■■! !

The little white duck's words instantly awakened the insect swarm.

The insects turned pale: "You mean...Mr. Rhine, maybe you want to spend the night with me?!!"

The swarm of insects still remembered the academic exchange between Rhine and Alice last night, and even remembered the night shift training he had with Prosperity not long ago, as well as his daily hard work in the sanctuary...

so now......

Mr. Rhine, are you finally interested in me?


Hey hey hey hey hey hey? !

The swarm panicked.

coming! It’s really here! !

An interactive way to express your love to Mr. Rhine and make Mr. Rhine happy is finally here! !

But why is this method so different from Lilia and the others? !

Rhine was already waiting for him in the bedroom, and the insects were extremely nervous: "Sister, sister, what should I do?"

When a pet has that need and asks its owner for help...


Should I help with this...

——Should we teach him a lesson?

The little white duck thought carefully and gave the answer.

——According to the customs of this world, owners and pets will never have that kind of relationship.

It was also the first time for Little White Duck to face this kind of problem and he had no experience.

After all, the little white duck usually looks very appetizing when it appears in front of Lilia, and there has never been such a problem.

But the swarm of insects was confused,

Teach Mr. Rhine a lesson?

How could the insect swarm endure it! !

But...since the swarm cannot stop Rhine's wrong behavior ruthlessly...


Don't you just have to follow him?

The swarm knew that what they were doing was wrong. They were wronging themselves and doting on Rhine.

but......! !


The Swarm was determined.

Regardless of the little white duck’s persuasion,

The swarm of insects gathered up the courage. Now she was going back to her bedroom to change into suitable clothes. She took off her pants and put on a skirt, just like Alice and Prosperity. She put on stockings and changed into Miss Prosperity. She had prepared beautiful underwear for her a long time ago, and then came to her favorite Mr. Rhine, tolerated his willfulness, accepted him...

Just as the swarm's hearts were stirring...

And at this time,

The study door was opened again.

Rhine stuck out his head:

"Oh, by the way, what I just said about whether you are free in the evening means that I want to ask you to take me to Hein's annihilation layer tomorrow. I need to educate you on some common sense in advance. Don't get me wrong."

After that, Rhine closed the door and left.

Everything in the study suddenly stopped.

The swarm of insects froze in place.

The insect swarm has never been so confused in tens of thousands of years.

Talking about business? !

I, I have taken off my pants and you are telling me this? !

The insects stood stupidly in the study...

After a while, the insects scratched their heads and showed a doting yet honest smile on their faces.


Mr. Rhine, you are so cute! !

396. The past with Dai Xi Lei, the true appearance of the depth of destruction

The seventh floor of the ecological box.

Unlike those complex terrains that can cleverly divide the living spaces of each group of divine creatures within a square inch, the seventh floor is clean and empty.

On a blank site paved with solid white stone, silver-white crystals serve as lighting facilities, making the white space as bright as daylight and making everything visible.

There is nothing here.

There was only a group of ordinary-looking snails, crawling aimlessly.

The entire seventh floor is actually just...

A snail farm.

outside the crystallization barrier.

Rhine and the shepherds were in their respective positions, quietly watching the movements of the snails in the ecological box.

They are all waiting for a result.


One of the snails stopped crawling.

Its tentacles swelled, and the shell behind it trembled violently, and then the shell began to expand. However, this thing had no elasticity at all, so - it broke!

boom! !

The smelly flood poured out crazily, swallowing up the entire white and empty room in an instant!

As if a giant beast was vomiting, a large amount of flesh, blood, organs, broken armor and bones spewed out from the remains of the dead snail...

Not the remains of a living thing.

But hundreds, thousands of species!

It was as if the snail's shell was connected to a tragic battlefield.

The turbulent sea of ​​blood, which far exceeded its size, was poured into the seventh-level ecological box.

The remaining snails were either submerged in flesh or washed away by blood, but soon after the blood tide subsided, they squirmed leisurely in the blood tide.

In the blink of an eye,

The bright and white ecological box on the seventh floor turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And from those fresh wrecks,

A humanoid monster, shrouded in holy light and covered in broken flesh and blood, submerged her broken flesh and body, and floated into the sky along with the twisted and upside-down space, making her appear in everyone's sight.

Her upper body is that of a graceful goddess with delicate skin and golden chitin armor.

The lower body is made up of sharp and ferocious jointed limbs, and an iron tail made of countless magic weapons and sharp claws.

The void umbilical cord, which symbolizes the super life of another dimension, wraps around the goddess's slender and graceful body like a wriggling snake, giving the goddess a high-level authority that transcends dimensions.


After a whole night of bloody struggle on the seventh floor, the insect swarm finally regained her god-like perfect form.

A large number of contained objects that were judged to be out of control or on the verge of being destroyed were sent to the snails in the confinement room on the seventh floor, where one of the planet's top predators was waiting for them.

When the night fades and the morning light shines on the crystal dome of the palace hall,

The arthropod goddess who was able to travel unimpeded in the depth of destruction was born.

[Six-mode decisive battle level]

This is the swarm's collective name for all strategic units between 19.4 meters and 25.1 meters tall, and modeled after the netherworld god [Purity] who was once devoured by her.

Looking up at this gigantic beast, which is especially beautiful in the eyes of mortals because of its overwhelming divinity.

The head of the seventh-level shepherds had no fluctuations in his heart. He silently moved his eyes away and looked at Rhine:

"Your Highness is satisfied?"

Rhine nodded: "That's enough."

Person in charge: "So, Your Highness, we agreed on the deal..."

Lain smiled and replied: "I haven't forgotten, I will bring Dai Xi Lei's blood to you."

The person in charge shook his head:

"That's not it."

Rhine: "?"

Person in charge: "You have to come back alive, Your Highness."

Rhine: "...you still care about me?"

The person in charge was silent for a moment, then pointed to the ecological box: "Look at these snails."

Person in charge: "It's so small, isn't it cute?"

Rhine: "Right?"

Person in charge: "They are all larvae that were just hatched this year. The real confinement room was eaten by Lilia two years ago."

Person in charge: "Said it was to avenge Sister Dai Xilei..."

Person in charge: "So you understand? You have to come back alive."

Rhine: "I understand..."

Person in charge: "Although theoretically, since you have explained the matter to His Majesty the Emperor and we have received the official order, it is said that even if you die below, it has nothing to do with us, but I still hope, or in other words, I Please don't commit suicide down there... Those abandoned babies, they finally found their mothers, but they couldn't bear to have their mothers hurt in the slightest, blood or whatever, no need to force it. Just take a picture of the magic projection for me."

Rhine: "..."

Rhine didn't answer.

He didn't like the name given to Dai Xi Lei by the person in charge.


She is not yet.

Rhine: "Let your people prepare, it's time for us to set off."

The person in charge nodded: "It's ready."

The conversation ends and the exploration begins.



With Rhine's assistance, the ecological box completed all preparations for exploring the depths of destruction in a very short period of time.

Next, it’s time to take the direct elevator to the ecological box and go to the level of annihilation.

The elevator has no physical body;

Rather, it is a deep and infinitely extending downward track,

The swarm of insects lifted up Rhine, and the two jumped off the track together. In an instant, lightning burst and thunder roared.

One person and one insect were wrapped in thunder and lightning, and the lightning struck all the way downwards.

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