Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 672 Death Street (Part 1)

"Igor, just call me Igor, comrade commander."

After being grabbed by Malashenko, he was pulled directly into the car. The young second lieutenant, holding on to the turret armor and sitting down behind the turret, noticed the symbols on Malashenko's car.

"Your tank is really special, Comrade Commander. I have never seen a tank with such a symbolic painting, but it seems a bit familiar. I can't remember it."

The young lieutenant, who had nothing to hide, had all his true thoughts written on his face. Malashenko, who was still half-slouched outside the turret to get a better view, then smiled lightly.

"Have you ever heard of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment? Comrade Igor."

Holding his somewhat worn-out Bobosha submachine gun in his arms for a moment, Second Lieutenant Igor, who could clearly feel the tank under him restarting, seemed to suddenly realize something.

"I am Malashenko, the lieutenant colonel commander of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. Welcome to join the battle, comrade Second Lieutenant."

According to Malashenko's initial vision when formulating the combat plan, after the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment under his command entered the city, they should immediately find friendly infantry units that could cooperate with him in the battle, and then split the units and make adjustments according to the specific situation. , the entire regiment was divided into multiple infantry-tank coordinated mixed combat groups to avoid the embarrassment of a large group of tanks being unable to deploy in the city.

But the current Malashenko obviously does not have the time to deal with these problems. The sound of gunfire and gunfire from up to one block away is still approaching. The sound of gunfire and gunfire alone is enough to judge that the current battle must be against the Soviet army. One party is disadvantageous.

He pulled the dissatisfied infantry company brought by Second Lieutenant Igor outside the tank and ran at high speed. He opened the accelerator and rushed forward on the flat urban road. It didn't take long for Malashenko to reach the place where the artillery fire was flying. Frontline location.

As soon as he passed the intersection in front of him, he was immediately hit by several rounds of stray bullets or direct projectiles. Malashenko, who was still hanging half of his body outside the turret, subconsciously pulled his waist back into the car and was almost hit. , the projectiles hitting the vehicle turret and the front armor of the vehicle clanged and sparks flew out. The sudden bullets obviously startled Malashenko, who had shrunk half of his body.

"Iushkin, directly ahead at the intersection at 11 o'clock is the German Panzer III, kill it!"

Malashenko, who was almost killed by a bullet, had to report his flaws. After glancing in the general direction of the bullet, he immediately saw a German No. 3 iron bastard squatting less than 500 meters away from him. Street intersection meters away.

The relatively flat roads in the city have a much smaller impact on the shaking of the tank than in off-road situations. The brave Iushkin, who is skilled in art, stepped on the soles of his feet to launch the vehicle without waiting for the driver Seryosha to stop the vehicle completely. The pedal fires instantly.

The 85mm fixed-hood armor-piercing grenade that had been loaded in the gun barrel suddenly rushed out of the muzzle with a death spiral in an instant. The German Panzer III tank, which was pointed sideways in the direction of Malashenko, had no intention of the sudden onslaught of death. aware.

The 85mm hooded armor-piercing grenade, which could easily penetrate a tiger, easily tore through the side armor of this poor Panzer III tank. The firing was somewhat jittery due to the firing in progress, not because Second Lieutenant Iushkin's shot was too accurate. It has to be a little biased.

After tearing through the armor on the upper side of the Panzer III tank near the turret, the projectile did not detonate the chassis ammunition rack. Instead, it detonated on the spot in the center of the turret near the roof of the three German crew members.

The TNT charge of the 164-gram projectile warhead, which was successfully fired by the armor-piercing delay fuse, tore into pieces the heads of three German crew members. The body parts of the three people above the waist were almost completely blown into a pile of rotten bones and minced meat. shoot.

Brains mixed with rotten blood and rotten flesh were splashed all over the floor. The fragments of projectiles flying around in the car tore open the fuel tank and ignited the internal fuel. The zombie-like German Panzer III tank then jumped away with a roar. The raging flames began to count down to the explosion, and the fire started to burn.

To Malashenko, who had been watching his opponent with the commander's periscope, he was a little surprised that in this Panzer III tank, which in his opinion should have all the people in it dead, there were still people alive who could climb out on their own!

After being pushed open, a blood-stained left hand stretched out from the driver's hatch at the front of the tank. After grabbing the outer armor of the tank, he immediately used all his strength but struggled to climb out of the burning tank. tank.

When the German driver fully stretched out his entire upper body, Malashenko discovered that the entire right half of the unlucky guy's body had been almost completely blown apart by the shell, and the broken bones at the shoulder were connected with strands of flesh and blood. The unusual and sudden drooping in mid-air was particularly dazzling and shocking, but even so, this German tank driver with an extremely tenacious desire to survive was still making his last effort.

"Damn it! Go and die!"

It seemed as if it was manifested in response to Iushkin’s curse.

The wreckage of the No. 3 tank, with flames constantly sprouting from the hatch cover on the top of the turret, was finally detonated by the high temperature of the flames when Iushkin finished speaking, and the ammunition rack stored in the chassis was detonated.

The entire tank's turret was like a violently shaken carbonated soda bottle cap, which was pushed upwards by the strong flame shock wave and flew out.

The powerful ammunition explosion not only blew off the head of the Panzer III tank, but the violent storm of flames that swept instantly from inside the tank also devoured the lower body of the German driver who had not yet climbed out of the tank.

Malashenko, who had good eyesight, could clearly see from his commander's periscope that the upper body of the German driver, whose right arm was missing and whose lower body was completely blown to pieces, was directly thrown forward by the strong shock wave of the ammunition explosion behind him. It flew out.

The upper body of the corpse flew a full seven or eight meters directly in front of the street, and then hit a telephone pole on the street and fell to the ground.

The blue-gray intestines were drooped on the ground and dragged a full two to three meters away. The upper body body, which had no movement at all, was placed on the side of the road in a very strange posture with its back against a telephone pole.

Malashenko couldn't see the exact facial expression of the German driver's corpse.

But in short, in Malashenko's estimation, the ferocious and painful expression should be enough to give nightmares to children under the age of 18.

A Panzer III tank that was killed first by Malashenko was just a microcosm of the fierce fighting at the entire street intersection.

Next to the burning and bombed wreckage of the Panzer III tank, soldiers from the Soviet and German armies, no more than a hundred meters apart, were gritting their teeth and fighting to the death, with rivers of blood flowing.

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