Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 410 Get off the car

It is not an easy task to successfully complete the steering of the vehicle body on a fierce battlefield where bullets are flying and artillery fire is intensive.

After receiving the loud order from Malashenko, the driver Seryosa, although he was physically and mentally exhausted from the continuous battles and almost collapsed, as a member of the entire Glorious crew, Seryosa had a strong sense of honor in his heart. But he still gritted his teeth and used his last strength to push the joystick in his hand to complete the shift and steering of the car body.

"Reverse gear at full speed, comrade commander! Leaving the frontal armor to those Germans is the best option now. The speed will be a bit slow, so be prepared!"

The KV85 heavy tank, with a total combat weight approaching the fifty-ton mark, started to reverse with difficulty at a very slow single-digit reversing speed on an off-road road with ankle-deep snow.

Fortunately, although the German anti-aircraft artillery anti-aircraft positions had recovered and began to turn their guns towards the Soviet tank group, they had already discovered the special temporary reversing behavior of Malashenko's vehicle on the battlefield that stood out from the crowd.

However, Lavrinenko and his tank troops, who were responsible for continuing to lead the charge, had already rushed to a closer position. The primary target was the German anti-aircraft artillery group holding the position. They could no longer care about the tank, which was not yet in danger of breaking through the position. The lone Soviet tank.

The 88 gun, which always maintains a flat-firing state, aimed its black muzzle at the leading Soviet tank at the front, and immediately began to roar angrily in an attempt to stop these Soviet steel behemoths that were rushing towards their final position.

The KV1, which encountered the German 88-gun direct-aiming armor-piercing projectile at a distance of only two hundred meters, could not withstand such firepower. The first few KV1s rushing to the front immediately shook their bodies and turned into blazing torches like opening champagne. on the spot.

He knew very well that the German defensive position in front of him was related to the final success or failure of this battle. Lavrinenko, who originally planned to directly overrun the position and capture these German anti-aircraft guns as intact as possible, immediately understood this after witnessing the situation. The plan is no longer possible. If we continue to rush all the way, more tanks will definitely be destroyed by the German army.

Thinking of this, Lavrinenko had no hesitation in his heart and skipped asking Malashenko for permission. He immediately grabbed the radio transmitter at hand and shouted loudly at all the coordinated assault crews around him.

"Ignore the orders of Comrade Commander. The forward crew immediately turned around and loaded high-explosive shells to knock out those German 88 guns! Keep those small-caliber anti-aircraft guns that can't penetrate us! Keep these bastards It will only increase casualties, destroy them immediately!”

Malashenko, who was reversing at full speed, could hear the shouts from Lavrinenko very clearly. Malashenko, who had a close personal relationship with his deputy and old classmate, which exceeded the relationship between ordinary comrades, understood. , Lavrinenko, who did not have the slightest hesitation in his words, was planning to save the lives of his comrades who lived with him day and night regardless of the lives of the Soviet fighter pilots in the sky.

Malashenko, whose ears were still ringing with the loud shouting on the radio communication channel, did not choose to stop him with words and put down the microphone he was holding tightly in his hand again.

At least in the eyes of Malashenko, who is deeply touched now, the Lavrinenko in the time-traveled world he lives in is exactly the same as the Soviet Army's number one tank ace as originally described in history.

This is a Soviet tank ace who cares deeply about the life and death of his close comrades, and is willing to do whatever it takes for these, even directly contradicting the orders of his superiors.

"I hope you are right and I am wrong, Lavri, otherwise we will have to go to that world to regret the wrong orders we gave."

Malashenko, who spoke briefly in his heart, felt the entire tank come to a sudden stop soon after. Realizing that the vehicle had completely stopped, Malashenko had no time to think, and immediately grabbed the tank. With the Somi submachine gun on the storage shelf beside him, he easily pushed open the commander's roof above his head and with dexterous movements, he turned over and jumped out of the car with one hand.

The howling cold wind carrying the smell of death and gunpowder blew over the scorching battlefield where bullets were flying everywhere. In the relatively closed space inside the tank, he was already tired and sweating from the continuous fierce fighting. He turned over and jumped out of the turret. In an instant, he felt the biting cold after the sweat on his forehead was blown away by the cold wind.

Malashenko, who did not care to lament the feeling of ice and fire inside and outside the car, immediately jumped down behind the turret, ignoring the rain of small arms bullets whizzing around him, and headed towards the infantry who were already close at hand. He lowered his body under the temporary bunker and ran away.

The snow under his feet was crackling with the barrage of German small arms that followed them all the way, and clods of soil were flying around. Malashenko threw his legs aside and sprinted all the way, and finally rushed forward at the last moment when he might be shot. Leap into the nearest bunker.

The embarrassing dog gnawing and flying movements instantly filled Malashenko's mouth with frozen soil and snow mixed with the smell of gunpowder. Malashenko, who didn't care about it, immediately turned his head after standing up with his hands on the ground. Come and find the figure closest to you.

Fortunately, the Red Army soldiers who saw a man suddenly jumping out of one of their own heavy tanks had already gathered around and were ready to respond. As soon as Malashenko raised his head, he saw a bunch of confused looking men. The faces of Red Army soldiers were dark and red from the cold.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, hurry up and find me your regimental commander! I am Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, the leader of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. I want to see your Yakov immediately. Commander Husband, go find him quickly!”

Malashenko, who was wearing a black leather tank cap and a standard fireproof combat uniform, looked just like an ordinary Soviet tank soldier. As soon as Malashenko, who was well aware of such an unknown situation, raised his head, he immediately hurriedly After stating his position and making a request, a response followed immediately before Malashenko's words fell to the ground.

"Comrade Malashenko, why did you come to me at this time? Shouldn't you be directing the battle in your tank?"

Malashenko was immediately overjoyed when he suddenly spoke without seeing anyone who heard him, and then continued to speak, but in the blink of an eye, an extremely hot barrage of fire hit him. An ear-numbing crackling sound suddenly struck.

Dong dong dong dong——

"Comrade Malashenko, it's dangerous! Put your head down and lie down!"

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