Tech Hammer

Chapter 240 A shocking speech of thanks

Although this exhibition was rushed in terms of time, it can be said that the preparations were very sufficient. The routes of vehicles arriving and arriving in the school were planned early, and each gate had signs at the intersection. The exhibition Traffic control was implemented on the road outside the school one hour before the start to facilitate the entry and exit of guests, etc.

Of course, this depends on Tian Yanzhen patting his chest in front of many school leaders to ensure the quality of this exhibition, and there are still many heavyweight guests attending the exhibition.

For example, Huawei has rotating chairman Yan Ming and cloud chief strategy officer; Penguin Group has appointed a senior vice president, director of Penguin Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and deputy director in charge of technology research and development; Xiaoli Group has appointed its artificial intelligence team. Wu Fansheng, the person in charge of the laboratory and home brain, not to mention the people sent by foreign companies are also high-ranking and powerful people. Of course, most of these big people still give Tian Yanzhen face.

A more special guest is Yao Yuanzhi, who really brought all the fourth-grade students from Yao Class and Zhi Class. Anyway, the two schools are so close that there is no need for a bus. Several professors from the college who were also invited brought them A group of students walked over early.

The exhibition is scheduled to start at ten in the morning, but at nine in the morning the Centenary Lecture Hall of Yanbei University is already crowded. It has to be said that March’s ability in overall planning is too strong. The seats arranged for more than 2,000 guests are based on multi-dimensional judgments. Even some big shots who were personally invited will find their seats after finding a seat. There is actually an acquaintance.

In order to allow more friendly exchanges between the big bosses and entrepreneurs in the front row, the arrangements in March are also more clever. For example, Huawei is placed in the middle, with Apple on one side next to Huawei and Apple on the other. It’s Rice. Google is next to Rice and on the other side is IBM. On either side of Intel are AMD and NVIDIA. If you observe more carefully, you will find that many job-hopping bosses in the business circle are arranged with their successors...

Similar to the domestic university circle, it is more natural to put the visiting seats of Jiangsu University and the professors of Huake University of Science and Technology together. In short, as long as you come and sit down, you won't have to worry about finding something to talk about with the people around you.

The person who felt this most was probably Lu Changbin, because when he found his seat under the guidance of the staff with full of doubts, he found that the person sitting next to him was his old classmate He Dushang, which was so coincidental that it was outrageous.

"Huh? Lao He? This is an artificial intelligence exhibition. How come you, a person who studies network security, also received an invitation?"

"Haha... Network security doesn't require artificial intelligence? What about you, Lao Lu? I heard that the person who won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics this year is your student? What virtue do you have to bring out such a student? "

"Haha, Lao He, this is a long story. If you treat me to a big dinner after today's press conference and entertain me with a bottle of good wine, I can have a good chat with you about this matter."

"Get out!" Apparently Lu Changbin's words gave He Dushang some not-so-good memories, and he yelled angrily.

Fortunately, the music in the auditorium was relatively loud at this time, so it was easy to suppress the uncivilized sound without attracting anyone's attention.

It was a different scene backstage. There were no staff. All the staff at the venue had gone to the front to maintain order and guide the guests to their respective seats. Only a few insiders were left.

Ten minutes before the start of the exhibition, Tian Yanzhen rushed into the backstage. He was startled when he saw Lu Dongyi, who was writing something with a pen and paper in the backstage, and Yu Xingwei, who was bored and scrolling through his mobile phone. Asked: "What about Ning Wei?"

Yu Xingwei raised his head and saw Tian Yanzhen. He subconsciously pointed to the row of rooms on the right and said, "Oh, it's in that room."

Tian Yanzhen turned around and looked at him suspiciously: "What is he doing in the dressing room alone at this time?"

"Don't worry, he is not alone. He just called Mr. Jiang here on WeChat and pulled him in." Lu Dongyi put down his pen and said seriously.

See what you say, don't you worry? What kind of worry should he have?

Most of the heavyweight guests outside have arrived. Chinese and foreign reporters have gathered together. More than a dozen cameras have been set up to broadcast the exhibition live. They have just finished testing the cameras and are waiting for the exhibition to officially start in ten minutes. As a result, backstage This guy was filming a date with his little lover at home in the dressing room?

"Ahem, Director Tian, ​​don't get me wrong. That morning, I asked the staff to move an electronic keyboard in. Listen carefully, and there is still sound coming from the piano. They didn't mess around." Yu Xingwei quickly helped Ning Wei. explained.

"Did I say they are messing around at this time?" Tian Yanzhen asked angrily.

Indeed, after listening carefully as Yu Xingwei said, there was indeed the sound of the piano, which really made Tian Yanzhen feel much better. Well, it’s okay to calm down before going on stage, but it seems like there are only five minutes left...

Fortunately, the sound of the piano stopped at this time, and then it was quiet for about a minute. Just when Tian Yanzhen couldn't help but let Lu Dongyi go and pull Ning Wei out, the door to the room was finally opened, and Ning Wei He walked out of the room with great satisfaction, followed by a shy classmate Jiang.

"Huh? Director Tian? The meeting is about to start. You haven't gone to the front yet? Why are you here?" Ning Wei was a little surprised to see Tian Yanzhen.

Tian Yanzhen glanced at the blushing face of classmate Jiang who was following Ning Wei, then glared at his beloved disciple, flicked his sleeves and said, "I'm here to see if you are ready! Let's go!"

"No, Director Tian, ​​you're already here, why don't you take my Chen Shuang out from the front too."

"I...ahem, Xiao Jiang, come with me, it'll be fine. From now on, if you follow Ning Wei, there will be many big scenes..."

Seeing Tian Yanzhen leading Jiang Chenshuang from the backstage passage directly to the front desk, Ning Weizhi clapped his hands with satisfaction: "It's almost time, the answer to the mystery should be revealed. At this exciting moment, my friends, What do you want to say to me? Each person is limited to one sentence."

Lu Dongyi stared at Ning Wei, and then said concisely: "Get out!"

Fortunately, Yu Xingwei was more generous: "Mr. Xiao Ning, how you explain this to Director Lu depends entirely on you!"

At nine fifty-nine, the music at the front desk stopped without warning. As the lights went out row by row, the noisy discussions in the auditorium gradually began to stop. The multi-functional lift on the rostrum started and lifted a The table and simple notebook were delivered to the rostrum. When the elevator stopped, a young figure walked to the front of the stage from the left side of the rostrum with vigorous steps.

When the lights came on, many people immediately recognized the young figure. Even though the distance in the back row was relatively far, the big screen behind Ning Wei was enough for them to see the young face clearly.

"Huh... As expected, it's Ning Wei!"

"Really Ning Wei? Isn't he a mathematician? What does it have to do with artificial intelligence?"

"What people are studying is artificial intelligence, right? How can artificial intelligence come from without mathematics?"

"Oh. But is he the host or the speaker?"

"Who knows?"

All the sounds gradually disappeared the moment Ning Wei spoke.

“Dear guests, good morning, thank you very much for being invited to participate in this exhibition jointly organized by our School of Mathematics at Yanbei University and Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center. Before we formally introduce our results to you at this exhibition, Please allow me to say a few more words first, because I need everyone to be mentally constructed and prepared to accept the content I will show today, because this content may have a strong psychological impact on some unspecific groups of people. Especially The higher the status, the greater the impact."

On the stage, Ning Wei said in a very sincere tone.

This unconventional opening statement was enough to make many big guys in the front row look at each other. Many people glanced at Tian Yanzhen, who was sitting in the front row. However, this big boss just sat there with an expression on his face.

A bit exaggerated, right? The higher your status, the greater the impact you may receive? Who gave the young man on stage the courage? Is Tian Yanzhen?

However, without giving these big guys any more time to think, Ning Wei on the stage continued after a brief pause: "Yes, I am very sure that today's exhibition may have some special effects. So again Before that, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude to all the scientific researchers and testers who participated in the project that will be presented today. Because the group of testers is relatively large, I cannot express my gratitude one by one. I can only give a general summary. Just mention it, please don’t blame me.”

“First of all, I would like to thank many well-known mathematics professors and editors of top mathematics journals in the world for their support for the internal testing of our project. At the same time, I would like to thank many experts and scholars who have made great achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as Wo Wolf Prize Foundation and all members of the Wolf Prize Mathematics Prize Jury, thank you for your strong support for the second phase of the project. Finally, I would like to thank the approximately 260 million Chinese netizens who participated in the discussion about Mars immigration. Thank you for your support for the third phase of large-scale public testing of this project! Thank you, and I sincerely thank all of you again! There is no doubt that without their help, there would be no such thing today..."

A simple thank you made Ning Wei unable to continue.

There was a burst of noisy discussion in the audience. There was no doubt that the person thanking him was beyond many people's expectations.

The testing team includes world-renowned mathematics professors? Mathematics journal editor? Artificial intelligence expert? Wolf Foundation? And 260 million netizens? Really simple words of thanks contain too much information, but those who can attend the conference today, even if they are not big guys and top students in the field, are also outstanding business talents, and at the worst, they are journalists from well-known media. In short, today’s announcement is I am sure there is no fool, so I can easily understand the subtext behind Ning Wei's words.

What did this guy do? Did he deceive the whole world? Participating in such a large-scale test without everyone knowing it, combined with the direction of this exhibition, there is no doubt that Ning Wei means that this is a very large-scale Turing test! And if the thanks include the Wolf Prize in Mathematics Jury...

Countless people realized that this joke was really big. If what Ning Wei just said was serious, wouldn't it mean...

Well, many people don’t even dare to think about what comes next, because it’s too unbelievable! Artificial intelligence can actually fool some of the world's top mathematicians in the academic field? Is this really a simple thank you?

Yao Yuanzhi was stunned at this moment. His mind couldn't help but think of Ning Wei's words at the Chinese Mathematicians Annual Meeting in November, "It's only at the world's leading level, right?" If Ning Wei had just said that If you are serious, then this world-leading level seems a bit modest.

After all, he couldn't imagine how an artificial intelligence program could be constructed that could perfectly communicate with mathematics journal editors, professors, and artificial intelligence experts on a daily basis without revealing flaws, and even fool the jury of a world-wide mathematics award.

The big guys who also came from Jiang University were also stunned.

March? March! Is March, whose feelings they can't find everywhere, actually artificial intelligence?

At this moment, Lu Changbin completely understood why Yu Xingwei behaved like that after winning the award and had to do everything possible to avoid him. He also understood why Ning Wei was vague when he called him...

Academician He next to him was a little dazed. He didn't care to get angry with the people around him. Instead, he turned his head and asked seriously: "Old Lu, why are you telling me the truth? Is this what Ning Wei is telling the truth?" The award was not given to your students at all? Was it the artificial intelligence product they designed?"

Although Lu Changbin was also in shock and had limited knowledge, he obviously showed no timidity when faced with this old friend's question. He smiled almost instinctively, and then replied with a look of disdain: "Now you know why I said what I said. Is that a long story? You still have objections to me asking you to treat me to a drink. Let me tell you, it’s just because you are an old classmate. If someone else invited me to a Manchu banquet, I wouldn’t say anything! "

If at this moment, most of the big guys in the academic circle were surprised by Ning Wei's gratitude just now, then the heads of the technology companies in the front row were already restless and started to look at each other in confusion. The big guys in the academic circle probably understood When what happened, most of the things that came to mind were its scientific and academic significance, but for these big guys in the business circle, what popped into their minds at this time was that if what Ning Wei said is true, then this project is about to bring... The economic benefits come...

Everyone's reaction was different. For example, after a brief moment of indifference, the boss of Huawei immediately showed joy and couldn't hide it; the bosses from Google, Apple and other foreign companies, after exchanging glances, their expressions began to change. Gradually he became serious. If what the young man on the stage said was serious, wouldn't it mean that everyone's early investment in this direction was in vain?

Without any preparation at all, are you so behind in the biggest blue ocean market in the future?

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