout, as of yesterday, has invested a total of 213.8 million yuan, including 50.8 million yuan in store rent, 50 million yuan in decoration costs, 13 million yuan in training costs, and 13 million yuan in early-stage distribution. One hundred million."

"As for the sales situation, according to the statistics, as of yesterday, the business hours were 46 days, from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm, with a total sales of 14.605 million, of which Founder notebook computers accounted for 63%, Diao toys accounted for 20 percent, Yutong Technology Y06 mobile phone accounted for 11 percent, and Peony Ringtone of ordinary communication accounted for 6 percent.”

Hearing this, the corners of Chen Fan's mouth couldn't help twitching. I'm really upset about losing money every day.

Wait a minute, when the Ordinary Generation comes online, together with Fan Ling's electronic assembly toys, it should be able to turn things around in one fell swoop!

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