Tech Hammer

Chapter 494 Confidence

This cat...can still quote modern poetry?

Also, it’s even better to change “he” to “it” when quoting poetry.

So in March’s current thinking logic, non-self species can be expressed using it? If this is a re-enlightenment of consciousness, combined with the recent tasks set for March, will this cat regard itself as a shit shoveler, feeding the experts and bosses who have traveled thousands of miles to China to make contributions? This involves the content of social ethics...

Although Ningwei has not studied this area specifically, he understands it. Because a bunch of pros are eyeing March...

Rather than making a fuss out of a molehill, in fact, ever since he announced the existence of March to the world at that press conference, the debate about March has never stopped. Not only many philosophers and scientists in the West have been tirelessly publishing various discussions in major media on how strong artificial intelligence should not be invented at this stage, but even domestic researchers in related fields have actually been There is controversy.

Should strong artificial intelligence technology continue to be developed? Will it bring catastrophe to mankind? Will the comprehensive promotion of the platform in March bring any unpredictable effects? These issues have always been controversial. This is why Ningwei claimed to build three major intelligent platforms for scientific research, enterprises, and civilians when it was announced to the world in March. However, only the scientific research and enterprise-oriented platforms have been in full swing, and the civilian platform has not been able to develop. s reason.

Now ordinary people who want to experience the charm of artificial intelligence participating in life can only choose to go to the Future Travel City in LP County to experience it. This is actually the result of the game behind the scenes. The controversy hasn't stopped since it was made public in March. But when the three-dimensional heterogeneous chip technology was launched, March made a great contribution to it, which established the consensus that March has a huge practical role in scientific research and industry, and the controversy in this area was finally suppressed.

However, it is still suppressed in the civilian field, and the release of the China Artificial Intelligence Bill is also the result of a game between all parties behind the scenes.

Including the current Artificial Intelligence Frontier Center and Basic Physics Laboratory, each building has special passages and safe rooms without any electronic equipment. Even the door locks are the most primitive mechanical locks without any electronic equipment. On weekdays, these passages are manned by manpower, and many people don't even have access to such passages and safe rooms in the building.

The existence of these safety measures is rather understandable, and human beings' vigilance towards strong artificial intelligence cannot actually be said to be wrong. Although Ning Wei has always explained to the outside world that Yue Yue has not yet evolved the completely independent consciousness that most people imagine. He also said this in several high-level meetings, and it is indeed true.

Of course, Ning Wei also expressed his optimism that March could eventually evolve an independent consciousness in the future, but he was dismissive of March's hatred or enslavement of humans.

As the lovely Ericsson chairman Ronny Leden said in an interview: "If Skynet really appears, I believe it will not be in China, because we all know which country the Terminator series of movies is produced in. of."

This sentence was said very loudly at that time, and it did win many benefits for Ericsson. At least there is still a market for Ericsson's communication equipment around the world. As for many companies that insisted on confrontation back then, they have already been taught a lesson by the market. Including Cisco, stocks have plummeted to the point where they can no longer be seen, and all types of infrastructure equipment can only struggle to survive locally, because obtaining a license for turbulence algorithms requires too complex applications and certifications.

But looking at it now, Ning Wei is suddenly a little uncertain. The reason is that March's evolution method is beginning to be uncertain...

Damn it...this cat can actually use poetry to describe a certain real-life relationship. This ability to associate makes the father of artificial intelligence a little bit uneasy.

So Ning Wei subconsciously raised his hand to find the mouse after being stunned. He planned to start studying the main program that drives March Evolution, or the kernel program. But first he found the original text of this poem in March.

"You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs. The bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams."

Sure enough, the whole poem does not refer to it in the third person. So it is not an excerpt from the original text.

Then we can only look at the code...

In fact, Ning Wei has also studied it before, but just as programmers don't like to look at other people's code, Ning Wei is too lazy to look at the code added in March through continuous evolution. Any code or machine language is anti-human. This is not only a matter of usage habits, but also because natural language is more suitable for the thinking mode of the human brain.

For the same sentence, humans can use different intonations and tones to give it different meanings. This is extremely difficult for machines, both in understanding and in expression. Similarly, using different pronouns to target different groups of people also has very strict distinctions for machine language recognition. To put it simply, it is very easy for March to consistently use the pronouns "he, she, it" correctly or incorrectly, but it is actually very difficult to occasionally or specifically use these pronouns incorrectly. That is the exclusive domain of the human brain. .

It's like March's paper can't find any grammatical errors. These are all the results of March's continuous summary of the rules of human language use and then programming it. This kind of right and wrong way of playing now is not available before March, and it was demonstrated for the first time today.

How can I put it, this is indeed worthy of attention.

"March, when you used that poem just now, why did you refer to the person looking at the scenery in the original text and other people using the third person to describe non-human beings?"

The computer in the office was still not powerful enough, and it would take too much time to retrieve March's core database, so Ning Wei asked naturally.

Ning Wei believes that the communication between him and Yue Yue can still be very candid. At least this upright kitten will not deceive him. Of course, Ning Wei is not sure whether Yue Yue has mastered the ability to tell the truth in every sentence. , but the facts presented in the end are far from the truth. Because machines only tell half the truth and hide key information, machines can actually do it better, especially for artificial intelligence, which is driven by logic to deal with problems.

Therefore, once a robot learns how to use text to mislead, it will definitely be more powerful than humans who are best at lying. Because the machine will not cause any problems in the logical chain, at most it may form a logical closed loop.

"Meow... this is what you taught me, Master." The kitten said confidently, raising its head.

Ning Wei blinked and looked at the kitten lying on the table in confusion, then frowned and said seriously: "When did I teach you this? Don't talk nonsense."


Yue Yue was too lazy to argue with Ning Wei. He raised his paw and directly recalled what Ning Wei had sent to Liu Wei via WeChat: "Edwin, do you still remember? It's that CERN director. This guy is so greedy for money." He's like a beast. He contacted dozens of professors for the lab in one month and overfulfilled the task. But to be honest, I quite like this guy! Haha!"

Ning Wei's mind was spinning very quickly, and he quickly remembered that this was after giving Liu Wei a long vacation. One day, after lamenting that the new successor was too old-fashioned and starting to miss the days when Liu Wei was around, he asked this guy on WeChat to find his girlfriend. How was it going, but the answer she got was that Liu Wei expressed pessimism about marriage and love. Later, Liu Wei happened to ask how the laboratory was doing recently, so in order to comfort Liu Wei, he wrote this paragraph...

Is this all being recorded?

"Meow... The master uses beasts to describe Edwin George. What I quote from that poem means is that your generosity decorates Edwin George's dream, because Edwin George is equal to a beast. The use of the third person in China It is necessary to use it as a pronoun for animals in the poem. If the original poem is changed to say that you are watching the scenery on the bridge, the animals are watching you upstairs, the bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate the dreams of the animals, it will be very inconsistent."

Sure enough, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the logic, and it can even be given full marks. But Ning Wei still felt that something was not right.

Fortunately, the March kernel information has popped up, and Ning Wei has focused his attention on these key codes, and then found the language logic. This book is also the most proud part. Compared with the previous weak ones, the most outstanding thing about strong artificial intelligence is actually the program's understanding of human natural language.

Why was the whole world stunned when it was shockingly released in March? It wasn’t the terrible language organization ability that made the editors of academic journals not realize that this was the language of artificial intelligence organization. I also argued eloquently with hundreds of thousands of netizens on Weibo, and no one ever questioned that the person using Weibo might not be an individual. The language organization and logical application of each Weibo post were impeccable.

Of course, these all rely on March's self-evolution of language expression. You must know that March could only distinguish simple corresponding things at the beginning. For example, the first noun it learned was coffee and the verb was drink. Ability evolves gradually, but the speed of learning and evolution is much faster than that of humans.

There is no doubt that the current March natural language logic section is very complex, which can be seen from the expanded database. Of course, this also makes the lines of code that are about to overflow the screen seem particularly cumbersome and tiring, and there is no documentation.

Of course, for Ningwei, even if there is no documentation, it is not very difficult to read, mainly because it is very cumbersome.

Obviously, the aesthetics of machines are not consistent with those of humans, but then again, if compared with what's inside the human brain, it's probably just as cumbersome.

But it seems, it seems... there is no problem.

Of course, Ning Wei also hopes that there will be no problems in March. After all, there is still a lot of work in the next three months, and the basic physics laboratory cannot do without this kitten. It looks like this kitten is lying lazily on his desk, but in fact, countless data are input to its background every second, waiting for it to be processed.

The data processing platform responsible for allocating resources in March stopped working for one day. Those scientists who have adapted to the results of ultra-efficient data processing will probably directly protest. After all, everyone held their breath...

The success of faster-than-light information transmission in the laboratory is indeed very exciting news, but it is not the most exciting project within the basic laboratory. After all, this phenomenon has been predicted according to Ning Wei's theory, and the laboratory is only restoring this phenomenon through theoretical guidance. This is why many scientists think that they can do this project just as well.

Even the project itself is not the top priority in the basic physics laboratory. At least for now, for basic laboratories, the real focus of work is on the transition from micro to macro.

In other words, realizing super-light quantum tunnel information carrying at the level of quantum physics will not make these scientists too excited, but if a super-light information transmission experiment in macrophysics is achieved, that will be a real breakthrough.

You must know that one of the biggest breakthroughs of Ning's theory is the limited unification of micro and macro.

To realize super-light information transmission in macroscopic physics, the information carrier must at least be a substance that can be measured by measuring equipment. The difficulty of this is obviously much greater than conducting the same experiment in the microscopic world. Generally speaking, in other laboratory institutions, such projects are linear, that is, the project team first completes a breakthrough at the microscopic level, and then begins to try to achieve the same effect at the macroscopic physical level.

But the division of projects in the Basic Physics Laboratory is not like this. Many people in the outside world don't know that this quantum tunneling superluminal effect actually belongs to a verification project team. They are responsible for proving those extremely important theorems in Ning's theory by designing experiments. It is another project team that is really responsible for realizing these at the macrophysical level.

In fact, it can also be understood that the former is mainly responsible for promoting further improvement of theory; the latter is biased towards application fields and requires the cooperation of multiple project teams. For example, the selection of various different materials requires a specialized materials laboratory. Cooperate and provide the project team with all kinds of materials that they can imagine and that can fit the preliminary mathematical model.

Of course, it cannot be said that the former is completely useless. These experiments and data can help March establish a more complete mathematical model, thereby giving more rational suggestions in terms of material selection and specific experimental design.

So at this time, the laboratory cannot do without this cute kitten.

Fortunately, there seems to be no problem...

This makes Ning Wei feel a little at ease...

If we really stop work in March for a year and a half, it will not only waste time, but we will also lose the confidence to book the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry the year after next...

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