Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3259 Witness the future (finale)

A long time ago, I had thought countless times about what Malashenko would be like after retirement, but I never expected that after this sudden retirement, I still feel empty and empty, and I always feel that the busy life before is gone. What the same.

At first I was a little uncomfortable living in a single-family compound on the outskirts of Moscow. Every day I weeded, admired flowers, listened to the radio and watched various programs that became increasingly outrageous and so bad that I no longer wanted to watch them.

Malashenko, who knew what would happen next, took his time and even acted a little indifferent, as if everything that happened in the outside world after leaving his own courtyard had nothing to do with him.

Fortunately, they are accompanied by their grandchildren. At the request of Malashenko, the brothers Nikolay and Kirill sent their children to live with the old couple here and were busy raising their children. The grandchildren Malashenko and Natalya are actually enjoying themselves while being busy.

With Malashenko and Natalya solving their worries about raising children, Nikolai and Kirill can each be busy with their own careers and prepare for the future under their father's guidance.

By the time the time came to the last decade before the century changed, Nikolai had grown into a major general of the Airborne Forces who could take charge of his own affairs. He was over forty, the most powerful and experienced age in his life. .

The experience of growing up in the army for more than 20 years has given Nicklay a complete understanding of what his father went through back then. The name I inherited from the hero who sacrificed his life in Stalingrad contained what kind of expectations and deep meaning his father had.

It is completely unnecessary to talk about any conflicts between father and son at this time.

The more he rises in military ranks and positions, the more he understands why he never saw his father when he was a child. He can only envy children of his own age who have their fathers to play with and play with. The world's most powerful armed force was created by his father. Power is the reason.

Nikolai, who was in his thirties at the time, found his father and admitted his mistake in person and apologized. Malashenko, who didn't take it seriously at all, just gave his eldest son a gentle tap on the forehead.

"It's good to understand my father, but of course it's not good for me. I'm an old man of my age and I can do whatever I want. The important thing is that you truly understand what a father is, especially as a soldier. I hope you can be a better father in the future. As a father who is a soldier, understanding the trade-offs and finding the balance is a subject worth studying throughout your life. "

Although it was unrequited love at first, love these days is often truly heartfelt.

Under Nikolai's love offensive, the girl who looked almost exactly like Natalia, Natasha, finally married this girl who stuck behind her and was not there all day long. Pursuit is the eldest son of the marshal on the road of pursuit.

Of course it was not because of Malashenko's power, but because the young couple really sparked a love. Malashenko, who had seen that unforgettable scene in his dream, is still deeply impressed.

Nikolay and Natasha eventually gave birth to a son and a daughter. Since Natasha also followed her husband and was transferred to the Airborne Army for long-term service, the task of raising the children naturally fell to her. On the bodies of Malashenko and his wife.

Kirill, just like what Malashenko saw in his dream, chose the same direction as his brother, but a different path. Because of his yearning and love for the sky, he was eventually selected to serve in the Army Aviation Corps. .

When his own brother became a major general of the Airborne Forces, his two-year-old brother Kirill was also promoted to major general in the same year. Both brothers entered the threshold of generals, but Malashenko and his wife were very happy. It’s been a while, a lot of celebration.

Unlike his brother's military marriage, Kirill eventually fell in love with an ordinary girl from an ordinary family and gave birth to twin sons within two years of their marriage.

Although work and life in the army are busy, just like my father was back then.

But Kirill will still make an appointment with his brother to take a vacation together as much as possible, go home to be with his parents who are over 70 years old, and enjoy their old age as much as possible.

I have four grandchildren who accompany me all the time, and my son and daughter-in-law often come home to visit.

It should be said that the Malashenko couple did not live alone in their later years, but lived a fulfilling and happy life.

Even Malashenko himself feels that this may be one of the greatest gains in his life of struggle. This is exactly the life he has fantasized about and longed to live countless times.

It is worth mentioning that because of Malashenko's series of preparations, the nuclear accident that affected the world did not happen.

As Malashenko said - you can always trust Comrade Lavrinenko.

The former East German cluster commander devoted all his energy and ability to his new work and new tasks, grasping all safety and quality issues, large and small, and supervising the implementation one by one.

On the basis of the original safety rules and regulations formulated by Malashenko himself, further details were added and perfected. This ensures that even after he retires, his successor can continue to ensure safety within a comprehensive framework of rules and regulations.

On the other hand, Malashenko, who seems to be retired at home and has nothing to do, actually often receives letters and phone calls at his home, or visits from guests carrying generals or even handsome stars.

It's already quite cold in Moscow in August. The average daily temperature is in the teens and 20s, and a gust of cold wind can make people wrap up tightly.

Visitors at home are becoming more frequent, from once a month to once every ten days and a half to now every three to five.

Malashenko, who has shifted more and more time back to work, has been waiting for this moment. Despite his 75-year-old body, he is still as energetic as when he retired.

It's just that Malashenko did not receive guests at home today. Instead, he changed places and went to the Martyrs Cemetery in the suburbs of Moscow, not far from his home.

Accompanied by a group of generals, he put on his marshal uniform again, fastened his big-brimmed hat, and his old face still had the same firm eyes as before. Malashenko, who was sitting in the back of the car, was flipping through documents. Report and ask questions.

"Except for our people, how are the other troops doing?"

Without keeping Malashenko waiting, Marshal Iushkin, who was sitting side by side with Malashenko in the back row, spoke immediately.

"There are changes in the 4th Jintan Division and the 2nd Jinmo Division. These two units failed to respond to inquiries and are approaching the suburbs for normal training. They are currently located 40 kilometers away in the northwest, here."

With that said, Iushkin raised his hand and pointed out the approximate location on the map for Malashenko. After looking at the folder in his hand, Malashenko narrowed his eyes slightly and replied.

"Where is the leader's army now?"

"Here, the large army is stationed in the suburbs 5 kilometers southwest. Since last month, the leading army has fully taken over the garrison tasks, just waiting for your order."

"Well, but that's not enough. We have to wait, wait."

Iushkin, who knew what Malashenko was referring to, nodded to himself without saying much. He took the report from Malashenko and put it away, then followed Malashenko. Get off the bus together.

Malashenko, who was constantly moving, saluted the oncoming guards at the Martyrs Cemetery and came to the familiar tombstone again.

Malashenko doesn’t know how many times he can come to this place again in this life, but I’m afraid no one will be more important than this time.

"It's been 46 years, Comrade Political Commissar, it's been 46 years since you said goodbye to your lifelong career and the motherland you love so much. Comrades and I miss you very much, and I hope you are resting well here."

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped away the thin wisps of dust on the tombstone. Malashenko, who was squatting in front of the tomb with his head lowered, didn't know what to say for a moment.

He looked up at the sky in the distance and was about to speak, but he saw that Iushkin, who had just received an urgent document from a colonel and read it in person, was already walking towards him quickly.

"All information has been confirmed, Comrade Commander."

“The Air Force and the Home Defense Force, the Black Sea Fleet, the Baltic Fleet, the Northern Fleet, the Pacific Fleet, the Western, Central, Southern and Far Eastern Military Districts, all the overseas groups, the Strategic Missile Forces, the General Staff and I all respond to your call. ”

"But not all of it, right?"

Faced with Malashenko's question, Iushkin, who did not hesitate, just nodded in response.

"Mostly yes."

"Then that's enough."

The brief conversation with Iushkin came to an end. Malashenko, who turned around again, continued to reach out and brush the tombstone in front of him, and finally uttered the last words while muttering to himself.

"Pure soldiers will not and should not interfere in politics, Comrade Political Commissar, but soldiers will defend the motherland at all times."

"This is what you taught me and I have never forgotten it, even to this day."

"I just knew you would be in a place like this at a time like this. Don't forget that you still have me."

Looking back in the direction where the voice suddenly came from behind, Malokov, who was also wearing regular uniform and carrying the rank of general on his shoulders, had already come into view. He stepped forward and squatted next to Malashenko. Place the flowers in your hands in front of the tombstone and speak slowly.

"Have you thought about what to do next? I have dealt with everything that needs to be dealt with here, and I just want to hear some reassuring words from you."

It has been a long time since I visited Malokov's grave together and stared at the epitaph "Eternally Loyal to the Motherland" engraved on the tombstone.

Malashenko stood up slowly and looked at the blue skyline in the distance. The rising sun was as beautiful as the hope of the other side, full of endless brilliance.

"The future will be better, Malokov, but it does not belong to us. The hopeful tomorrow must be left to young people to create."

After hearing this, Malokov shook his head and laughed dumbly, as if he had already guessed it, as if he was not surprised.

"I knew you would say that. With your style of not seeking personal fame and fortune throughout your life, this is the only way."


Looking back together with Malashenko, standing in the field of vision, further in front of the tomb of Comrade Political Commissar, is headed by Iushkin, with two rows of more than 30 generals who have arrived one after another, and more Brothers Nikolai and Kirill arrived at the scene at the same time, and they uniformly raised their hands in salute under the leadership of Iushkin.

"Let's go and see what the beautiful future you describe looks like. Let us all witness it with our own eyes."

(Complete book)

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